Remove some commented things

This commit is contained in:
Waffle 2019-11-05 18:56:52 +03:00
parent 80ad646869
commit b13472cbcd
3 changed files with 5 additions and 520 deletions

View file

@ -1,426 +0,0 @@
use crate::{
AnswerCallbackQuery, AnswerPreCheckoutQuery, AnswerShippingQuery,
DeleteChatPhoto, DeleteChatStickerSet, EditMessageLiveLocation,
ExportCharInviteLink, ForwardMessage, GetChat, GetChatAdministrators,
GetChatMember, GetChatMembersCount, GetFile, GetMe, GetUpdates,
KickChatMember, LeaveChat, PinChatMessage, PromoteChatMember,
RestrictChatMember, SendAnimation, SendAudio, SendChatAction,
SendContact, SendDocument, SendLocation, SendMediaGroup, SendMessage,
SendPhoto, SendPoll, SendVenue, SendVideo, SendVideoNote, SendVoice,
SetChatDescription, SetChatPermissions, SetChatPhoto,
SetChatStickerSet, SetChatTitle, StopMessageLiveLocation,
UnbanChatMember, UnpinChatMessage,
types::{ChatAction, ChatId, ChatPermissions, InputFile, InputMedia},
impl Bot {
pub fn get_me(&self) -> GetMe {
pub fn get_updates(&self) -> GetUpdates {
pub fn send_message<C, T>(&self, chat_id: C, text: T) -> SendMessage
C: Into<ChatId>,
T: Into<String>,
SendMessage::new(self, chat_id, text)
pub fn edit_message_live_location<Lt, Lg>(
latitude: Lt,
longitude: Lg,
) -> EditMessageLiveLocation
Lt: Into<f64>,
Lg: Into<f64>,
EditMessageLiveLocation::new(self, latitude, longitude)
pub fn forward_message<C, F, M>(
chat_id: C,
from_chat_id: F,
message_id: M,
) -> ForwardMessage
C: Into<ChatId>,
F: Into<ChatId>,
M: Into<i32>,
ForwardMessage::new(self, chat_id, from_chat_id, message_id)
pub fn send_audio<C, A>(&self, chat_id: C, audio: A) -> SendAudio
C: Into<ChatId>,
A: Into<InputFile>,
SendAudio::new(self, chat_id, audio)
pub fn send_location<C, Lt, Lg>(
chat_id: C,
latitude: Lt,
longitude: Lg,
) -> SendLocation
C: Into<ChatId>,
Lt: Into<f64>,
Lg: Into<f64>,
SendLocation::new(self, chat_id, latitude, longitude)
pub fn send_media_group<C, M>(&self, chat_id: C, media: M) -> SendMediaGroup
C: Into<ChatId>,
M: Into<Vec<InputMedia>>,
SendMediaGroup::new(self, chat_id, media)
pub fn send_photo<C, P>(&self, chat_id: C, photo: P) -> SendPhoto
C: Into<ChatId>,
P: Into<InputFile>,
SendPhoto::new(self, chat_id, photo)
pub fn stop_message_live_location(&self) -> StopMessageLiveLocation {
pub fn get_file<F>(&self, file_id: F) -> GetFile
F: Into<String>,
GetFile::new(self, file_id)
pub fn answer_pre_checkout_query<I, O>(
pre_checkout_query_id: I,
ok: O,
) -> AnswerPreCheckoutQuery
I: Into<String>,
O: Into<bool>,
AnswerPreCheckoutQuery::new(self, pre_checkout_query_id, ok)
pub fn get_chat<I>(&self, chat_id: I) -> GetChat
I: Into<ChatId>,
GetChat::new(self, chat_id)
pub fn answer_shipping_query<I, O>(
shipping_query_id: I,
ok: O,
) -> AnswerShippingQuery
I: Into<String>,
O: Into<bool>,
AnswerShippingQuery::new(self, shipping_query_id, ok)
pub fn kick_chat_member<C, U>(
chat_id: C,
user_id: U,
) -> KickChatMember
C: Into<ChatId>,
U: Into<i32>,
KickChatMember::new(self, chat_id, user_id)
pub fn pin_chat_message<C, M>(
chat_id: C,
message_id: M,
) -> PinChatMessage
C: Into<ChatId>,
M: Into<i32>,
PinChatMessage::new(self, chat_id, message_id)
pub fn promote_chat_member<C, U>(
chat_id: C,
user_id: U,
) -> PromoteChatMember
C: Into<ChatId>,
U: Into<i32>,
PromoteChatMember::new(self, chat_id, user_id)
pub fn restrict_chat_member<C, U, P>(
chat_id: C,
user_id: U,
permissions: P,
) -> RestrictChatMember
C: Into<ChatId>,
U: Into<i32>,
P: Into<ChatPermissions>,
RestrictChatMember::new(self, chat_id, user_id, permissions)
pub fn send_chat_action<C, A>(
chat_id: C,
action: A,
) -> SendChatAction
C: Into<ChatId>,
A: Into<ChatAction>,
SendChatAction::new(self, chat_id, action)
pub fn send_contact<C, P, F>(
chat_id: C,
phone_number: P,
first_name: F,
) -> SendContact
C: Into<ChatId>,
P: Into<String>,
F: Into<String>,
SendContact::new(self, chat_id, phone_number, first_name)
pub fn send_poll<C, Q, O>(
chat_id: C,
question: Q,
options: O,
) -> SendPoll
C: Into<ChatId>,
Q: Into<String>,
O: Into<Vec<String>>,
SendPoll::new(self, chat_id, question, options)
pub fn send_venue<C, Lt, Lg, T, A>(
chat_id: C,
latitude: Lt,
longitude: Lg,
title: T,
address: A,
) -> SendVenue
C: Into<ChatId>,
Lt: Into<f64>,
Lg: Into<f64>,
T: Into<String>,
A: Into<String>,
SendVenue::new(self, chat_id, latitude, longitude, title, address)
pub fn send_video_note<C, V>(
chat_id: C,
video_note: V,
) -> SendVideoNote
C: Into<ChatId>,
V: Into<InputFile>,
SendVideoNote::new(self, chat_id, video_note)
pub fn send_voice<C, V>(&self, chat_id: C, voice: V) -> SendVoice
C: Into<ChatId>,
V: Into<InputFile>,
SendVoice::new(self, chat_id, voice)
pub fn send_chat_description<C>(&self, chat_id: C) -> SetChatDescription
C: Into<ChatId>,
SetChatDescription::new(self, chat_id)
pub fn unban_chat_member<C, U>(
chat_id: C,
user_id: U,
) -> UnbanChatMember
C: Into<ChatId>,
U: Into<i32>,
UnbanChatMember::new(self, chat_id, user_id)
pub fn unpin_chat_message<C>(&self, chat_id: C) -> UnpinChatMessage
C: Into<ChatId>,
UnpinChatMessage::new(self, chat_id)
pub fn answer_callback_query<S>(
callback_query_id: S,
) -> AnswerCallbackQuery
S: Into<String>,
AnswerCallbackQuery::new(self, callback_query_id)
pub fn delete_chat_sticker_set<C>(&self, chat_id: C) -> DeleteChatStickerSet
C: Into<ChatId>,
DeleteChatStickerSet::new(self, chat_id)
pub fn set_chat_sticker_set<C, S>(
chat_id: C,
sticker_set_name: S,
) -> SetChatStickerSet
C: Into<ChatId>,
S: Into<String>,
SetChatStickerSet::new(self, chat_id, sticker_set_name)
pub fn get_chat_member<C, I>(&self, chat_id: C, user_id: I) -> GetChatMember
C: Into<ChatId>,
I: Into<i32>,
GetChatMember::new(self, chat_id, user_id)
pub fn get_chat_administrators<C, I>(
chat_id: C,
) -> GetChatAdministrators
C: Into<ChatId>,
GetChatAdministrators::new(self, chat_id)
pub fn get_chat_members_count<C>(&self, chat_id: C) -> GetChatMembersCount
C: Into<ChatId>,
GetChatMembersCount::new(self, chat_id)
pub fn send_video<C, V>(&self, chat_id: C, video: V) -> SendVideo
C: Into<ChatId>,
V: Into<InputFile>,
SendVideo::new(self, chat_id, video)
pub fn send_document<C, D>(&self, chat_id: C, document: D) -> SendDocument
C: Into<ChatId>,
D: Into<InputFile>,
SendDocument::new(self, chat_id, document)
pub fn send_animation<C, S>(
chat_id: C,
animation: S,
) -> SendAnimation
C: Into<ChatId>,
S: Into<InputFile>,
SendAnimation::new(self, chat_id, animation)
pub fn set_chat_title<C, T>(&self, chat_id: C, title: T) -> SetChatTitle
C: Into<ChatId>,
T: Into<String>,
SetChatTitle::new(self, chat_id, title)
pub fn delete_chat_photo<C>(&self, chat_id: C) -> DeleteChatPhoto
C: Into<ChatId>,
DeleteChatPhoto::new(self, chat_id)
pub fn leave_chat<C>(&self, chat_id: C) -> LeaveChat
C: Into<ChatId>,
LeaveChat::new(self, chat_id)
pub fn set_chat_photo<C, P>(&self, chat_id: C, photo: P) -> SetChatPhoto
C: Into<ChatId>,
P: Into<InputFile>,
SetChatPhoto::new(self, chat_id, photo)
pub fn export_chat_invite_link<C>(&self, chat_id: C) -> ExportCharInviteLink
C: Into<ChatId>,
ExportCharInviteLink::new(self, chat_id)
pub fn set_chat_permissions<C, CP>(
chat_id: C,
permissions: CP,
) -> SetChatPermissions
C: Into<ChatId>,
CP: Into<ChatPermissions>,
SetChatPermissions::new(self, chat_id, permissions)

View file

@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
use reqwest::Client;
// TODO: commented due to WIP changes.
// See
//mod api;
mod api;
mod download;
/// A Telegram bot used to build requests.

View file

@ -1,100 +1,13 @@
//! API requests.
// TODO: commented due to WIP changes.
// See
//pub use answer_callback_query::*;
//pub use answer_pre_checkout_query::*;
//pub use answer_shipping_query::*;
//pub use delete_chat_photo::*;
//pub use delete_chat_sticker_set::*;
//pub use edit_message_live_location::*;
//pub use export_chat_invite_link::*;
//pub use forward_message::*;
//pub use get_chat::*;
//pub use get_chat_administrators::*;
//pub use get_chat_member::*;
//pub use get_chat_members_count::*;
//pub use get_file::*;
//pub use get_me::*;
//pub use get_updates::*;
//pub use get_user_profile_photos::*;
//pub use kick_chat_member::*;
//pub use leave_chat::*;
//pub use pin_chat_message::*;
//pub use promote_chat_member::*;
//pub use restrict_chat_member::*;
//pub use send_animation::*;
//pub use send_audio::*;
//pub use send_chat_action::*;
//pub use send_contact::*;
//pub use send_document::*;
//pub use send_location::*;
//pub use send_media_group::*;
//pub use send_message::*;
//pub use send_photo::*;
//pub use send_poll::*;
//pub use send_venue::*;
//pub use send_video::*;
//pub use send_video_note::*;
//pub use send_voice::*;
//pub use set_chat_description::*;
//pub use set_chat_permissions::*;
//pub use set_chat_photo::*;
//pub use set_chat_sticker_set::*;
//pub use set_chat_title::*;
//pub use stop_message_live_location::*;
//pub use unban_chat_member::*;
//pub use unpin_chat_message::*;
mod form_builder;
mod utils;
//mod answer_callback_query;
//mod answer_pre_checkout_query;
//mod answer_shipping_query;
//mod delete_chat_photo;
//mod delete_chat_sticker_set;
//mod edit_message_live_location;
//mod export_chat_invite_link;
//mod forward_message;
//mod get_chat;
//mod get_chat_administrators;
//mod get_chat_member;
//mod get_chat_members_count;
//mod get_file;
//mod get_me;
//mod get_updates;
//mod get_user_profile_photos;
//mod kick_chat_member;
//mod leave_chat;
//mod pin_chat_message;
//mod promote_chat_member;
//mod restrict_chat_member;
//mod send_animation;
//mod send_audio;
//mod send_chat_action;
//mod send_contact;
//mod send_document;
//mod send_location;
//mod send_media_group;
//mod send_message;
//mod send_photo;
//mod send_poll;
//mod send_venue;
//mod send_video;
//mod send_video_note;
//mod send_voice;
//mod set_chat_description;
//mod set_chat_permissions;
//mod set_chat_photo;
//mod set_chat_sticker_set;
//mod set_chat_title;
//mod stop_message_live_location;
//mod unban_chat_member;
//mod unpin_chat_message;
pub mod json;
pub mod multipart;
pub mod simple;
pub mod dynamic;
use async_trait::async_trait;
use serde::de::DeserializeOwned;
/// A type that is returned when making requests to telegram
pub type ResponseResult<T> = Result<T, crate::RequestError>;