macro_rules! forward_to_unsuported_ty { ( supported: $supported:expr; simple { $( $method:ident $arg:ty )* } unit { $( $method1:ident $ty:expr )* } compound { $( $method2:ident $( <$T:ident: ?Sized + Serialize> )? ( $( $args:tt )* ) -> $ret:ty => $message:expr )* } ) => { $( fn $method(self, _: $arg) -> Result { Err(Self::Error::UnsupportedType { ty: stringify!($arg), supported: $supported, }) } )+ $( fn $method1(self) -> Result { Err(Self::Error::UnsupportedType { ty: $ty, supported: $supported, }) } )+ $( fn $method2 $( <$T: ?Sized + Serialize> )? (self, $( $args )*) -> Result<$ret, Self::Error> { Err(Self::Error::UnsupportedType { ty: $message, supported: $supported, }) } )+ }; } macro_rules! req_future { ( $v2:vis def: | $( $arg:ident: $ArgTy:ty ),* $(,)? | $body:block $(#[$($meta:tt)*])* $v:vis $i:ident<$T:ident> ($inner:ident) -> $Out:ty $(where $($wh:tt)*)? ) => { #[pin_project::pin_project] pub // FIXME(waffle): // The `pub` above should ideally be `$v`, but we currently can't do // this due to compiler bug, see: // - pin_project bug report // - related rustc issue // - original fix (closed) // - second iteration of the fix struct $i<$T> $(where $($wh)*)? { #[pin] inner: $inner::$i<$T> } impl<$T> $i<$T> $(where $($wh)*)? { $v2 fn new($( $arg: $ArgTy ),*) -> Self { Self { inner: $inner::def($( $arg ),*) } } } // HACK(waffle): workaround for mod $inner { #![allow(type_alias_bounds)] // Mostly to bring `use`s #[allow(unused_imports)] use super::{*, $i as _}; #[cfg(feature = "nightly")] pub(crate) type $i<$T> $(where $($wh)*)? = impl ::core::future::Future; #[cfg(feature = "nightly")] pub(crate) fn def<$T>($( $arg: $ArgTy ),*) -> $i<$T> $(where $($wh)*)? { $body } #[cfg(not(feature = "nightly"))] pub(crate) type $i<$T> $(where $($wh)*)? = ::core::pin::Pin + ::core::marker::Send + 'static>>; #[cfg(not(feature = "nightly"))] pub(crate) fn def<$T>($( $arg: $ArgTy ),*) -> $i<$T> $(where $($wh)*)? { Box::pin($body) } } impl<$T> ::core::future::Future for $i<$T> $(where $($wh)*)? { type Output = $Out; fn poll(self: ::core::pin::Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut ::core::task::Context<'_>) -> ::core::task::Poll { let this = self.project(); this.inner.poll(cx) } } }; } /// Declares an item with a doc attribute computed by some macro expression. /// This allows documentation to be dynamically generated based on input. /// Necessary to work around macro_rules! calculated_doc { ( $( #[doc = $doc:expr] $thing:item )* ) => ( $( #[doc = $doc] $thing )* ); } /// Declare payload type, implement `Payload` trait and ::new method for it, /// declare setters trait and implement it for all type which have payload. macro_rules! impl_payload { ( $( @[$multipart_attr:ident] )? $( #[ $($method_meta:tt)* ] )* $vi:vis $Method:ident ($Setters:ident) => $Ret:ty { $( required { $( $( #[ $($field_meta:tt)* ] )* $v:vis $fields:ident : $FTy:ty $([$conv:ident])? , )* } )? $( optional { $( $( #[ $($opt_field_meta:tt)* ] )* $opt_v:vis $opt_fields:ident : $OptFTy:ty $([$opt_conv:ident])? ),* $(,)? } )? } ) => { #[serde_with_macros::skip_serializing_none] #[must_use = "Requests do nothing unless sent"] $( #[ $($method_meta)* ] )* $vi struct $Method { $( $( $( #[ $($field_meta)* ] )* $v $fields : $FTy, )* )? $( $( $( #[ $($opt_field_meta)* ] )* $opt_v $opt_fields : core::option::Option<$OptFTy>, )* )? } impl $Method { // We mirror Telegram API and can't do anything with too many arguments. #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] // It's just easier for macros to generate such code. #[allow(clippy::redundant_field_names)] // It's obvious what this method does. (If you think it's not, feel free to open a PR) #[allow(missing_docs)] $vi fn new($($($fields : impl_payload!(@convert? $FTy $([$conv])?)),*)?) -> Self { Self { $( $( $fields: impl_payload!(@convert_map ($fields) $([$conv])?), )* )? $( $( $opt_fields: None, )* )? } } } impl $crate::requests::Payload for $Method { type Output = $Ret; const NAME: &'static str = stringify!($Method); } calculated_doc! { #[doc = concat!( "Setters for fields of [`", stringify!($Method), "`]" )] $vi trait $Setters: $crate::requests::HasPayload + ::core::marker::Sized { $( $( impl_payload! { @setter $Method $fields : $FTy $([$conv])? } )* )? $( $( impl_payload! { @setter_opt $Method $opt_fields : $OptFTy $([$opt_conv])? } )* )? } } impl

$Setters for P where P: crate::requests::HasPayload {} impl_payload! { @[$($multipart_attr)?] $Method req { $($($fields),*)? } opt { $($($opt_fields),*)? } } }; (@setter_opt $Method:ident $field:ident : $FTy:ty [into]) => { calculated_doc! { #[doc = concat!( "Setter for [`", stringify!($field), "`](", stringify!($Method), "::", stringify!($field), ") field." )] #[allow(clippy::wrong_self_convention)] fn $field(mut self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into<$FTy>, { self.payload_mut().$field = Some(value.into()); self } } }; (@setter_opt $Method:ident $field:ident : $FTy:ty [collect]) => { calculated_doc! { #[doc = concat!( "Setter for [`", stringify!($field), "`](", stringify!($Method), "::", stringify!($field), ") field." )] #[allow(clippy::wrong_self_convention)] fn $field(mut self, value: T) -> Self where T: ::core::iter::IntoIterator::Item>, { self.payload_mut().$field = Some(value.into_iter().collect()); self } } }; (@setter_opt $Method:ident $field:ident : $FTy:ty) => { calculated_doc! { #[doc = concat!( "Setter for [`", stringify!($field), "`](", stringify!($Method), "::", stringify!($field), ") field." )] #[allow(clippy::wrong_self_convention)] fn $field(mut self, value: $FTy) -> Self { self.payload_mut().$field = Some(value); self } } }; (@setter $Method:ident $field:ident : $FTy:ty [into]) => { calculated_doc! { #[doc = concat!( "Setter for [`", stringify!($field), "`](", stringify!($Method), "::", stringify!($field), ") field." )] #[allow(clippy::wrong_self_convention)] fn $field(mut self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into<$FTy>, { self.payload_mut().$field = value.into(); self } } }; (@setter $Method:ident $field:ident : $FTy:ty [collect]) => { calculated_doc! { #[doc = concat!( "Setter for [`", stringify!($field), "`](", stringify!($Method), "::", stringify!($field), ") field." )] #[allow(clippy::wrong_self_convention)] fn $field(mut self, value: T) -> Self where T: ::core::iter::IntoIterator::Item>, { self.payload_mut().$field = value.into_iter().collect(); self } } }; (@setter $Method:ident $field:ident : $FTy:ty) => { calculated_doc! { #[doc = concat!( "Setter for [`", stringify!($field), "`](", stringify!($Method), "::", stringify!($field), ") field." )] #[allow(clippy::wrong_self_convention)] fn $field(mut self, value: $FTy) -> Self { self.payload_mut().$field = value; self } } }; (@convert? $T:ty [into]) => { impl ::core::convert::Into<$T> }; (@convert? $T:ty [collect]) => { impl ::core::iter::IntoIterator::Item> }; (@convert? $T:ty) => { $T }; (@convert_map ($e:expr) [into]) => { $e.into() }; (@convert_map ($e:expr) [collect]) => { $e.into_iter().collect() }; (@convert_map ($e:expr)) => { $e }; (@[multipart] $Method:ident req { $($reqf:ident),* } opt { $($optf:ident),*} ) => { impl crate::requests::MultipartPayload for $Method {} impl crate::requests::multipart_payload::sealed::Sealed for $Method {} }; (@[] $($ignored:tt)*) => {} } macro_rules! download_forward { ($l:lifetime $T:ident $S:ty {$this:ident => $inner:expr}) => { impl<$l, $T: $crate::net::Download<$l>> $crate::net::Download<$l> for $S { type Err = <$T as $crate::net::Download<$l>>::Err; type Fut = <$T as $crate::net::Download<$l>>::Fut; fn download_file( &self, path: &str, destination: &'w mut (dyn tokio::io::AsyncWrite + core::marker::Unpin + core::marker::Send), ) -> Self::Fut { let $this = self; ($inner).download_file(path, destination) } type StreamErr = <$T as $crate::net::Download<$l>>::StreamErr; type Stream = <$T as $crate::net::Download<$l>>::Stream; fn download_file_stream(&self, path: &str) -> Self::Stream { let $this = self; ($inner).download_file_stream(path) } } }; } // This macro is auto generated by [`cg`] from [`schema`]. // // **DO NOT EDIT THIS MACRO**, // // Edit `cg` or `schema` instead. // // [cg]: // [`schema`]: macro_rules! requester_forward { ($i:ident $(, $rest:ident )* $(,)? => $body:ident, $ty:ident ) => { requester_forward!(@method $i $body $ty); $( requester_forward!(@method $rest $body $ty); )* }; (@method get_updates $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type GetUpdates = $ty![GetUpdates]; fn get_updates(&self) -> Self::GetUpdates { let this = self; $body!(get_updates this ()) } }; (@method set_webhook $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type SetWebhook = $ty![SetWebhook]; fn set_webhook(&self, url: Url) -> Self::SetWebhook { let this = self; $body!(set_webhook this (url: Url)) } }; (@method delete_webhook $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type DeleteWebhook = $ty![DeleteWebhook]; fn delete_webhook(&self) -> Self::DeleteWebhook { let this = self; $body!(delete_webhook this ()) } }; (@method get_webhook_info $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type GetWebhookInfo = $ty![GetWebhookInfo]; fn get_webhook_info(&self) -> Self::GetWebhookInfo { let this = self; $body!(get_webhook_info this ()) } }; (@method get_me $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type GetMe = $ty![GetMe]; fn get_me(&self) -> Self::GetMe { let this = self; $body!(get_me this ()) } }; (@method log_out $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type LogOut = $ty![LogOut]; fn log_out(&self) -> Self::LogOut { let this = self; $body!(log_out this ()) } }; (@method close $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type Close = $ty![Close]; fn close(&self) -> Self::Close { let this = self; $body!(close this ()) } }; (@method send_message $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type SendMessage = $ty![SendMessage]; fn send_message(&self, chat_id: C, text: T) -> Self::SendMessage where C: Into, T: Into { let this = self; $body!(send_message this (chat_id: C, text: T)) } }; (@method forward_message $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type ForwardMessage = $ty![ForwardMessage]; fn forward_message(&self, chat_id: C, from_chat_id: F, message_id: i32) -> Self::ForwardMessage where C: Into, F: Into { let this = self; $body!(forward_message this (chat_id: C, from_chat_id: F, message_id: i32)) } }; (@method copy_message $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type CopyMessage = $ty![CopyMessage]; fn copy_message(&self, chat_id: C, from_chat_id: F, message_id: i32) -> Self::CopyMessage where C: Into, F: Into { let this = self; $body!(copy_message this (chat_id: C, from_chat_id: F, message_id: i32)) } }; (@method send_photo $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type SendPhoto = $ty![SendPhoto]; fn send_photo(&self, chat_id: C, photo: InputFile) -> Self::SendPhoto where C: Into { let this = self; $body!(send_photo this (chat_id: C, photo: InputFile)) } }; (@method send_audio $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type SendAudio = $ty![SendAudio]; fn send_audio(&self, chat_id: C, audio: InputFile) -> Self::SendAudio where C: Into { let this = self; $body!(send_audio this (chat_id: C, audio: InputFile)) } }; (@method send_document $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type SendDocument = $ty![SendDocument]; fn send_document(&self, chat_id: C, document: InputFile) -> Self::SendDocument where C: Into { let this = self; $body!(send_document this (chat_id: C, document: InputFile)) } }; (@method send_video $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type SendVideo = $ty![SendVideo]; fn send_video(&self, chat_id: C, video: InputFile) -> Self::SendVideo where C: Into { let this = self; $body!(send_video this (chat_id: C, video: InputFile)) } }; (@method send_animation $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type SendAnimation = $ty![SendAnimation]; fn send_animation(&self, chat_id: C, animation: InputFile) -> Self::SendAnimation where C: Into { let this = self; $body!(send_animation this (chat_id: C, animation: InputFile)) } }; (@method send_voice $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type SendVoice = $ty![SendVoice]; fn send_voice(&self, chat_id: C, voice: InputFile) -> Self::SendVoice where C: Into { let this = self; $body!(send_voice this (chat_id: C, voice: InputFile)) } }; (@method send_video_note $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type SendVideoNote = $ty![SendVideoNote]; fn send_video_note(&self, chat_id: C, video_note: InputFile) -> Self::SendVideoNote where C: Into { let this = self; $body!(send_video_note this (chat_id: C, video_note: InputFile)) } }; (@method send_media_group $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type SendMediaGroup = $ty![SendMediaGroup]; fn send_media_group(&self, chat_id: C, media: M) -> Self::SendMediaGroup where C: Into, M: IntoIterator { let this = self; $body!(send_media_group this (chat_id: C, media: M)) } }; (@method send_location $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type SendLocation = $ty![SendLocation]; fn send_location(&self, chat_id: C, latitude: f64, longitude: f64) -> Self::SendLocation where C: Into { let this = self; $body!(send_location this (chat_id: C, latitude: f64, longitude: f64)) } }; (@method edit_message_live_location $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type EditMessageLiveLocation = $ty![EditMessageLiveLocation]; fn edit_message_live_location(&self, chat_id: C, message_id: i32, latitude: f64, longitude: f64) -> Self::EditMessageLiveLocation where C: Into { let this = self; $body!(edit_message_live_location this (chat_id: C, message_id: i32, latitude: f64, longitude: f64)) } }; (@method edit_message_live_location_inline $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type EditMessageLiveLocationInline = $ty![EditMessageLiveLocationInline]; fn edit_message_live_location_inline(&self, inline_message_id: I, latitude: f64, longitude: f64) -> Self::EditMessageLiveLocationInline where I: Into { let this = self; $body!(edit_message_live_location_inline this (inline_message_id: I, latitude: f64, longitude: f64)) } }; (@method stop_message_live_location $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type StopMessageLiveLocation = $ty![StopMessageLiveLocation]; fn stop_message_live_location(&self, chat_id: C, message_id: i32, latitude: f64, longitude: f64) -> Self::StopMessageLiveLocation where C: Into { let this = self; $body!(stop_message_live_location this (chat_id: C, message_id: i32, latitude: f64, longitude: f64)) } }; (@method stop_message_live_location_inline $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type StopMessageLiveLocationInline = $ty![StopMessageLiveLocationInline]; fn stop_message_live_location_inline(&self, inline_message_id: I, latitude: f64, longitude: f64) -> Self::StopMessageLiveLocationInline where I: Into { let this = self; $body!(stop_message_live_location_inline this (inline_message_id: I, latitude: f64, longitude: f64)) } }; (@method send_venue $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type SendVenue = $ty![SendVenue]; fn send_venue(&self, chat_id: C, latitude: f64, longitude: f64, title: T, address: A) -> Self::SendVenue where C: Into, T: Into, A: Into { let this = self; $body!(send_venue this (chat_id: C, latitude: f64, longitude: f64, title: T, address: A)) } }; (@method send_contact $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type SendContact = $ty![SendContact]; fn send_contact(&self, chat_id: C, phone_number: P, first_name: F) -> Self::SendContact where C: Into, P: Into, F: Into { let this = self; $body!(send_contact this (chat_id: C, phone_number: P, first_name: F)) } }; (@method send_poll $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type SendPoll = $ty![SendPoll]; fn send_poll(&self, chat_id: C, question: Q, options: O, type_: PollType) -> Self::SendPoll where C: Into, Q: Into, O: IntoIterator { let this = self; $body!(send_poll this (chat_id: C, question: Q, options: O, type_: PollType)) } }; (@method send_dice $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type SendDice = $ty![SendDice]; fn send_dice(&self, chat_id: C) -> Self::SendDice where C: Into { let this = self; $body!(send_dice this (chat_id: C)) } }; (@method send_chat_action $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type SendChatAction = $ty![SendChatAction]; fn send_chat_action(&self, chat_id: C, action: ChatAction) -> Self::SendChatAction where C: Into { let this = self; $body!(send_chat_action this (chat_id: C, action: ChatAction)) } }; (@method get_user_profile_photos $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type GetUserProfilePhotos = $ty![GetUserProfilePhotos]; fn get_user_profile_photos(&self, user_id: i64) -> Self::GetUserProfilePhotos { let this = self; $body!(get_user_profile_photos this (user_id: i64)) } }; (@method get_file $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type GetFile = $ty![GetFile]; fn get_file(&self, file_id: F) -> Self::GetFile where F: Into { let this = self; $body!(get_file this (file_id: F)) } }; (@method ban_chat_member $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type BanChatMember = $ty![BanChatMember]; fn ban_chat_member(&self, chat_id: C, user_id: i64) -> Self::BanChatMember where C: Into { let this = self; $body!(ban_chat_member this (chat_id: C, user_id: i64)) } }; (@method kick_chat_member $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type KickChatMember = $ty![KickChatMember]; fn kick_chat_member(&self, chat_id: C, user_id: i64) -> Self::KickChatMember where C: Into { let this = self; $body!(kick_chat_member this (chat_id: C, user_id: i64)) } }; (@method unban_chat_member $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type UnbanChatMember = $ty![UnbanChatMember]; fn unban_chat_member(&self, chat_id: C, user_id: i64) -> Self::UnbanChatMember where C: Into { let this = self; $body!(unban_chat_member this (chat_id: C, user_id: i64)) } }; (@method restrict_chat_member $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type RestrictChatMember = $ty![RestrictChatMember]; fn restrict_chat_member(&self, chat_id: C, user_id: i64, permissions: ChatPermissions) -> Self::RestrictChatMember where C: Into { let this = self; $body!(restrict_chat_member this (chat_id: C, user_id: i64, permissions: ChatPermissions)) } }; (@method promote_chat_member $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type PromoteChatMember = $ty![PromoteChatMember]; fn promote_chat_member(&self, chat_id: C, user_id: i64) -> Self::PromoteChatMember where C: Into { let this = self; $body!(promote_chat_member this (chat_id: C, user_id: i64)) } }; (@method set_chat_administrator_custom_title $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle = $ty![SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle]; fn set_chat_administrator_custom_title(&self, chat_id: Ch, user_id: i64, custom_title: Cu) -> Self::SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle where Ch: Into, Cu: Into { let this = self; $body!(set_chat_administrator_custom_title this (chat_id: Ch, user_id: i64, custom_title: Cu)) } }; (@method set_chat_permissions $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type SetChatPermissions = $ty![SetChatPermissions]; fn set_chat_permissions(&self, chat_id: C, permissions: ChatPermissions) -> Self::SetChatPermissions where C: Into { let this = self; $body!(set_chat_permissions this (chat_id: C, permissions: ChatPermissions)) } }; (@method export_chat_invite_link $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type ExportChatInviteLink = $ty![ExportChatInviteLink]; fn export_chat_invite_link(&self, chat_id: C) -> Self::ExportChatInviteLink where C: Into { let this = self; $body!(export_chat_invite_link this (chat_id: C)) } }; (@method create_chat_invite_link $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type CreateChatInviteLink = $ty![CreateChatInviteLink]; fn create_chat_invite_link(&self, chat_id: C) -> Self::CreateChatInviteLink where C: Into { let this = self; $body!(create_chat_invite_link this (chat_id: C)) } }; (@method edit_chat_invite_link $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type EditChatInviteLink = $ty![EditChatInviteLink]; fn edit_chat_invite_link(&self, chat_id: C, invite_link: I) -> Self::EditChatInviteLink where C: Into, I: Into { let this = self; $body!(edit_chat_invite_link this (chat_id: C, invite_link: I)) } }; (@method revoke_chat_invite_link $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type RevokeChatInviteLink = $ty![RevokeChatInviteLink]; fn revoke_chat_invite_link(&self, chat_id: C, invite_link: I) -> Self::RevokeChatInviteLink where C: Into, I: Into { let this = self; $body!(revoke_chat_invite_link this (chat_id: C, invite_link: I)) } }; (@method set_chat_photo $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type SetChatPhoto = $ty![SetChatPhoto]; fn set_chat_photo(&self, chat_id: C, photo: InputFile) -> Self::SetChatPhoto where C: Into { let this = self; $body!(set_chat_photo this (chat_id: C, photo: InputFile)) } }; (@method delete_chat_photo $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type DeleteChatPhoto = $ty![DeleteChatPhoto]; fn delete_chat_photo(&self, chat_id: C) -> Self::DeleteChatPhoto where C: Into { let this = self; $body!(delete_chat_photo this (chat_id: C)) } }; (@method set_chat_title $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type SetChatTitle = $ty![SetChatTitle]; fn set_chat_title(&self, chat_id: C, title: T) -> Self::SetChatTitle where C: Into, T: Into { let this = self; $body!(set_chat_title this (chat_id: C, title: T)) } }; (@method set_chat_description $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type SetChatDescription = $ty![SetChatDescription]; fn set_chat_description(&self, chat_id: C) -> Self::SetChatDescription where C: Into { let this = self; $body!(set_chat_description this (chat_id: C)) } }; (@method pin_chat_message $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type PinChatMessage = $ty![PinChatMessage]; fn pin_chat_message(&self, chat_id: C, message_id: i32) -> Self::PinChatMessage where C: Into { let this = self; $body!(pin_chat_message this (chat_id: C, message_id: i32)) } }; (@method unpin_chat_message $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type UnpinChatMessage = $ty![UnpinChatMessage]; fn unpin_chat_message(&self, chat_id: C) -> Self::UnpinChatMessage where C: Into { let this = self; $body!(unpin_chat_message this (chat_id: C)) } }; (@method unpin_all_chat_messages $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type UnpinAllChatMessages = $ty![UnpinAllChatMessages]; fn unpin_all_chat_messages(&self, chat_id: C) -> Self::UnpinAllChatMessages where C: Into { let this = self; $body!(unpin_all_chat_messages this (chat_id: C)) } }; (@method leave_chat $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type LeaveChat = $ty![LeaveChat]; fn leave_chat(&self, chat_id: C) -> Self::LeaveChat where C: Into { let this = self; $body!(leave_chat this (chat_id: C)) } }; (@method get_chat $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type GetChat = $ty![GetChat]; fn get_chat(&self, chat_id: C) -> Self::GetChat where C: Into { let this = self; $body!(get_chat this (chat_id: C)) } }; (@method get_chat_administrators $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type GetChatAdministrators = $ty![GetChatAdministrators]; fn get_chat_administrators(&self, chat_id: C) -> Self::GetChatAdministrators where C: Into { let this = self; $body!(get_chat_administrators this (chat_id: C)) } }; (@method get_chat_member_count $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type GetChatMemberCount = $ty![GetChatMemberCount]; fn get_chat_member_count(&self, chat_id: C) -> Self::GetChatMemberCount where C: Into { let this = self; $body!(get_chat_member_count this (chat_id: C)) } }; (@method get_chat_members_count $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type GetChatMembersCount = $ty![GetChatMembersCount]; fn get_chat_members_count(&self, chat_id: C) -> Self::GetChatMembersCount where C: Into { let this = self; $body!(get_chat_members_count this (chat_id: C)) } }; (@method get_chat_member $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type GetChatMember = $ty![GetChatMember]; fn get_chat_member(&self, chat_id: C, user_id: i64) -> Self::GetChatMember where C: Into { let this = self; $body!(get_chat_member this (chat_id: C, user_id: i64)) } }; (@method set_chat_sticker_set $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type SetChatStickerSet = $ty![SetChatStickerSet]; fn set_chat_sticker_set(&self, chat_id: C, sticker_set_name: S) -> Self::SetChatStickerSet where C: Into, S: Into { let this = self; $body!(set_chat_sticker_set this (chat_id: C, sticker_set_name: S)) } }; (@method delete_chat_sticker_set $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type DeleteChatStickerSet = $ty![DeleteChatStickerSet]; fn delete_chat_sticker_set(&self, chat_id: C) -> Self::DeleteChatStickerSet where C: Into { let this = self; $body!(delete_chat_sticker_set this (chat_id: C)) } }; (@method answer_callback_query $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type AnswerCallbackQuery = $ty![AnswerCallbackQuery]; fn answer_callback_query(&self, callback_query_id: C) -> Self::AnswerCallbackQuery where C: Into { let this = self; $body!(answer_callback_query this (callback_query_id: C)) } }; (@method set_my_commands $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type SetMyCommands = $ty![SetMyCommands]; fn set_my_commands(&self, commands: C) -> Self::SetMyCommands where C: IntoIterator { let this = self; $body!(set_my_commands this (commands: C)) } }; (@method get_my_commands $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type GetMyCommands = $ty![GetMyCommands]; fn get_my_commands(&self) -> Self::GetMyCommands { let this = self; $body!(get_my_commands this ()) } }; (@method delete_my_commands $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type DeleteMyCommands = $ty![DeleteMyCommands]; fn delete_my_commands(&self) -> Self::DeleteMyCommands { let this = self; $body!(delete_my_commands this ()) } }; (@method answer_inline_query $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type AnswerInlineQuery = $ty![AnswerInlineQuery]; fn answer_inline_query(&self, inline_query_id: I, results: R) -> Self::AnswerInlineQuery where I: Into, R: IntoIterator { let this = self; $body!(answer_inline_query this (inline_query_id: I, results: R)) } }; (@method edit_message_text $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type EditMessageText = $ty![EditMessageText]; fn edit_message_text(&self, chat_id: C, message_id: i32, text: T) -> Self::EditMessageText where C: Into, T: Into { let this = self; $body!(edit_message_text this (chat_id: C, message_id: i32, text: T)) } }; (@method edit_message_text_inline $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type EditMessageTextInline = $ty![EditMessageTextInline]; fn edit_message_text_inline(&self, inline_message_id: I, text: T) -> Self::EditMessageTextInline where I: Into, T: Into { let this = self; $body!(edit_message_text_inline this (inline_message_id: I, text: T)) } }; (@method edit_message_caption $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type EditMessageCaption = $ty![EditMessageCaption]; fn edit_message_caption(&self, chat_id: C, message_id: i32) -> Self::EditMessageCaption where C: Into { let this = self; $body!(edit_message_caption this (chat_id: C, message_id: i32)) } }; (@method edit_message_caption_inline $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type EditMessageCaptionInline = $ty![EditMessageCaptionInline]; fn edit_message_caption_inline(&self, inline_message_id: I) -> Self::EditMessageCaptionInline where I: Into { let this = self; $body!(edit_message_caption_inline this (inline_message_id: I)) } }; (@method edit_message_media $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type EditMessageMedia = $ty![EditMessageMedia]; fn edit_message_media(&self, chat_id: C, message_id: i32, media: InputMedia) -> Self::EditMessageMedia where C: Into { let this = self; $body!(edit_message_media this (chat_id: C, message_id: i32, media: InputMedia)) } }; (@method edit_message_media_inline $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type EditMessageMediaInline = $ty![EditMessageMediaInline]; fn edit_message_media_inline(&self, inline_message_id: I, media: InputMedia) -> Self::EditMessageMediaInline where I: Into { let this = self; $body!(edit_message_media_inline this (inline_message_id: I, media: InputMedia)) } }; (@method edit_message_reply_markup $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type EditMessageReplyMarkup = $ty![EditMessageReplyMarkup]; fn edit_message_reply_markup(&self, chat_id: C, message_id: i32) -> Self::EditMessageReplyMarkup where C: Into { let this = self; $body!(edit_message_reply_markup this (chat_id: C, message_id: i32)) } }; (@method edit_message_reply_markup_inline $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type EditMessageReplyMarkupInline = $ty![EditMessageReplyMarkupInline]; fn edit_message_reply_markup_inline(&self, inline_message_id: I) -> Self::EditMessageReplyMarkupInline where I: Into { let this = self; $body!(edit_message_reply_markup_inline this (inline_message_id: I)) } }; (@method stop_poll $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type StopPoll = $ty![StopPoll]; fn stop_poll(&self, chat_id: C, message_id: i32) -> Self::StopPoll where C: Into { let this = self; $body!(stop_poll this (chat_id: C, message_id: i32)) } }; (@method delete_message $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type DeleteMessage = $ty![DeleteMessage]; fn delete_message(&self, chat_id: C, message_id: i32) -> Self::DeleteMessage where C: Into { let this = self; $body!(delete_message this (chat_id: C, message_id: i32)) } }; (@method send_sticker $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type SendSticker = $ty![SendSticker]; fn send_sticker(&self, chat_id: C, sticker: InputFile) -> Self::SendSticker where C: Into { let this = self; $body!(send_sticker this (chat_id: C, sticker: InputFile)) } }; (@method get_sticker_set $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type GetStickerSet = $ty![GetStickerSet]; fn get_sticker_set(&self, name: N) -> Self::GetStickerSet where N: Into { let this = self; $body!(get_sticker_set this (name: N)) } }; (@method upload_sticker_file $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type UploadStickerFile = $ty![UploadStickerFile]; fn upload_sticker_file(&self, user_id: i64, png_sticker: InputFile) -> Self::UploadStickerFile { let this = self; $body!(upload_sticker_file this (user_id: i64, png_sticker: InputFile)) } }; (@method create_new_sticker_set $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type CreateNewStickerSet = $ty![CreateNewStickerSet]; fn create_new_sticker_set(&self, user_id: i64, name: N, title: T, sticker: InputSticker, emojis: E) -> Self::CreateNewStickerSet where N: Into, T: Into, E: Into { let this = self; $body!(create_new_sticker_set this (user_id: i64, name: N, title: T, sticker: InputSticker, emojis: E)) } }; (@method add_sticker_to_set $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type AddStickerToSet = $ty![AddStickerToSet]; fn add_sticker_to_set(&self, user_id: i64, name: N, sticker: InputSticker, emojis: E) -> Self::AddStickerToSet where N: Into, E: Into { let this = self; $body!(add_sticker_to_set this (user_id: i64, name: N, sticker: InputSticker, emojis: E)) } }; (@method set_sticker_position_in_set $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type SetStickerPositionInSet = $ty![SetStickerPositionInSet]; fn set_sticker_position_in_set(&self, sticker: S, position: u32) -> Self::SetStickerPositionInSet where S: Into { let this = self; $body!(set_sticker_position_in_set this (sticker: S, position: u32)) } }; (@method delete_sticker_from_set $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type DeleteStickerFromSet = $ty![DeleteStickerFromSet]; fn delete_sticker_from_set(&self, sticker: S) -> Self::DeleteStickerFromSet where S: Into { let this = self; $body!(delete_sticker_from_set this (sticker: S)) } }; (@method set_sticker_set_thumb $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type SetStickerSetThumb = $ty![SetStickerSetThumb]; fn set_sticker_set_thumb(&self, name: N, user_id: i64) -> Self::SetStickerSetThumb where N: Into { let this = self; $body!(set_sticker_set_thumb this (name: N, user_id: i64)) } }; (@method send_invoice $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type SendInvoice = $ty![SendInvoice]; fn send_invoice(&self, chat_id: Ch, title: T, description: D, payload: Pa, provider_token: P, currency: C, prices: Pri) -> Self::SendInvoice where Ch: Into, T: Into, D: Into, Pa: Into, P: Into, C: Into, Pri: IntoIterator { let this = self; $body!(send_invoice this (chat_id: Ch, title: T, description: D, payload: Pa, provider_token: P, currency: C, prices: Pri)) } }; (@method answer_shipping_query $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type AnswerShippingQuery = $ty![AnswerShippingQuery]; fn answer_shipping_query(&self, shipping_query_id: S, ok: bool) -> Self::AnswerShippingQuery where S: Into { let this = self; $body!(answer_shipping_query this (shipping_query_id: S, ok: bool)) } }; (@method answer_pre_checkout_query $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type AnswerPreCheckoutQuery = $ty![AnswerPreCheckoutQuery]; fn answer_pre_checkout_query

(&self, pre_checkout_query_id: P, ok: bool) -> Self::AnswerPreCheckoutQuery where P: Into { let this = self; $body!(answer_pre_checkout_query this (pre_checkout_query_id: P, ok: bool)) } }; (@method set_passport_data_errors $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type SetPassportDataErrors = $ty![SetPassportDataErrors]; fn set_passport_data_errors(&self, user_id: i64, errors: E) -> Self::SetPassportDataErrors where E: IntoIterator { let this = self; $body!(set_passport_data_errors this (user_id: i64, errors: E)) } }; (@method send_game $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type SendGame = $ty![SendGame]; fn send_game(&self, chat_id: u32, game_short_name: G) -> Self::SendGame where G: Into { let this = self; $body!(send_game this (chat_id: u32, game_short_name: G)) } }; (@method set_game_score $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type SetGameScore = $ty![SetGameScore]; fn set_game_score(&self, user_id: i64, score: u64, chat_id: u32, message_id: i64) -> Self::SetGameScore { let this = self; $body!(set_game_score this (user_id: i64, score: u64, chat_id: u32, message_id: i64)) } }; (@method set_game_score_inline $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type SetGameScoreInline = $ty![SetGameScoreInline]; fn set_game_score_inline(&self, user_id: i64, score: u64, inline_message_id: I) -> Self::SetGameScoreInline where I: Into { let this = self; $body!(set_game_score_inline this (user_id: i64, score: u64, inline_message_id: I)) } }; (@method get_game_high_scores $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type GetGameHighScores = $ty![GetGameHighScores]; fn get_game_high_scores(&self, user_id: i64, target: T) -> Self::GetGameHighScores where T: Into { let this = self; $body!(get_game_high_scores this (user_id: i64, target: T)) } }; (@method get_updates_fault_tolerant $body:ident $ty:ident) => { type GetUpdatesFaultTolerant = $ty![GetUpdatesFaultTolerant]; fn get_updates_fault_tolerant(&self) -> Self::GetUpdatesFaultTolerant { let this = self; $body!(get_updates_fault_tolerant this ()) } }; }