mirror of
synced 2024-11-15 11:33:20 +01:00
* feat(search): add local search * docs: add docs for search
810 lines
24 KiB
810 lines
24 KiB
weight: 1
title: "主题文档 - 基本概念"
subtitle: ""
date: 2020-03-06T21:40:32+08:00
lastmod: 2020-03-06T21:40:32+08:00
draft: false
author: "Dillon"
authorLink: "https://dillonzq.com"
description: "探索 Hugo - LoveIt 主题的全部内容和背后的核心概念."
license: ""
tags: ["安装", "配置"]
categories: ["documentation"]
hiddenFromHomePage: false
featuredImage: "/images/theme-documentation-basics/featured-image.jpg"
featuredImagePreview: ""
toc: true
autoCollapseToc: false
math: false
accessToken: ""
lightStyle: ""
darkStyle: ""
navigation: true
geolocate: true
scale: true
fullscreen: true
lightgallery: true
linkToMarkdown: true
enable: true
comment: true
探索 Hugo - **LoveIt** 主题的全部内容和背后的核心概念.
## 1 准备
由于 Hugo 提供的便利性, [Hugo](https://gohugo.io/) 本身是这个主题唯一的依赖.
直接安装满足你操作系统 (**Windows**, **Linux**, **macOS**) 的最新版本 [:(far fa-file-archive): Hugo extended (> 0.62.0)](https://gohugo.io/getting-started/installing/).
{{< admonition note "为什么不支持早期版本的 Hugo?" >}}
由于 [Markdown 渲染钩子函数](https://gohugo.io/getting-started/configuration-markup/#markdown-render-hooks) 在 [Hugo 圣诞节版本](https://gohugo.io/news/0.62.0-relnotes/) 中被引入, 本主题只支持高于 **0.62.0** 的 Hugo 版本.
{{< /admonition >}}
{{< admonition note "为什么需要 Hugo extended 版本?" >}}
由于本主题需要转换 SCSS 文件为 CSS 文件, Hugo **extended** 版本是必要的.
{{< /admonition >}}
## 2 安装
以下步骤可帮助你初始化新网站. 如果你根本不了解 Hugo, 我们强烈建议你按照此 [快速入门文档](https://gohugo.io/getting-started/quick-start/) 进一步了解它.
### 2.1 创建你的项目
Hugo 提供了一个 `new` 命令来创建一个新的网站:
hugo new site my_website
cd my_website
### 2.2 安装主题
**LoveIt** 主题的仓库是: [https://github.com/dillonzq/LoveIt](https://github.com/dillonzq/LoveIt).
你可以下载主题的 [最新版本 :(far fa-file-archive): .zip 文件](https://github.com/dillonzq/LoveIt/releases) 并且解压放到 `themes` 目录.
另外, 也可以直接把这个主题克隆到 `themes` 目录:
git clone https://github.com/dillonzq/LoveIt.git themes/LoveIt
或者, 初始化你的项目目录为 git 仓库, 并且把主题仓库作为你的网站目录的子模块:
git init
git submodule add https://github.com/dillonzq/LoveIt.git themes/LoveIt
### 2.3 基础配置 {#basic-configuration}
以下是 LoveIt 主题的基本配置:
baseURL = "http://example.org/"
# [en, zh-cn, fr, ...] 设置默认的语言
defaultContentLanguage = "zh-cn"
# 网站语言, 仅在这里 CN 大写
languageCode = "zh-CN"
# 是否包括中日韩文字
hasCJKLanguage = true
# 网站标题
title = "我的全新 Hugo 网站"
# 更改使用 Hugo 构建网站时使用的默认主题
theme = "LoveIt"
# LoveIt 主题版本
version = "0.1.X"
identifier = "posts"
# 你可以在名称 (允许 HTML 格式) 之前添加其他信息, 例如图标
pre = ""
name = "文章"
url = "/posts/"
# 当你将鼠标悬停在此菜单链接上时, 将显示的标题
title = ""
weight = 1
identifier = "tags"
pre = ""
name = "标签"
url = "/tags/"
title = ""
weight = 2
identifier = "categories"
pre = ""
name = "分类"
url = "/categories/"
title = ""
weight = 3
{{< admonition >}}
在构建网站时, 你可以使用 `--theme` 选项设置主题. 但是, 我建议你修改配置文件 (**config.toml**) 将本主题设置为默认主题.
{{< /admonition >}}
### 2.4 创建你的第一篇文章
hugo new posts/first_post.md
通过添加一些示例内容并替换文件开头的标题, 你可以随意编辑文章.
{{< admonition >}}
默认情况下, 所有文章和页面均作为草稿创建. 如果想要渲染这些页面, 请从元数据中删除属性 `draft: true`, 或者设置属性 `draft: false`.
{{< /admonition >}}
### 2.5 在本地启动网站
hugo serve
去查看 `http://localhost:1313`.
![基本配置下的预览](/images/theme-documentation-basics/basic-configuration-preview.zh-cn.png "基本配置下的预览")
{{< admonition tip >}}
当你运行 `hugo serve` 时, 当文件内容更改时, 页面会随着更改自动刷新.
{{< /admonition >}}
### 2.6 构建网站
当你准备好部署你的网站时, 运行以下命令:
会生成一个 `public` 目录, 其中包含你网站的所有静态内容和资源. 现在可以将其部署在任何 Web 服务器上.
{{< admonition tip >}}
网站内容可以通过 [Netlify](https://www.netlify.com/) 自动发布和托管 (了解有关[通过 Netlify 进行 HUGO 自动化部署](https://www.netlify.com/blog/2015/07/30/hosting-hugo-on-netlifyinsanely-fast-deploys/) 的更多信息).
或者, 您可以使用 [AWS Amplify](https://gohugo.io/hosting-and-deployment/hosting-on-aws-amplify/), [Github pages](https://gohugo.io/hosting-and-deployment/hosting-on-github/), [Render](https://gohugo.io/hosting-and-deployment/hosting-on-render/) 以及更多...
{{< /admonition >}}
## 3 配置
### 3.1 网站配置 {#site-configuration}
除了 [Hugo 全局配置](https://gohugo.io/overview/configuration/) 和 [菜单配置](#basic-configuration) 之外, **LoveIt** 主题还允许您在网站配置中定义以下参数 (这是一个示例 `config.toml`, 其内容为默认值).
{{< admonition >}}
请注意, 本文档其他部分将详细解释其中一些参数.
{{< /admonition >}}
# LoveIt 主题版本
version = "0.1.X"
# 网站描述
description = "这是我的全新 Hugo 网站"
# 网站关键词
keywords = ["Theme", "Hugo"]
# 网站默认主题样式 ("light", "dark", "auto")
defaultTheme = "auto"
# 公共 git 仓库路径,仅在 enableGitInfo 设为 true 时有效
gitRepo = ""
# {{< version 0.1.1 new small >}} 哪种哈希函数用来 SRI, 为空时表示不使用 SRI
# ("sha256", "sha384", "sha512", "md5")
fingerprint = ""
# {{< version 0.2.0 new small >}} 搜索
enable = true
# 搜索引擎的类型 ("lunr", "algolia")
type = "lunr"
# 文章内容索引长度
contentLength = 5000
index = ""
appID = ""
searchKey = ""
# 页面头部导航栏信息
# 桌面端导航栏模式 ("fixed", "normal", "auto")
desktopMode = "fixed"
# 移动端导航栏模式 ("fixed", "normal", "auto")
mobileMode = "auto"
# 页面底部版权信息设置
# 网站创立年份
since = 2019
# ICP 备案信息,仅在中国使用 (支持 HTML 格式)
icp = ""
# 许可协议信息 (支持 HTML 格式)
license = '<a rel="license external nofollow noopener noreffer" href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/" target="_blank">CC BY-NC 4.0</a>'
# 文章页面配置
# 主页信息设置
enable = true
# Gravatar 邮箱,用于优先在主页显示的头像
gravatarEmail = ""
# 主页显示头像的 URL
avatarURL = "/images/avatar.png"
# 主页显示的网站副标题
subtitle = "这是我的全新 Hugo 网站"
# 是否为副标题显示打字机动画
typeit = true
# 是否显示社交账号
social = true
# {{< version 0.2.0 new small >}} 免责声明 (支持 HTML 格式)
disclaimer = ""
# 主页文章列表
enable = true
# 主页每页显示文章数量
paginate = 6
# 当你没有在文章前置参数中设置 "hiddenFromHomePage" 时的默认行为
defaultHiddenFromHomePage = false
# 主页的社交信息设置
GitHub = "xxxx"
# Linkedin = "xxxx"
# Twitter = "xxxx"
# Instagram = "xxxx"
Email = "xxxx@xxxx.com"
# Facebook = "xxxx"
# Telegram = "xxxx"
# Medium = "xxxx"
# Gitlab = "xxxx"
# Youtubelegacy = "xxxx"
# Youtubecustom = "xxxx"
# Youtubechannel = "xxxx"
# Tumblr ="xxxx"
# Quora = "xxxx"
# Keybase = "xxxx"
# Pinterest = "xxxx"
# Reddit = "xxxx"
# Codepen = "xxxx"
# FreeCodeCamp = "xxxx"
# Bitbucket = "xxxx"
# Stackoverflow = "xxxx"
Weibo = "xxxx"
# Odnoklassniki = "xxxx"
# VK = "xxxx"
# Flickr = "xxxx"
# Xing = "xxxx"
# Snapchat = "xxxx"
# Soundcloud = "xxxx"
# Spotify = "xxxx"
# Bandcamp = "xxxx"
# Paypal = "xxxx"
# Fivehundredpx = "xxxx"
# Mix = "xxxx"
# Goodreads = "xxxx"
# Lastfm = "xxxx"
# Foursquare = "xxxx"
# Hackernews = "xxxx"
# Kickstarter = "xxxx"
# Patreon = "xxxx"
# Steam = "xxxx"
# Twitch = "xxxx"
# Strava = "xxxx"
# Skype = "xxxx"
# Whatsapp = "xxxx"
Zhihu = "xxxx"
Douban = "xxxx"
# Angellist = "xxxx"
# Slidershare = "xxxx"
# Jsfiddle = "xxxx"
# Deviantart = "xxxx"
# Behance = "xxxx"
# Dribble = "xxxx"
# Wordpress = "xxxx"
# Vine = "xxxx"
# Googlescholar = "xxxx"
# Researchgate = "xxxx"
# Mastodon = "xxxx"
# MastodonPrefix = "https://mastodon.technology/"
# Thingiverse = "xxxx"
# Devto = "xxxx"
# Gitea = "xxxx"
# XMPP = "xxxx"
# Matrix = "xxxx"
Bilibili = "xxxx"
# 文章页面配置
# 是否在文章页面使用 lightgallery
lightgallery = true
# 是否在文章页面显示原始 Markdown 文档链接
linkToMarkdown = true
# {{< link "https://katex.org/" KaTeX >}} 数学公式
enable = true
# 默认块定界符是 $$ ... $$ 和 \\[ ... \\]
blockLeftDelimiter = ""
blockRightDelimiter = ""
# 默认内联定界符是 $ ... $ 和 \\( ... \\)
inlineLeftDelimiter = ""
inlineRightDelimiter = ""
# KaTeX 插件 copy_tex
copyTex = true
# KaTeX 插件 mhchem
mhchem = true
# {{< version 0.2.0 new small >}} {{< link "https://docs.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js" "Mapbox GL JS" >}} 配置
# Mapbox GL JS 的 access token
accessToken = ""
# 浅色主题的地图样式
lightStyle = "mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v9"
# 深色主题的地图样式
darkStyle = "mapbox://styles/mapbox/dark-v9"
# 是否添加 {{< link "https://docs.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/api/#navigationcontrol" NavigationControl >}}
navigation = true
# 是否添加 {{< link "https://docs.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/api/#geolocatecontrol" GeolocateControl >}}
geolocate = true
# 是否添加 {{< link "https://docs.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/api/#scalecontrol" ScaleControl >}}
scale = true
# 是否添加 {{< link "https://docs.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/api/#fullscreencontrol" FullscreenControl >}}
fullscreen = true
# 文章页面的分享信息设置
enable = true
Twitter = true
Facebook = true
# Linkedin = true
# Whatsapp = true
# Pinterest = true
# Tumblr = true
# HackerNews = true
# Reddit = true
# VK = true
# Buffer = true
# Xing = true
# Line = true
# Instapaper = true
# Pocket = true
# Digg = true
# Stumbleupon = true
# Flipboard = true
Weibo = true
# Renren = true
# Myspace = true
# Blogger = true
# Baidu = true
# Odnoklassniki = true
Evernote = true
# Skype = true
# Trello = true
# Mix = true
# 评论系统设置
enable = true
# {{< link "https://disqus.com/" Disqus >}} 评论系统设置
# {{< version 0.1.1 new small >}}
enable = false
# Disqus 的 shortname,用来在文章中启用 Disqus 评论系统
shortname = ""
# {{< link "https://github.com/gitalk/gitalk" Gitalk >}} 评论系统设置
# {{< version 0.1.1 new small >}}
enable = false
owner = ""
repo = ""
clientId = ""
clientSecret = ""
# {{< link "https://github.com/xCss/Valine" Valine >}} 评论系统设置
enable = false
appId = ""
appKey = ""
placeholder = "Your comment ..."
notify = false
verify = true
avatar = "mp"
meta= ""
pageSize = 10
lang = "en"
visitor = true
recordIP = true
# # {{< link "https://developers.facebook.com/docs/plugins/comments" "Facebook 评论系统" >}}设置
enable = false
width = "100%"
numPosts = 10
appId = ""
languageCode = "zh_CN"
# {{< version 0.2.0 new small >}} {{< link "https://comments.app/" "Telegram Comments" >}} 评论系统设置
enable = false
siteID = ""
limit = 5
height = ""
color = ""
colorful = true
dislikes = false
outlined = false
# 网站验证代码,用于 Google/Bing/Yandex/Pinterest/Baidu
google = ""
bing = ""
yandex = ""
pinterest = ""
baidu = ""
# 出版者信息,仅用于 SEO
name = "xxxx"
url = "logo.png"
width = 127
height = 40
# 网站 Logo 信息,仅用于 SEO
url = "logo.png"
width = 127
height = 40
# 网站图标信息,仅用于 SEO
url = "cover.png"
width = 800
height = 600
# CSS 和 JS 文件的 CDN 设置
# {{< link "https://fontawesome.com/" "fontawesome-free" >}}@5.12.1
fontawesomeFreeCSS = ''
# animate.css@3.7.2 https://github.com/daneden/animate.css
animateCSS = ''
# {{< link "https://github.com/cferdinandi/smooth-scroll" "smooth-scroll" >}}@16.1.2
smoothScrollJS = ''
# {{< version 0.2.0 new small >}} {{< link "https://github.com/algolia/autocomplete.js" "autocomplete.js" >}}@0.37.1
autocompleteJS = ''
# {{< version 0.2.0 new small >}} {{< link "https://lunrjs.com/" "lunr.js" >}}@2.3.8
lunrJS = ''
# {{< version 0.2.0 new small >}} {{< link "https://github.com/algolia/algoliasearch-client-javascript" "algoliasearch" >}}@4.1.0
algoliasearchJS = ''
# {{< link "https://github.com/ellisonleao/sharer.js" "sharer" >}}@0.4.0
sharerJS = ''
# {{< link "https://github.com/aFarkas/lazysizes" "lazysizes" >}}@5.2.0
lazysizesJS = ''
# {{< link "https://github.com/sachinchoolur/lightgallery.js" "lightgallery" >}}@1.1.3 lg-thumbnail@1.1.0 lg-zoom@1.1.0
lightgalleryCSS = ''
lightgalleryJS = ''
lightgalleryThumbnailJS = ''
lightgalleryZoomJS = ''
# {{< link "https://github.com/alexmacarthur/typeit" "typeit" >}}@6.5.1
typeitJS = ''
# {{< link "https://github.com/KaTeX/KaTeX" "katex" >}}@0.11.1
katexCSS = ''
katexJS = ''
katexAutoRenderJS = ''
katexCopyTexCSS = ''
katexCopyTexJS = ''
katexMhchemJS = ''
# {{< link "https://github.com/knsv/mermaid" "mermaid" >}}@8.4.8
mermaidJS = ''
# {{< link "https://echarts.apache.org/" "echarts" >}}@4.6.0
echartsJS = ''
echartsMacaronsJS = ''
# {{< version 0.2.0 new small >}} {{< link "https://docs.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js" mapbox-gl >}}@1.8.1
mapboxGLCSS = ''
mapboxGLJS = ''
# {{< link "https://github.com/MoePlayer/APlayer" "aplayer" >}}@1.10.1
aplayerCSS = ''
aplayerJS = ''
# {{< link "https://github.com/metowolf/MetingJS" "meting" >}}@2.0.1
metingJS = ''
# {{< link "https://github.com/gitalk/gitalk" "gitalk" >}}@1.6.2
gitalkCSS = ''
gitalkJS = ''
# {{< link "https://valine.js.org/" "valine" >}}@1.3.10
valineJS = ''
# Hugo 解析文档的配置
# {{< link "https://gohugo.io/content-management/syntax-highlighting" "语法高亮设置" >}}
codeFences = true
guessSyntax = true
lineNos = true
lineNumbersInTable = false
# false 是必要的设置
# ({{< link "https://github.com/dillonzq/LoveIt/issues/158" >}})
noClasses = false
# Goldmark 是 Hugo 0.60 以来的默认 Markdown 解析库
definitionList = true
footnote = true
linkify = true
strikethrough = true
table = true
taskList = true
typographer = true
# 是否在文档中直接使用 HTML 标签
unsafe = true
# 目录设置
startLevel = 2
endLevel = 6
# 作者信息
name = "xxxx"
link = ""
# 网站地图信息
changefreq = "weekly"
filename = "sitemap.xml"
priority = 0.5
# {{< link "https://gohugo.io/content-management/urls/#permalinks" "Permalinks 信息" >}}
# posts = ":year/:month/:filename"
posts = ":filename"
# {{< link "https://gohugo.io/about/hugo-and-gdpr/" "隐私信息设置" >}}
anonymizeIP = true
privacyEnhanced = true
# 用于输出 Markdown 格式文档的设置
suffixes = ["md"]
# 用于输出 Markdown 格式文档的设置
mediaType = "text/plain"
isPlainText = true
isHTML = false
# 用于 Hugo 输出文档的设置
# {{< version 0.2.0 changed small >}}
home = ["HTML", "RSS", "JSON"]
page = ["HTML", "MarkDown"]
section = ["HTML", "RSS"]
taxonomy = ["HTML", "RSS"]
taxonomyTerm = ["HTML"]
{{< admonition tip "关于 CDN 配置的技巧" >}}
在 CDN 的配置中, 完整的 HTML 标签和 URL 都是支持的:
smoothScrollJS = '<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/smooth-scroll@16.1.3/dist/smooth-scroll.min.js" integrity="sha256-vP+F+14A1ogChQs5Osd5LJl/ci9TbzjiZjjEbcqOXrY=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>'
# 或者
smoothScrollJS = 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/smooth-scroll@16/dist/smooth-scroll.min.js'
{{< /admonition >}}
![完整配置下的预览](/images/theme-documentation-basics/complete-configuration-preview.zh-cn.png "完整配置下的预览")
### 3.2 网站图标, 浏览器配置, 网站清单
* apple-touch-icon.png (180x180)
* favicon-32x32.png (32x32)
* favicon-16x16.png (16x16)
* mstile-150x150.png (150x150)
* android-chrome-192x192.png (192x192)
* android-chrome-512x512.png (512x512)
放在 `/static` 目录. 利用 [https://realfavicongenerator.net/](https://realfavicongenerator.net/) 可以很容易地生成这些文件.
可以自定义 `browserconfig.xml` 和 `site.webmanifest` 文件来设置 theme-color 和 background-color.
### 3.3 增加网站 logo 和封面用于 SEO 优化
在 `static` 目录增加一个 logo 图片 (127x40) 和一个封面图片 (800x600).
### 3.4 自定义样式
通过定义自定义 `.scss` 样式文件, **LoveIt** 主题支持可配置的样式.
包含自定义 `.scss` 样式文件的目录相对于 **你的项目根目录** 的路径为 `config/css`.
在 `config/css/_override.scss` 中, 你可以覆盖 `themes/LoveIt/assets/css/_variables.scss` 中的变量以自定义样式.
@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Fira+Mono:400,700&display=swap&subset=latin-ext');
$code-font-family: Fira Mono, Source Code Pro, Menlo, Consolas, Monaco, monospace;
在 `config/css/_custom.scss` 中, 你可以添加一些 CSS 样式代码以自定义样式.
## 4 多语言和 i18n
**LoveIt** 主题完全兼容 Hugo 的多语言模式.
* 多种语言的翻译字符串 (**英语**, **中文**和**法语**). **欢迎贡献!**
* 在浏览器内语言切换
![语言切换](/images/theme-documentation-basics/language-switch.gif "语言切换")
### 4.1 基本配置
学习了 [Hugo如何处理多语言网站](https://gohugo.io/content-management/multilingual) 之后, 请在 [站点配置](#site-configuration) 中定义你的网站语言.
例如, 一个支持英语, 中文和法语的网站配置:
# [en, zh-cn, fr, ...] 设置默认的语言
defaultContentLanguage = "zh-cn"
weight = 1
title = "My New Hugo Site"
languageCode = "en"
languageName = "English"
identifier = "posts"
pre = ""
name = "Posts"
url = "/posts/"
title = ""
weight = 1
identifier = "tags"
pre = ""
name = "Tags"
url = "/tags/"
title = ""
weight = 2
identifier = "categories"
pre = ""
name = "Categories"
url = "/categories/"
title = ""
weight = 3
weight = 2
title = "我的全新 Hugo 网站"
# 网站语言, 仅在这里 CN 大写
languageCode = "zh-CN"
languageName = "简体中文"
# 是否包括中日韩文字
hasCJKLanguage = true
identifier = "posts"
pre = ""
name = "文章"
url = "/posts/"
title = ""
weight = 1
identifier = "tags"
pre = ""
name = "标签"
url = "/tags/"
title = ""
weight = 2
identifier = "categories"
pre = ""
name = "分类"
url = "/categories/"
title = ""
weight = 3
weight = 3
title = "Mon nouveau site Hugo"
languageCode = "fr"
languageName = "Français"
identifier = "posts"
pre = ""
name = "Postes"
url = "/posts/"
title = ""
weight = 1
identifier = "tags"
pre = ""
name = "Balises"
url = "/tags/"
title = ""
weight = 2
identifier = "categories"
name = "Catégories"
pre = ""
url = "/categories/"
title = ""
weight = 3
然后, 对于每个新页面, 将语言代码附加到文件名中.
单个文件 `my-page.md` 需要分为三个文件:
* 英语: `my-page.en.md`
* 中文: `my-page.zh-cn.md`
* 法语: `my-page.fr.md`
{{< admonition >}}
请注意, 菜单中仅显示翻译的页面. 它不会替换为默认语言内容.
{{< /admonition >}}
{{< admonition tip >}}
也可以使用 [文章前置参数](https://gohugo.io/content-management/multilingual/#translate-your-content) 来翻译网址.
{{< /admonition >}}
### 4.2 修改默认的翻译字符串
目前提供**英语**, **中文**和**法语**翻译, 但你可能自定义其他语言或覆盖默认值.
要覆盖默认值, 请在项目的 i18n 目录 `i18n/<languageCode>.toml` 中创建一个新文件,并从 `themes/LoveIt/i18n/en.toml` 中获得提示.
另外, 由于你的翻译可能会帮助到其他人, 请花点时间通过 [创建一个 PR](https://github.com/dillonzq/LoveIt/pulls) 来贡献主题翻译, 谢谢!
## 5 搜索
{{< version 0.2.0 >}}
基于 [Lunr.js](https://lunrjs.com/) 或 [algolia](https://www.algolia.com/), **LoveIt** 主支持搜索功能.
### 5.1 输出配置
为了生成搜索功能所需要的 `index.json`, 请在你的 [网站配置](#site-configuration) 中添加 `JSON` 输出文件类型到 `outputs` 部分的 `home` 字段中.
home = ["HTML", "RSS", "JSON"]
### 5.2 搜索配置
基于 Hugo 生成的 `index.json` 文件, 你可以激活搜索功能.
这是你的 [网站配置](#site-configuration) 中的搜索部分:
enable = true
# type of search engine ("lunr", "algolia")
type = "lunr"
# index length of the content
contentLength = 5000
index = ""
appID = ""
searchKey = ""
{{< admonition note "怎样选择搜索引擎的类型?" >}}
* `lunr`: 简单, 无需同步 `index.json`, 没有 `contentLength` 的限制, 但占用带宽大且性能低 (特别是中文需要一个较大的分词依赖库)
* `algolia`: 高性能并且占用带宽低, 但需要同步 `index.json` 且有 `contentLength` 的限制
{{< /admonition >}}
{{< admonition tip "关于 algolia 的使用技巧" >}}
你需要上传 `index.json` 到 algolia 来激活搜索功能. 你可以使用浏览器来上传 `index.json` 文件但是一个自动化的脚本可能是更好的选择.
为了兼容 Hugo 的多语言模式, 你需要上传不同语言的 `index.json` 文件到对应的 algolia index, 例如 `zh-cn/index.json` 或 `fr/index.json`...
{{< /admonition >}}