2020-02-16 03:03:18 +08:00

76 lines
3.7 KiB

title: "About LoveIt"
date: 2019-08-02T11:04:49+08:00
draft: false
[LoveIt :(far fa-heart):]( is a **clean**, **elegant** but **advanced** blog theme for [Hugo]( developed by [Dillon](
It is based on the original [LeaveIt Theme]( and [KeepIt Theme](
![Hugo Theme LoveIt](/images/Apple-Devices-Preview.png)
### Features
#### Performance and SEO
* :(fas fa-rocket): Optimized for performance: 99/100 on mobile and 100/100 on desktop in [Google PageSpeed Insights](
* :(fab fa-searchengin): Optimized SEO performance with a correct SEO SCHEMA based on JSON-LD
* :(fab fa-google): [Google Analytics]( support
* :(fas fa-search): Search engine verification support (Google, Bind, Yandex and Baidu)
* :(fas fa-tachometer-alt): CDN for all third-party libraries support
* :(far fa-images): Automatically converted images with Lazy Load by [lazysizes](
#### Appearance and Layout
* :(fas fa-desktop): / :(fas fa-mobile): Responsive layout
* :(fas fa-moon): / :(fas fa-sun): Mode
* :(fas fa-layer-group): A More coerent style beetwen page and sections
* :(fas fa-ellipsis-h): Pagination support
* :(far fa-list-alt): Easy-to-use and self-expanding article catalog, while adapting to the mobile side
* :(fas fa-language): Multilanguage support and I18N ready
* :(fab fa-css3-alt): Beautiful CSS animation
#### Social and Comment Systems
* :(far fa-user): Gravatar support by [Gravatar](
* :(fas fa-user-circle): Local Avatar support
* :(far fa-id-card): Up to 54 social sites supported
* :(fas fa-share-square): Share post support
* :(far fa-comment): Disqus comment system support by [Disqus](
* :(far fa-comment-dots): Gitalk comment system support by [Gitalk](
* :(far fa-comment-alt): Valine comment system support by [Valine](
#### Extended Features
* :(fas fa-code): Automatically highlighting code by chroma in Hugo
* :(fab fa-font-awesome): Extended markdown syntax for [Font Awesome]( icons
* :(fas fa-square-root-alt): Math formula support by [Katex](
* :(fas fa-project-diagram): Diagram syntax shortcode support by [mermaid](
* :(fas fa-music): Embedded music player support by [APlayer]( and [MetingJS](
* :(fas fa-tv): Bilibili player support
* :(far fa-bell): Kinds of admonitions shortcode support
* :(fas fa-align-left): Custom align and float style shortcodes support
* :(fas fa-i-cursor): Animated typing support by [TypeIt](
* :(fas fa-arrow-up): Dynamic to top support by [Smooth Scroll](
* ...
### License
LoveIt is licensed under the MIT license.
Check the [LICENSE file]( for details.
Thanks to the authors of following resources included in the theme:
* [Font Awesome](
* [Animate.css](
* [lazysizes](
* [Smooth Scroll](
* [TypeIt](
* [Katex](
* [mermaid](
* [APlayer](
* [MetingJS](
* [Gitalk](
* [Valine](