Dillon c2197b7411
feat(social): improve social links (#254)
* replace forkawesome and iconfont with simple icons
* add more configs for social
2020-04-24 19:04:37 +08:00

1 line
969 B

<svg role="img" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><title>iOS icon</title><path d="M1.1 6.05C.486 6.05 0 6.53 0 7.13A1.08 1.08 0 0 0 1.1 8.21C1.72 8.21 2.21 7.73 2.21 7.13C2.21 6.53 1.72 6.05 1.1 6.05M8.71 6.07C5.35 6.07 3.25 8.36 3.25 12C3.25 15.67 5.35 17.95 8.71 17.95C12.05 17.95 14.16 15.67 14.16 12C14.16 8.36 12.05 6.07 8.71 6.07M19.55 6.07C17.05 6.07 15.27 7.45 15.27 9.5C15.27 11.13 16.28 12.15 18.4 12.64L19.89 13C21.34 13.33 21.93 13.81 21.93 14.64C21.93 15.6 20.96 16.28 19.58 16.28C18.17 16.28 17.11 15.59 17 14.53H15C15.08 16.65 16.82 17.95 19.46 17.95C22.25 17.95 24 16.58 24 14.4C24 12.69 23 11.72 20.68 11.19L19.35 10.89C17.94 10.55 17.36 10.1 17.36 9.34C17.36 8.38 18.24 7.74 19.54 7.74C20.85 7.74 21.75 8.39 21.85 9.46H23.81C23.76 7.44 22.09 6.07 19.55 6.07M8.71 7.82C10.75 7.82 12.06 9.45 12.06 12C12.06 14.57 10.75 16.2 8.71 16.2C6.65 16.2 5.35 14.57 5.35 12C5.35 9.45 6.65 7.82 8.71 7.82M.111 9.31V17.76H2.1V9.31H.11Z"/></svg>