- The functionality to parse commands only with a correct bot's name (breaks backwards compatibility) (https://github.com/teloxide/teloxide/issues/168).
- Fix parsing a pinned message (https://github.com/teloxide/teloxide/issues/167).
- Replace `LanguageCode` with `String`, Because [the official Telegram documentation](https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#getchat) doesn't specify a concrete version of IETF language tag.
- Problems with the `poll_type` field (https://github.com/teloxide/teloxide/issues/178).
### Removed
- [either](https://crates.io/crates/either) from the dependencies in `Cargo.toml`.
-`teloxide-macros` migrated into [the separate repository](https://github.com/teloxide/teloxide-macros) to easier releases and testing.