Add a way to get info from/into Thrrotle

This patch adds `Thrrotle::{limits,set_limits,queue_status}` functions and
`QueueStatus` struct allowing to get current status of worker & change
limits of the fly.
This commit is contained in:
Waffle 2021-03-30 14:22:37 +03:00
parent 0dc565211f
commit 34e73748c3
2 changed files with 259 additions and 136 deletions

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@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
- `impl Clone` for {`CacheMe`, `DefaultParseMode`, `Throttle`} ([#76][pr76])
- `DefaultParseMode::parse_mode` which allows to get currently used default parse mode ([#77][pr77])
- `Thrrotle::{limits,set_limits,queue_status}` functions and `QueueStatus` struct ([#77][pr77])
- Getters for fields nested in `Chat` ([#80][pr80])
- API errors: `ApiError::NotEnoughRightsToManagePins`, `ApiError::BotKickedFromSupergroup` ([#84][pr84])
- Telegram bot API 5.2 support ([#86][pr86])

View file

@ -23,91 +23,6 @@ use crate::{
// Throttling is quite complicated. This comment describes the algorithm of the
// current implementation.
// ### Request
// When a throttling request is sent, it sends a tuple of `ChatId` and
// `Sender<()>` to the worker. Then the request waits for a notification from
// the worker. When notification is received, it sends the underlying request.
// ### Worker
// The worker does the most important job -- it ensures that the limits are
// never exceeded.
// The worker stores a history of requests sent in the last minute (and to which
// chats they were sent) and a queue of pending updates.
// The worker does the following algorithm loop:
// 1. If the queue is empty, wait for the first message in incoming channel (and
// add it to the queue).
// 2. Read all present messages from an incoming channel and transfer them to
// the queue.
// 3. Record the current time.
// 4. Clear the history from records whose time < (current time - minute).
// 5. Count all requests which were sent last second, `allowed =
// limit.messages_per_sec_overall - count`.
// 6. If `allowed == 0` wait a bit and `continue` to the next iteration.
// 7. Count how many requests were sent to which chats (i.e.: create
// `Map<ChatId, Count>`). (Note: the same map, but for last minute also exists,
// but it's updated, instead of recreation.)
// 8. While `allowed >= 0` search for requests which chat haven't exceed the
// limits (i.e.: map[chat] < limit), if one is found, decrease `allowed`, notify
// the request that it can be now executed, increase counts, add record to the
// history.
const MINUTE: Duration = Duration::from_secs(60);
const SECOND: Duration = Duration::from_secs(1);
// Delay between worker iterations.
// For now it's `second/4`, but that number is chosen pretty randomly, we may
// want to change this.
const DELAY: Duration = Duration::from_millis(250);
/// Telegram request limits.
/// This struct is used in [`Throttle`].
/// Note that you may ask telegram [@BotSupport] to increase limits for your
/// particular bot if it has a lot of users (but they may or may not do that).
/// [@BotSupport]:
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub struct Limits {
/// Allowed messages in one chat per second.
pub messages_per_sec_chat: u32,
/// Allowed messages in one chat per minute.
pub messages_per_min_chat: u32,
/// Allowed messages per second.
pub messages_per_sec_overall: u32,
/// Defaults are taken from [telegram documentation][tgdoc].
/// [tgdoc]:
impl Default for Limits {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
messages_per_sec_chat: 1,
messages_per_sec_overall: 30,
messages_per_min_chat: 20,
/// Automatic request limits respecting mechanism.
/// Telegram has strict [limits], which, if exceeded will sooner or later cause
@ -151,6 +66,176 @@ pub struct Throttle<B> {
bot: B,
// `RequestLock` allows to unlock requests (allowing them to be sent).
queue: mpsc::Sender<(ChatIdHash, RequestLock)>,
info_tx: mpsc::Sender<InfoMessage>,
impl<B> Throttle<B> {
/// Creates new [`Throttle`] alongside with worker future.
/// Note: [`Throttle`] will only send requests if returned worker is
/// polled/spawned/awaited.
pub fn new(bot: B, limits: Limits) -> (Self, impl Future<Output = ()>) {
let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel(limits.messages_per_sec_overall as usize);
let (info_tx, info_rx) = mpsc::channel(2);
let worker = worker(limits, rx, info_rx);
let this = Self {
queue: tx,
(this, worker)
/// Creates new [`Throttle`] spawning the worker with `tokio::spawn`
/// Note: it's recommended to use [`RequesterExt::throttle`] instead.
/// [`RequesterExt::throttle`]: crate::requests::RequesterExt::throttle
pub fn new_spawn(bot: B, limits: Limits) -> Self
// Basically, I hate this bound.
// This is yet another problem caused by [rust-lang/#76882].
// And I think it *is* a bug.
// [rust-lang/#76882]:
// Though crucially I can't think of a case with non-static bot.
// But anyway, it doesn't change the fact that this bound is redundant.
// (waffle)
B: 'static,
let (this, worker) = Self::new(bot, limits);
/// Allows to access inner bot
pub fn inner(&self) -> &B {
/// Unwraps inner bot
pub fn into_inner(self) -> B {
/// Returns currently used [`Limits`].
pub async fn limits(&self) -> Limits {
let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel();
.send(InfoMessage::GetLimits { response: tx })
/// Sets new limits.
/// Note: changes may not be applied imidiately.
pub async fn set_limits(&self, new: Limits) {
let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel();
.send(InfoMessage::SetLimits { new, response: tx })
/// Returns current queue status.
pub async fn queue_status(&self) -> QueueStatus {
let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel();
.send(InfoMessage::QueueStatus { response: tx })
const WORKER_DIED: &str = "worker died before last `Throttle` instance";
/// Telegram request limits.
/// This struct is used in [`Throttle`].
/// Note that you may ask telegram [@BotSupport] to increase limits for your
/// particular bot if it has a lot of users (but they may or may not do that).
/// [@BotSupport]:
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub struct Limits {
/// Allowed messages in one chat per second.
pub messages_per_sec_chat: u32,
/// Allowed messages in one chat per minute.
pub messages_per_min_chat: u32,
/// Allowed messages per second.
pub messages_per_sec_overall: u32,
/// Defaults are taken from [telegram documentation][tgdoc].
/// [tgdoc]:
impl Default for Limits {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
messages_per_sec_chat: 1,
messages_per_sec_overall: 30,
messages_per_min_chat: 20,
/// Requests queue status.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct QueueStatus {
/// Number of requests waiting to be sent.
pub used: usize,
/// Capacity of the queue.
pub capacity: usize,
impl QueueStatus {
/// Returns `true` if the queue is full. Note that if the queue is full
/// number of requests may be greater than [`used`].
/// [`used`]: QueueStatus::used
pub fn is_full(&self) -> bool {
self.used >= self.capacity
/// Returns `true` if the queue is empty.
pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
self.used == 0
const MINUTE: Duration = Duration::from_secs(60);
const SECOND: Duration = Duration::from_secs(1);
// Delay between worker iterations.
// For now it's `second/4`, but that number is chosen pretty randomly, we may
// want to change this.
const DELAY: Duration = Duration::from_millis(250);
enum InfoMessage {
GetLimits { response: Sender<Limits> },
SetLimits { new: Limits, response: Sender<()> },
QueueStatus { response: Sender<QueueStatus> },
type RequestsSent = u32;
@ -164,7 +249,54 @@ struct RequestsSentToChats {
per_sec: HashMap<ChatIdHash, RequestsSent>,
async fn worker(limits: Limits, mut rx: mpsc::Receiver<(ChatIdHash, RequestLock)>) {
// Throttling is quite complicated. This comment describes the algorithm of the
// current implementation.
// ### Request
// When a throttling request is sent, it sends a tuple of `ChatId` and
// `Sender<()>` to the worker. Then the request waits for a notification from
// the worker. When notification is received, it sends the underlying request.
// ### Worker
// The worker does the most important job -- it ensures that the limits are
// never exceeded.
// The worker stores a history of requests sent in the last minute (and to which
// chats they were sent) and a queue of pending updates.
// The worker does the following algorithm loop:
// 1. If the queue is empty, wait for the first message in incoming channel (and
// add it to the queue).
// 2. Read all present messages from an incoming channel and transfer them to
// the queue.
// 3. Record the current time.
// 4. Clear the history from records whose time < (current time - minute).
// 5. Count all requests which were sent last second, `allowed =
// limit.messages_per_sec_overall - count`.
// 6. If `allowed == 0` wait a bit and `continue` to the next iteration.
// 7. Count how many requests were sent to which chats (i.e.: create
// `Map<ChatId, Count>`). (Note: the same map, but for last minute also exists,
// but it's updated, instead of recreation.)
// 8. While `allowed >= 0` search for requests which chat haven't exceed the
// limits (i.e.: map[chat] < limit), if one is found, decrease `allowed`, notify
// the request that it can be now executed, increase counts, add record to the
// history.
async fn worker(
mut limits: Limits,
mut rx: mpsc::Receiver<(ChatIdHash, RequestLock)>,
mut info_rx: mpsc::Receiver<InfoMessage>,
) {
// FIXME(waffle): Make an research about data structures for this queue.
// Currently this is O(n) removing (n = number of elements
// stayed), amortized O(1) push (vec+vecrem).
@ -177,8 +309,22 @@ async fn worker(limits: Limits, mut rx: mpsc::Receiver<(ChatIdHash, RequestLock)
let mut rx_is_closed = false;
while !rx_is_closed || !queue.is_empty() {
// FIXME(waffle):
// 1. This call 'blocks' requests executing untill all info messages are
// answered. Crucially, info messages are rare & easy to answer, but this
// still doesn't feel right.
// 2. If the `queue` is empty, `read_from_rx` call down below will 'block'
// execution untill a request is sent. While the execution is 'blocked' no
// `InfoMessage`s could be answered.
// 3. If limits are descreased, idially we want to shrink queue.
// *blocked in asyncronous way
answer_info(&mut info_rx, &mut queue, &mut limits).await;
read_from_rx(&mut rx, &mut queue, &mut rx_is_closed).await;
debug_assert_eq!(queue.capacity(), limits.messages_per_sec_overall as usize);
//debug_assert_eq!(queue.capacity(), limits.messages_per_sec_overall as usize);
// _Maybe_ we need to use `spawn_blocking` here, because there is
// decent amount of blocking work. However _for now_ I've decided not
@ -287,6 +433,31 @@ async fn worker(limits: Limits, mut rx: mpsc::Receiver<(ChatIdHash, RequestLock)
async fn answer_info(
rx: &mut mpsc::Receiver<InfoMessage>,
queue: &mut Vec<(ChatIdHash, RequestLock)>,
limits: &mut Limits,
) {
// FIXME(waffle):
while let Some(Some(req)) = rx.recv().now_or_never() {
// Errors are ignored with .ok(). Error means that the response channel
// is closed and the response isn't needed.
match req {
InfoMessage::GetLimits { response } => response.send(*limits).ok(),
InfoMessage::SetLimits { new, response } => {
*limits = new;
InfoMessage::QueueStatus { response } => response
.send(QueueStatus {
used: queue.len(),
capacity: queue.capacity(),
async fn read_from_rx<T>(rx: &mut mpsc::Receiver<T>, queue: &mut Vec<T>, rx_is_closed: &mut bool) {
if queue.is_empty() {
match rx.recv().await {
@ -307,55 +478,6 @@ async fn read_from_rx<T>(rx: &mut mpsc::Receiver<T>, queue: &mut Vec<T>, rx_is_c
impl<B> Throttle<B> {
/// Creates new [`Throttle`] alongside with worker future.
/// Note: [`Throttle`] will only send requests if returned worker is
/// polled/spawned/awaited.
pub fn new(bot: B, limits: Limits) -> (Self, impl Future<Output = ()>) {
let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel(limits.messages_per_sec_overall as usize);
let worker = worker(limits, rx);
let this = Self { bot, queue: tx };
(this, worker)
/// Creates new [`Throttle`] spawning the worker with `tokio::spawn`
/// Note: it's recommended to use [`RequesterExt::throttle`] instead.
/// [`RequesterExt::throttle`]: crate::requests::RequesterExt::throttle
pub fn new_spawn(bot: B, limits: Limits) -> Self
// Basically, I hate this bound.
// This is yet another problem caused by [rust-lang/#76882].
// And I think it *is* a bug.
// [rust-lang/#76882]:
// Though crucially I can't think of a case with non-static bot.
// But anyway, it doesn't change the fact that this bound is redundant.
// (waffle)
B: 'static,
let (this, worker) = Self::new(bot, limits);
/// Allows to access inner bot
pub fn inner(&self) -> &B {
/// Unwraps inner bot
pub fn into_inner(self) -> B {
macro_rules! f {
($m:ident $this:ident ($($arg:ident : $T:ty),*)) => {
ThrottlingRequest {