use teloxide::{Bot, payloads::AnswerInlineQuery, prelude::*, types::{InlineQueryResult, InlineQueryResultArticle, InputMessageContent, InputMessageContentText}}; use tokio_stream::wrappers::UnboundedReceiverStream; #[tokio::main] async fn main() { run().await; } async fn run() { let bot = Bot::from_env(); // Create a new dispatcher to handle incoming messages let dp = Dispatcher::new(bot); dp.inline_queries_handler(|rx: DispatcherHandlerRx| { UnboundedReceiverStream::new(rx).for_each_concurrent(None, |msg| async move { // First, create your actual response let google_search = InlineQueryResultArticle::new( // Each item needs a unique ID, as well as the response container for the items. // These can be whatever, as long as they don't conflict. "01".to_string(), // What the user will actually see "Google Search", // What message will send when clicked/tapped InputMessageContent::Text(InputMessageContentText::new(format!( "{}", msg.update.query, ))), ); // You can also construct them from the struct itself, if you want a little more control. // Please refer to the documentation for more detailed information about each field. // let ddg_search = InlineQueryResultArticle { id: "02".to_string(), // again, anything -- as long as it's unique in this context title: "DuckDuckGo Search".to_string(), input_message_content: InputMessageContent::Text(InputMessageContentText::new( format!("{}", msg.update.query.to_string()), )), reply_markup: None, url: Some("".to_string()), // Note: This is the url that will open if they click the thumbnail hide_url: None, description: Some("DuckDuckGo Search".to_string()), thumb_url: Some( "".to_string(), ), thumb_width: Some(64), thumb_height: Some(64), }; // Now put those responses into a "Result" // let all_results = AnswerInlineQuery { inline_query_id: "03".to_string(), // again, anything -- as long as it's unique in this context results: vec![InlineQueryResult::Article(google_search), InlineQueryResult::Article(ddg_search)], cache_time: None, is_personal: None, next_offset: None, switch_pm_text: None, switch_pm_parameter: None, }; // Send it off! One thing to note -- the ID we use here must be of the message we're responding to. let response = msg .requester .answer_inline_query(, all_results.results) .send() .await; if response.is_err() { dbg!(response); } }) }) .dispatch() .await; }