2022-05-27 14:48:27 +00:00

540 lines
15 KiB

"ActionBotDocumentAddress": [
"ActionBotDocumentBankStatement": [
"Bank Statement"
"ActionBotDocumentDriverLicence": [
"Driver Licence"
"ActionBotDocumentEmail": [
"Email Address"
"ActionBotDocumentIdentity": [
"Personal details"
"ActionBotDocumentIdentityCard": [
"Identity Card"
"ActionBotDocumentInternalPassport": [
"Internal Passport"
"ActionBotDocumentPassport": [
"ActionBotDocumentPassportRegistration": [
"Passport Registration"
"ActionBotDocumentPhone": [
"Phone Number"
"ActionBotDocumentRentalAgreement": [
"Rental Agreement"
"ActionBotDocumentTemporaryRegistration": [
"Temporary Registration"
"ActionBotDocumentUtilityBill": [
"Utility Bill"
"ActionBotDocuments": [
"<mark class=\"token\">%1$s</mark> received the following documents: <mark class=\"token\">%2$s</mark>"
"AppName": [
"AttachPhoto": [
"Cancel": [
"ChooseCountry": [
"Choose a country"
"Close": [
"DiscardChanges": [
"Discard changes?"
"Files": [
"<mark class=\"token\">%1$d</mark> file",
"<mark class=\"token\">%1$d</mark> files"
"ForgotPassword": [
"Forgot password?"
"OK": [
"PassportAddAddressUploadInfo": [
"To confirm your address, please upload a scan or photo of the selected document (all pages)."
"PassportAddAgreement": [
"Add Tenancy Agreement"
"PassportAddAgreementInfo": [
"Upload a scan of your tenancy agreement."
"PassportAddBank": [
"Add Bank Statement"
"PassportAddBankInfo": [
"Upload a scan of your bank statement."
"PassportAddBill": [
"Add Utility Bill"
"PassportAddBillInfo": [
"Upload a scan of your utility bill."
"PassportAddCard": [
"Add Identity Card"
"PassportAddDriverLicenceInfo": [
"Upload scans of a certified English translation of your driver's license."
"PassportAddIdentityCardInfo": [
"Upload scans of a certified English translation of your identity card."
"PassportAddInternalPassport": [
"Add Internal Passport"
"PassportAddInternalPassportInfo": [
"Upload scans of a certified English translation of your internal passport."
"PassportAddLicence": [
"Add Driver's License"
"PassportAddPassport": [
"Add Passport"
"PassportAddPassportInfo": [
"Upload scans of a certified English translation of your passport."
"PassportAddPassportRegistration": [
"Passport Registration"
"PassportAddPassportRegistrationInfo": [
"Upload a scan of your passport registration page."
"PassportAddTemporaryRegistration": [
"Temporary Registration"
"PassportAddTemporaryRegistrationInfo": [
"Upload a scan of your temporary registration."
"PassportAddTranslationAgreementInfo": [
"Upload scans of a certified English translation of your tenancy agreement."
"PassportAddTranslationBankInfo": [
"Upload scans of a certified English translation of your bank statement."
"PassportAddTranslationBillInfo": [
"Upload scans of a certified English translation of your utility bill."
"PassportAddTranslationPassportRegistrationInfo": [
"Upload scans of a certified English translation of your passport registration page."
"PassportAddTranslationTemporaryRegistrationInfo": [
"Upload scans of a certified English translation of your temporary registration."
"PassportAddTranslationUploadInfo": [
"Upload scans of a certified English translation of the selected document."
"PassportAddress": [
"PassportAddressHeader": [
"PassportAddressInfo": [
"Upload proof of your address"
"PassportAddressNoUploadInfo": [
"Provide your address"
"PassportAuthorize": [
"PassportBirthdate": [
"Date of Birth"
"PassportCitizenship": [
"PassportCity": [
"PassportCorrectErrors": [
"Tap to correct errors."
"PassportCountry": [
"PassportDeleteAddressAlert": [
"Do you want to delete address details?"
"PassportDeleteDocument": [
"Delete Document"
"PassportDeleteDocumentAddress": [
"Delete address details"
"PassportDeleteDocumentAlert": [
"Do you want to delete this document?"
"PassportDeleteDocumentPersonal": [
"Delete personal details"
"PassportDeleteEmailAlert": [
"Delete email?"
"PassportDeleteInfo": [
"PassportDeletePersonalAlert": [
"Are you sure you want to delete personal details?"
"PassportDeletePhoneAlert": [
"Delete phone number?"
"PassportDeleteScan": [
"Delete scan?"
"PassportDeleteScanAlert": [
"Do you want to delete this scan?"
"PassportDeleteSelfie": [
"Delete selfie?"
"PassportDeleteSelfieAlert": [
"Do you want to delete this selfie?"
"PassportDiscard": [
"PassportDiscardChanges": [
"Are you sure you want to discard all information you've entered?"
"PassportDocument": [
"Document Details"
"PassportDocumentNumber": [
"Document Number"
"PassportDocuments": [
"PassportEmail": [
"PassportEmailCode": [
"PassportEmailInfo": [
"Enter your email address"
"PassportEmailUploadInfo": [
"Note: You will receive a confirmation code on the email address you provide."
"PassportEmailVerifyInfo": [
"Please enter the confirmation code we've just sent to <mark class=\"token\">%1$s</mark>."
"PassportExpired": [
"Expiry Date"
"PassportFemale": [
"PassportFrontSide": [
"Front Side"
"PassportFrontSideInfo": [
"Upload a photo of the front side of the document"
"PassportGender": [
"PassportIdentityDocument": [
"Identity Document"
"PassportIdentityDocumentInfo": [
"Upload a scan of your passport or other ID"
"PassportIdentityDriverLicence": [
"Upload a scan of your driver's license"
"PassportIdentityID": [
"Upload a scan of your identity card"
"PassportIdentityInternalPassport": [
"Upload a scan of your internal passport"
"PassportIdentityPassport": [
"Upload a scan of your passport"
"PassportInfo": [
"With Telegram Passport you can easily sign up for websites and services that require identity verification.<br/><br/>Your information, personal data, and documents are protected by end-to-end encryption. Nobody, including Telegram, can access them without your permission.<br/><br/>You can visit our FAQ to learn more."
"PassportInfo2": [
"With Telegram Passport you can easily sign up for websites and services that require identity verification.<br/><br/>Your information, personal data, and documents are protected by end-to-end encryption. Nobody, including Telegram, can access them without your permission.<br/><br/>You can visit our *FAQ* to learn more."
"PassportInfoTitle": [
"What is Telegram Passport?"
"PassportInfoUrl": [
"PassportMainPage": [
"Main Page"
"PassportMainPageInfo": [
"Upload a photo of the main page of the document"
"PassportMale": [
"PassportMidname": [
"Middle name"
"PassportMidnameCountry": [
"Middle name (<mark class=\"token\">%1$s</mark>)"
"PassportMidnameLatin": [
"Middle name (latin)"
"PassportName": [
"PassportNameCheckAlert": [
"Please check if this name is correct:<br/><br/><mark class=\"token\">%1$s</mark> <mark class=\"token\">%2$s</mark> <mark class=\"token\">%3$s</mark>"
"PassportNameCountry": [
"Name (<mark class=\"token\">%1$s</mark>)"
"PassportNameLatin": [
"Name (latin)"
"PassportNativeHeader": [
"Your name"
"PassportNativeHeaderLang": [
"Your name in <mark class=\"token\">%1$s</mark>"
"PassportNativeInfo": [
"Your name in the language of your country of residence (<mark class=\"token\">%1$s</mark>)."
"PassportNoDocuments": [
"You have no documents yet"
"PassportNoDocumentsAdd": [
"Add a Document"
"PassportNoDocumentsInfo": [
"You can add your phone number, email address, identity document or residential address."
"PassportNoExpireDate": [
"PassportNoPolicy": [
"You are sending your documents directly to <mark class=\"token\">%1$s</mark> and allowing their @<mark class=\"token\">%2$s</mark> to send you messages."
"PassportPersonal": [
"Personal Details"
"PassportPersonalDetails": [
"Personal Details"
"PassportPersonalDetailsInfo": [
"Fill in your personal details"
"PassportPersonalUploadInfo": [
"The document must contain your photograph, first and last name, date of birth, document number, country of issue, and expiry date."
"PassportPhone": [
"Phone Number"
"PassportPhoneInfo": [
"Enter your phone number"
"PassportPhoneUploadInfo": [
"Note: You will receive a confirmation code on the phone number you provide."
"PassportPhoneUseOther": [
"Or enter a new phone number"
"PassportPhoneUseSame": [
"Use <mark class=\"token\">%1$s</mark>"
"PassportPhoneUseSameEmailInfo": [
"Use the same email as on Telegram."
"PassportPhoneUseSameInfo": [
"Use the same phone number as on Telegram."
"PassportPolicy": [
"You accept the *<mark class=\"token\">%1$s</mark> Privacy Policy* and allow their @<mark class=\"token\">%2$s</mark> to send you messages."
"PassportPostcode": [
"PassportProvidedInformation": [
"Provided Information"
"PassportRequest": [
"**<mark class=\"token\">%1$s</mark>** requests access to your personal data to sign you up for their services."
"PassportRequestPasswordInfo": [
"Enter your Telegram Password to decrypt your data."
"PassportRequestedInformation": [
"Requested Information"
"PassportRequiredDocuments": [
"Required Documents"
"PassportResidence": [
"PassportResidentialAddress": [
"Residential Address"
"PassportReverseSide": [
"Reverse Side"
"PassportReverseSideInfo": [
"Upload a photo of the reverse side of the document"
"PassportSDK_Cancel": [
"PassportSDK_DownloadTelegram": [
"You need Telegram to log in to **<mark class=\"token\">%s</mark>**. Would you like to install it now?"
"PassportSDK_LogInWithTelegram": [
"Log in with Telegram"
"PassportSDK_OpenGooglePlay": [
"Open Google Play"
"PassportSDK_TelegramPassport": [
"Telegram Passport"
"PassportScanPassport": [
"Scan Your Passport"
"PassportScanPassportInfo": [
"Scan your passport or identity card's machine-readable zone to fill in your details automatically."
"PassportSelectBithdayDate": [
"Select Date of Birth"
"PassportSelectExpiredDate": [
"Select Expiry Date"
"PassportSelectGender": [
"Select Gender"
"PassportSelectNotExpire": [
"Does not Expire"
"PassportSelfRequest": [
"Please enter your password to access your personal data."
"PassportSelfie": [
"PassportSelfieInfo": [
"Upload a selfie of yourself holding the document"
"PassportState": [
"PassportStreet1": [
"PassportStreet2": [
"PassportSurname": [
"Last name"
"PassportSurnameCountry": [
"Last name (<mark class=\"token\">%1$s</mark>)"
"PassportSurnameLatin": [
"Last name (latin)"
"PassportTranslation": [
"PassportTwoDocuments": [
"<mark class=\"token\">%1$s</mark> or <mark class=\"token\">%2$s</mark>"
"PassportUploadAdditinalDocument": [
"Upload Additional Scans"
"PassportUploadDocument": [
"Upload Scans"
"PassportUploadMaxReached": [
"You can't upload more than <mark class=\"token\">%1$s</mark>."
"PassportUploadNotImage": [
"You can only upload image files."
"PassportUseLatinOnly": [
"Please use latin characters only."
"PleaseLoginPassport": [
"Please log in to your Telegram account to use Telegram Passport."
"SelectAccount": [
"Select Account"
"Set": [
"TelegramPassport": [
"Telegram Passport"
"TelegramPassportCreatePassword": [
"TelegramPassportCreatePasswordInfo": [
"Please create a password to secure your personal data with end-to-end encryption.<br/><br/>This password will also be required whenever you log in to Telegram on a new device."
"TelegramPassportDelete": [
"Delete Telegram Passport"
"TelegramPassportDeleteAlert": [
"Are you sure you want to delete your Telegram Passport?"
"TurnPasswordOffPassport": [
"Warning! All data saved in your Telegram Passport will be lost!"
"TurnPasswordOffQuestion": [
"Are you sure you want to disable your password?"
"UpdateApp": [
"Update app"
"UpdateAppAlert": [
"Sorry, your Telegram app is out of date and can't handle this request. Please update Telegram."
"_tg_cancel": [
"_tg_open_google_play": [
"Open Google Play"
"download_telegram_text": [
"You need Telegram to log in to **<mark class=\"token\">%s</mark>**. Would you like to install it now?"
"login_with_telegram": [
"Log in with Telegram"