2015-08-06 21:44:03 -07:00
Ability-to-disable-asynccatcher.patch Update PaperSpigot to Minecraft 1.8.3 2015-03-07 19:16:09 -06:00
Add-async-chunk-load-API.patch Rebuild patches 2015-07-14 08:59:57 -07:00
Add-BeaconEffectEvent.patch Temporarily remove PlayerMicroMoveEvent implementation 2015-07-30 22:47:22 -05:00
Add-configurable-despawn-distances-for-living-entiti.patch Update PaperSpigot to Minecraft 1.8.3 2015-03-07 19:16:09 -06:00
Add-FallingBlock-source-location-API.patch Rebuild patches 2015-07-14 08:59:57 -07:00
Add-player-view-distance-API.patch Add player view distance API 2015-07-01 01:01:42 -07:00
Add-PlayerLocaleChangeEvent.patch Remove giant TNT changes patch 2015-06-04 01:42:09 -07:00
Add-TNT-source-location-API.patch Update for upstream NMS mapping changes 2015-07-30 22:41:53 -05:00
Allow-for-toggling-of-spawn-chunks.patch Update PaperSpigot to Minecraft 1.8.3 2015-03-07 19:16:09 -06:00
Allow-nerfed-mobs-to-jump.patch Nerfed spawner mobs should use PathfinderGoalFloat to swim if available 2015-07-14 10:51:38 -07:00
Allow-specified-ItemStacks-to-retain-their-invalid-d.patch Rebuild patches 2015-07-14 08:59:57 -07:00
Allow-undead-horse-types-to-be-leashed.patch Update PaperSpigot to Minecraft 1.8.3 2015-03-07 19:16:09 -06:00
Always-tick-falling-blocks.patch Remove giant TNT changes patch 2015-06-04 01:42:09 -07:00
Check-online-mode-before-converting-and-renaming-pla.patch Remove giant TNT changes patch 2015-06-04 01:42:09 -07:00
ChunkMap-caching.patch Unload client chunks + only cache whole chunk maps 2015-07-16 14:06:33 -07:00
Configurable-async-light-updates.patch Fix NPE in recheckGaps when using async lighting 2015-08-06 21:44:03 -07:00
Configurable-baby-zombie-movement-speed.patch Update PaperSpigot to Minecraft 1.8.3 2015-03-07 19:16:09 -06:00
Configurable-cactus-and-reed-natural-growth-heights.patch Update PaperSpigot to Minecraft 1.8.3 2015-03-07 19:16:09 -06:00
Configurable-container-update-tick-rate.patch Configurable TNT explosion volume 2015-08-04 17:47:57 -07:00
Configurable-damage-multiplier-for-PvP-blocking.patch Update PaperSpigot to Minecraft 1.8.3 2015-03-07 19:16:09 -06:00
Configurable-end-credits-when-leaving-the-end.patch Stop updating flowing block if material has changed 2015-06-30 19:46:05 -07:00
Configurable-fishing-time-ranges.patch Update PaperSpigot to Minecraft 1.8.3 2015-03-07 19:16:09 -06:00
Configurable-game-mechanics-changes.patch Migrate old TNT height nerf settings to falling block height nerf 2015-06-04 03:57:23 -07:00
Configurable-lava-flow-speed.patch Configurable lava flow speed 2015-07-01 00:39:31 -07:00
Configurable-mob-spawner-tick-rate.patch Configurable mob spawner tick rate 2015-07-14 10:01:28 -07:00
Configurable-speed-for-water-flowing-over-lava.patch Migrate old TNT height nerf settings to falling block height nerf 2015-06-04 03:57:23 -07:00
Configurable-squid-spawn-ranges.patch Update PaperSpigot to Minecraft 1.8.3 2015-03-07 19:16:09 -06:00
Configurable-strength-and-weakness-effect-modifiers.patch Update PaperSpigot to Minecraft 1.8.3 2015-03-07 19:16:09 -06:00
Configurable-TNT-cannon-fix.patch Update for upstream NMS mapping changes 2015-07-30 22:41:53 -05:00
Configurable-TNT-explosion-volume.patch Temporarily use getDouble() internally for calls to getFloat() in Paper configs 2015-08-04 17:57:17 -07:00
Configurable-top-of-nether-void-damage.patch Migrate old TNT height nerf settings to falling block height nerf 2015-06-04 03:57:23 -07:00
Disable-explosion-knockback.patch Various configurable toggles 2015-07-14 09:34:10 -07:00
Disable-ice-and-snow.patch Various configurable toggles 2015-07-14 09:34:10 -07:00
Disable-mood-sounds.patch Add chests and soul sand to list of types falling blocks can collide with 2015-08-04 17:24:47 -07:00
Disable-thunder.patch Various configurable toggles 2015-07-14 09:34:10 -07:00
Drop-falling-block-entities-that-are-above-the-speci.patch Migrate old TNT height nerf settings to falling block height nerf 2015-06-04 03:57:23 -07:00
Enderman-drop-the-block-they-re-holding-when-they-di.patch Rebuild patches 2015-07-14 08:59:57 -07:00
FallingBlock-and-TNT-entities-collide-with-specific-.patch Add beds and enderchests to list of collidable blocks 2015-08-05 02:31:55 -07:00
Fast-draining.patch Fix liquids stuck in fast drain loop 2015-07-03 12:38:43 -07:00
Fix-jar-being-shaded-multiple-times.patch Rebuild patches 2015-07-14 08:59:57 -07:00
Fix-lag-from-explosions-processing-dead-entities.patch Rebuild patches 2015-07-14 08:59:57 -07:00
Fix-lava-water-some-times-creating-air-instead-of-co.patch Fix lava/water some times creating air instead of cobblestone 2015-08-04 17:57:17 -07:00
Fix-redstone-lag-issues.patch Remove giant TNT changes patch 2015-06-04 01:42:09 -07:00
Force-load-chunks-for-specific-entities-that-fly-thr.patch Load chunks in getCubes() 2015-07-07 13:44:35 -07:00
Further-improve-server-tick-loop.patch Re-add recentTps array for plugins that make bad choices 2015-07-26 15:58:37 -05:00
Generator-Settings.patch Update PaperSpigot to 1.8.8 2015-07-27 17:26:21 -05:00
mc-dev-imports.patch Fix lava/water some times creating air instead of cobblestone 2015-08-04 17:57:17 -07:00
Metrics.patch Re-enable Metrics so that we can better understand our userbase 2015-05-18 19:03:24 -05:00
Move-sound-handling-out-of-the-chest-tick-loop.patch Update PaperSpigot to Minecraft 1.8.3 2015-03-07 19:16:09 -06:00
Only-refresh-abilities-if-needed.patch Rebuild patches 2015-07-14 08:59:57 -07:00
Optimize-draining.patch Always use optimized draining fix 2015-06-30 19:23:17 -07:00
Optimize-explosions.patch Fix NPE in recheckGaps when using async lighting 2015-08-06 21:44:03 -07:00
Optimize-getCubes.patch Optimize getCubes() 2015-08-04 15:25:37 -07:00
Optimize-Spigot-s-Anti-X-Ray.patch Optimize Spigot's Anti X-Ray 2015-07-23 04:24:24 -07:00
Optimize-TileEntity-Ticking.patch Update to 1.8.7 2015-06-05 05:45:30 -07:00
PaperSpigot-config-files.patch Temporarily use getDouble() internally for calls to getFloat() in Paper configs 2015-08-04 17:57:17 -07:00
Player-affects-spawning-API.patch Rebuild patches 2015-07-14 08:59:57 -07:00
Player-Exhaustion-Multipliers.patch Update PaperSpigot to Minecraft 1.8.3 2015-03-07 19:16:09 -06:00
POM-Changes.patch Update PaperSpigot to 1.8.8 2015-07-27 17:26:21 -05:00
Prevent-tile-entity-and-entity-crashes.patch Rebuild patches 2015-07-14 08:59:57 -07:00
Remove-certain-entities-that-fly-through-unloaded-ch.patch Migrate old TNT height nerf settings to falling block height nerf 2015-06-04 03:57:23 -07:00
Remove-invalid-mob-spawner-tile-entities.patch Migrate old TNT height nerf settings to falling block height nerf 2015-06-04 03:57:23 -07:00
Remove-Spigot-TileEntity-Enity-Tick-Time-Capping.patch Remove the spigot TileEntity/Entity capping feature 2015-05-30 01:39:20 -05:00
Send-absolute-position-the-first-time-an-entity-is-s.patch Send absolute position the first time an entity is seen 2015-07-23 04:13:26 -07:00
Show-PaperSpigot-in-client-crashes-server-lists-and-.patch Rebuild patches 2015-07-14 08:59:57 -07:00
Stackable-Buckets.patch Rebuild 2015-07-25 18:00:37 -05:00
Stop-updating-flowing-block-if-material-has-changed.patch Stop updating flowing block if material has changed 2015-06-30 19:46:05 -07:00
Teleport-passenger-vehicle-with-player.patch Clean up async lighting patch 2015-07-01 00:27:58 -07:00
Toggle-for-player-interact-limiter.patch Rebuild 2015-07-25 18:00:37 -05:00
Toggleable-player-crits-helps-mitigate-hacked-client.patch Remove giant TNT changes patch 2015-06-04 01:42:09 -07:00
Vanished-players-don-t-have-rights.patch Update PaperSpigot to Minecraft 1.8.3 2015-03-07 19:16:09 -06:00