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2023-10-26 01:00:50 +07:00
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2023-10-26 01:47:14 +07:00
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2023-10-26 01:00:50 +07:00
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2023-10-26 01:47:14 +07:00
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2023-10-26 01:00:50 +07:00
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2023-10-26 01:47:14 +07:00
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2023-10-26 01:00:50 +07:00
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2023-10-26 01:47:14 +07:00
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2023-10-26 01:00:50 +07:00
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2023-10-26 01:47:14 +07:00
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2023-10-26 01:00:50 +07:00
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2023-10-26 01:47:14 +07:00
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2023-10-26 01:00:50 +07:00
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2023-10-17 23:56:42 +07:00
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2023-10-17 23:56:42 +07:00
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2023-10-26 01:00:50 +07:00
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2023-10-17 23:56:42 +07:00
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2023-10-17 23:56:42 +07:00
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2023-10-26 01:00:50 +07:00
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2023-10-17 23:56:42 +07:00
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2023-10-26 01:00:50 +07:00
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2023-10-17 23:56:42 +07:00
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2023-10-26 01:00:50 +07:00
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2023-10-17 23:56:42 +07:00
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2023-10-26 01:00:50 +07:00
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2023-10-17 23:56:42 +07:00
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2023-10-26 01:00:50 +07:00
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2023-10-26 01:47:14 +07:00
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2023-10-26 01:00:50 +07:00
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texture = ExtResource("8_xt02s")
expand_mode = 2
stretch_mode = 5
2023-10-17 23:56:42 +07:00
2023-10-26 01:00:50 +07:00
[node name="Description" type="Label" parent="Panel/MarginContainer/VBoxContainer/Page/VBoxContainer/HBoxContainer5"]
2023-10-17 23:56:42 +07:00
layout_mode = 2
2023-10-26 01:00:50 +07:00
size_flags_horizontal = 3
size_flags_vertical = 6
theme = SubResource("Theme_u8htm")
2023-10-26 01:47:14 +07:00
text = "Towers have health points that decrease when they shoot enemies. If the health points run out, the tower is destroyed. Players can prevent this by upgrading the tower"
2023-10-26 01:00:50 +07:00
autowrap_mode = 3
2023-10-26 01:00:50 +07:00
[connection signal="pressed" from="Panel/MarginContainer/VBoxContainer/Header/HBoxContainer/Back" to="." method="_on_back_pressed"]