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synced 2025-03-16 20:30:00 +01:00
* Allow enforcing Single Org with pw reset policy Bitwarden only allows the Reset Password policy to be set when the Single Org policy is enabled already. This PR adds a check so that this can be enforced when a config option is enabled. Since Vaultwarden encouraged to use multiple orgs when groups were not available yet we should not enable this by default now. This might be something to do in the future. When enabled, it will prevent the Reset Password policy to be enabled if the Single Org policy is not enabled. It will also prevent the Single Org policy to be disabled if the Reset Password policy is enabled. Fixes #4855 Signed-off-by: BlackDex <black.dex@gmail.com> * Removed some extra if checks Signed-off-by: BlackDex <black.dex@gmail.com> --------- Signed-off-by: BlackDex <black.dex@gmail.com>
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1396 lines
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use std::env::consts::EXE_SUFFIX;
use std::process::exit;
use std::sync::RwLock;
use job_scheduler_ng::Schedule;
use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
use reqwest::Url;
use crate::{
util::{get_env, get_env_bool, parse_experimental_client_feature_flags},
static CONFIG_FILE: Lazy<String> = Lazy::new(|| {
let data_folder = get_env("DATA_FOLDER").unwrap_or_else(|| String::from("data"));
get_env("CONFIG_FILE").unwrap_or_else(|| format!("{data_folder}/config.json"))
pub static CONFIG: Lazy<Config> = Lazy::new(|| {
Config::load().unwrap_or_else(|e| {
println!("Error loading config:\n {e:?}\n");
pub type Pass = String;
macro_rules! make_config {
$(#[doc = $groupdoc:literal])?
$group:ident $(: $group_enabled:ident)? {
$(#[doc = $doc:literal])+
$name:ident : $ty:ident, $editable:literal, $none_action:ident $(, $default:expr)?;
)+) => {
pub struct Config { inner: RwLock<Inner> }
struct Inner {
rocket_shutdown_handle: Option<rocket::Shutdown>,
templates: Handlebars<'static>,
config: ConfigItems,
_env: ConfigBuilder,
_usr: ConfigBuilder,
_overrides: Vec<String>,
#[derive(Clone, Default, Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub struct ConfigBuilder {
#[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
$name: Option<$ty>,
impl ConfigBuilder {
fn from_env() -> Self {
let env_file = get_env("ENV_FILE").unwrap_or_else(|| String::from(".env"));
match dotenvy::from_path(&env_file) {
Ok(_) => {
println!("[INFO] Using environment file `{env_file}` for configuration.\n");
Err(e) => match e {
dotenvy::Error::LineParse(msg, pos) => {
println!("[ERROR] Failed parsing environment file: `{env_file}`\nNear {msg:?} on position {pos}\nPlease fix and restart!\n");
dotenvy::Error::Io(ioerr) => match ioerr.kind() {
std::io::ErrorKind::NotFound => {
// Only exit if this environment variable is set, but the file was not found.
// This prevents incorrectly configured environments.
if let Some(env_file) = get_env::<String>("ENV_FILE") {
println!("[ERROR] The configured ENV_FILE `{env_file}` was not found!\n");
std::io::ErrorKind::PermissionDenied => {
println!("[ERROR] Permission denied while trying to read environment file `{env_file}`!\n");
_ => {
println!("[ERROR] Reading environment file `{env_file}` failed:\n{ioerr:?}\n");
_ => {
println!("[ERROR] Reading environment file `{env_file}` failed:\n{e:?}\n");
let mut builder = ConfigBuilder::default();
builder.$name = make_config! { @getenv paste::paste!(stringify!([<$name:upper>])), $ty };
fn from_file(path: &str) -> Result<Self, Error> {
let config_str = std::fs::read_to_string(path)?;
println!("[INFO] Using saved config from `{path}` for configuration.\n");
/// Merges the values of both builders into a new builder.
/// If both have the same element, `other` wins.
fn merge(&self, other: &Self, show_overrides: bool, overrides: &mut Vec<String>) -> Self {
let mut builder = self.clone();
if let v @Some(_) = &other.$name {
builder.$name = v.clone();
if self.$name.is_some() {
if show_overrides && !overrides.is_empty() {
// We can't use warn! here because logging isn't setup yet.
println!("[WARNING] The following environment variables are being overridden by the config.json file.");
println!("[WARNING] Please use the admin panel to make changes to them:");
println!("[WARNING] {}\n", overrides.join(", "));
fn build(&self) -> ConfigItems {
let mut config = ConfigItems::default();
let _domain_set = self.domain.is_some();
config.$name = make_config!{ @build self.$name.clone(), &config, $none_action, $($default)? };
config.domain_set = _domain_set;
config.domain = config.domain.trim_end_matches('/').to_string();
config.signups_domains_whitelist = config.signups_domains_whitelist.trim().to_lowercase();
config.org_creation_users = config.org_creation_users.trim().to_lowercase();
// Copy the values from the deprecated flags to the new ones
if config.http_request_block_regex.is_none() {
config.http_request_block_regex = config.icon_blacklist_regex.clone();
#[derive(Clone, Default)]
struct ConfigItems { $($( $name: make_config!{@type $ty, $none_action}, )+)+ }
impl Config {
$(#[doc = $doc])+
pub fn $name(&self) -> make_config!{@type $ty, $none_action} {
pub fn prepare_json(&self) -> serde_json::Value {
let (def, cfg, overridden) = {
let inner = &self.inner.read().unwrap();
(inner._env.build(), inner.config.clone(), inner._overrides.clone())
fn _get_form_type(rust_type: &str) -> &'static str {
match rust_type {
"Pass" => "password",
"String" => "text",
"bool" => "checkbox",
_ => "number"
fn _get_doc(doc: &str) -> serde_json::Value {
let mut split = doc.split("|>").map(str::trim);
// We do not use the json!() macro here since that causes a lot of macro recursion.
// This slows down compile time and it also causes issues with rust-analyzer
let mut doc_json = serde_json::Map::new();
doc_json.insert("name".into(), serde_json::to_value(split.next()).unwrap());
doc_json.insert("description".into(), serde_json::to_value(split.next()).unwrap());
// We do not use the json!() macro here since that causes a lot of macro recursion.
// This slows down compile time and it also causes issues with rust-analyzer
let mut group = serde_json::Map::new();
group.insert("group".into(), (stringify!($group)).into());
group.insert("grouptoggle".into(), (stringify!($($group_enabled)?)).into());
group.insert("groupdoc".into(), (make_config!{ @show $($groupdoc)? }).into());
group.insert("elements".into(), serde_json::Value::Array(<[_]>::into_vec(Box::new([
let mut element = serde_json::Map::new();
element.insert("editable".into(), ($editable).into());
element.insert("name".into(), (stringify!($name)).into());
element.insert("value".into(), serde_json::to_value(cfg.$name).unwrap());
element.insert("default".into(), serde_json::to_value(def.$name).unwrap());
element.insert("type".into(), (_get_form_type(stringify!($ty))).into());
element.insert("doc".into(), (_get_doc(concat!($($doc),+))).into());
element.insert("overridden".into(), (overridden.contains(&paste::paste!(stringify!([<$name:upper>])).into())).into());
pub fn get_support_json(&self) -> serde_json::Value {
// Define which config keys need to be masked.
// Pass types will always be masked and no need to put them in the list.
// Besides Pass, only String types will be masked via _privacy_mask.
const PRIVACY_CONFIG: &[&str] = &[
let cfg = {
let inner = &self.inner.read().unwrap();
/// We map over the string and remove all alphanumeric, _ and - characters.
/// This is the fastest way (within micro-seconds) instead of using a regex (which takes mili-seconds)
fn _privacy_mask(value: &str) -> String {
let mut n: u16 = 0;
let mut colon_match = false;
.map(|c| {
n += 1;
match c {
':' if n <= 11 => {
colon_match = true;
'/' if n <= 13 && colon_match => c,
',' => c,
_ => '*',
let mut json = serde_json::Map::new();
json.insert(stringify!($name).into(), make_config!{ @supportstr $name, cfg.$name, $ty, $none_action });
pub fn get_overrides(&self) -> Vec<String> {
let overrides = {
let inner = &self.inner.read().unwrap();
// Support string print
( @supportstr $name:ident, $value:expr, Pass, option ) => { serde_json::to_value($value.as_ref().map(|_| String::from("***"))).unwrap() }; // Optional pass, we map to an Option<String> with "***"
( @supportstr $name:ident, $value:expr, Pass, $none_action:ident ) => { "***".into() }; // Required pass, we return "***"
( @supportstr $name:ident, $value:expr, String, option ) => { // Optional other value, we return as is or convert to string to apply the privacy config
if PRIVACY_CONFIG.contains(&stringify!($name)) {
serde_json::to_value($value.as_ref().map(|x| _privacy_mask(x) )).unwrap()
} else {
( @supportstr $name:ident, $value:expr, String, $none_action:ident ) => { // Required other value, we return as is or convert to string to apply the privacy config
if PRIVACY_CONFIG.contains(&stringify!($name)) {
} else {
( @supportstr $name:ident, $value:expr, $ty:ty, option ) => { serde_json::to_value($value).unwrap() }; // Optional other value, we return as is or convert to string to apply the privacy config
( @supportstr $name:ident, $value:expr, $ty:ty, $none_action:ident ) => { ($value).into() }; // Required other value, we return as is or convert to string to apply the privacy config
// Group or empty string
( @show ) => { "" };
( @show $lit:literal ) => { $lit };
// Wrap the optionals in an Option type
( @type $ty:ty, option) => { Option<$ty> };
( @type $ty:ty, $id:ident) => { $ty };
// Generate the values depending on none_action
( @build $value:expr, $config:expr, option, ) => { $value };
( @build $value:expr, $config:expr, def, $default:expr ) => { $value.unwrap_or($default) };
( @build $value:expr, $config:expr, auto, $default_fn:expr ) => {{
match $value {
Some(v) => v,
None => {
let f: &dyn Fn(&ConfigItems) -> _ = &$default_fn;
( @build $value:expr, $config:expr, gen, $default_fn:expr ) => {{
let f: &dyn Fn(&ConfigItems) -> _ = &$default_fn;
( @getenv $name:expr, bool ) => { get_env_bool($name) };
( @getenv $name:expr, $ty:ident ) => { get_env($name) };
// /// Short description (without this they won't appear on the list)
// group {
// /// Friendly Name |> Description (Optional)
// name: type, is_editable, action, <default_value (Optional)>
// }
// Where action applied when the value wasn't provided and can be:
// def: Use a default value
// auto: Value is auto generated based on other values
// option: Value is optional
// gen: Value is always autogenerated and it's original value ignored
make_config! {
folders {
/// Data folder |> Main data folder
data_folder: String, false, def, "data".to_string();
/// Database URL
database_url: String, false, auto, |c| format!("{}/{}", c.data_folder, "db.sqlite3");
/// Icon cache folder
icon_cache_folder: String, false, auto, |c| format!("{}/{}", c.data_folder, "icon_cache");
/// Attachments folder
attachments_folder: String, false, auto, |c| format!("{}/{}", c.data_folder, "attachments");
/// Sends folder
sends_folder: String, false, auto, |c| format!("{}/{}", c.data_folder, "sends");
/// Temp folder |> Used for storing temporary file uploads
tmp_folder: String, false, auto, |c| format!("{}/{}", c.data_folder, "tmp");
/// Templates folder
templates_folder: String, false, auto, |c| format!("{}/{}", c.data_folder, "templates");
/// Session JWT key
rsa_key_filename: String, false, auto, |c| format!("{}/{}", c.data_folder, "rsa_key");
/// Web vault folder
web_vault_folder: String, false, def, "web-vault/".to_string();
ws {
/// Enable websocket notifications
enable_websocket: bool, false, def, true;
push {
/// Enable push notifications
push_enabled: bool, false, def, false;
/// Push relay uri
push_relay_uri: String, false, def, "https://push.bitwarden.com".to_string();
/// Push identity uri
push_identity_uri: String, false, def, "https://identity.bitwarden.com".to_string();
/// Installation id |> The installation id from https://bitwarden.com/host
push_installation_id: Pass, false, def, String::new();
/// Installation key |> The installation key from https://bitwarden.com/host
push_installation_key: Pass, false, def, String::new();
jobs {
/// Job scheduler poll interval |> How often the job scheduler thread checks for jobs to run.
/// Set to 0 to globally disable scheduled jobs.
job_poll_interval_ms: u64, false, def, 30_000;
/// Send purge schedule |> Cron schedule of the job that checks for Sends past their deletion date.
/// Defaults to hourly. Set blank to disable this job.
send_purge_schedule: String, false, def, "0 5 * * * *".to_string();
/// Trash purge schedule |> Cron schedule of the job that checks for trashed items to delete permanently.
/// Defaults to daily. Set blank to disable this job.
trash_purge_schedule: String, false, def, "0 5 0 * * *".to_string();
/// Incomplete 2FA login schedule |> Cron schedule of the job that checks for incomplete 2FA logins.
/// Defaults to once every minute. Set blank to disable this job.
incomplete_2fa_schedule: String, false, def, "30 * * * * *".to_string();
/// Emergency notification reminder schedule |> Cron schedule of the job that sends expiration reminders to emergency access grantors.
/// Defaults to hourly. (3 minutes after the hour) Set blank to disable this job.
emergency_notification_reminder_schedule: String, false, def, "0 3 * * * *".to_string();
/// Emergency request timeout schedule |> Cron schedule of the job that grants emergency access requests that have met the required wait time.
/// Defaults to hourly. (7 minutes after the hour) Set blank to disable this job.
emergency_request_timeout_schedule: String, false, def, "0 7 * * * *".to_string();
/// Event cleanup schedule |> Cron schedule of the job that cleans old events from the event table.
/// Defaults to daily. Set blank to disable this job.
event_cleanup_schedule: String, false, def, "0 10 0 * * *".to_string();
/// Auth Request cleanup schedule |> Cron schedule of the job that cleans old auth requests from the auth request.
/// Defaults to every minute. Set blank to disable this job.
auth_request_purge_schedule: String, false, def, "30 * * * * *".to_string();
/// Duo Auth context cleanup schedule |> Cron schedule of the job that cleans expired Duo contexts from the database. Does nothing if Duo MFA is disabled or set to use the legacy iframe prompt.
/// Defaults to once every minute. Set blank to disable this job.
duo_context_purge_schedule: String, false, def, "30 * * * * *".to_string();
/// General settings
settings {
/// Domain URL |> This needs to be set to the URL used to access the server, including 'http[s]://'
/// and port, if it's different than the default. Some server functions don't work correctly without this value
domain: String, true, def, "http://localhost".to_string();
/// Domain Set |> Indicates if the domain is set by the admin. Otherwise the default will be used.
domain_set: bool, false, def, false;
/// Domain origin |> Domain URL origin (in https://example.com:8443/path, https://example.com:8443 is the origin)
domain_origin: String, false, auto, |c| extract_url_origin(&c.domain);
/// Domain path |> Domain URL path (in https://example.com:8443/path, /path is the path)
domain_path: String, false, auto, |c| extract_url_path(&c.domain);
/// Enable web vault
web_vault_enabled: bool, false, def, true;
/// Allow Sends |> Controls whether users are allowed to create Bitwarden Sends.
/// This setting applies globally to all users. To control this on a per-org basis instead, use the "Disable Send" org policy.
sends_allowed: bool, true, def, true;
/// HIBP Api Key |> HaveIBeenPwned API Key, request it here: https://haveibeenpwned.com/API/Key
hibp_api_key: Pass, true, option;
/// Per-user attachment storage limit (KB) |> Max kilobytes of attachment storage allowed per user. When this limit is reached, the user will not be allowed to upload further attachments.
user_attachment_limit: i64, true, option;
/// Per-organization attachment storage limit (KB) |> Max kilobytes of attachment storage allowed per org. When this limit is reached, org members will not be allowed to upload further attachments for ciphers owned by that org.
org_attachment_limit: i64, true, option;
/// Per-user send storage limit (KB) |> Max kilobytes of sends storage allowed per user. When this limit is reached, the user will not be allowed to upload further sends.
user_send_limit: i64, true, option;
/// Trash auto-delete days |> Number of days to wait before auto-deleting a trashed item.
/// If unset, trashed items are not auto-deleted. This setting applies globally, so make
/// sure to inform all users of any changes to this setting.
trash_auto_delete_days: i64, true, option;
/// Incomplete 2FA time limit |> Number of minutes to wait before a 2FA-enabled login is
/// considered incomplete, resulting in an email notification. An incomplete 2FA login is one
/// where the correct master password was provided but the required 2FA step was not completed,
/// which potentially indicates a master password compromise. Set to 0 to disable this check.
/// This setting applies globally to all users.
incomplete_2fa_time_limit: i64, true, def, 3;
/// Disable icon downloads |> Set to true to disable icon downloading in the internal icon service.
/// This still serves existing icons from $ICON_CACHE_FOLDER, without generating any external
/// network requests. $ICON_CACHE_TTL must also be set to 0; otherwise, the existing icons
/// will be deleted eventually, but won't be downloaded again.
disable_icon_download: bool, true, def, false;
/// Allow new signups |> Controls whether new users can register. Users can be invited by the vaultwarden admin even if this is disabled
signups_allowed: bool, true, def, true;
/// Require email verification on signups. This will prevent logins from succeeding until the address has been verified
signups_verify: bool, true, def, false;
/// If signups require email verification, automatically re-send verification email if it hasn't been sent for a while (in seconds)
signups_verify_resend_time: u64, true, def, 3_600;
/// If signups require email verification, limit how many emails are automatically sent when login is attempted (0 means no limit)
signups_verify_resend_limit: u32, true, def, 6;
/// Email domain whitelist |> Allow signups only from this list of comma-separated domains, even when signups are otherwise disabled
signups_domains_whitelist: String, true, def, String::new();
/// Enable event logging |> Enables event logging for organizations.
org_events_enabled: bool, false, def, false;
/// Org creation users |> Allow org creation only by this list of comma-separated user emails.
/// Blank or 'all' means all users can create orgs; 'none' means no users can create orgs.
org_creation_users: String, true, def, String::new();
/// Allow invitations |> Controls whether users can be invited by organization admins, even when signups are otherwise disabled
invitations_allowed: bool, true, def, true;
/// Invitation token expiration time (in hours) |> The number of hours after which an organization invite token, emergency access invite token,
/// email verification token and deletion request token will expire (must be at least 1)
invitation_expiration_hours: u32, false, def, 120;
/// Enable emergency access |> Controls whether users can enable emergency access to their accounts. This setting applies globally to all users.
emergency_access_allowed: bool, true, def, true;
/// Allow email change |> Controls whether users can change their email. This setting applies globally to all users.
email_change_allowed: bool, true, def, true;
/// Password iterations |> Number of server-side passwords hashing iterations for the password hash.
/// The default for new users. If changed, it will be updated during login for existing users.
password_iterations: i32, true, def, 600_000;
/// Allow password hints |> Controls whether users can set password hints. This setting applies globally to all users.
password_hints_allowed: bool, true, def, true;
/// Show password hint |> Controls whether a password hint should be shown directly in the web page
/// if SMTP service is not configured. Not recommended for publicly-accessible instances as this
/// provides unauthenticated access to potentially sensitive data.
show_password_hint: bool, true, def, false;
/// Admin token/Argon2 PHC |> The plain text token or Argon2 PHC string used to authenticate in this very same page. Changing it here will not deauthorize the current session!
admin_token: Pass, true, option;
/// Invitation organization name |> Name shown in the invitation emails that don't come from a specific organization
invitation_org_name: String, true, def, "Vaultwarden".to_string();
/// Events days retain |> Number of days to retain events stored in the database. If unset, events are kept indefinitely.
events_days_retain: i64, false, option;
/// Advanced settings
advanced {
/// Client IP header |> If not present, the remote IP is used.
/// Set to the string "none" (without quotes), to disable any headers and just use the remote IP
ip_header: String, true, def, "X-Real-IP".to_string();
/// Internal IP header property, used to avoid recomputing each time
_ip_header_enabled: bool, false, gen, |c| &c.ip_header.trim().to_lowercase() != "none";
/// Icon service |> The predefined icon services are: internal, bitwarden, duckduckgo, google.
/// To specify a custom icon service, set a URL template with exactly one instance of `{}`,
/// which is replaced with the domain. For example: `https://icon.example.com/domain/{}`.
/// `internal` refers to Vaultwarden's built-in icon fetching implementation. If an external
/// service is set, an icon request to Vaultwarden will return an HTTP redirect to the
/// corresponding icon at the external service.
icon_service: String, false, def, "internal".to_string();
/// _icon_service_url
_icon_service_url: String, false, gen, |c| generate_icon_service_url(&c.icon_service);
/// _icon_service_csp
_icon_service_csp: String, false, gen, |c| generate_icon_service_csp(&c.icon_service, &c._icon_service_url);
/// Icon redirect code |> The HTTP status code to use for redirects to an external icon service.
/// The supported codes are 301 (legacy permanent), 302 (legacy temporary), 307 (temporary), and 308 (permanent).
/// Temporary redirects are useful while testing different icon services, but once a service
/// has been decided on, consider using permanent redirects for cacheability. The legacy codes
/// are currently better supported by the Bitwarden clients.
icon_redirect_code: u32, true, def, 302;
/// Positive icon cache expiry |> Number of seconds to consider that an already cached icon is fresh. After this period, the icon will be refreshed
icon_cache_ttl: u64, true, def, 2_592_000;
/// Negative icon cache expiry |> Number of seconds before trying to download an icon that failed again.
icon_cache_negttl: u64, true, def, 259_200;
/// Icon download timeout |> Number of seconds when to stop attempting to download an icon.
icon_download_timeout: u64, true, def, 10;
/// [Deprecated] Icon blacklist Regex |> Use `http_request_block_regex` instead
icon_blacklist_regex: String, false, option;
/// [Deprecated] Icon blacklist non global IPs |> Use `http_request_block_non_global_ips` instead
icon_blacklist_non_global_ips: bool, false, def, true;
/// Block HTTP domains/IPs by Regex |> Any domains or IPs that match this regex won't be fetched by the internal HTTP client.
/// Useful to hide other servers in the local network. Check the WIKI for more details
http_request_block_regex: String, true, option;
/// Block non global IPs |> Enabling this will cause the internal HTTP client to refuse to connect to any non global IP address.
/// Useful to secure your internal environment: See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reserved_IP_addresses for a list of IPs which it will block
http_request_block_non_global_ips: bool, true, auto, |c| c.icon_blacklist_non_global_ips;
/// Disable Two-Factor remember |> Enabling this would force the users to use a second factor to login every time.
/// Note that the checkbox would still be present, but ignored.
disable_2fa_remember: bool, true, def, false;
/// Disable authenticator time drifted codes to be valid |> Enabling this only allows the current TOTP code to be valid
/// TOTP codes of the previous and next 30 seconds will be invalid.
authenticator_disable_time_drift: bool, true, def, false;
/// Customize the enabled feature flags on the clients |> This is a comma separated list of feature flags to enable.
experimental_client_feature_flags: String, false, def, "fido2-vault-credentials".to_string();
/// Require new device emails |> When a user logs in an email is required to be sent.
/// If sending the email fails the login attempt will fail.
require_device_email: bool, true, def, false;
/// Reload templates (Dev) |> When this is set to true, the templates get reloaded with every request.
/// ONLY use this during development, as it can slow down the server
reload_templates: bool, true, def, false;
/// Enable extended logging
extended_logging: bool, false, def, true;
/// Log timestamp format
log_timestamp_format: String, true, def, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%3f".to_string();
/// Enable the log to output to Syslog
use_syslog: bool, false, def, false;
/// Log file path
log_file: String, false, option;
/// Log level |> Valid values are "trace", "debug", "info", "warn", "error" and "off"
/// For a specific module append it as a comma separated value "info,path::to::module=debug"
log_level: String, false, def, "info".to_string();
/// Enable DB WAL |> Turning this off might lead to worse performance, but might help if using vaultwarden on some exotic filesystems,
/// that do not support WAL. Please make sure you read project wiki on the topic before changing this setting.
enable_db_wal: bool, false, def, true;
/// Max database connection retries |> Number of times to retry the database connection during startup, with 1 second between each retry, set to 0 to retry indefinitely
db_connection_retries: u32, false, def, 15;
/// Timeout when acquiring database connection
database_timeout: u64, false, def, 30;
/// Database connection pool size
database_max_conns: u32, false, def, 10;
/// Database connection init |> SQL statements to run when creating a new database connection, mainly useful for connection-scoped pragmas. If empty, a database-specific default is used.
database_conn_init: String, false, def, String::new();
/// Bypass admin page security (Know the risks!) |> Disables the Admin Token for the admin page so you may use your own auth in-front
disable_admin_token: bool, false, def, false;
/// Allowed iframe ancestors (Know the risks!) |> Allows other domains to embed the web vault into an iframe, useful for embedding into secure intranets
allowed_iframe_ancestors: String, true, def, String::new();
/// Seconds between login requests |> Number of seconds, on average, between login and 2FA requests from the same IP address before rate limiting kicks in
login_ratelimit_seconds: u64, false, def, 60;
/// Max burst size for login requests |> Allow a burst of requests of up to this size, while maintaining the average indicated by `login_ratelimit_seconds`. Note that this applies to both the login and the 2FA, so it's recommended to allow a burst size of at least 2
login_ratelimit_max_burst: u32, false, def, 10;
/// Seconds between admin login requests |> Number of seconds, on average, between admin requests from the same IP address before rate limiting kicks in
admin_ratelimit_seconds: u64, false, def, 300;
/// Max burst size for admin login requests |> Allow a burst of requests of up to this size, while maintaining the average indicated by `admin_ratelimit_seconds`
admin_ratelimit_max_burst: u32, false, def, 3;
/// Admin session lifetime |> Set the lifetime of admin sessions to this value (in minutes).
admin_session_lifetime: i64, true, def, 20;
/// Enable groups (BETA!) (Know the risks!) |> Enables groups support for organizations (Currently contains known issues!).
org_groups_enabled: bool, false, def, false;
/// Increase note size limit (Know the risks!) |> Sets the secure note size limit to 100_000 instead of the default 10_000.
/// WARNING: This could cause issues with clients. Also exports will not work on Bitwarden servers!
increase_note_size_limit: bool, true, def, false;
/// Generated max_note_size value to prevent if..else matching during every check
_max_note_size: usize, false, gen, |c| if c.increase_note_size_limit {100_000} else {10_000};
/// Enforce Single Org with Reset Password Policy |> Enforce that the Single Org policy is enabled before setting the Reset Password policy
/// Bitwarden enforces this by default. In Vaultwarden we encouraged to use multiple organizations because groups were not available.
/// Setting this to true will enforce the Single Org Policy to be enabled before you can enable the Reset Password policy.
enforce_single_org_with_reset_pw_policy: bool, false, def, false;
/// Yubikey settings
yubico: _enable_yubico {
/// Enabled
_enable_yubico: bool, true, def, true;
/// Client ID
yubico_client_id: String, true, option;
/// Secret Key
yubico_secret_key: Pass, true, option;
/// Server
yubico_server: String, true, option;
/// Global Duo settings (Note that users can override them)
duo: _enable_duo {
/// Enabled
_enable_duo: bool, true, def, true;
/// Attempt to use deprecated iframe-based Traditional Prompt (Duo WebSDK 2)
duo_use_iframe: bool, false, def, false;
/// Integration Key
duo_ikey: String, true, option;
/// Secret Key
duo_skey: Pass, true, option;
/// Host
duo_host: String, true, option;
/// Application Key (generated automatically)
_duo_akey: Pass, false, option;
/// SMTP Email Settings
smtp: _enable_smtp {
/// Enabled
_enable_smtp: bool, true, def, true;
/// Use Sendmail |> Whether to send mail via the `sendmail` command
use_sendmail: bool, true, def, false;
/// Sendmail Command |> Which sendmail command to use. The one found in the $PATH is used if not specified.
sendmail_command: String, true, option;
/// Host
smtp_host: String, true, option;
smtp_ssl: bool, false, option;
/// DEPRECATED smtp_explicit_tls |> DEPRECATED - Please use SMTP_SECURITY
smtp_explicit_tls: bool, false, option;
/// Secure SMTP |> ("starttls", "force_tls", "off") Enable a secure connection. Default is "starttls" (Explicit - ports 587 or 25), "force_tls" (Implicit - port 465) or "off", no encryption
smtp_security: String, true, auto, |c| smtp_convert_deprecated_ssl_options(c.smtp_ssl, c.smtp_explicit_tls); // TODO: After deprecation make it `def, "starttls".to_string()`
/// Port
smtp_port: u16, true, auto, |c| if c.smtp_security == *"force_tls" {465} else if c.smtp_security == *"starttls" {587} else {25};
/// From Address
smtp_from: String, true, def, String::new();
/// From Name
smtp_from_name: String, true, def, "Vaultwarden".to_string();
/// Username
smtp_username: String, true, option;
/// Password
smtp_password: Pass, true, option;
/// SMTP Auth mechanism |> Defaults for SSL is "Plain" and "Login" and nothing for Non-SSL connections. Possible values: ["Plain", "Login", "Xoauth2"]. Multiple options need to be separated by a comma ','.
smtp_auth_mechanism: String, true, option;
/// SMTP connection timeout |> Number of seconds when to stop trying to connect to the SMTP server
smtp_timeout: u64, true, def, 15;
/// Server name sent during HELO |> By default this value should be is on the machine's hostname, but might need to be changed in case it trips some anti-spam filters
helo_name: String, true, option;
/// Embed images as email attachments.
smtp_embed_images: bool, true, def, true;
/// _smtp_img_src
_smtp_img_src: String, false, gen, |c| generate_smtp_img_src(c.smtp_embed_images, &c.domain);
/// Enable SMTP debugging (Know the risks!) |> DANGEROUS: Enabling this will output very detailed SMTP messages. This could contain sensitive information like passwords and usernames! Only enable this during troubleshooting!
smtp_debug: bool, false, def, false;
/// Accept Invalid Certs (Know the risks!) |> DANGEROUS: Allow invalid certificates. This option introduces significant vulnerabilities to man-in-the-middle attacks!
smtp_accept_invalid_certs: bool, true, def, false;
/// Accept Invalid Hostnames (Know the risks!) |> DANGEROUS: Allow invalid hostnames. This option introduces significant vulnerabilities to man-in-the-middle attacks!
smtp_accept_invalid_hostnames: bool, true, def, false;
/// Email 2FA Settings
email_2fa: _enable_email_2fa {
/// Enabled |> Disabling will prevent users from setting up new email 2FA and using existing email 2FA configured
_enable_email_2fa: bool, true, auto, |c| c._enable_smtp && (c.smtp_host.is_some() || c.use_sendmail);
/// Email token size |> Number of digits in an email 2FA token (min: 6, max: 255). Note that the Bitwarden clients are hardcoded to mention 6 digit codes regardless of this setting.
email_token_size: u8, true, def, 6;
/// Token expiration time |> Maximum time in seconds a token is valid. The time the user has to open email client and copy token.
email_expiration_time: u64, true, def, 600;
/// Maximum attempts |> Maximum attempts before an email token is reset and a new email will need to be sent
email_attempts_limit: u64, true, def, 3;
/// Automatically enforce at login |> Setup email 2FA provider regardless of any organization policy
email_2fa_enforce_on_verified_invite: bool, true, def, false;
/// Auto-enable 2FA (Know the risks!) |> Automatically setup email 2FA as fallback provider when needed
email_2fa_auto_fallback: bool, true, def, false;
fn validate_config(cfg: &ConfigItems) -> Result<(), Error> {
// Validate connection URL is valid and DB feature is enabled
let url = &cfg.database_url;
if DbConnType::from_url(url)? == DbConnType::sqlite && url.contains('/') {
let path = std::path::Path::new(&url);
if let Some(parent) = path.parent() {
if !parent.is_dir() {
err!(format!("SQLite database directory `{}` does not exist or is not a directory", parent.display()));
if cfg.password_iterations < 100_000 {
err!("PASSWORD_ITERATIONS should be at least 100000 or higher. The default is 600000!");
let limit = 256;
if cfg.database_max_conns < 1 || cfg.database_max_conns > limit {
err!(format!("`DATABASE_MAX_CONNS` contains an invalid value. Ensure it is between 1 and {limit}.",));
if let Some(log_file) = &cfg.log_file {
if std::fs::OpenOptions::new().append(true).create(true).open(log_file).is_err() {
err!("Unable to write to log file", log_file);
let dom = cfg.domain.to_lowercase();
if !dom.starts_with("http://") && !dom.starts_with("https://") {
"DOMAIN variable needs to contain the protocol (http, https). Use 'http[s]://bw.example.com' instead of 'bw.example.com'"
let whitelist = &cfg.signups_domains_whitelist;
if !whitelist.is_empty() && whitelist.split(',').any(|d| d.trim().is_empty()) {
err!("`SIGNUPS_DOMAINS_WHITELIST` contains empty tokens");
let org_creation_users = cfg.org_creation_users.trim().to_lowercase();
if !(org_creation_users.is_empty() || org_creation_users == "all" || org_creation_users == "none")
&& org_creation_users.split(',').any(|u| !u.contains('@'))
err!("`ORG_CREATION_USERS` contains invalid email addresses");
if let Some(ref token) = cfg.admin_token {
if token.trim().is_empty() && !cfg.disable_admin_token {
println!("[WARNING] `ADMIN_TOKEN` is enabled but has an empty value, so the admin page will be disabled.");
println!("[WARNING] To enable the admin page without a token, use `DISABLE_ADMIN_TOKEN`.");
if cfg.push_enabled && (cfg.push_installation_id == String::new() || cfg.push_installation_key == String::new()) {
"Misconfigured Push Notification service\n\
# It looks like you enabled Push Notification feature, but didn't configure it #\n\
# properly. Make sure the installation id and key from https://bitwarden.com/host are #\n\
# added to your configuration. #\n\
if cfg.push_enabled {
let push_relay_uri = cfg.push_relay_uri.to_lowercase();
if !push_relay_uri.starts_with("https://") {
err!("`PUSH_RELAY_URI` must start with 'https://'.")
if Url::parse(&push_relay_uri).is_err() {
err!("Invalid URL format for `PUSH_RELAY_URI`.");
let push_identity_uri = cfg.push_identity_uri.to_lowercase();
if !push_identity_uri.starts_with("https://") {
err!("`PUSH_IDENTITY_URI` must start with 'https://'.")
if Url::parse(&push_identity_uri).is_err() {
err!("Invalid URL format for `PUSH_IDENTITY_URI`.");
// TODO: deal with deprecated flags so they can be removed from this list, cf. #4263
const KNOWN_FLAGS: &[&str] =
&["autofill-overlay", "autofill-v2", "browser-fileless-import", "fido2-vault-credentials"];
let configured_flags = parse_experimental_client_feature_flags(&cfg.experimental_client_feature_flags);
let invalid_flags: Vec<_> = configured_flags.keys().filter(|flag| !KNOWN_FLAGS.contains(&flag.as_str())).collect();
if !invalid_flags.is_empty() {
err!(format!("Unrecognized experimental client feature flags: {invalid_flags:?}.\n\n\
Please ensure all feature flags are spelled correctly and that they are supported in this version.\n\
Supported flags: {KNOWN_FLAGS:?}"));
const MAX_FILESIZE_KB: i64 = i64::MAX >> 10;
if let Some(limit) = cfg.user_attachment_limit {
if !(0i64..=MAX_FILESIZE_KB).contains(&limit) {
err!("`USER_ATTACHMENT_LIMIT` is out of bounds");
if let Some(limit) = cfg.org_attachment_limit {
if !(0i64..=MAX_FILESIZE_KB).contains(&limit) {
err!("`ORG_ATTACHMENT_LIMIT` is out of bounds");
if let Some(limit) = cfg.user_send_limit {
if !(0i64..=MAX_FILESIZE_KB).contains(&limit) {
err!("`USER_SEND_LIMIT` is out of bounds");
if cfg._enable_duo
&& (cfg.duo_host.is_some() || cfg.duo_ikey.is_some() || cfg.duo_skey.is_some())
&& !(cfg.duo_host.is_some() && cfg.duo_ikey.is_some() && cfg.duo_skey.is_some())
err!("All Duo options need to be set for global Duo support")
if cfg._enable_yubico {
if cfg.yubico_client_id.is_some() != cfg.yubico_secret_key.is_some() {
err!("Both `YUBICO_CLIENT_ID` and `YUBICO_SECRET_KEY` must be set for Yubikey OTP support")
if let Some(yubico_server) = &cfg.yubico_server {
let yubico_server = yubico_server.to_lowercase();
if !yubico_server.starts_with("https://") {
err!("`YUBICO_SERVER` must be a valid URL and start with 'https://'. Either unset this variable or provide a valid URL.")
if cfg._enable_smtp {
match cfg.smtp_security.as_str() {
"off" | "starttls" | "force_tls" => (),
_ => err!(
"`SMTP_SECURITY` is invalid. It needs to be one of the following options: starttls, force_tls or off"
if cfg.use_sendmail {
let command = cfg.sendmail_command.clone().unwrap_or_else(|| format!("sendmail{EXE_SUFFIX}"));
let mut path = std::path::PathBuf::from(&command);
if !path.is_absolute() {
match which::which(&command) {
Ok(result) => path = result,
Err(_) => err!(format!("sendmail command {command:?} not found in $PATH")),
match path.metadata() {
Err(err) if err.kind() == std::io::ErrorKind::NotFound => {
err!(format!("sendmail command not found at `{path:?}`"))
Err(err) => {
err!(format!("failed to access sendmail command at `{path:?}`: {err}"))
Ok(metadata) => {
if metadata.is_dir() {
err!(format!("sendmail command at `{path:?}` isn't a directory"));
use std::os::unix::fs::PermissionsExt;
if !metadata.permissions().mode() & 0o111 != 0 {
err!(format!("sendmail command at `{path:?}` isn't executable"));
} else {
if cfg.smtp_host.is_some() == cfg.smtp_from.is_empty() {
err!("Both `SMTP_HOST` and `SMTP_FROM` need to be set for email support without `USE_SENDMAIL`")
if cfg.smtp_username.is_some() != cfg.smtp_password.is_some() {
err!("Both `SMTP_USERNAME` and `SMTP_PASSWORD` need to be set to enable email authentication without `USE_SENDMAIL`")
if (cfg.smtp_host.is_some() || cfg.use_sendmail) && !cfg.smtp_from.contains('@') {
err!("SMTP_FROM does not contain a mandatory @ sign")
if cfg._enable_email_2fa && cfg.email_token_size < 6 {
err!("`EMAIL_TOKEN_SIZE` has a minimum size of 6")
if cfg._enable_email_2fa && !(cfg.smtp_host.is_some() || cfg.use_sendmail) {
err!("To enable email 2FA, a mail transport must be configured")
if !cfg._enable_email_2fa && cfg.email_2fa_enforce_on_verified_invite {
err!("To enforce email 2FA on verified invitations, email 2fa has to be enabled!");
if !cfg._enable_email_2fa && cfg.email_2fa_auto_fallback {
err!("To use email 2FA as automatic fallback, email 2fa has to be enabled!");
// Check if the HTTP request block regex is valid
if let Some(ref r) = cfg.http_request_block_regex {
let validate_regex = regex::Regex::new(r);
match validate_regex {
Ok(_) => (),
Err(e) => err!(format!("`HTTP_REQUEST_BLOCK_REGEX` is invalid: {e:#?}")),
// Check if the icon service is valid
let icon_service = cfg.icon_service.as_str();
match icon_service {
"internal" | "bitwarden" | "duckduckgo" | "google" => (),
_ => {
if !icon_service.starts_with("http") {
err!(format!("Icon service URL `{icon_service}` must start with \"http\""))
match icon_service.matches("{}").count() {
1 => (), // nominal
0 => err!(format!("Icon service URL `{icon_service}` has no placeholder \"{{}}\"")),
_ => err!(format!("Icon service URL `{icon_service}` has more than one placeholder \"{{}}\"")),
// Check if the icon redirect code is valid
match cfg.icon_redirect_code {
301 | 302 | 307 | 308 => (),
_ => err!("Only HTTP 301/302 and 307/308 redirects are supported"),
if cfg.invitation_expiration_hours < 1 {
err!("`INVITATION_EXPIRATION_HOURS` has a minimum duration of 1 hour")
// Validate schedule crontab format
if !cfg.send_purge_schedule.is_empty() && cfg.send_purge_schedule.parse::<Schedule>().is_err() {
err!("`SEND_PURGE_SCHEDULE` is not a valid cron expression")
if !cfg.trash_purge_schedule.is_empty() && cfg.trash_purge_schedule.parse::<Schedule>().is_err() {
err!("`TRASH_PURGE_SCHEDULE` is not a valid cron expression")
if !cfg.incomplete_2fa_schedule.is_empty() && cfg.incomplete_2fa_schedule.parse::<Schedule>().is_err() {
err!("`INCOMPLETE_2FA_SCHEDULE` is not a valid cron expression")
if !cfg.emergency_notification_reminder_schedule.is_empty()
&& cfg.emergency_notification_reminder_schedule.parse::<Schedule>().is_err()
err!("`EMERGENCY_NOTIFICATION_REMINDER_SCHEDULE` is not a valid cron expression")
if !cfg.emergency_request_timeout_schedule.is_empty()
&& cfg.emergency_request_timeout_schedule.parse::<Schedule>().is_err()
err!("`EMERGENCY_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_SCHEDULE` is not a valid cron expression")
if !cfg.event_cleanup_schedule.is_empty() && cfg.event_cleanup_schedule.parse::<Schedule>().is_err() {
err!("`EVENT_CLEANUP_SCHEDULE` is not a valid cron expression")
if !cfg.auth_request_purge_schedule.is_empty() && cfg.auth_request_purge_schedule.parse::<Schedule>().is_err() {
err!("`AUTH_REQUEST_PURGE_SCHEDULE` is not a valid cron expression")
if !cfg.disable_admin_token {
match cfg.admin_token.as_ref() {
Some(t) if t.starts_with("$argon2") => {
if let Err(e) = argon2::password_hash::PasswordHash::new(t) {
err!(format!("The configured Argon2 PHC in `ADMIN_TOKEN` is invalid: '{e}'"))
Some(_) => {
"[NOTICE] You are using a plain text `ADMIN_TOKEN` which is insecure.\n\
Please generate a secure Argon2 PHC string by using `vaultwarden hash` or `argon2`.\n\
See: https://github.com/dani-garcia/vaultwarden/wiki/Enabling-admin-page#secure-the-admin_token\n"
_ => {}
if cfg.increase_note_size_limit {
println!("[WARNING] Secure Note size limit is increased to 100_000!");
println!("[WARNING] This could cause issues with clients. Also exports will not work on Bitwarden servers!.");
/// Extracts an RFC 6454 web origin from a URL.
fn extract_url_origin(url: &str) -> String {
match Url::parse(url) {
Ok(u) => u.origin().ascii_serialization(),
Err(e) => {
println!("Error validating domain: {e}");
/// Extracts the path from a URL.
/// All trailing '/' chars are trimmed, even if the path is a lone '/'.
fn extract_url_path(url: &str) -> String {
match Url::parse(url) {
Ok(u) => u.path().trim_end_matches('/').to_string(),
Err(_) => {
// We already print it in the method above, no need to do it again
fn generate_smtp_img_src(embed_images: bool, domain: &str) -> String {
if embed_images {
} else {
/// Generate the correct URL for the icon service.
/// This will be used within icons.rs to call the external icon service.
fn generate_icon_service_url(icon_service: &str) -> String {
match icon_service {
"internal" => String::new(),
"bitwarden" => "https://icons.bitwarden.net/{}/icon.png".to_string(),
"duckduckgo" => "https://icons.duckduckgo.com/ip3/{}.ico".to_string(),
"google" => "https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?domain={}&sz=32".to_string(),
_ => icon_service.to_string(),
/// Generate the CSP string needed to allow redirected icon fetching
fn generate_icon_service_csp(icon_service: &str, icon_service_url: &str) -> String {
// We split on the first '{', since that is the variable delimiter for an icon service URL.
// Everything up until the first '{' should be fixed and can be used as an CSP string.
let csp_string = match icon_service_url.split_once('{') {
Some((c, _)) => c.to_string(),
None => String::new(),
// Because Google does a second redirect to there gstatic.com domain, we need to add an extra csp string.
match icon_service {
"google" => csp_string + " https://*.gstatic.com/favicon",
_ => csp_string,
/// Convert the old SMTP_SSL and SMTP_EXPLICIT_TLS options
fn smtp_convert_deprecated_ssl_options(smtp_ssl: Option<bool>, smtp_explicit_tls: Option<bool>) -> String {
if smtp_explicit_tls.is_some() || smtp_ssl.is_some() {
println!("[DEPRECATED]: `SMTP_SSL` or `SMTP_EXPLICIT_TLS` is set. Please use `SMTP_SECURITY` instead.");
if smtp_explicit_tls.is_some() && smtp_explicit_tls.unwrap() {
return "force_tls".to_string();
} else if smtp_ssl.is_some() && !smtp_ssl.unwrap() {
return "off".to_string();
// Return the default `starttls` in all other cases
impl Config {
pub fn load() -> Result<Self, Error> {
// Loading from env and file
let _env = ConfigBuilder::from_env();
let _usr = ConfigBuilder::from_file(&CONFIG_FILE).unwrap_or_default();
// Create merged config, config file overwrites env
let mut _overrides = Vec::new();
let builder = _env.merge(&_usr, true, &mut _overrides);
// Fill any missing with defaults
let config = builder.build();
Ok(Config {
inner: RwLock::new(Inner {
rocket_shutdown_handle: None,
templates: load_templates(&config.templates_folder),
pub fn update_config(&self, other: ConfigBuilder) -> Result<(), Error> {
// Remove default values
//let builder = other.remove(&self.inner.read().unwrap()._env);
// TODO: Remove values that are defaults, above only checks those set by env and not the defaults
let builder = other;
// Serialize now before we consume the builder
let config_str = serde_json::to_string_pretty(&builder)?;
// Prepare the combined config
let mut overrides = Vec::new();
let config = {
let env = &self.inner.read().unwrap()._env;
env.merge(&builder, false, &mut overrides).build()
// Save both the user and the combined config
let mut writer = self.inner.write().unwrap();
writer.config = config;
writer._usr = builder;
writer._overrides = overrides;
//Save to file
use std::{fs::File, io::Write};
let mut file = File::create(&*CONFIG_FILE)?;
fn update_config_partial(&self, other: ConfigBuilder) -> Result<(), Error> {
let builder = {
let usr = &self.inner.read().unwrap()._usr;
let mut _overrides = Vec::new();
usr.merge(&other, false, &mut _overrides)
/// Tests whether an email's domain is allowed. A domain is allowed if it
/// is in signups_domains_whitelist, or if no whitelist is set (so there
/// are no domain restrictions in effect).
pub fn is_email_domain_allowed(&self, email: &str) -> bool {
let e: Vec<&str> = email.rsplitn(2, '@').collect();
if e.len() != 2 || e[0].is_empty() || e[1].is_empty() {
warn!("Failed to parse email address '{}'", email);
return false;
let email_domain = e[0].to_lowercase();
let whitelist = self.signups_domains_whitelist();
whitelist.is_empty() || whitelist.split(',').any(|d| d.trim() == email_domain)
/// Tests whether signup is allowed for an email address, taking into
/// account the signups_allowed and signups_domains_whitelist settings.
pub fn is_signup_allowed(&self, email: &str) -> bool {
if !self.signups_domains_whitelist().is_empty() {
// The whitelist setting overrides the signups_allowed setting.
} else {
/// Tests whether the specified user is allowed to create an organization.
pub fn is_org_creation_allowed(&self, email: &str) -> bool {
let users = self.org_creation_users();
if users.is_empty() || users == "all" {
} else if users == "none" {
} else {
let email = email.to_lowercase();
users.split(',').any(|u| u.trim() == email)
pub fn delete_user_config(&self) -> Result<(), Error> {
// Empty user config
let usr = ConfigBuilder::default();
// Config now is env + defaults
let config = {
let env = &self.inner.read().unwrap()._env;
// Save configs
let mut writer = self.inner.write().unwrap();
writer.config = config;
writer._usr = usr;
writer._overrides = Vec::new();
pub fn private_rsa_key(&self) -> String {
format!("{}.pem", CONFIG.rsa_key_filename())
pub fn mail_enabled(&self) -> bool {
let inner = &self.inner.read().unwrap().config;
inner._enable_smtp && (inner.smtp_host.is_some() || inner.use_sendmail)
pub fn get_duo_akey(&self) -> String {
if let Some(akey) = self._duo_akey() {
} else {
let akey_s = crate::crypto::encode_random_bytes::<64>(data_encoding::BASE64);
// Save the new value
let builder = ConfigBuilder {
_duo_akey: Some(akey_s.clone()),
/// Tests whether the admin token is set to a non-empty value.
pub fn is_admin_token_set(&self) -> bool {
let token = self.admin_token();
token.is_some() && !token.unwrap().trim().is_empty()
pub fn render_template<T: serde::ser::Serialize>(
name: &str,
data: &T,
) -> Result<String, crate::error::Error> {
if CONFIG.reload_templates() {
let hb = load_templates(CONFIG.templates_folder());
hb.render(name, data).map_err(Into::into)
} else {
let hb = &CONFIG.inner.read().unwrap().templates;
hb.render(name, data).map_err(Into::into)
pub fn set_rocket_shutdown_handle(&self, handle: rocket::Shutdown) {
self.inner.write().unwrap().rocket_shutdown_handle = Some(handle);
pub fn shutdown(&self) {
if let Ok(mut c) = self.inner.write() {
if let Some(handle) = c.rocket_shutdown_handle.take() {
use handlebars::{
Context, DirectorySourceOptions, Handlebars, Helper, HelperResult, Output, RenderContext, RenderErrorReason,
fn load_templates<P>(path: P) -> Handlebars<'static>
P: AsRef<std::path::Path>,
let mut hb = Handlebars::new();
// Error on missing params
// Register helpers
hb.register_helper("case", Box::new(case_helper));
hb.register_helper("to_json", Box::new(to_json));
macro_rules! reg {
($name:expr) => {{
let template = include_str!(concat!("static/templates/", $name, ".hbs"));
hb.register_template_string($name, template).unwrap();
($name:expr, $ext:expr) => {{
reg!(concat!($name, $ext));
// First register default templates here
reg!("email/admin_reset_password", ".html");
reg!("email/change_email", ".html");
reg!("email/delete_account", ".html");
reg!("email/emergency_access_invite_accepted", ".html");
reg!("email/emergency_access_invite_confirmed", ".html");
reg!("email/emergency_access_recovery_approved", ".html");
reg!("email/emergency_access_recovery_initiated", ".html");
reg!("email/emergency_access_recovery_rejected", ".html");
reg!("email/emergency_access_recovery_reminder", ".html");
reg!("email/emergency_access_recovery_timed_out", ".html");
reg!("email/incomplete_2fa_login", ".html");
reg!("email/invite_accepted", ".html");
reg!("email/invite_confirmed", ".html");
reg!("email/new_device_logged_in", ".html");
reg!("email/protected_action", ".html");
reg!("email/pw_hint_none", ".html");
reg!("email/pw_hint_some", ".html");
reg!("email/send_2fa_removed_from_org", ".html");
reg!("email/send_emergency_access_invite", ".html");
reg!("email/send_org_invite", ".html");
reg!("email/send_single_org_removed_from_org", ".html");
reg!("email/smtp_test", ".html");
reg!("email/twofactor_email", ".html");
reg!("email/verify_email", ".html");
reg!("email/welcome_must_verify", ".html");
reg!("email/welcome", ".html");
// And then load user templates to overwrite the defaults
// Use .hbs extension for the files
// Templates get registered with their relative name
hb.register_templates_directory(path, DirectorySourceOptions::default()).unwrap();
fn case_helper<'reg, 'rc>(
h: &Helper<'rc>,
r: &'reg Handlebars<'_>,
ctx: &'rc Context,
rc: &mut RenderContext<'reg, 'rc>,
out: &mut dyn Output,
) -> HelperResult {
let param =
h.param(0).ok_or_else(|| RenderErrorReason::Other(String::from("Param not found for helper \"case\"")))?;
let value = param.value().clone();
if h.params().iter().skip(1).any(|x| x.value() == &value) {
h.template().map(|t| t.render(r, ctx, rc, out)).unwrap_or_else(|| Ok(()))
} else {
fn to_json<'reg, 'rc>(
h: &Helper<'rc>,
_r: &'reg Handlebars<'_>,
_ctx: &'rc Context,
_rc: &mut RenderContext<'reg, 'rc>,
out: &mut dyn Output,
) -> HelperResult {
let param = h
.ok_or_else(|| RenderErrorReason::Other(String::from("Expected 1 parameter for \"to_json\"")))?
let json = serde_json::to_string(param)
.map_err(|e| RenderErrorReason::Other(format!("Can't serialize parameter to JSON: {e}")))?;