2022-04-25 13:48:14 +07:00
import ' package:cached_network_image/cached_network_image.dart ' ;
2022-04-29 20:42:05 +07:00
import ' package:intl/intl.dart ' ;
2022-04-25 13:48:14 +07:00
import ' package:flutter/material.dart ' ;
import ' package:nekoya_flutter/api/api.dart ' ;
2022-04-26 10:44:07 +07:00
import ' package:nekoya_flutter/data/cart.dart ' ;
2022-04-27 17:28:20 +07:00
import ' package:nekoya_flutter/utils/utils.dart ' ;
2022-04-25 13:48:14 +07:00
Widget makeDismissible ( { required context , required Widget child } ) = > GestureDetector (
behavior: HitTestBehavior . opaque ,
onTap: ( ) = > Navigator . of ( context ) . pop ( ) ,
child: GestureDetector (
onTap: ( ) { } ,
child: child ,
) ;
Widget productDetail ( context , id ) {
2022-05-12 10:28:13 +07:00
GlobalKey cartToolTipKey_ = GlobalKey ( ) ;
2022-04-26 10:44:07 +07:00
2022-04-25 13:48:14 +07:00
return makeDismissible (
context: context ,
child: DraggableScrollableSheet (
initialChildSize: 0.7 ,
minChildSize: 0.5 ,
maxChildSize: 1 ,
builder: ( _ , controller ) = > FutureBuilder < dynamic > (
future: getProduct ( id ) ,
builder: ( context , snapshot ) {
if ( snapshot . hasData ) {
var data = snapshot . data ;
return Container (
decoration: const BoxDecoration (
color: Color ( 0xff1b1c1e ) ,
borderRadius: BorderRadius . vertical ( top: Radius . circular ( 20 ) )
) ,
padding: const EdgeInsets . all ( 16 ) ,
2022-04-27 17:28:20 +07:00
child: ScrollConfiguration (
behavior: HideScrollGlow ( ) ,
child: ListView (
controller: controller ,
children: [
CachedNetworkImage (
2022-05-12 10:28:13 +07:00
imageUrl: " https://nekoya.moe.team/img/ ${ data [ 0 ] [ ' IMAGE ' ] } " ,
2022-04-27 17:28:20 +07:00
placeholder: ( context , url ) = >
const CircularProgressIndicator (
color: Color ( 0xff8B0000 ) ,
) ,
errorWidget: ( context , url , error ) = > Image . asset ( ' assets/image-error.webp ' ) ,
fadeOutDuration: const Duration ( milliseconds: 5 ) ,
imageBuilder: ( context , imageProvider ) = > Container (
margin: const EdgeInsets . all ( 5.0 ) ,
width: 300 ,
height: 300 ,
decoration: BoxDecoration (
image: DecorationImage (
image: imageProvider , fit: BoxFit . cover ) ) ,
) ,
2022-04-25 13:48:14 +07:00
) ,
2022-04-27 17:28:20 +07:00
Text ( data [ 0 ] [ ' TITLE ' ] , style: const TextStyle ( color: Colors . white , fontSize: 30.0 , fontWeight: FontWeight . w700 ) , ) ,
const SizedBox ( height: 15.0 ) ,
Text ( data [ 0 ] [ ' DESCRIPTION ' ] , style: const TextStyle ( color: Colors . white , fontSize: 18.0 ) , ) ,
const SizedBox ( height: 15.0 ) ,
2022-05-12 10:28:13 +07:00
Text ( " Price : Rp ${ NumberFormat ( ' #,##0.00 ' , ' ID ' ) . format ( data [ 0 ] [ ' PRICE ' ] ) } " , style: const TextStyle ( color: Colors . white , fontSize: 18.0 , fontWeight: FontWeight . w500 ) , ) ,
Text ( " Stock : ${ data [ 0 ] [ ' STOCK ' ] . toString ( ) } " , style: const TextStyle ( color: Colors . white , fontSize: 18.0 , fontWeight: FontWeight . w500 ) , ) ,
Text ( " Size : ${ data [ 0 ] [ ' SIZE ' ] } " , style: const TextStyle ( color: Colors . white , fontSize: 18.0 , fontWeight: FontWeight . w500 ) , ) ,
2022-04-27 17:28:20 +07:00
const SizedBox ( height: 30.0 ) ,
Tooltip (
2022-05-12 10:28:13 +07:00
key: cartToolTipKey_ ,
2022-04-27 17:28:20 +07:00
triggerMode: TooltipTriggerMode . manual ,
showDuration: const Duration ( seconds: 3 ) ,
waitDuration: const Duration ( seconds: 3 ) ,
message: ' Successfully added to Cart ~ ' ,
padding: const EdgeInsets . all ( 30 ) ,
margin: const EdgeInsets . only ( top: 30 , left: 30 , right: 30 ) ,
2022-04-25 13:48:14 +07:00
decoration: BoxDecoration (
2022-04-27 17:28:20 +07:00
color: const Color ( 0xff212226 ) ,
borderRadius: BorderRadius . circular ( 22 ) ) ,
textStyle: const TextStyle (
fontSize: 15 ,
fontStyle: FontStyle . italic ,
color: Colors . white ) ,
child: ElevatedButton . icon (
onPressed: ( ) {
addToCart ( id ) ;
2022-05-12 10:28:13 +07:00
final dynamic cartToolTip_ = cartToolTipKey_ . currentState ;
cartToolTip_ . ensureTooltipVisible ( ) ;
2022-04-27 17:28:20 +07:00
} ,
icon: const Icon ( Icons . add_shopping_cart ) ,
label: const Text ( ' Add to Cart ' , style: TextStyle ( color: Colors . white , fontSize: 18.0 ) , ) ,
style: ButtonStyle (
backgroundColor: MaterialStateProperty . all < Color > ( const Color ( 0xff8B0000 ) ) ,
shape: MaterialStateProperty . all < RoundedRectangleBorder > (
RoundedRectangleBorder (
borderRadius: BorderRadius . circular ( 18.0 )
2022-04-26 10:44:07 +07:00
2022-04-25 13:48:14 +07:00
2022-04-27 17:28:20 +07:00
) ,
] ,
) ,
2022-04-25 13:48:14 +07:00
) ;
return const Center (
child: CircularProgressIndicator (
color: Color ( 0xff8B0000 ) ,
) ,
) ;
) ;