//! This example provide quick overview of the new features in the //! `dispatching2` module. use rand::Rng; /// Note that you need to import `prelude2` because `prelude` contains /// items from the old dispatching system (it may change in future versions). use teloxide::prelude2::*; use teloxide::{types::Update, utils::command::BotCommand}; #[tokio::main] async fn main() { // Start you main as early: start logging, create bot, etc. teloxide::enable_logging!(); log::info!("Starting dispatching2_features_bot..."); let bot = Bot::from_env().auto_send(); let parameters = ConfigParameters { bot_maintainer: 268486177, // Paste your ID if you run this bot. maintainer_username: None, }; let handler = Update::filter_message() // Branch is a special method that allow you to handle update several ways. .branch( // Filter allow you to filter updates by some condition. dptree::filter( // Note that `async move` is obligatory. |mes: Message| async move { mes.chat.is_group() || mes.chat.is_supergroup() }, ) // Endpoint is a last message handler. .endpoint(|mes: Message, bot: AutoSend| async move { log::info!("Received message from the group chat."); bot.send_message(mes.chat.id, "This is a group chat.").await?; respond(()) }), ) // Note that we cannot filter messages from public chats in the next branch, // because they all is handled by previous branch. .branch( // There are some `filter` functions on message, that filters events. This // filter will filter only messages with dices. Message::filter_dice().endpoint(|mes: Message, bot: AutoSend| async move { bot.send_message(mes.chat.id, "This is a dice!") .reply_to_message_id(mes.id) .await?; Ok(()) }), ) .branch( // If you do not like photos, you can break their handling like that. Message::filter_photo().endpoint(|| async move { Ok(()) }), ) .branch( dptree::entry() // This method allows to parse text messages commands. .add_command::() // Next we can add `SimpleCommand` in the argument of endpoint. If // command parsing fails, this endpoint will not be called. .endpoint(simple_commands_handler), ) .branch( // Filter maintainer by used ID. dptree::filter(|mes: Message, cfg: ConfigParameters| async move { mes.from().map(|user| user.id == cfg.bot_maintainer).unwrap_or_default() }) .add_command::() .endpoint( |mes: Message, bot: AutoSend, cmd: MaintainerCommands| async move { match cmd { MaintainerCommands::Rand { from, to } => { let mut rng = rand::rngs::OsRng::default(); let value: u64 = rng.gen_range(from..=to); std::mem::drop(rng); bot.send_message(mes.chat.id, value.to_string()).await?; Ok(()) } } }, ), ); // Start create dispatcher. Dispatcher::new(bot, handler) // You can specify dependencies to that you have access inside of handlers. It may be // configs, connection to Database, or dialogue storage (see more in the dialogue_bot // example). It is similar to the `actix_web::Extensions`. .dependencies(dptree::deps![parameters]) // Now handlers don't use streams. Instead handler is special constructs from `dptree` // library. Any `*_handler` accepts function `Fn(UpdateHandler) -> UpdateHandler` // which is builder for the handlers. Note that you _must_ use it instead of using // `dptree` methods forward. .default_handler(dptree::endpoint(|upd: Update| async move { // This handler handles updates that do not handled by other handlers. log::warn!("Unhandled update: {:?}", upd); })) // If `Result::Err` returns from the dispatcher, it goes here. .error_handler(LoggingErrorHandler::with_custom_text( "Error has occurred in the dispatcher", )) .dispatch() .await; } #[derive(Clone)] struct ConfigParameters { bot_maintainer: i64, maintainer_username: Option, } // We do not change BotCommand api. #[derive(BotCommand, Clone)] #[command(rename = "lowercase", description = "Simple commands")] enum SimpleCommand { #[command(description = "shows this message.")] Help, #[command(description = "shows maintainer info.")] Maintainer, #[command(description = "shows your ID.")] MyId, } #[derive(BotCommand, Clone)] #[command(rename = "lowercase", description = "Maintainer commands")] enum MaintainerCommands { #[command(parse_with = "split", description = "generate a number within range")] Rand { from: u64, to: u64 }, } async fn simple_commands_handler( mes: Message, bot: AutoSend, cmd: SimpleCommand, cfg: ConfigParameters, ) -> Result<(), teloxide::RequestError> { let text = match cmd { SimpleCommand::Help => { if mes.from().unwrap().id == cfg.bot_maintainer { format!("{}\n{}", SimpleCommand::descriptions(), MaintainerCommands::descriptions()) } else { SimpleCommand::descriptions() } } SimpleCommand::Maintainer => { if mes.from().unwrap().id == cfg.bot_maintainer { "Maintainer is you!".into() } else { if let Some(username) = cfg.maintainer_username { format!("Maintainer is @{}", username) } else { format!("Maintainer ID is {}", cfg.bot_maintainer) } } } SimpleCommand::MyId => { format!("{}", mes.from().unwrap().id) } }; bot.send_message(mes.chat.id, text).await?; Ok(()) }