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synced 2025-03-15 20:07:47 +01:00
Serde multipart serializer can be used to serialize requests into multipart/form-data without need for copy-paste and boilerplate
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38 lines
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macro_rules! forward_to_unsuported_ty {
supported: $supported:expr;
simple { $( $method:ident $arg:ty )* }
unit { $( $method1:ident $ty:expr )* }
compound {
$( $method2:ident $( <$T:ident: ?Sized + Serialize> )? ( $( $args:tt )* ) -> $ret:ty => $message:expr )*
) => {
fn $method(self, _: $arg) -> Result<Self::Ok, Self::Error> {
Err(Self::Error::UnsupportedType {
ty: stringify!($arg),
supported: $supported,
fn $method1(self) -> Result<Self::Ok, Self::Error> {
Err(Self::Error::UnsupportedType {
ty: $ty,
supported: $supported,
fn $method2 $( <$T: ?Sized + Serialize> )? (self, $( $args )*) -> Result<$ret, Self::Error> {
Err(Self::Error::UnsupportedType {
ty: $message,
supported: $supported,