2022-05-27 14:48:27 +00:00

675 lines
14 KiB

"Add": [
"AddAnExplanation": [
"Add an explanation"
"AddAnExplanationInfo": [
"Users will see this text after choosing the wrong answer, good for educational purposes."
"AddAnOption": [
"Add an Option..."
"AddAnOptionInfo": [
"You can add <mark class=\"token\">%1$s</mark>."
"AddAnOptionInfoMax": [
"You have added the maximum number of options."
"AddCaption": [
"Add a caption..."
"AllMedia": [
"All media"
"AllPhotos": [
"All photos"
"AllVideos": [
"All videos"
"AnonymousPoll": [
"Anonymous Poll"
"AnswerOptions": [
"Answer options"
"AppFolderInfo": [
"Browse the app's folder"
"AreYouSureDeleteGIF": [
"Are you sure you want to delete this GIF?"
"AreYouSureDeleteGIFEveryone": [
"Are you sure you want to delete this GIF for everyone?"
"AreYouSureDeleteGIFTitle": [
"Delete GIF"
"AreYouSureDeletePhotoEveryone": [
"Are you sure you want to delete this photo for everyone?"
"AreYouSureDeletePhotoTitle": [
"Delete photo"
"ArticleDateByAuthor": [
"<mark class=\"token\">%1$s</mark> by <mark class=\"token\">%2$s</mark>"
"AttachContact": [
"AttachDocument": [
"AttachLocation": [
"AttachMusic": [
"AudioTitle": [
"Shared Music"
"AudioUnknownArtist": [
"Unknown artist"
"BlurLinear": [
"BlurOff": [
"BlurRadial": [
"Cancel": [
"CancelPollAlertText": [
"Are you sure you want to discard this poll?"
"CancelPollAlertTitle": [
"Discard poll?"
"CantPlayVideo": [
"App was unable to play this video. Try to play it with external player?"
"ChatCamera": [
"ChatDocument": [
"ChatGallery": [
"ChatLocation": [
"ChatVideo": [
"ClearRecentHistory": [
"Clear history"
"Contrast": [
"CreateLinkHeader": [
"Crop": [
"CropImage": [
"Crop image"
"CropOriginal": [
"CropReset": [
"CropSquare": [
"CurvesAll": [
"CurvesBlue": [
"CurvesGreen": [
"CurvesRed": [
"DartInfo": [
"Send a **:darts:** emoji to try your luck."
"Delete": [
"DiscardChanges": [
"Discard changes?"
"DocumentsTitle": [
"Shared Files"
"Done": [
"EditMessageEditPhoto": [
"Edit this photo"
"EditMessageEditVideo": [
"Edit this video"
"EditMessageReplaceAudio": [
"Replace audio file"
"EditMessageReplaceFile": [
"Replace file"
"EditMessageReplaceGif": [
"Replace media"
"EditMessageReplacePhoto": [
"Replace photo"
"EditMessageReplaceVideo": [
"Replace video"
"Emoji1": [
"Emoji and people"
"Emoji2": [
"Animals and nature"
"Emoji3": [
"Food and drink"
"Emoji4": [
"Emoji5": [
"Travel and places"
"Emoji6": [
"Emoji7": [
"Emoji8": [
"EmojiSuggestions": [
"Emoji suggestions"
"EmojiSuggestionsInfo": [
"**Telegram** lets you find emoji by thousands of keywords, but there is always something missing. If you want to suggest a new emoji replacement, you can help us by visiting:"
"EmojiSuggestionsUrl": [
"<mark class=\"token\">%1$s</mark>/emoji"
"Enhance": [
"Exposure": [
"Fade": [
"FeaturedGifs": [
"Trending GIFs"
"Files": [
"<mark class=\"token\">%1$d</mark> file",
"<mark class=\"token\">%1$d</mark> files"
"FilesSavedHint": [
"File saved to Downloads.",
"<mark class=\"token\">%1$d</mark> files saved to Downloads."
"FinalResults": [
"Final Results"
"GIFs": [
"<mark class=\"token\">%1$d</mark> GIF",
"<mark class=\"token\">%1$d</mark> GIFs"
"Gallery": [
"GalleryInfo": [
"To send images without compression"
"GifCaption": [
"GIF Caption"
"GifsTab2": [
"Grain": [
"GroupPhotosHelp": [
"Group media into one message"
"Highlights": [
"ImagesTab2": [
"InternalFolderInfo": [
"Browse your file system"
"InternalStorage": [
"Internal Storage"
"January": [
"LinksTitle": [
"Shared Links"
"MainChannelProfilePhotoSetHint": [
"This is the main channel photo now."
"MainChannelProfileVideoSetHint": [
"This is the main channel video now."
"Media": [
"<mark class=\"token\">%1$d</mark> media",
"<mark class=\"token\">%1$d</mark> media"
"MediaSelected": [
"<mark class=\"token\">%1$d</mark> media selected",
"<mark class=\"token\">%1$d</mark> media selected"
"MusicFiles": [
"<mark class=\"token\">%1$d</mark> music file",
"<mark class=\"token\">%1$d</mark> music files"
"MusicInfo": [
"To send music files"
"NewPoll": [
"New Poll"
"NoAudio": [
"Add files to the music library on your device to see them here."
"NoAudioFound": [
"No results found"
"NoAudioFoundInfo": [
"There are no matches with **<mark class=\"token\">%1$s</mark>** in your music library."
"NoAudioFoundPlayerInfo": [
"There are no matches for **<mark class=\"token\">%1$s</mark>**."
"NoEmojiFound": [
"No emoji found"
"NoGIFsFound": [
"No GIFs found"
"NoMedia": [
"Share photos and videos in this chat and access them on any of your devices."
"NoMediaSecret": [
"Photos and videos from this chat will be shown here."
"NoPhotos": [
"No photos yet"
"NoSharedAudio": [
"Share music in this chat and access it on any of your devices."
"NoSharedAudioSecret": [
"Music from this chat will be shown here."
"NoSharedFiles": [
"Share files and documents in this chat and access them on any of your devices."
"NoSharedLinks": [
"Share links in this chat and access them on any of your devices."
"NoSharedVoice": [
"Share voice messages in this chat and access them on any of your devices."
"NoSharedVoiceSecret": [
"Voice messages from this chat will be shown here."
"NoVotes": [
"No votes"
"OK": [
"Of": [
"<mark class=\"token\">%1$d</mark> of <mark class=\"token\">%2$d</mark>"
"OpenFile": [
"OpenInExternalApp": [
"Open in..."
"Option": [
"<mark class=\"token\">%1$d</mark> more option",
"<mark class=\"token\">%1$d</mark> more options"
"OptionHint": [
"PaintArrow": [
"PaintDelete": [
"PaintDuplicate": [
"PaintEdit": [
"PaintFramed": [
"PaintMarker": [
"PaintNeon": [
"PaintOutlined": [
"PaintPen": [
"PaintRegular": [
"PhotoCaption": [
"Photo Caption"
"PhotoSavedHint": [
"Photo saved to gallery."
"Photos": [
"<mark class=\"token\">%1$d</mark> photo",
"<mark class=\"token\">%1$d</mark> photos"
"PhotosSavedHint": [
"Photo saved to gallery.",
"<mark class=\"token\">%1$d</mark> photos saved to gallery."
"PhotosSelected": [
"<mark class=\"token\">%1$d</mark> photo selected",
"<mark class=\"token\">%1$d</mark> photos selected"
"PleaseDownload": [
"Please download media first"
"PleaseStreamDownload": [
"Please wait for the video to be fully downloaded."
"Poll": [
"PollAnonymous": [
"Anonymous Voting"
"PollMultiple": [
"Multiple Answers"
"PollQuestion": [
"Poll question"
"PollQuiz": [
"Quiz Mode"
"PollTapToSelect": [
"Tap to choose the correct answer"
"PreviewFeedback2": [
"Wrong layout?"
"QuestionHint": [
"Ask a question"
"QuizInfo": [
"Polls in Quiz Mode have one correct answer. Users can't revoke their answers."
"RecentFiles": [
"Recent files"
"RecentFilesAZ": [
"Files A-Z"
"RepeatList": [
"Repeat list"
"RepeatSong": [
"Repeat track"
"ReplacePhoto": [
"Replace photo"
"ReverseOrder": [
"Reverse order"
"Saturation": [
"SaveToGallery": [
"Save to Gallery"
"SearchEmojiHint": [
"Search emoji"
"SearchGifs": [
"SearchImages": [
"SearchImagesInfo": [
"SearchImagesTitle": [
"Search web"
"SearchMusic": [
"Search music"
"SearchTrendingStickersHint": [
"Search trending stickers"
"SelectFile": [
"Select File"
"Send": [
"SendAsFile": [
"Send as file"
"SendAsFiles": [
"Send as files"
"SendAsNewPhoto": [
"Send as a new photo"
"SendDice": [
"SendGifPreview": [
"Send GIF"
"SendWithoutCompression": [
"Send without compression"
"SendWithoutGrouping": [
"Send without grouping"
"Settings": [
"Shadows": [
"ShareFile": [
"SharedContentTitle": [
"Shared Content"
"SharedFilesTab": [
"SharedFilesTab2": [
"SharedGIFsTab2": [
"SharedLinksTab": [
"SharedLinksTab2": [
"SharedMedia": [
"Shared Media"
"SharedMediaTab": [
"SharedMediaTitle": [
"Shared Media"
"SharedMusicTab": [
"SharedMusicTab2": [
"SharedVoiceTab": [
"SharedVoiceTab2": [
"Sharpen": [
"ShowAllFiles": [
"Show all files"
"ShowAllMedia": [
"Show all media"
"Shuffle": [
"ShuffleList": [
"Shuffle list"
"Stickers": [
"<mark class=\"token\">%1$d</mark> sticker",
"<mark class=\"token\">%1$d</mark> stickers"
"StickersRemove": [
"Stop": [
"StopDownload": [
"Stop downloading"
"StopPoll": [
"Stop Poll"
"StopPollAlertText": [
"If you stop this poll now, nobody will be able to vote in it anymore. This action cannot be undone."
"StopPollAlertTitle": [
"Stop poll?"
"SystemRoot": [
"System Root"
"TapForVideo": [
"Tap for photo, hold for video"
"TapHereGifs": [
"Tap here to access saved GIFs"
"TapToDownload": [
"Tap to download"
"TintHighlights": [
"TintShadows": [
"Unvote": [
"Retract Vote"
"VideoCaption": [
"Video Caption"
"VideoDoesNotSupportStreaming": [
"Video not optimized for streaming. You may need to download it in full to play it."
"VideoSavedHint": [
"Video saved to gallery."
"VideosSelected": [
"<mark class=\"token\">%1$d</mark> video selected",
"<mark class=\"token\">%1$d</mark> videos selected"
"Views": [
"<mark class=\"token\">%1$s</mark> view",
"<mark class=\"token\">%1$s</mark> views"
"Vignette": [
"Voice": [
"<mark class=\"token\">%1$d</mark> voice message",
"<mark class=\"token\">%1$d</mark> voice messages"
"Vote": [
"<mark class=\"token\">%1$d</mark> vote",
"<mark class=\"token\">%1$d</mark> votes"
"Warmth": [
"YesterdayAtFormatted": [
"yesterday at <mark class=\"token\">%1$s</mark>"
"formatDateAtTime": [
"<mark class=\"token\">%1$s</mark> at <mark class=\"token\">%2$s</mark>"
"formatterMonthYear": [
"MMMM yyyy"
"items": [
"<mark class=\"token\">%1$d</mark> item",
"<mark class=\"token\">%1$d</mark> items"