diff --git a/src/dispatching/update_listeners.rs b/src/dispatching/update_listeners.rs
index 1d9652bb..b8448023 100644
--- a/src/dispatching/update_listeners.rs
+++ b/src/dispatching/update_listeners.rs
@@ -112,7 +112,10 @@ use crate::{dispatching::stop_token::StopToken, types::Update};
 mod polling;
 mod stateful_listener;
-pub use self::polling::{polling, polling_default};
+pub use self::{
+    polling::{polling, polling_default},
+    stateful_listener::StatefulListener,
 /// An update listener.
diff --git a/src/dispatching/update_listeners/polling.rs b/src/dispatching/update_listeners/polling.rs
index 6d65dc45..62cec6d6 100644
--- a/src/dispatching/update_listeners/polling.rs
+++ b/src/dispatching/update_listeners/polling.rs
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ where
     let timeout_hint = Some(move |_: &State<_>| timeout);
-    StatefulListener { state, stream, stop, timeout_hint }
+    StatefulListener { state, stream, stop_token: stop, timeout_hint }
 async fn delete_webhook_if_setup<R>(requester: &R)
diff --git a/src/dispatching/update_listeners/stateful_listener.rs b/src/dispatching/update_listeners/stateful_listener.rs
index 8d6b2913..9150daef 100644
--- a/src/dispatching/update_listeners/stateful_listener.rs
+++ b/src/dispatching/update_listeners/stateful_listener.rs
@@ -4,31 +4,79 @@ use futures::Stream;
 use teloxide_core::types::Update;
 use crate::dispatching::{
-    stop_token::StopToken,
+    stop_token::{self, StopToken},
     update_listeners::{AsUpdateStream, UpdateListener},
-/// A listener created from `state` and `stream`/`stop` functions.
-pub(crate) struct StatefulListener<St, Assf, Sf, Thf> {
+/// A listener created from functions.
+/// This type allows to turn a stream of updates (+some additional functions)
+/// into an [`UpdateListener`].
+/// For an example of usage see [`polling`]
+/// [`polling`]: crate::dispatching::update_listeners::polling()
+pub struct StatefulListener<St, Assf, Sf, Thf> {
     /// The state of the listener.
-    pub(crate) state: St,
+    pub state: St,
-    /// Function used as `AsUpdateStream::as_stream`.
+    /// Function used as [`AsUpdateStream::as_stream`].
     /// Must be of type `for<'a> &'a mut St -> impl Stream + 'a` and callable by
     /// `&mut`.
-    pub(crate) stream: Assf,
+    pub stream: Assf,
-    /// Function used as `UpdateListener::stop`.
+    /// Function used as [`UpdateListener::stop_token`].
     /// Must be of type `for<'a> &'a mut St -> impl StopToken`.
-    pub(crate) stop: Sf,
+    pub stop_token: Sf,
-    /// Function used as `UpdateListener::timeout_hint`.
+    /// Function used as [`UpdateListener::timeout_hint`].
     /// Must be of type `for<'a> &'a St -> Option<Duration>` and callable by
     /// `&`.
-    pub(crate) timeout_hint: Option<Thf>,
+    pub timeout_hint: Option<Thf>,
+impl<St, Assf, Sf, Thf> StatefulListener<St, Assf, Sf, Thf> {
+    /// Creates new stateful listener from it's components.
+    pub fn new(state: St, stream: Assf, stop_token: Sf, timeout_hint: Option<Thf>) -> Self {
+        Self { state, stream, stop_token, timeout_hint }
+    }
+impl<S, E>
+    StatefulListener<
+        S,
+        for<'a> fn(&'a mut S) -> &'a mut S,
+        for<'a> fn(&'a mut S) -> stop_token::Noop,
+        for<'a> fn(&'a S) -> Option<Duration>,
+    >
+    S: Stream<Item = Result<Update, E>> + Unpin + 'static,
+    /// Creates a new update listner from a stream of updates which ignore stop
+    /// signals.
+    ///
+    /// It won't be possible to ever stop this listener with stop token.
+    pub fn from_stream_without_graceful_shutdown(stream: S) -> Self {
+        let this = Self {
+            state: stream,
+            stream: |s| s,
+            stop_token: |_| stop_token::Noop,
+            timeout_hint: Some(|_| {
+                // FIXME: replace this by just Duration::MAX once 1.53 releases
+                // be released
+                const NANOS_PER_SEC: u32 = 1_000_000_000;
+                let dmax = Duration::new(u64::MAX, NANOS_PER_SEC - 1);
+                Some(dmax)
+            }),
+        };
+        assert_update_listener(this)
+    }
 impl<'a, St, Assf, Sf, Thf, Strm, E> AsUpdateStream<'a, E> for StatefulListener<St, Assf, Sf, Thf>
@@ -54,10 +102,17 @@ where
     type StopToken = Stt;
     fn stop_token(&mut self) -> Stt {
-        (self.stop)(&mut self.state)
+        (self.stop_token)(&mut self.state)
     fn timeout_hint(&self) -> Option<Duration> {
         self.timeout_hint.as_ref().and_then(|f| f(&self.state))
+fn assert_update_listener<L, E>(l: L) -> L
+    L: UpdateListener<E>,
+    l