Aikar c0441b6262 Optimize Pathfinder - Remove Streams / Optimized collections
I utilized the IDE to convert streams to non streams code, so shouldn't
be any risk of behavior change. Only did minor optimization of the
generated code set to remove unnecessary things.

I expect us to just drop this patch on next major update and re-apply
it with the IDE again and re-apply the collections optimization.

Optimize collection by creating a list instead of a set of the key and value.

This lets us get faster foreach iteration, as well as avoids map lookups on
the values when needed.
2020-05-11 04:24:38 -04:00
Ability-to-apply-mending-to-XP-API.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Ability-to-change-PlayerProfile-in-AsyncPreLoginEven.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Ability-to-get-Tile-Entities-from-a-chunk-without-sn.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Add-ability-to-configure-frosted_ice-properties.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Add-API-methods-to-control-if-armour-stands-can-move.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Add-APIs-to-replace-OfflinePlayer-getLastPlayed.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Add-ArmorStand-Item-Meta.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Add-BeaconEffectEvent.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Add-config-to-disable-ender-dragon-legacy-check.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Add-configurable-despawn-distances-for-living-entiti.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Add-configurable-portal-search-radius.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Add-configuration-option-to-prevent-player-names-fro.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Add-CraftMagicNumbers.isSupportedApiVersion.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Add-Debug-Entities-option-to-debug-dupe-uuid-issues.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Add-Early-Warning-Feature-to-WatchDog.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Add-effect-to-block-break-naturally.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Add-EntityZapEvent.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Add-exception-reporting-event.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
add-hand-to-BlockMultiPlaceEvent.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Add-hand-to-bucket-events.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Add-handshake-event-to-allow-plugins-to-handle-clien.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Add-Heightmap-API.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Add-LivingEntity-getTargetEntity.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Add-method-to-open-already-placed-sign.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Add-methods-for-working-with-arrows-stuck-in-living-.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Add-MinecraftKey-Information-to-Objects.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Add-More-Creeper-API.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
add-more-information-to-Entity.toString.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Add-more-Witch-API.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Add-more-Zombie-API.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Add-option-to-allow-iron-golems-to-spawn-in-air.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Add-option-to-disable-pillager-patrols.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Add-option-to-make-parrots-stay-on-shoulders-despite.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Add-option-to-nerf-pigmen-from-nether-portals.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Add-option-to-prevent-players-from-moving-into-unloa.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Add-phantom-creative-and-insomniac-controls.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Add-PhantomPreSpawnEvent.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Add-PlayerArmorChangeEvent.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Add-PlayerAttackEntityCooldownResetEvent.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Add-PlayerConnectionCloseEvent.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Add-PlayerInitialSpawnEvent.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Add-PlayerJumpEvent.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Add-PlayerUseUnknownEntityEvent.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Add-ProjectileCollideEvent.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Add-ray-tracing-methods-to-LivingEntity.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Add-server-name-parameter.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Add-setPlayerProfile-API-for-Skulls.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Add-setting-for-proxy-online-mode-status.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Add-some-Debug-to-Chunk-Entity-slices.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Add-source-to-PlayerExpChangeEvent.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Add-sun-related-API.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Add-system-property-to-disable-book-size-limits.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Add-ThrownEggHatchEvent.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Add-tick-times-API-and-mspt-command.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Add-TNTPrimeEvent.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Add-UnknownCommandEvent.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Add-Velocity-IP-Forwarding-Support.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Add-velocity-warnings.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Add-version-history-to-version-command.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Add-villager-reputation-API.patch Add villager reputation API 2020-04-22 23:46:57 +02:00
Add-World-Util-Methods.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
All-chunks-are-slime-spawn-chunks-toggle.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Allow-chests-to-be-placed-with-NBT-data.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Allow-disabling-armour-stand-ticking.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Allow-for-toggling-of-spawn-chunks.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Allow-multiple-callbacks-to-schedule-for-Callback-Ex.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Allow-nerfed-mobs-to-jump-and-take-water-damage.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Allow-overriding-the-java-version-check.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Allow-Reloading-of-Command-Aliases.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Allow-Reloading-of-Custom-Permissions.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Allow-Saving-of-Oversized-Chunks.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Allow-setting-the-vex-s-summoner.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Allow-sleeping-players-to-float.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Allow-spawning-Item-entities-with-World.spawnEntity.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Allow-specifying-a-custom-authentication-servers-dow.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Always-tick-falling-blocks.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Anti-Xray.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
AnvilDamageEvent.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
API-to-get-a-BlockState-without-a-snapshot.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Async-command-map-building.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Asynchronous-chunk-IO-and-loading.patch Fix missing flag pass for isUrgent 2020-05-10 23:31:36 -04:00
AsyncTabCompleteEvent.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Auto-fix-bad-Y-levels-on-player-login.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Avoid-blocking-on-Network-Manager-creation.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Avoid-dimension-id-collisions.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Avoid-hopper-searches-if-there-are-no-items.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Avoid-item-merge-if-stack-size-above-max-stack-size.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Avoid-NPE-in-PathfinderGoalTempt.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Backport-fix-for-MC-167561.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Basic-PlayerProfile-API.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Be-a-bit-more-informative-in-maxHealth-exception.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Be-more-tolerant-of-invalid-attributes.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Bees-get-gravity-in-void.-Fixes-MC-167279.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Block-Enderpearl-Travel-Exploit.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Block-Entity-remove-from-being-called-on-Players.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Block-player-logins-during-server-shutdown.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
BlockDestroyEvent.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Book-Size-Limits.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Bound-Treasure-Maps-to-World-Border.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Break-up-and-make-tab-spam-limits-configurable.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Broadcast-join-message-to-console.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Cache-user-authenticator-threads.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Call-PaperServerListPingEvent-for-legacy-pings.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Call-player-spectator-target-events.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Call-WhitelistToggleEvent-when-whitelist-is-toggled.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Cap-Entity-Collisions.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Catch-exceptions-from-dispenser-entity-spawns.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Catch-JsonParseException-in-Entity-and-TE-names.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Change-implementation-of-tile-entity-removal-list.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Check-Drowned-for-Villager-Aggression-Config.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Check-online-mode-before-converting-and-renaming-pla.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Chunk-debug-command.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Chunk-registration-fixes.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Chunk-Save-Reattempt.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
ChunkMapDistance-CME.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Cleanup-Region-Files-Direct-Memory-on-close.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Complete-resource-pack-API.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Configurable-Alternative-LootPool-Luck-Formula.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Configurable-baby-zombie-movement-speed.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Configurable-Bed-Search-Radius.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Configurable-cactus-and-reed-natural-growth-heights.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Configurable-Cartographer-Treasure-Maps.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Configurable-chance-of-villager-zombie-infection.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Configurable-Chunk-Inhabited-Time.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Configurable-connection-throttle-kick-message.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Configurable-container-update-tick-rate.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Configurable-Disabling-Cat-Chest-Detection.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Configurable-end-credits.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Configurable-fishing-time-ranges.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Configurable-flying-kick-messages.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Configurable-Grass-Spread-Tick-Rate.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Configurable-inter-world-teleportation-safety.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Configurable-Keep-Spawn-Loaded-range-per-world.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Configurable-mob-spawner-tick-rate.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Configurable-Non-Player-Arrow-Despawn-Rate.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Configurable-packet-in-spam-threshold.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Configurable-Player-Collision.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Configurable-projectile-relative-velocity.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Configurable-RCON-IP-address.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Configurable-spawn-chances-for-skeleton-horses.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Configurable-speed-for-water-flowing-over-lava.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Configurable-sprint-interruption-on-attack.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Configurable-top-of-nether-void-damage.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Custom-replacement-for-eaten-items.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Dead-Player-s-shouldn-t-be-able-to-move.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Default-loading-permissions.yml-before-plugins.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Delay-unsafe-actions-until-after-entity-ticking-is-d.patch Add Urgent API for Async Chunks API and use it for Async Teleport 2020-05-09 22:30:28 -04:00
Disable-Explicit-Network-Manager-Flushing.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Disable-explosion-knockback.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Disable-ice-and-snow.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Disable-logger-prefix-for-various-plugins-bypassing-.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Disable-Scoreboards-for-non-players-by-default.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Disable-spigot-tick-limiters.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Disable-thunder.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Do-less-work-if-we-have-a-custom-Bukkit-generator.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Do-not-allow-bees-to-load-chunks-for-beehives.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Do-not-let-armorstands-drown.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Do-not-load-chunks-for-Pathfinding.patch Fix ChunkCache .getXIfLoaded to use the local chunks in the cache 2020-05-09 14:58:08 -04:00
Don-t-allow-digging-into-unloaded-chunks.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Don-t-allow-entities-to-ride-themselves-572.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Don-t-call-getItemMeta-on-hasItemMeta.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Don-t-change-the-Entity-Random-seed-for-squids.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Don-t-check-ConvertSigns-boolean-every-sign-save.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Don-t-crash-if-player-is-attempted-to-be-removed-fro.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Don-t-fire-BlockFade-on-worldgen-threads.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
don-t-go-below-0-for-pickupDelay-breaks-picking-up-i.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Don-t-let-fishinghooks-use-portals.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Don-t-load-Chunks-from-Hoppers-and-other-things.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Don-t-load-chunks-when-attempting-to-unload-a-chunk.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Don-t-lookup-game-profiles-that-have-no-UUID-and-no-.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Don-t-move-existing-players-to-world-spawn.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Don-t-nest-if-we-don-t-need-to-when-cerealising-text.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Don-t-run-entity-collision-code-if-not-needed.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Don-t-save-empty-scoreboard-teams-to-scoreboard.dat.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Don-t-sleep-after-profile-lookups-if-not-needed.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Don-t-tick-dead-players.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Don-t-tick-Skulls-unused-code.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Don-t-toString-block-unless-actually-showing-the-mes.patch Don't toString block unless actually showing the message 2020-05-09 13:55:41 -04:00
Drop-falling-block-and-tnt-entities-at-the-specified.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Duplicate-UUID-Resolve-Option.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
EnderDragon-Events.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Enderman.teleportRandomly.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
EndermanAttackPlayerEvent.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
EndermanEscapeEvent.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Enforce-Sync-Player-Saves.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Ensure-commands-are-not-ran-async.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Ensure-Entity-AABB-s-are-never-invalid.patch Ensure Entity AABB's are never invalid 2020-05-10 22:14:47 -04:00
Ensure-Entity-is-never-double-registered.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Ensure-EntityRaider-respects-game-and-entity-rules-f.patch Fix EntityRaider picking up items when they shouldn't be able 2020-05-11 00:41:15 -04:00
Ensure-inv-drag-is-in-bounds.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Entity-Activation-Range-2.0.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Entity-AddTo-RemoveFrom-World-Events.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Entity-fromMobSpawner.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Entity-getEntitySpawnReason.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Entity-Jump-API.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Entity-Origin-API.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
EntityPathfindEvent.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
EntityRegainHealthEvent-isFastRegen-API.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
EntityShootBowEvent-consumeArrow-and-getArrowItem-AP.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
EntityTransformedEvent.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Expand-Explosions-API.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Expand-World.spawnParticle-API-and-add-Builder.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
ExperienceOrbMergeEvent.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
ExperienceOrbs-API-for-Reason-Source-Triggering-play.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Expose-attack-cooldown-methods-for-Player.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Expose-client-protocol-version-and-virtual-host.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Expose-game-version.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Expose-MinecraftServer-isRunning.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Expose-server-CommandMap.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Expose-the-internal-current-tick.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Extend-Player-Interact-cancellation.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Faster-redstone-torch-rapid-clock-removal.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Fill-Profile-Property-Events.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Filter-bad-data-from-ArmorStand-and-SpawnEgg-items.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Fire-BlockPistonRetractEvent-for-all-empty-pistons.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Fire-EntityShootBowEvent-for-Illusioner.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Fire-event-on-GS4-query.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Firework-API-s.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Fix-AssertionError-when-player-hand-set-to-empty-typ.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Fix-Cancelling-BlockPlaceEvent-triggering-physics.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Fix-CB-call-to-changed-postToMainThread-method.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Fix-Chunk-Post-Processing-deadlock-risk.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Fix-client-rendering-skulls-from-same-user.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Fix-comparator-behavior-for-EntityPhanton-goal.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Fix-CraftEntity-hashCode.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Fix-CraftServer-isPrimaryThread-and-MinecraftServer-.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Fix-CraftServer.unloadWorld-Leak.patch Fix world unload toLowercase - Fixes #3326 2020-05-09 10:59:10 -04:00
Fix-Custom-Shapeless-Custom-Crafting-Recipes.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Fix-Double-World-Add-issues.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Fix-Dragon-Server-Crashes.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Fix-exploit-that-allowed-colored-signs-to-be-created.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Fix-issues-with-entity-loss-due-to-unloaded-chunks.patch Properly remove Entities from current chunk 2020-05-10 05:52:31 -04:00
Fix-items-not-falling-correctly.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Fix-items-vanishing-through-end-portal.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Fix-lag-from-explosions-processing-dead-entities.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Fix-last-firework-in-stack-not-having-effects-when-d.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Fix-Light-Command.patch Add Urgent API for Async Chunks API and use it for Async Teleport 2020-05-09 22:30:28 -04:00
Fix-Longstanding-Broken-behavior-of-PlayerJoinEvent.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Fix-MC-93764.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Fix-MC-117075-TE-Unload-Lag-Spike.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Fix-MC-124320.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Fix-MC-158900.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Fix-MC-161754.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Fix-nether-portal-creation.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Fix-NPE-when-getting-location-from-InventoryEnderChe.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Fix-numerous-item-duplication-issues-and-teleport-is.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Fix-Old-Sign-Conversion.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Fix-PlayerEditBookEvent.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Fix-PotionEffect-ignores-icon-flag.patch Fix PotionEffect API Ignoring Icon bug 2020-05-11 00:44:27 -04:00
Fix-reducedDebugInfo-not-initialized-on-client.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Fix-sign-edit-memory-leak.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Fix-some-generation-concurrency-issues.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Fix-sounds-when-item-frames-are-modified-MC-123450.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Fix-spawn-radius-being-treated-as-0.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Fix-spawning-of-hanging-entities-that-are-not-ItemFr.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Fix-SpongeAbsortEvent-handling.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Fix-stuck-in-sneak-when-changing-worlds-MC-10657.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Fix-this-stupid-bullshit.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Fix-unregistering-entities-from-unloading-chunks.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Fix-World-isChunkGenerated-calls.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Fix-zero-tick-instant-grow-farms-MC-113809.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Flag-to-disable-the-channel-limit.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
force-entity-dismount-during-teleportation.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Further-improve-server-tick-loop.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Generator-Settings.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
getPlayerUniqueId-API.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Guard-against-serializing-mismatching-chunk-coordina.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Handle-Item-Meta-Inconsistencies.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Handle-Large-Packets-disconnecting-client.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
handle-NaN-health-absorb-values-and-repair-bad-data.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Handle-Oversized-Tile-Entities-in-chunks.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
handle-PacketPlayInKeepAlive-async.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Handle-plugin-prefixes-using-Log4J-configuration.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Here-s-Johnny.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Honor-EntityAgeable.ageLock.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Hook-into-CB-plugin-rewrites.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Ignore-Dead-Entities-in-entityList-iteration.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Implement-alternative-item-despawn-rate.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Implement-an-API-for-CanPlaceOn-and-CanDestroy-NBT-v.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Implement-Brigadier-Mojang-API.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Implement-Chunk-Priority-Urgency-System-for-World-Ge.patch Fix missing flag pass for isUrgent 2020-05-10 23:31:36 -04:00
Implement-CraftBlockSoundGroup.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Implement-ensureServerConversions-API.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Implement-EntityKnockbackByEntityEvent.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Implement-EntityTeleportEndGatewayEvent.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Implement-Expanded-ArmorStand-API.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Implement-extended-PaperServerListPingEvent.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Implement-furnace-cook-speed-multiplier-API.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Implement-getI18NDisplayName.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Implement-getters-and-setters-for-EntityItem-owner-a.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Implement-JellySquid-s-Entity-Collision-optimisation.patch Implement JellySquid's Entity Collision optimisations patch 2020-04-22 17:11:50 +02:00
Implement-Mob-Goal-API.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
implement-optional-per-player-mob-spawns.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Implement-Paper-VersionChecker.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Implement-Player-Client-Options-API.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Implement-PlayerLocaleChangeEvent.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Implement-PlayerPostRespawnEvent.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Implement-World.getEntity-UUID-API.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Improve-BlockPosition-inline-and-hashCode-equals.patch Improve BlockPosition hashCode/equals 2020-05-09 10:59:29 -04:00
improve-CraftWorld-isChunkLoaded.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Improve-death-events.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Improve-Maps-in-item-frames-performance-and-bug-fixe.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Improve-the-Saddle-API-for-Horses.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Improved-Async-Task-Scheduler.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Improved-Watchdog-Support.patch Move delayed init down later in tick, improve accuracy of startup time 2020-05-06 21:24:43 -04:00
Include-Log4J2-SLF4J-implementation.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Increase-Light-Queue-Size.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
incremental-chunk-saving.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Inventory-removeItemAnySlot.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
InventoryCloseEvent-Reason-API.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Item-canEntityPickup.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
ItemStack-getMaxItemUseDuration.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Lag-compensate-eating.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Lazy-init-world-storage-in-CraftOfflinePlayer.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Limit-Client-Sign-length-more.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Limit-lightning-strike-effect-distance.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
LivingEntity-Hand-Raised-Item-Use-API.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
LivingEntity-setKiller.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Load-Chunks-for-Login-Asynchronously.patch Don't skip full player connection tick when dead 2020-05-06 19:30:47 -04:00
Log-other-thread-in-DataPaletteBlock-lock-failure.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
LootTable-API-Replenishable-Lootables-Feature.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Make-CraftWorld-loadChunk-int-int-false-load-unconve.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Make-EnderDragon-implement-Mob.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Make-legacy-ping-handler-more-reliable.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Make-max-squid-spawn-height-configurable.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Make-player-data-saving-configurable.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Make-shield-blocking-delay-configurable.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Make-targetSize-more-aggressive-in-the-chunk-unload-.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Make-the-default-permission-message-configurable.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Make-the-GUI-graph-fancier.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Mark-chunk-dirty-anytime-entities-change-to-guarante.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Mark-entities-as-being-ticked-when-notifying-navigat.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
MC-50319-Check-other-worlds-for-shooter-of-projectil.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
MC-114618-Fix-EntityAreaEffectCloud-from-going-negat.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
MC-135506-Experience-should-save-as-Integers.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
MC-145260-Fix-Whitelist-On-Off-inconsistency.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
MC-145656-Fix-Follow-Range-Initial-Target.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
MC-183249-Don-t-generate-Carving-Masks-BitSet-unless.patch MC-183249: Don't generate Carving Masks BitSet unless needed 2020-05-09 12:13:29 -04:00
MC-Dev-fixes.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
MC-Utils.patch Fix ChunkCache .getXIfLoaded to use the local chunks in the cache 2020-05-09 14:58:08 -04:00
Mid-Tick-Chunk-Tasks-Speed-up-processing-of-chunk-lo.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Mob-Pathfinding-API.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Mob-Spawner-API-Enhancements.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
More-informative-vehicle-moved-wrongly-message.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Move-player-to-spawn-point-if-spawn-in-unloaded-worl.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
No-Tick-view-distance-implementation.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Ocelot-despawns-should-honor-nametags-and-leash.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
offset-item-frame-ticking.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
only-add-passanger-entities-once-from-spawners.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Only-count-Natural-Spawned-mobs-towards-natural-spaw.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Only-process-BlockPhysicsEvent-if-a-plugin-has-a-lis.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Only-refresh-abilities-if-needed.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Only-send-Dragon-Wither-Death-sounds-to-same-world.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Optimise-ArraySetSorted-removeIf.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Optimise-BlockState-s-hashCode-equals.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Optimise-Chunk-getFluid.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Optimise-entity-hard-collision-checking.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Optimise-getChunkAt-calls-for-loaded-chunks.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Optimise-IEntityAccess-getPlayerByUUID.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Optimise-random-block-ticking.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Optimise-removeQueue.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Optimise-TickListServer-by-rewriting-it.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Optimize-Biome-Mob-Lookups-for-Mob-Spawning.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Optimize-BlockPosition-helper-methods.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Optimize-brigadier-child-sorting-performance.patch Optimize brigadier child sorting performance 2020-04-16 20:57:02 -07:00
Optimize-call-to-getFluid-for-explosions.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Optimize-Captured-TileEntity-Lookup.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Optimize-ChunkProviderServer-s-chunk-level-checking-.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Optimize-Collision-to-not-load-chunks.patch Add a TELEPORT ticket when changing dimensions 2020-05-10 23:58:04 -04:00
Optimize-CraftBlockData-Creation.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Optimize-explosions.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Optimize-Hoppers.patch Optimize Hoppers - Major performance improvement 2020-05-11 03:42:32 -04:00
Optimize-isOutsideRange-to-use-distance-maps.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Optimize-isValidLocation-getType-and-getBlockData-fo.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Optimize-ItemStack.isEmpty.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Optimize-Network-Manager-and-add-advanced-packet-sup.patch Send LOGIN protocol packets immediately - Fix disconnect during async prelogin 2020-05-10 03:12:05 -04:00
Optimize-Pathfinder-Remove-Streams-Optimized-collect.patch Optimize Pathfinder - Remove Streams / Optimized collections 2020-05-11 04:24:38 -04:00
Optimize-Pathfinding.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Optimize-PlayerChunkMap-memory-use-for-visibleChunks.patch Add Urgent API for Async Chunks API and use it for Async Teleport 2020-05-09 22:30:28 -04:00
Optimize-redstone-algorithm.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Optimize-RegistryID.c.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Optimize-RegistryMaterials.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Optimize-Server-World-Map.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Optimize-TileEntity-Ticking.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Optimize-UserCache-Thread-Safe.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Optimize-Voxel-Shape-Merging.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Optimize-World-Time-Updates.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Optimize-World.isLoaded-BlockPosition-Z.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Optimize-WorldBorder-collision-checks-and-air.patch Optimize WorldBorder collision checks and air 2020-05-10 22:49:58 -04:00
Option-for-maximum-exp-value-when-merging-orbs.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Option-to-prevent-armor-stands-from-doing-entity-loo.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Option-to-remove-corrupt-tile-entities.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Option-to-use-vanilla-per-world-scoreboard-coloring-.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Optional-TNT-doesn-t-move-in-water.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Paper-config-files.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Paper-Metrics.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Per-Player-View-Distance-API-placeholders.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Performance-improvement-for-Chunk.getEntities.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Pillager-patrol-spawn-settings-and-per-player-option.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Player-affects-spawning-API.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Player-Tab-List-and-Title-APIs.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Player.setPlayerProfile-API.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
PlayerAdvancementCriterionGrantEvent.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
PlayerAttemptPickupItemEvent.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
PlayerDeathEvent-getItemsToKeep.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
PlayerDeathEvent-shouldDropExperience.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
PlayerElytraBoostEvent.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
PlayerLaunchProjectileEvent.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
PlayerNaturallySpawnCreaturesEvent.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
PlayerPickupExperienceEvent.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
PlayerPickupItemEvent-setFlyAtPlayer.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
PlayerReadyArrowEvent.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
PlayerTeleportEndGatewayEvent.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
POM-Changes.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Port-20w15a-Villager-AI-optimizations-DROP-1.16.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Potential-bed-API.patch Potential bed api (#3339) 2020-05-11 00:19:04 -04:00
PreCreatureSpawnEvent.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
PreSpawnerSpawnEvent.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Prevent-bees-loading-chunks-checking-hive-position.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Prevent-chunk-loading-from-Fluid-Flowing.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Prevent-consuming-the-wrong-itemstack.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Prevent-Double-PlayerChunkMap-adds-crashing-server.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Prevent-Enderman-from-loading-chunks.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Prevent-Fire-from-loading-chunks.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Prevent-Frosted-Ice-from-loading-holding-chunks.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Prevent-logins-from-being-processed-when-the-player-.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Prevent-Mob-AI-Rules-from-Loading-Chunks.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Prevent-mob-spawning-from-loading-generating-chunks.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Prevent-opening-inventories-when-frozen.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Prevent-Pathfinding-out-of-World-Border.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Prevent-rayTrace-from-loading-chunks.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Prevent-Saving-Bad-entities-to-chunks.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Prevent-sync-chunk-loads-when-villagers-try-to-find-.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Prevent-teleporting-dead-entities.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Prevent-tile-entity-and-entity-crashes.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Print-Error-details-when-failing-to-save-player-data.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Profile-Lookup-Events.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
ProfileWhitelistVerifyEvent.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Properly-fix-item-duplication-bug.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Properly-handle-async-calls-to-restart-the-server.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
provide-a-configurable-option-to-disable-creeper-lin.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Provide-E-TE-Chunk-count-stat-methods.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
RangedEntity-API.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Re-add-vanilla-entity-warnings-for-duplicates.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Reduce-Either-Optional-allocation.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Reduce-memory-footprint-of-NBTTagCompound.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Reduce-sync-loads.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Refresh-player-inventory-when-cancelling-PlayerInter.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Remote-Connections-shouldn-t-hold-up-shutdown.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Remove-CraftScheduler-Async-Task-Debugger.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Remove-Debug-checks-from-DataBits.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Remove-FishingHook-reference-on-Craft-Entity-removal.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Remove-invalid-mob-spawner-tile-entities.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Remove-Metadata-on-reload.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
remove-null-possibility-for-getServer-singleton.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Remove-some-Streams-usage-in-Entity-Collision.patch Fix teleporting onto a chunk line 2020-05-10 05:36:35 -04:00
Remove-streams-from-MinecraftKey.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Remove-streams-from-Mob-AI-System.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Remove-streams-from-PairedQueue.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Remove-unused-World-Tile-Entity-List.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Reset-players-airTicks-on-respawn.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Reset-spawner-timer-when-spawner-event-is-cancelled.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Restore-custom-InventoryHolder-support.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Restore-vanlla-default-mob-spawn-range.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Restrict-vanilla-teleport-command-to-valid-locations.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
revert-serverside-behavior-of-keepalives.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Sanitise-RegionFileCache-and-make-configurable.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Seed-based-feature-search.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Send-absolute-position-the-first-time-an-entity-is-s.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Send-attack-SoundEffects-only-to-players-who-can-see.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Send-nearby-packets-from-world-player-list-not-serve.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Server-Tick-Events.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Set-cap-on-JDK-per-thread-native-byte-buffer-cache.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Set-Zombie-last-tick-at-start-of-drowning-process.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Shoulder-Entities-Release-API.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Show-blockstate-location-if-we-failed-to-read-it.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Show-Paper-in-client-crashes-server-lists-and-Mojang.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
SkeletonHorse-Additions.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Slime-Pathfinder-Events.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Stop-copy-on-write-operations-for-updating-light-dat.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Store-counts-for-each-Entity-Block-Entity-Type.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Store-reference-to-current-Chunk-for-Entity-and-Bloc.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
String-based-Action-Bar-API.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Support-Overriding-World-Seeds.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Sync-position-on-teleportation.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
System-property-for-disabling-watchdoge.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Tameable-getOwnerUniqueId-API.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Timings-v2.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Toggleable-player-crits-helps-mitigate-hacked-client.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Tracking-Range-Improvements.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Turtle-API.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Undead-horse-leashing.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Unset-Ignited-flag-on-cancel-of-Explosion-Event.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Update-entity-Metadata-for-all-tracked-players.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Use-a-Queue-for-Queueing-Commands.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Use-a-Shared-Random-for-Entities.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Use-asynchronous-Log4j-2-loggers.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
use-CB-BlockState-implementations-for-captured-block.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Use-ChunkStatus-cache-when-saving-protochunks.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Use-ConcurrentHashMap-in-JsonList.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Use-distance-map-to-optimise-entity-tracker.patch Revert loaded entity list (#3304) 2020-05-06 09:31:29 -07:00
Use-getChunkIfLoadedImmediately-in-places.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Use-Log4j-IOStreams-to-redirect-System.out-err-to-lo.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Use-more-reasonable-thread-count-default-for-bootstr.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Use-proper-max-length-when-serialising-BungeeCord-te.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Use-TerminalConsoleAppender-for-console-improvements.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Use-UserCache-for-player-heads.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Use-Vanilla-Minecart-Speeds.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Validate-PickItem-Packet-and-kick-for-invalid.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Validate-tripwire-hook-placement-before-update.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Vanished-players-don-t-have-rights.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Vex-getSummoner-API.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Villager-Restocks-API.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Wait-for-Async-Tasks-during-shutdown.patch Wait for Async Tasks during shutdown 2020-05-10 22:17:55 -04:00
Waving-banner-workaround.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
WitchConsumePotionEvent.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
WitchReadyPotionEvent.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
WitchThrowPotionEvent.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Workaround-for-setting-passengers-on-players.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00
Workaround-for-vehicle-tracking-issue-on-disconnect.patch Rebuild all patches using the new rebuild pattern 2020-05-06 05:48:49 -04:00