Some of these were wrong (scoreboard manager), others are counter to
everything everyone expects (Locations world being null, which wasnt ever safe EVER)
others are just too noisy.
Replace some with Contract to get rid of the nullability constraint and go back to
the old days of IDE not considering it strictly one way or the other.
Also, stop requiring annotations on package-private.
Introduces the next Developer Perk for Paper-API: Your plugin isn't yellow anymore.
Also fixed random dupe code in ensureServerConversions that got mistakenly set in the update.
use a better stack for managing timing tree relationships
remove unnecessary synchronization (i forgot HANDLERS is only touched on main)
this should hopefully resolve any data integrity concerns
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
451bd74e Use gson for decoding version command
CraftBukkit Changes:
51100db8 SPIGOT-4678: Fix placing signs in certain circumstances
Allows you to return the SpawnReason for why an Entity Spawned
Pre existing entities will return NATURAL if it was a non
persistenting Living Entity, SPAWNER for spawners,
or DEFAULT since data was not stored.
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Developers!: You will need to clean up your work/Minecraft/1.13.2 folder
for this
Also, restore a patch that was dropped in the last upstream
Bukkit Changes:
279eeab3 Fix command description not being set
96e2bb18 Remove debug print from SyntheticEventTest
CraftBukkit Changes:
d3ed1516 Fix dangerously threaded beacons
217a293d Don't relocate joptsimple to allow --help to work.
1be05a21 Prepare for imminent Java 12 release
a49270b2 Mappings Update
5259d80c SPIGOT-4669: Fix PlayerTeleportEvent coordinates for relative teleports
Spigot Changes:
e6eb36f2 Rebuild patches
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Please note that this build includes changes to meet upstreams
requirements for nullability annotations. While we aim for a level of
accuracy, these might not be 100% correct, if there are any issues,
please speak to us on discord, or open an issue on the tracker to
Bukkit Changes:
9a6a1de3 Remove nullability annotations from enum constructors
3f0591ea SPIGOT-2540: Add nullability annotations to entire Bukkit API
CraftBukkit Changes:
8d8475fc SPIGOT-4666: Force parameter in HumanEntity#sleep
8b1588e2 Fix ExplosionPrimeEvent#setFire not working with EnderCrystals
39a287b7 Don't ignore newlines in PlayerListHeader/Footer
Spigot Changes:
cf694d87 Add nullability annotations
Adds an event for when the server is going to destroy a current block,
potentially causing it to drop. This event can be cancelled to avoid
the block destruction, such as preventing signs from popping when
floating in the air.
This can replace many uses of BlockPhysicsEvent, as this will not fire
with the same velocity as BPE.
Also fixes build as a result of an upstream force push
--- work/Bukkit
Submodule work/Bukkit 217dc08d..d13fdf8c:
> SPIGOT-4637: Add source block to BlockPhysicsEvent.
--- work/CraftBukkit
Submodule work/CraftBukkit acbba8ba..cb98c6ea:
> Fix line endings in CraftDefaultPermissions
> SPIGOT-4637: Add source block to BlockPhysicsEvent.
--- work/Spigot
Submodule work/Spigot 75ee78a0c...4165cd8f4 (commits not present)
> (Manually Added) - Appears to be a result of an upstream force push
> (Manually Added) - Changed: SPIGOT-4636: Add creative mode NBT permissions
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
217dc08d SPIGOT-4634: Make Inventory iteration behaviour explicit
ConcurrentHashMap synchronizes on .computeIfAbsent even on hits,
so this does a .get(key) first, which most of our use should
be hits, and then falls back to the CHM computeIfAbsent for thread safe puts.
Also improve concurrency on handler and group collections to use a synchronized
list instead of an array deque for concurrency safety.
This was a useless exception wrapper that ends up making
stack traces harder to read as well as the JVM cutting off
the important parts
Nothing catches this exception, so its safe to just get rid
of it and let the REAL exception bubble down
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has only been PARTIALLY tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
I've tested basic region file saving as well as our oversized chunks approach.
Bukkit Changes:
e167e549 Clarify MerchantInventory#getSelectedRecipe.
3a1d5b8f Apply default permissions by registration order.
c64cc93f Make tags Keyed
ec037ed7 Added a method to get a list of tags
bfb6ef86 Introduce rotation methods to the Vector class
fc727372 Remove draft API from FluidLevelChangeEvent
CraftBukkit Changes:
6430d9c0 SPIGOT-4632: BlockState location is not fixed
14cd1688 Fix CraftInventoryMerchant#getSelectedRecipe if there is no active merchant recipe.
c24abab7 Load custom permissions after default permissions.
bc99dfe8 Make tags Keyed
6fce004f Added a method to get a list of tags
Spigot Changes:
e5e5c7c6 Allow Saving Large Chunks
e8d3881c Rebuild patches
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
bb813f6f SPIGOT-4605: Warn against hacking physics
CraftBukkit Changes:
2ced0233 Don't handle sync packets for kicked players
d5e96882 SPIGOT-4602: Cache reflection in decompile error workaround
Spigot Changes:
b0f4c22b SPIGOT-4605: Catch more physics problems
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
3108e64a SPIGOT-4193: API for selecting entities by strings
CraftBukkit Changes:
ad6070df SPIGOT-4193: API for selecting entities by strings
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
d58803c2 SPIGOT-4597: Make BlockDropItemEvent use a list
d450fdf1 Add note about Maven repository usage to pom.xml
CraftBukkit Changes:
ed274c51 SPIGOT-4597: Make BlockDropItemEvent use a list
1734f378 SPIGOT-4598: Shift click on custom workbench inventory causes crash
a65b73ad Add note about Maven repository usage to pom.xml
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
d38ac1be Update compiler
2844ce20 Add CookTimeTotal API to Furnace
CraftBukkit Changes:
13f71402 Update compiler
61c762f4 Add CookTimeTotal API to Furnace
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
18cda936 Fix variant of unloadChunkRequest that was incorrectly never deprecated
00763e1b Deprecate some methods
35a83d54 SPIGOT-4572: Make default no permission message clearer
6163343d Fix some misplaced material enum entries
8736469c Fix typo in TechnicalPiston documentation
CraftBukkit Changes:
0c715b32 SPIGOT-4579: Shulker boxes not dropping in creative
50fbc3f1 SPIGOT-4576: Fix attributes in itemstack internal data being lost
8059a937 SPIGOT-4577: Fix loss of int/double custom tags when serialized to yaml
07e504c3 Clarify exception thrown when setting drop chance for player inventory
98b862ad Fix duplicate iron golem add
843cee65 Fix a bunch of duplicate EntityCombustEvent calls
43855624 SPIGOT-4571: EntityCombustEvent not firing for phantoms
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
79f6ba25 Skip tests on default builds
b85cc32f Further discourage World.regenerateChunk
CraftBukkit Changes:
7560d3b5 Skip tests on default builds
d0a9130d SPIGOT-4563: Fix regenerating chunks saved to disk already
Spigot Changes:
8173d06f Remove need for redundant second clone of repositories
8ede0393 Rebuild patches
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
6ffe5a68 Add RecipeChoice.ExactChoice API for NBT matches on ingredients
ffccf6b7 SPIGOT-4560: Add HumanEntity.sleep and related APIs
CraftBukkit Changes:
917411fd Remove redundant BlockPosition creation from sleep API
756c38d1 Add RecipeChoice.ExactChoice API for NBT matches on ingredients
8e65d8df SPIGOT-4560: Add HumanEntity.sleep and related APIs
a8382862 SPIGOT-4562: reducedDebugInfo not updated on world change
Currently OfflinePlayer#getLastPlayed could more accurately be described
as "OfflinePlayer#getLastTimeTheirDataWasSaved".
The API doc says it should return the last time the server "witnessed"
the player, whilst also saying it should return the last time they
logged in. The current implementation does neither.
Given this interesting contradiction in the API documentation and the
current defacto implementation, I've elected to deprecate (with no
intent to remove) and replace it with two new methods, clearly named and
documented as to their purpose.
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Warning: this commit contains more mapping changes from upstream, As always, ensure that you
have working backups and test this build before deployment; Developers working on paper will,
yet again, need to delete their work/Minecraft/1.13.2 folder
Bukkit Changes:
7fca5fd4 SPIGOT-4558: Preserve user order in the face of copied defaults in configurations
15c9b1eb Ignore spurious slot IDs sent by client, e.g. in enchanting tables
5d2a10c5 SPIGOT-3747: Add API for force loaded chunks
d6dd2bb3 SPIGOT-3538: Add getHitBlockFace for ProjectileHitEvent
771db4aa SPIGOT-794: Call EntityPlaceEvent for Minecart placement
55462509 Add InventoryView#getSlotType
2f3ce5b6 Remove EntityTransformEvent and CustomItemTagContainer from draft API
f04ad7b6 Make ProjectileLaunchEvent extend EntitySpawnEvent
ccb85808 Define EntitySpawnEvent
b8cc3ebe Add PlayerItemDamageEvent
184a495d Ease ClassLoader Deadlocks Where Possible
11ac4728 Expand Boolean Prompt Values in Conversation API
aae62d51 Added getAllSessionData() to the Conversation API.
9290ff91 Add InventoryView#getInventory API
995e530f Add API to get / set base arrow damage
CraftBukkit Changes:
c4a67eed SPIGOT-4556: Fix plugins closing inventory during drop events
5be2ddcb Replace version constants with methods to prevent compiler inlining
a5b9c7b3 Use API method to create offset command completions
2bc7d1df SPIGOT-3747: Add API for force loaded chunks
a408f375 SPIGOT-3538: Add getHitBlockFace for ProjectileHitEvent
b54b9409 SPIGOT-2864: Make Arrow / Item setTicksLived behave like FallingBlock
79ded7a8 SPIGOT-1811: Death message not shown on respawn screen
b4a4f15d SPIGOT-943: InventoryCloseEvent called on death regardless of open inventory
0afed592 SPIGOT-794: Call EntityPlaceEvent for Minecart placement
2b2d084a Add InventoryView#getSlotType
01a9959a Do not use deprecated ItemSpawnEvent constructor
9642498d SPIGOT-4547: Call EntitySpawnEvent as general spawn fallback event
963f4a5f Add PlayerItemDamageEvent
63db0445 Add API to get / set base arrow damage
531c25d7 Add CraftMagicNumbers.MAPPINGS_VERSION for use by NMS plugins
d05c8b14 Mappings Update
bd36e200 SPIGOT-4551: Ignore invalid attribute modifier slots
Spigot Changes:
518206a1 Remove redundant trove depend
1959ad21 MC-11211,SPIGOT-4552: Fix placing double slabs at y = 255
29ab5e43 SPIGOT-3661: Allow arguments in restart-script
7cc46316 SPIGOT-852: Growth modifiers for beetroots, potatoes, carrots
82e117e1 Squelch "fatal: Resolve operation not in progress" message
0a1a68e7 Mappings Update & Patch Rebuild
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
0969eedc Clarify furnace burn time behaviour as per SPIGOT-844
16453bfd SPIGOT-4503: Add API to insert complete ItemStack into Jukebox
CraftBukkit Changes:
dff66dfc Reduce copying of positions from block states
91cae6ef SPIGOT-4387: Durability looping from cancelled BlockPlaceEvent
24c5e68c SPIGOT-4493: Allow burnt out furnaces to remain lit like Vanilla whilst retaining SPIGOT-844 API
bc943daf Fix Jukebox API not synchronizing playing data with state
fe89a8c1 SPIGOT-4503: Add API to insert complete ItemStack into Jukebox
fc102494 Make CraftBlockState use BlockPosition
89ab4887 SPIGOT-4543: Jukebox playing calls should not use legacy data
6ff5a64c SPIGOT-4541: Cancelled bucket events require inventory update
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
78568d11 Tweak Block.getTemperature to return actual block temperature
9ad459ca SPIGOT-2151: Add support for getting simple bounding box of a block
ad28b19f Add BlockData#getAsString(boolean) to hide unspecified states
CraftBukkit Changes:
1b982fd6 Tweak Block.getTemperature to return actual block temperature
f55c8191 SPIGOT-2151: Add support for getting simple bounding box of a block
4b843638 Add BlockData#getAsString(boolean) to hide unspecified states
Spigot Changes:
573cdf2c BUILDTOOLS-425: Disable commit.gpgSign in
667bdd6b Deprecate Spigot version of Entity.isInvulnerable
Developers!: You will need to clean up your work/Minecraft/1.13.2 folder for this
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
b850a822 SPIGOT-4526: Add conversion time API for Zombie & subclasses
CraftBukkit Changes:
38cf676e SPIGOT-4534: CreatureSpawnEvent not being called for CHUNK_GEN
b446cb5d SPIGOT-4527: Fix sponges with waterlogged blocks
6ec8ea5c SPIGOT-4526: Add conversion time API for Zombie & subclasses
c64fe508 Mappings Update
a3c2ec03 Fix missing ServerListPingEvent call for legacy pings
Spigot Changes:
1dc156ce Rebuild patches
140f654d Mappings Update
* Add PlayerConnectionCloseEvent
This event is invoked when a player has disconnected. It is guaranteed that,
if the server is in online-mode, that the provided uuid and username have been
The event is invoked for players who have not yet logged into the world, whereas
PlayerQuitEvent is only invoked on players who have logged into the world.
The event is invoked for players who have already logged into the world,
although whether or not the player exists in the world at the time of
firing is undefined. (That is, whether the plugin can retrieve a Player object
using the event parameters is undefined). However, it is guaranteed that this
event is invoked AFTER PlayerQuitEvent, if the player has already logged into
the world.
This event is guaranteed to never fire unless AsyncPlayerPreLoginEvent has
been invoked beforehand, and this event may not be called in parallel with
AsyncPlayerPreLoginEvent for the same connection.
Cancelling the AsyncPlayerPreLoginEvent guarantees the corresponding
PlayerConnectionCloseEvent is never called.
The event may be invoked asynchronously or synchronously. As it stands,
it is never invoked asynchronously. However, plugins should check
Event#isAsynchronous to be future-proof.
On purpose, the deprecated PlayerPreLoginEvent event is left out of the
API spec for this event. Plugins should not be using that event, and
how PlayerPreLoginEvent interacts with PlayerConnectionCloseEvent
is undefined.
Note to other developers: This commit may require you to wipe your
workspace as a result of the changes to BD.
--- work/BuildData
Submodule work/BuildData f527a8ff..d56672db:
> Mappings Update
--- work/Bukkit
Submodule work/Bukkit 0c1d258bb..db06c80d7:
> Add list of entities to EntityTransformEvent
> SPIGOT-4347: Add API to allow storing arbitrary values on ItemStacks
Submodule work/CraftBukkit 6a398ac44..068dab5be:
> Enable optional source JAR shading via profile shadeSourcesJar
> Use ImmutableList rather than AbstractList for CraftMetaBook
> Fix setRecipes(List) not setting Knowledge Book recipes.
> Mappings Update
> Add list of entities to EntityTransformEvent & move die calls
> SPIGOT-4347: Add API to allow storing arbitrary values on ItemStacks
> Add Vanilla help to default permissions
--- work/Spigot
Submodule work/Spigot a1f2566f6..e769fe4d9:
> Mappings Update
> Rebuild patches
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
9a793cce Remove no longer applicable caveats to setPlayerListName
7137829e SPIGOT-4496: Undeprecate MapView.getId and make int
de33ade0 Remove some draft API designations
a35fa838 SPIGOT-4472: Add Consumer scheduler methods
CraftBukkit Changes:
8cd538e6 SPIGOT-4498: Crash on startup
b4ee04ba SPIGOT-4496: Undeprecate MapView.getId and make int
ec937d0e SPIGOT-4472: Add Consumer scheduler methods
Spigot Changes:
a1f2566f Use monotonic time for watchdog
bc4adcbf SPIGOT-4498: Crash on startup
bb387e6c Rebuild patches
Now properly serializes and deserializes, is factored into hashcodes and
equality checks, etc
Deprecates the old Material based system and replaces it with a new one
based around NamespacedKeys and NamespacedTags. This allows the API to
extend beyond vanilla and Material enum based properties to datapack
based tags and elements.
Fixes GH-1635
Entities must be dismounted before teleportation in order to avoid
multiple issues in the server with regards to teleportation, shamefully,
too many plugins rely on the events firing, which means that not firing
these events caues more issues than it solves;
In order to counteract this, Entity dismount/exit vehicle events have
been modified to supress cancellation (and has a method to allow plugins
to check if this has been set), noting that cancellation will be silently
surpressed given that plugins are not expecting this event to not be cancellable.
This is a far from ideal scenario, however: given the current state of this
event and other alternatives causing issues elsewhere, I believe that
this is going to be the best soultion all around.
Improvements/suggestions welcome!