2022-05-13 11:02:53 +07:00
import ' package:flutter/material.dart ' ;
import ' package:flutter_svg/svg.dart ' ;
2022-05-13 11:31:37 +07:00
import ' ../utils/utils.dart ' ;
2022-05-13 11:02:53 +07:00
import ' package:nekoya_flutter/screens/productcoba.dart ' ;
import ' package:nekoya_flutter/components/color_dot.dart ' ;
class DetailsScreen extends StatelessWidget {
const DetailsScreen ( { Key ? key , required this . product } ) : super ( key: key ) ;
final Product product ;
@ override
Widget build ( BuildContext context ) {
return Scaffold (
backgroundColor: const Color ( 0xFFEFEFF2 ) ,
appBar: AppBar (
leading: const BackButton ( color: Colors . black ) ,
actions: [
IconButton (
onPressed: ( ) { } ,
icon: CircleAvatar (
backgroundColor: Colors . white ,
child: SvgPicture . asset (
" assets/icons/Heart.svg " ,
height: 20 ,
) ,
) ,
] ,
) ,
body: Column (
children: [
Image . asset (
product . image ,
height: MediaQuery . of ( context ) . size . height * 0.4 ,
fit: BoxFit . cover ,
) ,
const SizedBox ( height: defaultPadding * 1.5 ) ,
Expanded (
child: Container (
padding: const EdgeInsets . fromLTRB ( defaultPadding ,
defaultPadding * 2 , defaultPadding , defaultPadding ) ,
decoration: const BoxDecoration (
color: Colors . white ,
borderRadius: BorderRadius . only (
topLeft: Radius . circular ( defaultBorderRadius * 3 ) ,
topRight: Radius . circular ( defaultBorderRadius * 3 ) ,
) ,
) ,
child: Column (
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment . start ,
children: [
Row (
children: [
Expanded (
child: Text (
product . title ,
style: Theme . of ( context ) . textTheme . headline6 ,
) ,
) ,
const SizedBox ( width: defaultPadding ) ,
Text (
2022-05-14 23:44:03 +07:00
" \$ ${ product . price } " ,
2022-05-13 11:02:53 +07:00
style: Theme . of ( context ) . textTheme . headline6 ,
) ,
] ,
) ,
const Padding (
padding: EdgeInsets . symmetric ( vertical: defaultPadding ) ,
child: Text (
" A Henley shirt is a collarless pullover shirt, by a round neckline and a placket about 3 to 5 inches (8 to 13 cm) long and usually having 2– 5 buttons. " ,
) ,
) ,
Text (
" Colors " ,
style: Theme . of ( context ) . textTheme . subtitle2 ,
) ,
const SizedBox ( height: defaultPadding / 2 ) ,
Row (
children: const [
ColorDot (
color: Color ( 0xFFBEE8EA ) ,
isActive: false ,
) ,
ColorDot (
color: Color ( 0xFF141B4A ) ,
isActive: true ,
) ,
ColorDot (
color: Color ( 0xFFF4E5C3 ) ,
isActive: false ,
) ,
] ,
) ,
const SizedBox ( height: defaultPadding * 2 ) ,
Center (
child: SizedBox (
width: 200 ,
height: 48 ,
child: ElevatedButton (
onPressed: ( ) { } ,
style: ElevatedButton . styleFrom (
primary: primaryColor ,
shape: const StadiumBorder ( ) ) ,
child: const Text ( " Add to Cart " ) ,
) ,
) ,
] ,
) ,
) ,
] ,
) ,
) ;