"lng_attach_camera": [
"lng_confirm_contact_data": [
"New Contact"
"lng_contact_mobile_hidden": [
"Mobile hidden"
"lng_contact_phone_after": [
"Phone number will be visible once {user} adds you as a contact."
"lng_contact_phone_will_be_shared": [
"You can make your phone visible to {user}."
"lng_forward_send": [
"lng_info_add_as_contact": [
"Add to contacts"
"lng_info_bio_label": [
"lng_info_channel_title": [
"Channel Info"
"lng_info_delete_contact": [
"Delete contact"
"lng_info_edit_contact": [
"Edit contact"
"lng_info_group_title": [
"Group Info"
"lng_info_link_label": [
"lng_info_mobile_hidden": [
"lng_info_mobile_label": [
"lng_info_share_contact": [
"Share this contact"
"lng_info_user_title": [
"User Info"
"lng_info_username_label": [
"lng_new_contact_add": [
"Add contact"
"lng_new_contact_block": [
"Block user"
"lng_profile_add_contact": [
"Add Contact"
"lng_profile_audios": [
"{count} voice message",
"{count} voice messages"
"lng_profile_block_user": [
"Block user"
"lng_profile_camera_title": [
"Capture yourself"
"lng_profile_clear_history": [
"Clear history"
"lng_profile_common_groups": [
"{count} group in common",
"{count} groups in common"
"lng_profile_delete_contact": [
"lng_profile_delete_conversation": [
"Delete chat"
"lng_profile_enable_notifications": [
"lng_profile_join_group": [
"Join Group"
"lng_profile_restart_bot": [
"Restart bot"
"lng_profile_send_message": [
"Send Message"
"lng_profile_username": [
"lng_scam_badge": [
"lng_settings_crop_profile": [
"Select an area for your profile photo"
"lng_status_last_week": [
"last seen within a week"
"lng_sure_delete_contact": [
"Are you sure you want to delete {contact} from your contact list?"
"lng_username_description": [
"You can choose a username on Telegram. If you do, other people will be able to find you by this username and contact you without knowing your phone number.
You can use **a–z**, **0–9** and **underscores**.
Minimum length is **5 characters**."