This event is called when an entity receives knockback by another entity. The knockback can be modified in the event. If the event is cancelled the entity is not knocked back.
Called when a player is firing a bow and the server is choosing an arrow to use.
Plugins can skip selection of certain arrows and control which is used.
Used to determine ACTUAL Living NPC's. Spigot mistakenly inversed the conditions for LivingEntity, and
used LivingEntity for Insentient Entities, and named the actual EntityLiving class EntityInsentient.
This should of all been inversed on the implementation side. To make matters worse, Spigot never
exposed the differentiator that there are entities with AI that are not sentient/alive such as
Armor stands and Players are the only things that do not implement the REAL EntityLiving class (named Insentient internally)
This interface lets you identify NPC entities capable of sentience, and able to move about and react to the world.
Redirects are in place (or will be shortly). This is mostly
Maven repo URLs already redirect however we can't deploy through them.
Jenkins URLs do not currently redirect but will within 24 hours.
Also adds a Discord link to the README, because apparently that's what
people want.
Documentation will be updated and announcements made once all redirects
are in place, until then, consider this advanced notice.
Adds ability to control who receives it and who is the source/sender (vanish API)
the standard API is to send the packet to everyone in the world, which is ineffecient.
This adds a new Builder API which is much friendlier to use.
Fires an event anytime an enderman intends to teleport away from the player
You may cancel this, enabling ranged attacks to damage the enderman for example.
It is often difficult to diagnose new issues server admins get when
upgrading to a new server version because the only information they are
able to tell us regarding the server version they are running is
"latest". This commit attempts to mitigate this by keeping track of the
previous version of Paper they were running, which is then reported by
the `/version` or `/paper version` command. This gives us a better idea
of the commits included in the upgrade, which may help diagnose new
issues easier.
It was using a redirect, but apparently a small portion of systems,
networks, some mess, are having problems with that redirect.
Just use the direct link and skip the hassle.
* Make the legacy ping handler more reliable
The Minecraft server often fails to respond to old ("legacy") pings
from old Minecraft versions using the protocol used before the switch
to Netty in Minecraft 1.7.
Due to packet fragmentation[1], we might not have all needed bytes
available when the LegacyPingHandler is called. In this case, it will
run into an error, remove the handler and continue using the modern
This is unlikely to happen for the first two revisions of the legacy
ping protocol (used in Minecraft 1.5.x and older) since the request
consists of only one or two bytes, but happens frequently for the
last/third revision introduced in Minecraft 1.6.
It has much larger, variable packet sizes due to the inclusion of
the virtual host (the hostname/port used to connect to the server).
The solution[2] is simple: If we find more than two matching bytes,
we buffer the remaining bytes until we have enough to fully read and
respond to the request.
* Add legacy ping support to PaperServerListPingEvent
Add a new method to StatusClient check if the client is a legacy
client that does not support all of the features provided in the
Some plugins (e.g. older builds of EssentialsX) assume that
ServerListPingEvent.getSampleText() returns a mutable copy of
the player sample list. This was the case until it was refactored
on top of the new API introduced in #980.
As a result, they may run into an error when trying to modify the
returned list directly. Modify getSampleText() to return a mutable
copy (a plain ArrayList) to mimic the old behavior.
Don't want to risk mutating players properties in server list (unlikely, but lets be proper)
and Skull also has a setter API, so that should be used too.
* Drop original implementation for old player sample API
* Add extended PaperServerListPingEvent
Add a new event that extends the original ServerListPingEvent
and allows full control of the response sent to the client.
* Implement deprecated player sample API