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use std::{future::Future, sync::Arc, time::Duration};
use reqwest::{
header::{HeaderMap, CONNECTION},
Client, ClientBuilder,
use serde::{de::DeserializeOwned, Serialize};
use crate::{
requests::{MultipartPayload, Payload, ResponseResult},
mod api;
mod api_url;
mod download;
pub(crate) const TELOXIDE_TOKEN: &str = "TELOXIDE_TOKEN";
pub(crate) const TELOXIDE_PROXY: &str = "TELOXIDE_PROXY";
/// A requests sender.
/// This is the main type of the library, it allows to send requests to the
/// [Telegram Bot API] and download files.
/// ## TBA methods
/// All TBA methods are located in the [`Requester`] [`impl for Bot`]. This
/// allows for opt-in behaviours using requester [adaptors].
/// ```
/// # async {
/// use teloxide_core::prelude::*;
/// let bot = Bot::new("TOKEN");
/// dbg!(bot.get_me().send().await?);
/// # Ok::<_, teloxide_core::RequestError>(()) };
/// ```
/// [`Requester`]: crate::requests::Requester
/// [`impl for Bot`]: Bot#impl-Requester
/// [adaptors]: crate::adaptors
/// ## File download
/// In the similar way as with TBA methods, file downloading methods are located
/// in a trait — [`Download<'_>`]. See its documentation for more.
/// [`Download<'_>`]: crate::net::Download
/// ## Clone cost
/// `Bot::clone` is relatively cheap, so if you need to share `Bot`, it's
/// recommended to clone it, instead of wrapping it in [`Arc<_>`].
/// [`Arc`]: std::sync::Arc
/// [Telegram Bot API]: https://core.telegram.org/bots/api
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Bot {
token: Arc<str>,
api_url: ApiUrl,
client: Client,
/// Constructors
impl Bot {
/// Creates a new `Bot` with the specified token and the default
/// [http-client](reqwest::Client).
/// # Panics
/// If it cannot create [`reqwest::Client`].
pub fn new<S>(token: S) -> Self
S: Into<String>,
Self::with_client(token, build_sound_bot())
/// Creates a new `Bot` with the specified token and your
/// [`reqwest::Client`].
/// # Caution
/// Your custom client might not be configured correctly to be able to work
/// in long time durations, see [issue 223].
/// [`reqwest::Client`]: https://docs.rs/reqwest/latest/reqwest/struct.Client.html
/// [issue 223]: https://github.com/teloxide/teloxide/issues/223
pub fn with_client<S>(token: S, client: Client) -> Self
S: Into<String>,
Self {
token: Into::<Arc<str>>::into(Into::<String>::into(token)),
api_url: ApiUrl::Default,
/// Creates a new `Bot` with the `TELOXIDE_TOKEN` & `TELOXIDE_PROXY`
/// environmental variables (a bot's token & a proxy) and the default
/// [`reqwest::Client`].
/// This function passes the value of `TELOXIDE_PROXY` into
/// [`reqwest::Proxy::all`], if it exists, otherwise returns the default
/// client.
/// # Panics
/// - If cannot get the `TELOXIDE_TOKEN` environmental variable.
/// - If it cannot create [`reqwest::Client`].
/// [`reqwest::Client`]: https://docs.rs/reqwest/0.10.1/reqwest/struct.Client.html
/// [`reqwest::Proxy::all`]: https://docs.rs/reqwest/latest/reqwest/struct.Proxy.html#method.all
pub fn from_env() -> Self {
/// Creates a new `Bot` with the `TELOXIDE_TOKEN` environmental variable (a
/// bot's token) and your [`reqwest::Client`].
/// # Panics
/// If cannot get the `TELOXIDE_TOKEN` environmental variable.
/// # Caution
/// Your custom client might not be configured correctly to be able to work
/// in long time durations, see [issue 223].
/// [`reqwest::Client`]: https://docs.rs/reqwest/0.10.1/reqwest/struct.Client.html
/// [issue 223]: https://github.com/teloxide/teloxide/issues/223
pub fn from_env_with_client(client: Client) -> Self {
Self::with_client(&get_env(TELOXIDE_TOKEN), client)
/// Sets a custom API URL.
/// For example, you can run your own [Telegram bot API server][tbas] and
/// set its URL using this method.
/// [tbas]: https://github.com/tdlib/telegram-bot-api
/// ## Examples
/// ```
/// use teloxide_core::{
/// requests::{Request, Requester},
/// Bot,
/// };
/// # async {
/// let url = reqwest::Url::parse("https://localhost/tbas").unwrap();
/// let bot = Bot::new("TOKEN").set_api_url(url);
/// // From now all methods will use "https://localhost/tbas" as an API URL.
/// bot.get_me().send().await
/// # };
/// ```
/// ## Multi-instance behaviour
/// This method only sets the url for one bot instace, older clones are
/// unaffected.
/// ```
/// use teloxide_core::Bot;
/// let bot = Bot::new("TOKEN");
/// let bot2 = bot.clone();
/// let bot = bot.set_api_url(reqwest::Url::parse("https://example.com/").unwrap());
/// assert_eq!(bot.api_url().as_str(), "https://example.com/");
/// assert_eq!(bot.clone().api_url().as_str(), "https://example.com/");
/// assert_ne!(bot2.api_url().as_str(), "https://example.com/");
/// ```
pub fn set_api_url(mut self, url: reqwest::Url) -> Self {
self.api_url = ApiUrl::Custom(Arc::new(url));
/// Getters
impl Bot {
/// Returns currently used token.
pub fn token(&self) -> &str {
/// Returns currently used http-client.
pub fn client(&self) -> &Client {
/// Returns currently used token API url.
pub fn api_url(&self) -> reqwest::Url {
impl Bot {
pub(crate) fn execute_json<P>(
payload: &P,
) -> impl Future<Output = ResponseResult<P::Output>> + 'static
P: Payload + Serialize,
P::Output: DeserializeOwned,
let client = self.client.clone();
let token = Arc::clone(&self.token);
let api_url = self.api_url.clone();
let params = serde_json::to_vec(payload)
// this `expect` should be ok since we don't write request those may trigger error here
.expect("serialization of request to be infallible");
// async move to capture client&token&api_url¶ms
async move { net::request_json(&client, token.as_ref(), api_url.get(), P::NAME, params).await }
pub(crate) fn execute_multipart<P>(
payload: &P,
) -> impl Future<Output = ResponseResult<P::Output>>
P: MultipartPayload + Serialize,
P::Output: DeserializeOwned,
let client = self.client.clone();
let token = Arc::clone(&self.token);
let api_url = self.api_url.clone();
let params = serde_multipart::to_form(payload);
// async move to capture client&token&api_url¶ms
async move {
let params = params.await?;
net::request_multipart(&client, token.as_ref(), api_url.get(), P::NAME, params).await
/// Returns a builder with safe settings.
/// By "safe settings" I mean that a client will be able to work in long time
/// durations, see the [issue 223].
/// [issue 223]: https://github.com/teloxide/teloxide/issues/223
pub(crate) fn sound_bot() -> ClientBuilder {
let mut headers = HeaderMap::new();
headers.insert(CONNECTION, "keep-alive".parse().unwrap());
let connect_timeout = Duration::from_secs(5);
let timeout = 10;
.timeout(Duration::from_secs(connect_timeout.as_secs() + timeout + 2))
pub(crate) fn build_sound_bot() -> Client {
sound_bot().build().expect("creating reqwest::Client")
fn get_env(env: &'static str) -> String {
std::env::var(env).unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("Cannot get the {} env variable", env))