mirror of
synced 2025-03-28 10:37:28 +01:00
786 lines
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786 lines
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// WebView
(function () {
var eventHandlers = {};
var locationHash = '';
try {
locationHash = location.hash.toString();
} catch (e) {}
var initParams = urlParseHashParams(locationHash);
var isIframe = false, iFrameStyle;
try {
isIframe = (window.parent != null && window != window.parent);
if (isIframe) {
window.addEventListener('message', function (event) {
if (event.source !== window.parent) return;
try {
var dataParsed = JSON.parse(event.data);
} catch (e) {
if (!dataParsed || !dataParsed.eventType) {
if (dataParsed.eventType == 'set_custom_style') {
iFrameStyle.innerHTML = dataParsed.eventData;
} else {
receiveEvent(dataParsed.eventType, dataParsed.eventData);
iFrameStyle = document.createElement('style');
try {
window.parent.postMessage(JSON.stringify({eventType: 'iframe_ready'}), '*');
} catch (e) {}
} catch (e) {}
function urlSafeDecode(urlencoded) {
try {
urlencoded = urlencoded.replace(/\+/g, '%20');
return decodeURIComponent(urlencoded);
} catch (e) {
return urlencoded;
function urlParseHashParams(locationHash) {
locationHash = locationHash.replace(/^#/, '');
var params = {};
if (!locationHash.length) {
return params;
if (locationHash.indexOf('=') < 0 && locationHash.indexOf('?') < 0) {
params._path = urlSafeDecode(locationHash);
return params;
var qIndex = locationHash.indexOf('?');
if (qIndex >= 0) {
var pathParam = locationHash.substr(0, qIndex);
params._path = urlSafeDecode(pathParam);
locationHash = locationHash.substr(qIndex + 1);
var query_params = urlParseQueryString(locationHash);
for (var k in query_params) {
params[k] = query_params[k];
return params;
function urlParseQueryString(queryString) {
var params = {};
if (!queryString.length) {
return params;
var queryStringParams = queryString.split('&');
var i, param, paramName, paramValue;
for (i = 0; i < queryStringParams.length; i++) {
param = queryStringParams[i].split('=');
paramName = urlSafeDecode(param[0]);
paramValue = param[1] == null ? null : urlSafeDecode(param[1]);
params[paramName] = paramValue;
return params;
// Telegram apps will implement this logic to add service params (e.g. tgShareScoreUrl) to game URL
function urlAppendHashParams(url, addHash) {
// url looks like 'https://game.com/path?query=1#hash'
// addHash looks like 'tgShareScoreUrl=' + encodeURIComponent('tgb://share_game_score?hash=telegram-crawler_long_hash123')
var ind = url.indexOf('#');
if (ind < 0) {
// https://game.com/path -> https://game.com/path#tgShareScoreUrl=etc
return url + '#' + addHash;
var curHash = url.substr(ind + 1);
if (curHash.indexOf('=') >= 0 || curHash.indexOf('?') >= 0) {
// https://game.com/#hash=1 -> https://game.com/#hash=1&tgShareScoreUrl=etc
// https://game.com/#path?query -> https://game.com/#path?query&tgShareScoreUrl=etc
return url + '&' + addHash;
// https://game.com/#hash -> https://game.com/#hash?tgShareScoreUrl=etc
if (curHash.length > 0) {
return url + '?' + addHash;
// https://game.com/# -> https://game.com/#tgShareScoreUrl=etc
return url + addHash;
function postEvent(eventType, callback, eventData) {
if (!callback) {
callback = function () {};
if (eventData === undefined) {
eventData = '';
if (window.TelegramWebviewProxy !== undefined) {
TelegramWebviewProxy.postEvent(eventType, JSON.stringify(eventData));
else if (window.external && 'notify' in window.external) {
window.external.notify(JSON.stringify({eventType: eventType, eventData: eventData}));
else if (isIframe) {
try {
var trustedTarget = 'https://web.telegram.org';
// For now we don't restrict target, for testing purposes
trustedTarget = '*';
window.parent.postMessage(JSON.stringify({eventType: eventType, eventData: eventData}), trustedTarget);
if (initParams.tgWebAppDebug) {
console.log('[Telegram.WebView] postEvent via postMessage', eventType, eventData);
} catch (e) {
else {
if (initParams.tgWebAppDebug) {
console.log('[Telegram.WebView] postEvent', eventType, eventData);
callback({notAvailable: true});
function receiveEvent(eventType, eventData) {
callEventCallbacks(eventType, function(callback) {
callback(eventType, eventData);
function callEventCallbacks(eventType, func) {
var curEventHandlers = eventHandlers[eventType];
if (curEventHandlers === undefined ||
!curEventHandlers.length) {
for (var i = 0; i < curEventHandlers.length; i++) {
try {
} catch (e) {}
function onEvent(eventType, callback) {
if (eventHandlers[eventType] === undefined) {
eventHandlers[eventType] = [];
var index = eventHandlers[eventType].indexOf(callback);
if (index === -1) {
function offEvent(eventType, callback) {
if (eventHandlers[eventType] === undefined) {
var index = eventHandlers[eventType].indexOf(callback);
if (index === -1) {
eventHandlers[eventType].splice(index, 1);
function openProtoUrl(url) {
if (!url.match(/^(web\+)?tgb?:\/\/./)) {
return false;
var useIframe = navigator.userAgent.match(/iOS|iPhone OS|iPhone|iPod|iPad/i) ? true : false;
if (useIframe) {
var iframeContEl = document.getElementById('tgme_frame_cont') || document.body;
var iframeEl = document.createElement('iframe');
var pageHidden = false;
var enableHidden = function () {
pageHidden = true;
window.addEventListener('pagehide', enableHidden, false);
window.addEventListener('blur', enableHidden, false);
if (iframeEl !== null) {
iframeEl.src = url;
setTimeout(function() {
if (!pageHidden) {
window.location = url;
window.removeEventListener('pagehide', enableHidden, false);
window.removeEventListener('blur', enableHidden, false);
}, 2000);
else {
window.location = url;
return true;
if (!window.Telegram) {
window.Telegram = {};
window.Telegram.WebView = {
initParams: initParams,
isIframe: isIframe,
onEvent: onEvent,
offEvent: offEvent,
postEvent: postEvent,
receiveEvent: receiveEvent,
callEventCallbacks: callEventCallbacks
window.Telegram.Utils = {
urlSafeDecode: urlSafeDecode,
urlParseQueryString: urlParseQueryString,
urlParseHashParams: urlParseHashParams,
urlAppendHashParams: urlAppendHashParams
// For Windows Phone app
window.TelegramGameProxy_receiveEvent = receiveEvent;
// App backward compatibility
window.TelegramGameProxy = {
receiveEvent: receiveEvent
// WebApp
(function () {
var Utils = window.Telegram.Utils;
var WebView = window.Telegram.WebView;
var initParams = WebView.initParams;
var isIframe = WebView.isIframe;
var WebApp = {};
var webAppInitData = '', webAppInitDataUnsafe = {};
var themeParams = {}, colorScheme = 'light';
var webAppVersion = '1.0';
if (initParams.tgWebAppData && initParams.tgWebAppData.length) {
webAppInitData = initParams.tgWebAppData;
webAppInitDataUnsafe = Utils.urlParseQueryString(webAppInitData);
for (var key in webAppInitDataUnsafe) {
var val = webAppInitDataUnsafe[key];
try {
if (val.substr(0, 1) == '{' && val.substr(-1) == '}' ||
val.substr(0, 1) == '[' && val.substr(-1) == ']') {
webAppInitDataUnsafe[key] = JSON.parse(val);
} catch (e) {}
if (initParams.tgWebAppThemeParams && initParams.tgWebAppThemeParams.length) {
var themeParamsRaw = initParams.tgWebAppThemeParams;
try {
var theme_params = JSON.parse(themeParamsRaw);
} catch (e) {}
if (initParams.tgWebAppVersion) {
webAppVersion = initParams.tgWebAppVersion;
function onThemeChanged(eventType, eventData) {
if (eventData.theme_params) {
force_update: true
var lastWindowHeight = window.innerHeight;
function onViewportChanged(eventType, eventData) {
if (eventData.height) {
window.removeEventListener('resize', onWindowResize);
function onWindowResize(e) {
if (lastWindowHeight != window.innerHeight) {
lastWindowHeight = window.innerHeight;
receiveWebViewEvent('viewportChanged', {
isStateStable: true
function linkHandler(e) {
if (e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey) return;
var el = e.target;
while (el.tagName != 'A' && el.parentNode) {
el = el.parentNode;
if (el.tagName == 'A' &&
el.target != '_blank' &&
(el.protocol == 'http:' || el.protocol == 'https:') &&
el.hostname == 't.me') {
function receiveWebViewEvent(eventType) {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
eventType = args.shift();
WebView.callEventCallbacks('webview:' + eventType, function(callback) {
callback.apply(WebApp, args);
function onWebViewEvent(eventType, callback) {
WebView.onEvent('webview:' + eventType, callback);
function offWebViewEvent(eventType, callback) {
WebView.offEvent('webview:' + eventType, callback);
function setCssProperty(name, value) {
var root = document.documentElement;
if (root && root.style && root.style.setProperty) {
root.style.setProperty('--tg-' + name, value);
function setThemeParams(theme_params) {
var color;
for (var key in theme_params) {
if (color = parseColorToHex(theme_params[key])) {
themeParams[key] = color;
if (key == 'bg_color') {
colorScheme = isColorDark(color) ? 'dark' : 'light'
setCssProperty('color-scheme', colorScheme);
key = 'theme-' + key.split('_').join('-');
setCssProperty(key, color);
var viewportHeight = false, viewportStableHeight = false, isExpanded = true;
function setViewportHeight(data) {
if (typeof data !== 'undefined') {
isExpanded = !!data.is_expanded;
viewportHeight = data.height;
if (data.is_state_stable) {
viewportStableHeight = data.height;
receiveWebViewEvent('viewportChanged', {
isStateStable: !!data.is_state_stable
var height, stable_height;
if (viewportHeight !== false) {
height = (viewportHeight - mainButtonHeight) + 'px';
} else {
height = mainButtonHeight ? 'calc(100vh - ' + mainButtonHeight + 'px)' : '100vh';
if (viewportStableHeight !== false) {
stable_height = (viewportStableHeight - mainButtonHeight) + 'px';
} else {
stable_height = mainButtonHeight ? 'calc(100vh - ' + mainButtonHeight + 'px)' : '100vh';
setCssProperty('viewport-height', height);
setCssProperty('viewport-stable-height', stable_height);
function parseColorToHex(color) {
color += '';
var match;
if (/^#([0-9a-f]){6}$/i.test(color)) {
return color.toLowerCase();
else if (match = /^#([0-9a-f])([0-9a-f])([0-9a-f])$/i.exec(color)) {
return ('#' + match[1] + match[1] + match[2] + match[2] + match[3] + match[3]).toLowerCase();
return false;
function isColorDark(rgb) {
rgb = rgb.replace(/[\s#]/g, '');
if (rgb.length == 3) {
rgb = rgb[0] + rgb[0] + rgb[1] + rgb[1] + rgb[2] + rgb[2];
var r = parseInt(rgb.substr(0, 2), 16);
var g = parseInt(rgb.substr(2, 2), 16);
var b = parseInt(rgb.substr(4, 2), 16);
var hsp = Math.sqrt(0.299 * (r * r) + 0.587 * (g * g) + 0.114 * (b * b));
return hsp < 120;
function versionCompare(v1, v2) {
if (typeof v1 !== 'string') v1 = '';
if (typeof v2 !== 'string') v2 = '';
v1 = v1.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '').split('.');
v2 = v2.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '').split('.');
var a = Math.max(v1.length, v2.length), i, p1, p2;
for (i = 0; i < a; i++) {
p1 = parseInt(v1[i]) || 0;
p2 = parseInt(v2[i]) || 0;
if (p1 == p2) continue;
if (p1 > p2) return 1;
return -1;
return 0;
function versionAtLeast(ver) {
return versionCompare(webAppVersion, ver) >= 0;
function byteLength(str) {
if (window.Blob) {
try { return new Blob([str]).size; } catch (e) {}
var s = str.length;
for (var i=str.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
var code = str.charCodeAt(i);
if (code > 0x7f && code <= 0x7ff) s++;
else if (code > 0x7ff && code <= 0xffff) s+=2;
if (code >= 0xdc00 && code <= 0xdfff) i--;
return s;
var mainButtonHeight = 0;
var MainButton = (function() {
var isVisible = false;
var isActive = true;
var isProgressVisible = false;
var buttonText = 'CONTINUE';
var buttonColor = false;
var buttonTextColor = false;
var mainButton = {};
Object.defineProperty(mainButton, 'text', {
set: function(val){ mainButton.setParams({text: val}); },
get: function(){ return buttonText; },
enumerable: true
Object.defineProperty(mainButton, 'color', {
set: function(val){ mainButton.setParams({color: val}); },
get: function(){ return buttonColor || themeParams.button_color || '#2481cc'; },
enumerable: true
Object.defineProperty(mainButton, 'textColor', {
set: function(val){ mainButton.setParams({text_color: val}); },
get: function(){ return buttonTextColor || themeParams.button_text_color || '#ffffff'; },
enumerable: true
Object.defineProperty(mainButton, 'isVisible', {
set: function(val){ mainButton.setParams({is_visible: val}); },
get: function(){ return isVisible; },
enumerable: true
Object.defineProperty(mainButton, 'isProgressVisible', {
get: function(){ return isProgressVisible; },
enumerable: true
Object.defineProperty(mainButton, 'isActive', {
set: function(val){ mainButton.setParams({is_active: val}); },
get: function(){ return isActive; },
enumerable: true
var curButtonState = null;
WebView.onEvent('main_button_pressed', onMainButtonPressed);
var debugBtn = null, debugBtnStyle = {};
if (initParams.tgWebAppDebug) {
debugBtn = document.createElement('tg-main-button');
debugBtnStyle = {
font: '600 14px/18px sans-serif',
display: 'none',
width: '100%',
height: '48px',
borderRadius: '0',
background: 'no-repeat right center',
position: 'fixed',
left: '0',
right: '0',
bottom: '0',
margin: '0',
padding: '15px 20px',
textAlign: 'center',
boxSizing: 'border-box',
zIndex: '10000'
for (var k in debugBtnStyle) {
debugBtn.style[k] = debugBtnStyle[k];
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function onDomLoaded(event) {
document.removeEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', onDomLoaded);
debugBtn.addEventListener('click', onMainButtonPressed, false);
function onMainButtonPressed() {
if (isActive) {
function buttonParams() {
var color = mainButton.color;
var text_color = mainButton.textColor;
return isVisible ? {
is_visible: true,
is_active: isActive,
is_progress_visible: isProgressVisible,
text: buttonText,
color: color,
text_color: text_color
} : {is_visible: false};
function buttonState(btn_params) {
if (typeof btn_params === 'undefined') {
btn_params = buttonParams();
return JSON.stringify(btn_params);
function updateButton() {
var btn_params = buttonParams();
var btn_state = buttonState(btn_params);
if (curButtonState === btn_state) {
curButtonState = btn_state;
WebView.postEvent('web_app_setup_main_button', false, btn_params);
if (initParams.tgWebAppDebug) {
function updateDebugButton(btn_params) {
if (btn_params.is_visible) {
debugBtn.style.display = 'block';
mainButtonHeight = 48;
debugBtn.style.opacity = btn_params.is_active ? '1' : '0.8';
debugBtn.style.cursor = btn_params.is_active ? 'pointer' : 'auto';
debugBtn.disabled = !btn_params.is_active;
debugBtn.innerText = btn_params.text;
debugBtn.style.backgroundImage = btn_params.is_progress_visible ? "url('data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns%3D%22http%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2F2000%2Fsvg%22%20xmlns%3Axlink%3D%22http%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2F1999%2Fxlink%22%20viewport%3D%220%200%2048%2048%22%20width%3D%2248px%22%20height%3D%2248px%22%3E%3Ccircle%20cx%3D%2250%25%22%20cy%3D%2250%25%22%20stroke%3D%22%23fff%22%20stroke-width%3D%222.25%22%20stroke-linecap%3D%22round%22%20fill%3D%22none%22%20stroke-dashoffset%3D%22106%22%20r%3D%229%22%20stroke-dasharray%3D%2256.52%22%20rotate%3D%22-90%22%3E%3Canimate%20attributeName%3D%22stroke-dashoffset%22%20attributeType%3D%22XML%22%20dur%3D%22360s%22%20from%3D%220%22%20to%3D%2212500%22%20repeatCount%3D%22indefinite%22%3E%3C%2Fanimate%3E%3CanimateTransform%20attributeName%3D%22transform%22%20attributeType%3D%22XML%22%20type%3D%22rotate%22%20dur%3D%221s%22%20from%3D%22-90%2024%2024%22%20to%3D%22630%2024%2024%22%20repeatCount%3D%22indefinite%22%3E%3C%2FanimateTransform%3E%3C%2Fcircle%3E%3C%2Fsvg%3E')" : 'none';
debugBtn.style.backgroundColor = btn_params.color;
debugBtn.style.color = btn_params.text_color;
} else {
debugBtn.style.display = 'none';
mainButtonHeight = 0;
if (document.documentElement) {
document.documentElement.style.boxSizing = 'border-box';
document.documentElement.style.paddingBottom = mainButtonHeight + 'px';
function setParams(params) {
if (typeof params.text !== 'undefined') {
var text = params.text.toString().replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
if (!text.length) {
console.error('[Telegram.WebApp] Main button text is required', params.text);
throw Error('WebAppMainButtonParamInvalid');
if (text.length > 64) {
console.error('[Telegram.WebApp] Main button text is too long', text);
throw Error('WebAppMainButtonParamInvalid');
buttonText = text;
if (typeof params.color !== 'undefined') {
if (params.color === false ||
params.color === null) {
buttonColor = false;
} else {
var color = parseColorToHex(params.color);
if (!color) {
console.error('[Telegram.WebApp] Main button color format is invalid', color);
throw Error('WebAppMainButtonParamInvalid');
buttonColor = color;
if (typeof params.text_color !== 'undefined') {
if (params.text_color === false ||
params.text_color === null) {
buttonTextColor = false;
} else {
var text_color = parseColorToHex(params.text_color);
if (!text_color) {
console.error('[Telegram.WebApp] Main button text color format is invalid', text_color);
throw Error('WebAppMainButtonParamInvalid');
buttonTextColor = text_color;
if (typeof params.is_visible !== 'undefined') {
if (params.is_visible &&
!mainButton.text.length) {
console.error('[Telegram.WebApp] Main button text is required');
throw Error('WebAppMainButtonParamInvalid');
isVisible = !!params.is_visible;
if (typeof params.is_active !== 'undefined') {
isActive = !!params.is_active;
return mainButton;
mainButton.setText = function(text) {
return mainButton.setParams({text: text});
mainButton.onClick = function(callback) {
onWebViewEvent('mainButtonClicked', callback);
return mainButton;
mainButton.offClick = function(callback) {
offWebViewEvent('mainButtonClicked', callback);
return mainButton;
mainButton.show = function() {
return mainButton.setParams({is_visible: true});
mainButton.hide = function() {
return mainButton.setParams({is_visible: false});
mainButton.enable = function() {
return mainButton.setParams({is_active: true});
mainButton.disable = function() {
return mainButton.setParams({is_active: false});
mainButton.showProgress = function(leaveActive) {
isActive = !!leaveActive;
isProgressVisible = true;
return mainButton;
mainButton.hideProgress = function() {
if (!mainButton.isActive) {
isActive = true;
isProgressVisible = false;
return mainButton;
mainButton.setParams = setParams;
return mainButton;
if (!window.Telegram) {
window.Telegram = {};
Object.defineProperty(WebApp, 'initData', {
get: function(){ return webAppInitData; },
enumerable: true
Object.defineProperty(WebApp, 'initDataUnsafe', {
get: function(){ return webAppInitDataUnsafe; },
enumerable: true
Object.defineProperty(WebApp, 'version', {
get: function(){ return webAppVersion; },
enumerable: true
Object.defineProperty(WebApp, 'colorScheme', {
get: function(){ return colorScheme; },
enumerable: true
Object.defineProperty(WebApp, 'themeParams', {
get: function(){ return themeParams; },
enumerable: true
Object.defineProperty(WebApp, 'isExpanded', {
get: function(){ return isExpanded; },
enumerable: true
Object.defineProperty(WebApp, 'viewportHeight', {
get: function(){ return (viewportHeight === false ? window.innerHeight : viewportHeight) - mainButtonHeight; },
enumerable: true
Object.defineProperty(WebApp, 'viewportStableHeight', {
get: function(){ return (viewportStableHeight === false ? window.innerHeight : viewportStableHeight) - mainButtonHeight; },
enumerable: true
Object.defineProperty(WebApp, 'MainButton', {
value: MainButton,
enumerable: true
WebApp.isVersionAtLeast = function(ver) {
return versionAtLeast(ver);
WebApp.onEvent = function(eventType, callback) {
onWebViewEvent(eventType, callback);
WebApp.offEvent = function(eventType, callback) {offWebViewEvent(eventType, callback);
WebApp.sendData = function (data) {
if (!data || !data.length) {
console.error('[Telegram.WebApp] Data is required', data);
throw Error('WebAppDataInvalid');
if (byteLength(data) > 4096) {
console.error('[Telegram.WebApp] Data is too long', data);
throw Error('WebAppDataInvalid');
WebView.postEvent('web_app_data_send', false, {data: data});
WebApp.openTgLink = function (url) {
var a = document.createElement('A');
a.href = url;
if (a.protocol != 'http:' &&
a.protocol != 'https:') {
console.error('[Telegram.WebApp] Url protocol is not supported', url);
throw Error('WebAppTgUrlInvalid');
if (a.hostname != 't.me') {
console.error('[Telegram.WebApp] Url host is not supported', url);
throw Error('WebAppTgUrlInvalid');
var path_full = a.pathname + a.search;
if (isIframe || versionAtLeast('1.1')) {
WebView.postEvent('web_app_open_tg_link', false, {path_full: path_full});
} else {
location.href = 'https://t.me' + path_full;
WebApp.ready = function () {
WebApp.expand = function () {
WebApp.close = function () {
window.Telegram.WebApp = WebApp;
window.addEventListener('resize', onWindowResize);
if (isIframe) {
document.addEventListener('click', linkHandler);
WebView.onEvent('theme_changed', onThemeChanged);
WebView.onEvent('viewport_changed', onViewportChanged);