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synced 2025-03-05 03:06:54 +01:00
New Crowdin translations (#4641)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (French) * New translations ja-JP.yml (French) * New translations ja-JP.yml (French) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Polish) * New translations ja-JP.yml (English) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Polish) * New translations ja-JP.yml (French) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Korean) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Spanish) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Japanese, Kansai) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Czech) * New translations ja-JP.yml (French) * New translations ja-JP.yml (English) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Polish) * New translations ja-JP.yml (French) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Czech) * New translations ja-JP.yml (German) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Korean) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Portuguese) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Spanish) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Japanese, Kansai) * New translations ja-JP.yml (English) * New translations ja-JP.yml (English) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Polish) * New translations ja-JP.yml (English) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Polish) * New translations ja-JP.yml (French) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Korean) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Spanish) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Japanese, Kansai) * New translations ja-JP.yml (English) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Polish) * New translations ja-JP.yml (French) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Czech) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Dutch) * New translations ja-JP.yml (German) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Korean) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Japanese, Kansai) * New translations ja-JP.yml (English) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ja-JP.yml (French) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Korean) * New translations ja-JP.yml (English) * New translations ja-JP.yml (French) * New translations ja-JP.yml (French) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Czech) * New translations ja-JP.yml (English) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Polish) * New translations ja-JP.yml (French) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Dutch) * New translations ja-JP.yml (German) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Korean) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Spanish) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Japanese, Kansai)
This commit is contained in:
11 changed files with 136 additions and 234 deletions
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ common:
outro: "Podívejte se na unikátní vlastnosti Misskey vlastníma očima! Pokud si myslíte, že tato instance není pro vás, zkuste jiné instance, neboť Misskey je decentralizovaná sociální síť, takže můžete snadno najít své přátele. Hodně štěstí a zábavy!"
outro: "Podívejte se na unikátní vlastnosti Misskey vlastníma očima! Pokud si myslíte, že tato instance není pro vás, zkuste jiné instance, neboť Misskey je decentralizovaná sociální síť, takže můžete snadno najít své přátele. Hodně štěstí a zábavy!"
detected: "Prosím vypněte svůj blokovač reklam"
detected: "Prosím vypněte svůj blokovač reklam"
warning: "<strong>Misskey nepoužívá reklamy</strong>, některé vlastnosti však mohou být nedostupné nebo mohou způsobovat chyby, pokud máte povolený blokovač reklam."
warning: "Některé vlastnosti mohou být nedostupné nebo mohou způsobovat chyby, pokud máte povolený blokovač reklam. <strong>Misskey nepoužívá reklamy</strong>."
application-authorization: "Autorizované aplikace"
application-authorization: "Autorizované aplikace"
close: "Zavřít"
close: "Zavřít"
do-not-copy-paste: "Prosím nezadávejte ani nevkládejte sem kód. Váš účet může být kompromitován."
do-not-copy-paste: "Prosím nezadávejte ani nevkládejte sem kód. Váš účet může být kompromitován."
@ -227,6 +227,7 @@ common:
cancel: "Zrušit"
cancel: "Zrušit"
update-available-title: "Aktualizace k dispozici"
update-available-title: "Aktualizace k dispozici"
update-available: "Je k dispozici nová verze Misskey ({newer},vaše verze je {current}). Pro aplikování nové verze znovunačtěte stránku."
update-available: "Je k dispozici nová verze Misskey ({newer},vaše verze je {current}). Pro aplikování nové verze znovunačtěte stránku."
my-token-regenerated: "Váš token byl regenerován, proto budete odhlášen/a."
verified-user: "Ověřené účty"
verified-user: "Ověřené účty"
hide-password: "Skrýt heslo"
hide-password: "Skrýt heslo"
show-password: "Zobrazit heslo"
show-password: "Zobrazit heslo"
@ -281,12 +282,6 @@ common:
share-access: "Chcete dovolit aplikaci <i>{name}</i> přístup k vašemu účtu?"
share-access: "Chcete dovolit aplikaci <i>{name}</i> přístup k vašemu účtu?"
permission-ask: "Tato aplikace vyžaduje následující oprávnění:"
permission-ask: "Tato aplikace vyžaduje následující oprávnění:"
account-read: "Zobrazit informace účtu"
note-write: "Odeslat."
following-write: "Sledovat a přestat sledovat"
drive-read: "Přečíst váš Disk"
notification-read: "Sledovat oznámení."
notification-write: "Zpravovat notifikace."
cancel: "Zrušit"
cancel: "Zrušit"
accept: "Povolit přístup"
accept: "Povolit přístup"
@ -302,6 +297,7 @@ common/views/pages/explore.vue:
popular-tags: "Populární tagy"
popular-tags: "Populární tagy"
federated: "Z fedivesmíru"
federated: "Z fedivesmíru"
explore: "Prozkoumat {host}"
explore: "Prozkoumat {host}"
users-info: "Aktuálně je zde registrováno {users} uživatelů"
enable-player: "Otevřít v přehrávači"
enable-player: "Otevřít v přehrávači"
disable-player: "Zavřít přehrávač"
disable-player: "Zavřít přehrávač"
@ -354,19 +350,23 @@ common/views/components/connect-failed.troubleshooter.vue:
no-network-desc: "Ujistěte se že jste připojeni k Internetu."
no-network-desc: "Ujistěte se že jste připojeni k Internetu."
no-internet: "Nejste připojeni k internetu"
no-internet: "Nejste připojeni k internetu"
no-internet-desc: "Jste připojen k síti, ale zdá se že stále chybí připojení k Internetu. Prosím zkontrolujte Vaše připojení k Internetu."
no-internet-desc: "Jste připojen k síti, ale zdá se že stále chybí připojení k Internetu. Prosím zkontrolujte Vaše připojení k Internetu."
no-server: "Nelze se připojit k serveru Misskey"
click-to-show: "Klikněte pro zobrazení"
click-to-show: "Klikněte pro zobrazení"
light-theme: "Šablona pro použití ve světlém vzhledu"
light-theme: "Motiv pro použití ve světlém vzhledu"
dark-theme: "Šablona pro použití v tmavém vzhledu"
dark-theme: "Motiv pro použití v tmavém vzhledu"
light-themes: "Světlý vzhled"
light-themes: "Světlý vzhled"
dark-themes: "Tmavý vzhled"
dark-themes: "Tmavý vzhled"
install-a-theme: "Nainstalovat šablonu"
install-a-theme: "Nainstalovat motiv"
theme-code: "Kód šablony"
theme-code: "Kód motivu"
install: "Nainstalovat"
install: "Nainstalovat"
installed: "\"{}\" byl nainstalován"
installed: "\"{}\" byl nainstalován"
create-a-theme: "Vytvořit motiv"
create-a-theme: "Vytvořit motiv"
save-created-theme: "Uložit motiv"
base-theme: "Základní vzhled"
base-theme: "Základní vzhled"
base-theme-light: "Světlý"
base-theme-dark: "Tmavý"
find-more-theme: "Najít další vzhledy"
find-more-theme: "Najít další vzhledy"
theme-name: "Jméno vzhledu"
theme-name: "Jméno vzhledu"
preview-created-theme: "Náhled"
preview-created-theme: "Náhled"
@ -435,6 +435,7 @@ common/views/components/user-menu.vue:
unblock: "Odblokovat"
unblock: "Odblokovat"
push-to-list: "Přidat do seznamu"
push-to-list: "Přidat do seznamu"
select-list: "Vyberte seznam"
select-list: "Vyberte seznam"
report-abuse: "Nahlásit spam"
report-abuse-reported: "Problém byl nahlášen administrátorovi. Děkujeme za Vaší kooperaci."
report-abuse-reported: "Problém byl nahlášen administrátorovi. Děkujeme za Vaší kooperaci."
silence: "Ztlumit"
silence: "Ztlumit"
suspend: "Zmrazit"
suspend: "Zmrazit"
@ -793,8 +794,6 @@ desktop/views/components/settings.tags.vue:
title: "Tagy"
title: "Tagy"
add: "Přidat"
add: "Přidat"
save: "Uložit"
save: "Uložit"
title: "Správce úloh"
home: "Domů"
home: "Domů"
local: "Lokální"
local: "Lokální"
@ -839,7 +838,7 @@ admin/views/index.vue:
emoji: "Emoji"
emoji: "Emoji"
moderators: "Moderátoři"
moderators: "Moderátoři"
users: "Uživatelé"
users: "Uživatelé"
federation: "Federovaná"
federation: "Z fedivesmíru"
announcements: "Oznámení"
announcements: "Oznámení"
hashtags: "Hashtagy"
hashtags: "Hashtagy"
queue: "Fronta úloh"
queue: "Fronta úloh"
@ -851,7 +850,7 @@ admin/views/dashboard.vue:
drive: "Disk"
drive: "Disk"
instances: "Instance"
instances: "Instance"
this-instance: "Tato instance"
this-instance: "Tato instance"
federated: "Federovaná"
federated: "Z fedivesmíru"
details: "Popis"
details: "Popis"
remove-report: "Odstranit"
remove-report: "Odstranit"
@ -1006,7 +1005,7 @@ admin/views/federation.vue:
status: "Status"
status: "Status"
latest-request-received-at: "Poslední požadavek přijat"
latest-request-received-at: "Poslední požadavek přijat"
block: "Blokován"
block: "Blokován"
instances: "Federovaná"
instances: "Z fedivesmíru"
all: "Všechny"
all: "Všechny"
blocked: "Blokován"
blocked: "Blokován"
@ -1184,10 +1183,3 @@ deck/deck.user-column.vue:
app-name-desc: "Jméno vaší aplikace"
app-name-desc: "Jméno vaší aplikace"
app-desc: "Stručný popis nebo představení vaší aplikace."
app-desc: "Stručný popis nebo představení vaší aplikace."
account-read: "Zobrazit informace účtu"
note-write: "Odeslat."
reaction-write: "Přidat nebo odebrat reakce."
following-write: "Sledovat a přestat sledovat"
drive-read: "Přečíst váš Disk"
notification-read: "Sledovat oznámení."
notification-write: "Zpravovat notifikace."
@ -138,13 +138,6 @@ common:
share-access: "Erlaubst Du <i>{name}</i> auf deinen Account zuzugreifen?"
share-access: "Erlaubst Du <i>{name}</i> auf deinen Account zuzugreifen?"
permission-ask: "Diese Applikation benötigt folgende Berechtigungen:"
permission-ask: "Diese Applikation benötigt folgende Berechtigungen:"
account-read: "Accountinformationen anzeigen."
account-write: "Accountinformationen bearbeiten."
note-write: "Senden."
like-write: "Auf Beiträge reagieren."
following-write: "Folgen oder entfolgen."
notification-read: "Siehe deine Benachrichtigungen."
notification-write: "Benachrichtigungen verwalten."
cancel: "Abbrechen"
cancel: "Abbrechen"
accept: "Zugriff erlauben."
accept: "Zugriff erlauben."
@ -478,7 +471,6 @@ desktop/views/components/post-form.vue:
posting: "Posting"
posting: "Posting"
attach-media-from-local: "Medien von deinem PC hinzufügen"
attach-media-from-local: "Medien von deinem PC hinzufügen"
attach-media-from-drive: "Medien von deinem Speicher hinzufügen"
attach-media-from-drive: "Medien von deinem Speicher hinzufügen"
attach-cancel: "Hinzufügen abbrechen"
create-poll: "Eine Abstimmung erstellen"
create-poll: "Eine Abstimmung erstellen"
text-remain: "{} Zeichen verbleibend"
text-remain: "{} Zeichen verbleibend"
visibility: "Sichtbarkeit"
visibility: "Sichtbarkeit"
@ -524,8 +516,6 @@ desktop/views/components/sub-note-content.vue:
add: "Hinzufügen"
add: "Hinzufügen"
save: "Speichern"
save: "Speichern"
title: "Taskmanager"
home: "Home"
home: "Home"
local: "Lokal"
local: "Lokal"
@ -664,10 +654,3 @@ deck:
rename: "Umbenennen"
rename: "Umbenennen"
activity: "Aktivität"
activity: "Aktivität"
account-read: "Accountinformationen anzeigen."
account-write: "Accountinformationen bearbeiten."
note-write: "Senden."
following-write: "Folgen oder entfolgen."
notification-read: "Siehe deine Benachrichtigungen."
notification-write: "Benachrichtigungen verwalten."
@ -69,6 +69,11 @@ common:
following: "Following"
following: "Following"
followers: "Followers"
followers: "Followers"
favorites: "Favorites"
favorites: "Favorites"
'read:account': "View account information"
'write:account': "Update your account information"
'read:drive': "Browse the Drive"
'write:drive': "Work with the Drive"
follow-users-to-make-your-timeline: "Following users will show their posts in your timeline."
follow-users-to-make-your-timeline: "Following users will show their posts in your timeline."
explore: "Find users"
explore: "Find users"
@ -282,15 +287,6 @@ common:
share-access: "Would you allow <i>{name}</i> to access your account?"
share-access: "Would you allow <i>{name}</i> to access your account?"
permission-ask: "This application requires the following permissions:"
permission-ask: "This application requires the following permissions:"
account-read: "View account information."
account-write: "Modify account information."
note-write: "Post."
like-write: "Express yourself about this post."
following-write: "Follow and unfollow."
drive-read: "Read your drive."
drive-write: "Upload/delete files in your drive."
notification-read: "Read your notifications."
notification-write: "Manage your notifications."
cancel: "Cancel"
cancel: "Cancel"
accept: "Allow access."
accept: "Allow access."
@ -877,7 +873,6 @@ desktop/views/components/post-form.vue:
posting: "Posting"
posting: "Posting"
attach-media-from-local: "Attach media from your device"
attach-media-from-local: "Attach media from your device"
attach-media-from-drive: "Attach media from your Drive"
attach-media-from-drive: "Attach media from your Drive"
attach-cancel: "Cancel attachment"
insert-a-kao: "v('ω')v"
insert-a-kao: "v('ω')v"
create-poll: "Create a poll"
create-poll: "Create a poll"
text-remain: "{} characters remaining"
text-remain: "{} characters remaining"
@ -970,6 +965,9 @@ common/views/components/password-settings.vue:
not-match: "The new passwords do not match"
not-match: "The new passwords do not match"
changed: "Password changed"
changed: "Password changed"
failed: "Failed to change password"
failed: "Failed to change password"
mark-as-sensitive: "Mark as 'sensitive'"
unmark-as-sensitive: "Unmark as 'sensitive'"
private: "This post is private"
private: "This post is private"
deleted: "This post has been deleted"
deleted: "This post has been deleted"
@ -980,8 +978,6 @@ desktop/views/components/settings.tags.vue:
query: "Query (optional)"
query: "Query (optional)"
add: "Add"
add: "Add"
save: "Save"
save: "Save"
title: "Task Manager"
home: "Home"
home: "Home"
local: "Local"
local: "Local"
@ -1115,11 +1111,6 @@ admin/views/instance.vue:
save: "Save"
save: "Save"
saved: "Saved"
saved: "Saved"
user-recommendation-config: "Recommended users"
user-recommendation-config: "Recommended users"
enable-external-user-recommendation: "Enable external user recommendations"
external-user-recommendation-engine: "Engine"
external-user-recommendation-engine-desc: "Example : https://vinayaka.distsn.org/cgi-bin/vinayaka-user-match-misskey-api.cgi?{{host}}+{{user}}+{{limit}}+{{offset}}"
external-user-recommendation-timeout: "Timeout"
external-user-recommendation-timeout-desc: "Number of milliseconds (ex. 300,000)"
email-config: "Email server settings"
email-config: "Email server settings"
email-config-info: "Used to confirm email and password reset etc."
email-config-info: "Used to confirm email and password reset etc."
enable-email: "Enable email delivery"
enable-email: "Enable email delivery"
@ -1632,12 +1623,3 @@ dev/views/new-app.vue:
authority: "Permissions"
authority: "Permissions"
authority-desc: "Only the functions requested here can be accessed via the API."
authority-desc: "Only the functions requested here can be accessed via the API."
authority-warning: "You can change it even after creating the application, but if you give different permissions, all user keys associated at that time will be invalidated."
authority-warning: "You can change it even after creating the application, but if you give different permissions, all user keys associated at that time will be invalidated."
account-read: "View account information."
account-write: "Modify account information."
note-write: "Post."
reaction-write: "Add or remove reactions."
following-write: "Follow and unfollow."
drive-read: "Read the drive."
drive-write: "Upload/delete files in the drive."
notification-read: "Read your notifications."
notification-write: "Manage your notifications."
@ -169,15 +169,6 @@ common:
you: "Tú"
you: "Tú"
permission-ask: "La aplicación requiere los siguientes permisos:"
permission-ask: "La aplicación requiere los siguientes permisos:"
account-read: "Viendo información de la cuenta:"
account-write: "Modificar información de la cuenta:"
note-write: "Publicación."
like-write: "Para reaccionar a las publicaciones."
following-write: "Seguir o dejar de seguir"
drive-read: "Leer tu unidad."
drive-write: "Cargar o borrar archivos de tu unidad."
notification-read: "Leer tus notificaciones."
notification-write: "Administrar tus notificaciones."
cancel: "Cancelar"
cancel: "Cancelar"
accept: "Garantizar acceso."
accept: "Garantizar acceso."
@ -631,7 +622,6 @@ desktop/views/components/post-form.vue:
posting: "Publicando"
posting: "Publicando"
attach-media-from-local: "Agregar medios de tu dispositivo"
attach-media-from-local: "Agregar medios de tu dispositivo"
attach-media-from-drive: "Adjunta multimedia desde tu Disco"
attach-media-from-drive: "Adjunta multimedia desde tu Disco"
attach-cancel: "Quitar el archivo adjunto"
create-poll: "Crea una encuesta"
create-poll: "Crea una encuesta"
text-remain: "quedan {} caracteres"
text-remain: "quedan {} caracteres"
recent-tags: "Reciente"
recent-tags: "Reciente"
@ -697,6 +687,9 @@ common/views/components/mute-and-block.vue:
mute: "Silenciar"
mute: "Silenciar"
block: "Bloquear"
block: "Bloquear"
save: "Guardar"
save: "Guardar"
mark-as-sensitive: "Marcar como 'sensible'"
unmark-as-sensitive: "Desmarcar como 'sensible'"
private: "Esta publicación es privada"
private: "Esta publicación es privada"
deleted: "Esta publicación ha sido removida"
deleted: "Esta publicación ha sido removida"
@ -708,7 +701,6 @@ desktop/views/components/settings.tags.vue:
home: "Inicio"
home: "Inicio"
local: "Local"
local: "Local"
hybrid: "Social"
global: "Global"
global: "Global"
list: "Listas"
list: "Listas"
hashtag: "Hashtags"
hashtag: "Hashtags"
@ -768,7 +760,6 @@ admin/views/instance.vue:
recaptcha-secret-key: "clave secreta reCAPTCHA"
recaptcha-secret-key: "clave secreta reCAPTCHA"
invite: "Invitar"
invite: "Invitar"
save: "Guardar"
save: "Guardar"
external-user-recommendation-timeout: "Tiempo de espera"
email: "Correo electrónico"
email: "Correo electrónico"
smtp-host: "Host SMTP"
smtp-host: "Host SMTP"
smtp-port: "Puerto SMTP"
smtp-port: "Puerto SMTP"
@ -898,7 +889,6 @@ mobile/views/pages/user-lists.vue:
home: "Inicio"
home: "Inicio"
local: "Local"
local: "Local"
hybrid: "Social"
global: "Global"
global: "Global"
dashboard: "Panel de control"
dashboard: "Panel de control"
@ -921,7 +911,6 @@ mobile/views/pages/user/home.photos.vue:
home: "Inicio"
home: "Inicio"
local: "Local"
local: "Local"
hybrid: "Social"
hashtag: "Etiquetas"
hashtag: "Etiquetas"
global: "Global"
global: "Global"
notifications: "Notificaciones"
notifications: "Notificaciones"
@ -929,12 +918,3 @@ deck:
rename: "Renombrar"
rename: "Renombrar"
activity: "Actividad"
activity: "Actividad"
account-read: "Viendo información de la cuenta:"
account-write: "Modificar información de la cuenta:"
note-write: "Publicación."
following-write: "Seguir o dejar de seguir"
drive-read: "Leer tu unidad."
drive-write: "Cargar o borrar archivos de tu unidad."
notification-read: "Leer tus notificaciones."
notification-write: "Administrar tus notificaciones."
@ -67,6 +67,11 @@ common:
following: "Suit"
following: "Suit"
followers: "Abonné·e·s"
followers: "Abonné·e·s"
favorites: "Mettre cette note en favoris"
favorites: "Mettre cette note en favoris"
'read:account': "Afficher les informations du compte"
'write:account': "Mettre à jour les informations de votre compte"
'read:drive': "Parcourir le Drive"
'write:drive': "Écrire sur le Drive"
follow-users-to-make-your-timeline: "Les utilisateurs suivants afficheront leurs publications sur votre fil."
follow-users-to-make-your-timeline: "Les utilisateurs suivants afficheront leurs publications sur votre fil."
explore: "Trouver des utilisateurs"
explore: "Trouver des utilisateurs"
@ -121,6 +126,7 @@ common:
notification: "Notifications"
notification: "Notifications"
apps: "Applications"
apps: "Applications"
tags: "Hashtags"
tags: "Hashtags"
mute-and-block: "Silencer / Bloquer"
blocking: "En cours blocage"
blocking: "En cours blocage"
security: "Sécurité"
security: "Sécurité"
signin: "Historique des connexions"
signin: "Historique des connexions"
@ -134,6 +140,16 @@ common:
remember-note-visibility: "Se souvenir du mode de visibilité de la publication"
remember-note-visibility: "Se souvenir du mode de visibilité de la publication"
web-search-engine: "Moteur de recherche Web"
web-search-engine: "Moteur de recherche Web"
web-search-engine-desc: "Exemple : https://www.google.com/?#q={{query}}"
web-search-engine-desc: "Exemple : https://www.google.com/?#q={{query}}"
keep-cw: "Maintenir l'avertissement de contenu"
i-like-sushi: "Je préfère les sushis plutôt que le pudding"
show-reversi-board-labels: "Afficher les étiquettes des lignes et colonnes dans Reversi"
use-avatar-reversi-stones: "Utiliser l’avatar comme pion dans Reversi"
disable-animated-mfm: "Désactiver les textes animés dans les publications"
disable-showing-animated-images: "Désactiver l'animation des images"
suggest-recent-hashtags: "Afficher les hashtags populaires dans le champs de saisie"
always-show-nsfw: "Toujours afficher les contenus sensibles"
always-mark-nsfw: "Toujours marquer les notes ayant des médias comme sensibles"
show-full-acct: "Afficher l’adresse complète de l’utilisateur"
show-via: "Afficher via"
show-via: "Afficher via"
reduce-motion: "Réduire les animations dans l’interface utilisateur"
reduce-motion: "Réduire les animations dans l’interface utilisateur"
this-setting-is-this-device-only: "Uniquement sur cet appareil"
this-setting-is-this-device-only: "Uniquement sur cet appareil"
@ -143,25 +159,69 @@ common:
line-width-normal: "Normale"
line-width-normal: "Normale"
line-width-thick: "Épaisse"
line-width-thick: "Épaisse"
font-size: "Taille du texte"
font-size: "Taille du texte"
font-size-x-small: "Très petit"
font-size-small: "Petite"
font-size-medium: "Normale"
font-size-medium: "Normale"
font-size-large: "Grande"
font-size-x-large: "Large"
font-size-x-large: "Large"
deck-column-align: "Alignement des colonnes du Deck"
deck-column-align-center: "Centrer"
deck-column-align-center: "Centrer"
deck-column-align-left: "À gauche"
deck-column-align-left: "À gauche"
deck-column-align-flexible: "Flexible"
deck-column-align-flexible: "Flexible"
deck-column-width: "Largeur des colonnes du Deck"
deck-column-width: "Largeur des colonnes du Deck"
deck-column-width-narrow: "Étroite"
deck-column-width-narrower: "Légèrement étroite"
deck-column-width-normal: "Normale"
deck-column-width-normal: "Normale"
deck-column-width-wider: "Légèrement large"
deck-column-width-wide: "Large"
use-shadow: "Utiliser les ombres dans l'interface utilisateur"
rounded-corners: "Coins arrondis de l'interface utilisateur"
circle-icons: "Utiliser des icônes circulaires"
contrasted-acct: "Ajouter du contraste au nom de l’utilisateur"
wallpaper: "Image du fond d'écran"
choose-wallpaper: "Sélectionner un fond d'écran"
delete-wallpaper: "Supprimer le fond d'écran"
post-form-on-timeline: "Afficher le champs de saisie en haut du fil"
show-clock-on-header: "Afficher l'horloge sur le coté supérieur droit"
timeline: "Fil d’actualité"
timeline: "Fil d’actualité"
show-my-renotes: "Afficher mes republications dans le fil"
remain-deleted-note: "Continuer à afficher les notes supprimées"
sound: "Son"
enable-sounds: "Activer les sons"
enable-sounds-desc: "Jouer un son lorsque vous recevez un message/publication. Ce paramètre est sauvegardé dans le navigateur."
volume: "Volume"
test: "Test"
update: "Mise à jour de Misskey"
version: "Version actuelle :"
latest-version: "Dernière version :"
update-checking: "Recherche de mises à jour"
do-update: "Rechercher des mises à jour"
update-settings: "Paramètres avancés"
no-updates: "Aucune mise à jour disponible"
no-updates-desc: "Votre Misskey est à jour."
update-available: "Nouvelle version disponible !"
update-available-desc: "Les mises à jour seront appliquées une fois la page est rechargée."
advanced-settings: "Paramètres avancés"
debug-mode: "Activer le mode débogage"
debug-mode-desc: "Ce paramètre est stocké dans le navigateur."
navbar-position: "Position de la barre de navigation"
navbar-position-top: "en haut"
navbar-position-top: "en haut"
navbar-position-left: "À gauche"
navbar-position-left: "À gauche"
navbar-position-right: "à droite"
navbar-position-right: "à droite"
i-am-under-limited-internet: "J'ai un accès Internet limité"
post-style: "Style d'affichage des notes"
post-style-standard: "Standard"
post-style-standard: "Standard"
post-style-smart: "Intelligent"
post-style-smart: "Intelligent"
notification-position: "Afficher les notifications"
notification-position: "Afficher les notifications"
notification-position-bottom: "en bas"
notification-position-bottom: "en bas"
notification-position-top: "en haut"
notification-position-top: "en haut"
disable-via-mobile: "Enlever la mention publié via 'mobile'"
load-raw-images: "Afficher les photos jointes dans leur qualité originale"
load-remote-media: "Afficher les médias depuis le serveur distant"
search: "Recherche"
search: "Recherche"
delete: "Supprimer"
delete: "Supprimer"
loading: "Chargement en cours …"
loading: "Chargement en cours …"
ok: "Confirmer"
cancel: "Quitter"
cancel: "Quitter"
update-available-title: "Mise à jour disponible"
update-available-title: "Mise à jour disponible"
update-available: "Une nouvelle version de Misskey est disponible ({newer}, version actuelle: {current}). Veuillez recharger la page pour appliquer la mise à jour."
update-available: "Une nouvelle version de Misskey est disponible ({newer}, version actuelle: {current}). Veuillez recharger la page pour appliquer la mise à jour."
@ -176,7 +236,7 @@ common:
view-on-remote: " Consulter le profil complet"
view-on-remote: " Consulter le profil complet"
renoted-by: "Renoté par {user}"
renoted-by: "Renoté par {user}"
no-notes: "Sans aucune note"
no-notes: "Sans aucune note"
turn-on-darkmode: "Basculer vers le mode nuit"
turn-on-darkmode: "Mode nuit"
turn-off-darkmode: "Mode jour"
turn-off-darkmode: "Mode jour"
title: "Une erreur est survenue"
title: "Une erreur est survenue"
@ -220,15 +280,6 @@ common:
share-access: "Désirez-vous autoriser <i>{name}</i> à avoir accès à votre compte ?"
share-access: "Désirez-vous autoriser <i>{name}</i> à avoir accès à votre compte ?"
permission-ask: "Cette application nécessite les autorisations suivantes :"
permission-ask: "Cette application nécessite les autorisations suivantes :"
account-read: "Afficher les informations du compte."
account-write: "Modifications des informations du compte."
note-write: "Publier."
like-write: "Réagir aux publications."
following-write: "Suivre des comptes et se désabonner."
drive-read: "Lire votre Drive"
drive-write: "Téléverser/supprimer des fichiers dans votre Drive."
notification-read: "Lire vos notifications."
notification-write: "Gérer vos notifications."
cancel: "Annuler"
cancel: "Annuler"
accept: "Autoriser l’accès"
accept: "Autoriser l’accès"
@ -250,6 +301,8 @@ common/views/pages/explore.vue:
federated: "Du Fédiverse"
federated: "Du Fédiverse"
explore: "Explorer {host}"
explore: "Explorer {host}"
users-info: "Actuellement, {users} utilisateurs se sont inscrit ici"
users-info: "Actuellement, {users} utilisateurs se sont inscrit ici"
disable-player: "Fermer le lecteur"
no-users: "Il n'y a aucun utilisateur"
no-users: "Il n'y a aucun utilisateur"
@ -424,19 +477,32 @@ common/views/components/user-menu.vue:
vote-to: "Voter pour '{}'"
vote-to: "Voter pour '{}'"
vote-count: "{} votes"
vote-count: "{} votes"
total-votes: "{} Total des votes"
vote: "Vote"
vote: "Vote"
show-result: "Montrer les résultats"
show-result: "Montrer les résultats"
voted: "Voté"
voted: "Voté"
closed: "Terminé"
remaining-days: "{d} jours, {h} heures restantes"
remaining-hours: "{h} heures et {m} minutes restantes"
remaining-minutes: "{m} minutes et {s} secondes restantes"
remaining-seconds: "{s} secondes restantes"
no-only-one-choice: "Vous devez saisir au moins deux choix."
no-only-one-choice: "Vous devez saisir au moins deux choix."
choice-n: "Choix {}"
choice-n: "Choix {}"
remove: "Supprimer ce choix"
remove: "Supprimer ce choix"
add: "+ Ajouter un choix"
add: "+ Ajouter un choix"
destroy: "Annuler ce sondage"
destroy: "Annuler ce sondage"
expiration: "Valide jusqu'à"
infinite: "Illimité"
at: "Choisir une date et une durée"
no-more: "Vous ne pouvez pas en ajouter davantage"
deadline-date: "Date d’échéance"
deadline-time: "Durée"
interval: "Durée"
interval: "Durée"
unit: "Unité"
unit: "Unité"
second: "secondes"
second: "secondes"
minute: "Minutes"
minute: "Minutes"
hour: "Heures"
day: "D"
day: "D"
choose-reaction: "Choisissez votre réaction"
choose-reaction: "Choisissez votre réaction"
@ -568,6 +634,7 @@ common/views/components/profile-editor.vue:
email-not-verified: "Adresse de courriel n’est pas confirmée. Veuillez vérifier votre boite de réception."
email-not-verified: "Adresse de courriel n’est pas confirmée. Veuillez vérifier votre boite de réception."
export: "Exporter"
export: "Exporter"
import: "Importer"
import: "Importer"
export-and-import: "Exportation et importation"
all-notes: "Toutes les notes publiées"
all-notes: "Toutes les notes publiées"
following-list: "Liste des abonnements"
following-list: "Liste des abonnements"
@ -793,7 +860,6 @@ desktop/views/components/post-form.vue:
posting: "Publication …"
posting: "Publication …"
attach-media-from-local: "Joindre un média depuis votre appareil"
attach-media-from-local: "Joindre un média depuis votre appareil"
attach-media-from-drive: "Joindre un média depuis votre Drive"
attach-media-from-drive: "Joindre un média depuis votre Drive"
attach-cancel: "Annuler le fichier attaché"
insert-a-kao: "v('ω')v"
insert-a-kao: "v('ω')v"
create-poll: "Créer un sondage"
create-poll: "Créer un sondage"
text-remain: "{} caractères restants"
text-remain: "{} caractères restants"
@ -886,6 +952,9 @@ common/views/components/password-settings.vue:
not-match: "Les nouveaux mots de passe ne sont pas identiques"
not-match: "Les nouveaux mots de passe ne sont pas identiques"
changed: "Mot de passe modifié avec succès"
changed: "Mot de passe modifié avec succès"
failed: "Échec lors de la modification du mot de passe"
failed: "Échec lors de la modification du mot de passe"
mark-as-sensitive: "Marquer comme sensible"
unmark-as-sensitive: "Ne pas marquer comme sensible"
private: "cette publication est privée"
private: "cette publication est privée"
deleted: "cette publication a été supprimée"
deleted: "cette publication a été supprimée"
@ -896,8 +965,6 @@ desktop/views/components/settings.tags.vue:
query: "Requête (optionnelle)"
query: "Requête (optionnelle)"
add: "Ajouter"
add: "Ajouter"
save: "Enregistrer"
save: "Enregistrer"
title: "Gestionnaire de tâches"
home: "Accueil"
home: "Accueil"
local: "Local"
local: "Local"
@ -958,6 +1025,7 @@ admin/views/index.vue:
hashtags: "Hashtags"
hashtags: "Hashtags"
abuse: "Abus"
abuse: "Abus"
queue: "File d’attente"
queue: "File d’attente"
logs: "Journaux"
back-to-misskey: "Retour vers Misskey"
back-to-misskey: "Retour vers Misskey"
dashboard: "Tableau de bord"
dashboard: "Tableau de bord"
@ -1026,11 +1094,6 @@ admin/views/instance.vue:
save: "Sauvegarder"
save: "Sauvegarder"
saved: "Enregistré"
saved: "Enregistré"
user-recommendation-config: "Utilisateurs"
user-recommendation-config: "Utilisateurs"
enable-external-user-recommendation: "Activer la recommandation des utilisateurs distants"
external-user-recommendation-engine: "Moteur"
external-user-recommendation-engine-desc: "Exemple : https://vinayaka.distsn.org/cgi-bin/vinayaka-user-match-misskey-api.cgi?{{host}}+{{user}}+{{limit}}+{{offset}}"
external-user-recommendation-timeout: "Délai d’expiration"
external-user-recommendation-timeout-desc: "En millisecondes (par exemple : 300000)"
email-config: "Paramètres du serveur de messagerie"
email-config: "Paramètres du serveur de messagerie"
email-config-info: "Utilisé pour confirmer votre adresse de courrier électronique et la réinitialisation de votre mot de passe."
email-config-info: "Utilisé pour confirmer votre adresse de courrier électronique et la réinitialisation de votre mot de passe."
enable-email: "Activation de la distribution du courrier"
enable-email: "Activation de la distribution du courrier"
@ -1199,6 +1262,7 @@ admin/views/federation.vue:
marked-as-closed: "Marquées comme fermées"
marked-as-closed: "Marquées comme fermées"
lookup: "Recherche"
lookup: "Recherche"
instances: "Fédérées"
instances: "Fédérées"
instance-not-registered: "L’instance n’a pas encore été découverte"
sort: "Trier par"
sort: "Trier par"
caughtAtAsc: "Date d’inscription (Ascendant)"
caughtAtAsc: "Date d’inscription (Ascendant)"
@ -1206,6 +1270,7 @@ admin/views/federation.vue:
lastCommunicatedAtAsc: "La date et l'heure des interactions plus anciennes"
lastCommunicatedAtAsc: "La date et l'heure des interactions plus anciennes"
lastCommunicatedAtDesc: "La date et l'heure des nouvelles interactions"
lastCommunicatedAtDesc: "La date et l'heure des nouvelles interactions"
notesDesc: "Description des notes"
notesDesc: "Description des notes"
usersAsc: "Peu d'abonnés"
followingAsc: "Les moins suivies"
followingAsc: "Les moins suivies"
followingDesc: "Ayant le plus d'abonné·e·s"
followingDesc: "Ayant le plus d'abonné·e·s"
followersAsc: "Ayant le moins d'abonné·e·s"
followersAsc: "Ayant le moins d'abonné·e·s"
@ -1530,12 +1595,3 @@ dev/views/new-app.vue:
authority: "Autorisations "
authority: "Autorisations "
authority-desc: "Sont accessibles via l’API, uniquement les fonctionnalités demandées ici."
authority-desc: "Sont accessibles via l’API, uniquement les fonctionnalités demandées ici."
authority-warning: "Vous pouvez le changer même après avoir créé l'application, mais si vous attribuez une nouvelle permission, toutes les clés utilisateur associées seront dès lors invalides."
authority-warning: "Vous pouvez le changer même après avoir créé l'application, mais si vous attribuez une nouvelle permission, toutes les clés utilisateur associées seront dès lors invalides."
account-read: "Afficher les informations du compte"
account-write: "Modifications des informations du compte"
note-write: "Publications."
reaction-write: "Ajout et suppression de réactions."
following-write: "S’abonner et se désabonner."
drive-read: "Lecture du Drive."
drive-write: "Téléversement/suppression des fichiers de votre Lecteur."
notification-read: "Lire vos notifications."
notification-write: "Gestion de vos notifications."
@ -166,15 +166,6 @@ common:
share-access: "あんたのアカウントに<i>{name}</i>がアクセスしようとしてるで?ええか?"
share-access: "あんたのアカウントに<i>{name}</i>がアクセスしようとしてるで?ええか?"
permission-ask: "このアプリは次の権限を要求してんで:"
permission-ask: "このアプリは次の権限を要求してんで:"
account-read: "アカウントの情報を見させてもらうで。"
account-write: "アカウントの情報を操作させてもらうで。"
note-write: "投稿させてもらうで。"
like-write: "いいねしたりいいね解除させてもらうで。"
following-write: "フォローしたりフォロー解除させてもらうで。"
drive-read: "ドライブを見させてもらうで。"
drive-write: "ドライブを操作させてもらうで。"
notification-read: "通知を見させてもらうで。"
notification-write: "通知を操作させてもらうで。"
cancel: "やめとくわ"
cancel: "やめとくわ"
accept: "アクセスを許可や!"
accept: "アクセスを許可や!"
@ -688,7 +679,6 @@ desktop/views/components/post-form.vue:
posting: "投稿中"
posting: "投稿中"
attach-media-from-local: "PCからメディア持ってくる"
attach-media-from-local: "PCからメディア持ってくる"
attach-media-from-drive: "ドライブからメディア持ってくる"
attach-media-from-drive: "ドライブからメディア持ってくる"
attach-cancel: "くっつけるのやめよか"
create-poll: "アンケートを作成"
create-poll: "アンケートを作成"
text-remain: "残り{}文字"
text-remain: "残り{}文字"
recent-tags: "最近のタグ"
recent-tags: "最近のタグ"
@ -779,6 +769,9 @@ common/views/components/password-settings.vue:
enter-new-password-again: "もっぺん入れてや"
enter-new-password-again: "もっぺん入れてや"
not-match: "パスワードがおうとらん"
not-match: "パスワードがおうとらん"
changed: "パスワード変えたわ"
changed: "パスワード変えたわ"
mark-as-sensitive: "見たらあかん感じにしとく"
unmark-as-sensitive: "やっぱ見せたるわ"
private: "この投稿は見せられへんわ"
private: "この投稿は見せられへんわ"
deleted: "この投稿なんか無くなってもうたわ"
deleted: "この投稿なんか無くなってもうたわ"
@ -787,12 +780,9 @@ desktop/views/components/sub-note-content.vue:
add: "増やす"
add: "増やす"
save: "保存"
save: "保存"
title: "タスクマネージャ"
home: "ホーム"
home: "ホーム"
local: "ローカル"
local: "ローカル"
hybrid: "ソーシャル"
global: "グローバル"
global: "グローバル"
mentions: "あんた宛て"
mentions: "あんた宛て"
messages: "ダイレクト投稿"
messages: "ダイレクト投稿"
@ -908,11 +898,6 @@ admin/views/instance.vue:
save: "保存"
save: "保存"
saved: "保存したで!"
saved: "保存したで!"
user-recommendation-config: "このユーザーええで"
user-recommendation-config: "このユーザーええで"
enable-external-user-recommendation: "外部ユーザーレコメンデーションを使えるようにする"
external-user-recommendation-engine: "エンジン"
external-user-recommendation-engine-desc: "例: https://vinayaka.distsn.org/cgi-bin/vinayaka-user-match-misskey-api.cgi?{{host}}+{{user}}+{{limit}}+{{offset}}"
external-user-recommendation-timeout: "タイムアウト"
external-user-recommendation-timeout-desc: "ミリ秒単位 (例: 300000)"
email-config: "メールサーバーの設定"
email-config: "メールサーバーの設定"
email-config-info: "メールアドレス確認やパスワードリセットの際に使うで。"
email-config-info: "メールアドレス確認やパスワードリセットの際に使うで。"
enable-email: "メール配信を有効にする"
enable-email: "メール配信を有効にする"
@ -1174,7 +1159,6 @@ mobile/views/pages/following.vue:
home: "ホーム"
home: "ホーム"
local: "ローカル"
local: "ローカル"
hybrid: "ソーシャル"
global: "グローバル"
global: "グローバル"
mentions: "あんた宛て"
mentions: "あんた宛て"
messages: "ダイレクト投稿"
messages: "ダイレクト投稿"
@ -1229,7 +1213,6 @@ deck:
widgets: "ウィジェット"
widgets: "ウィジェット"
home: "ホーム"
home: "ホーム"
local: "ローカル"
local: "ローカル"
hybrid: "ソーシャル"
hashtag: "ハッシュタグ"
hashtag: "ハッシュタグ"
global: "グローバル"
global: "グローバル"
mentions: "あんた宛て"
mentions: "あんた宛て"
@ -1298,12 +1281,3 @@ dev/views/new-app.vue:
authority: "権限"
authority: "権限"
authority-desc: "ここにチェックした機能しかAPIからアクセスできひんから気ぃつけてな"
authority-desc: "ここにチェックした機能しかAPIからアクセスできひんから気ぃつけてな"
authority-warning: "アプリ作った後でも変えれるけど、新しいやつ追加したらそん時関連付いてるユーザーキーは全部ほかされるで。"
authority-warning: "アプリ作った後でも変えれるけど、新しいやつ追加したらそん時関連付いてるユーザーキーは全部ほかされるで。"
account-read: "アカウントの情報見せて"
account-write: "アカウントの情報いじらせて"
note-write: "投稿させて"
reaction-write: "リアクションしたりそれをキャンセルさせて"
following-write: "フォローとかフォロー解除させて"
drive-read: "ドライブ見せて"
drive-write: "ドライブいじらせて"
notification-read: "通知見せて"
notification-write: "通知いじらせて"
@ -69,6 +69,11 @@ common:
following: "팔로우 중"
following: "팔로우 중"
followers: "팔로워"
followers: "팔로워"
favorites: "즐겨찾기"
favorites: "즐겨찾기"
'read:account': "계정 정보 보기"
'write:account': "계정 정보 변경"
'read:drive': "드라이브 보기"
'write:drive': "드라이브 수정"
follow-users-to-make-your-timeline: "사용자를 팔로우하면 글이 타임라인에 표시됩니다."
follow-users-to-make-your-timeline: "사용자를 팔로우하면 글이 타임라인에 표시됩니다."
explore: "사용자 탐색"
explore: "사용자 탐색"
@ -282,15 +287,6 @@ common:
share-access: "<i>{name}</i>가 당신의 계정에 엑세스하도록 허용하시겠습니까?"
share-access: "<i>{name}</i>가 당신의 계정에 엑세스하도록 허용하시겠습니까?"
permission-ask: "이 앱은 다음의 권한을 요청합니다:"
permission-ask: "이 앱은 다음의 권한을 요청합니다:"
account-read: "계정 정보 보기."
account-write: "계정 정보의 수정."
note-write: "게시하기."
like-write: "좋아요 하거나 좋아요 해제하기."
following-write: "팔로우하거나 팔로우를 취소하기."
drive-read: "드라이브 보기."
drive-write: "드라이브의 수정."
notification-read: "알림 읽기."
notification-write: "알림 수정하기."
cancel: "취소"
cancel: "취소"
accept: "접근 권한 허용"
accept: "접근 권한 허용"
@ -877,7 +873,6 @@ desktop/views/components/post-form.vue:
posting: "게시중"
posting: "게시중"
attach-media-from-local: "PC에서 미디어 첨부"
attach-media-from-local: "PC에서 미디어 첨부"
attach-media-from-drive: "드라이브에서 미디어 첨부"
attach-media-from-drive: "드라이브에서 미디어 첨부"
attach-cancel: "첨부 취소"
insert-a-kao: "v('ω')v"
insert-a-kao: "v('ω')v"
create-poll: "투표 만들기"
create-poll: "투표 만들기"
text-remain: "{}문자 남음"
text-remain: "{}문자 남음"
@ -970,6 +965,9 @@ common/views/components/password-settings.vue:
not-match: "새 비밀번호가 일치하지 않습니다"
not-match: "새 비밀번호가 일치하지 않습니다"
changed: "비밀번호를 변경하였습니다"
changed: "비밀번호를 변경하였습니다"
failed: "비밀번호 변경을 실패하였습니다."
failed: "비밀번호 변경을 실패하였습니다."
mark-as-sensitive: "열람주의로 설정"
unmark-as-sensitive: "열람주의 해제"
private: "이 글은 비공개입니다"
private: "이 글은 비공개입니다"
deleted: "이 글은 삭제되었습니다"
deleted: "이 글은 삭제되었습니다"
@ -980,8 +978,6 @@ desktop/views/components/settings.tags.vue:
query: "쿼리 (생략 가능)"
query: "쿼리 (생략 가능)"
add: "추가"
add: "추가"
save: "저장"
save: "저장"
title: "작업 관리자"
home: "홈"
home: "홈"
local: "로컬"
local: "로컬"
@ -1115,11 +1111,6 @@ admin/views/instance.vue:
save: "저장"
save: "저장"
saved: "저장하였습니다"
saved: "저장하였습니다"
user-recommendation-config: "추천 사용자"
user-recommendation-config: "추천 사용자"
enable-external-user-recommendation: "외부 사용자 추천 활성화"
external-user-recommendation-engine: "엔진"
external-user-recommendation-engine-desc: "예: https://vinayaka.distsn.org/cgi-bin/vinayaka-user-match-misskey-api.cgi?{{host}}+{{user}}+{{limit}}+{{offset}}"
external-user-recommendation-timeout: "타임 아웃"
external-user-recommendation-timeout-desc: "밀리초 (예: 300000)"
email-config: "메일 서버 설정"
email-config: "메일 서버 설정"
email-config-info: "메일 주소 확인 혹은 비밀번호 재설정에 사용 됩니다."
email-config-info: "메일 주소 확인 혹은 비밀번호 재설정에 사용 됩니다."
enable-email: "메일 발신 활성화"
enable-email: "메일 발신 활성화"
@ -1632,12 +1623,3 @@ dev/views/new-app.vue:
authority: "권한"
authority: "권한"
authority-desc: "이곳에서 요청한 권한에 한정하여 API로 액세스할 수 있습니다."
authority-desc: "이곳에서 요청한 권한에 한정하여 API로 액세스할 수 있습니다."
authority-warning: "앱을 생성한 뒤에도 변경할 수 있지만, 새로운 권한을 설정하는 경우 그 시점부터 예전에 발급받았던 유저 키는 모두 무효화됩니다."
authority-warning: "앱을 생성한 뒤에도 변경할 수 있지만, 새로운 권한을 설정하는 경우 그 시점부터 예전에 발급받았던 유저 키는 모두 무효화됩니다."
account-read: "계정 정보 보기."
account-write: "계정 정보 편집."
note-write: "글 쓰기."
reaction-write: "리액션을 하거나 리액션을 취소할 수 있음."
following-write: "팔로우하거나 팔로우 해제하기."
drive-read: "드라이브 보기."
drive-write: "드라이브를 조작."
notification-read: "알림 보기."
notification-write: "알림 조작."
@ -334,7 +334,6 @@ desktop/views/components/post-form.vue:
posting: "Bezig met plaatsen"
posting: "Bezig met plaatsen"
attach-media-from-local: "Media bijvoegen van je computer"
attach-media-from-local: "Media bijvoegen van je computer"
attach-media-from-drive: "Media bijvoegen uit je Drive"
attach-media-from-drive: "Media bijvoegen uit je Drive"
attach-cancel: "Bijlage annuleren"
create-poll: "Peiling creëren"
create-poll: "Peiling creëren"
text-remain: "{} resterende tekens"
text-remain: "{} resterende tekens"
@ -384,8 +383,6 @@ desktop/views/components/sub-note-content.vue:
poll: "Peilingen"
poll: "Peilingen"
add: "Toevoegen"
add: "Toevoegen"
title: "Taakbeheer"
home: "Startpagina"
home: "Startpagina"
local: "Lokaal"
local: "Lokaal"
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ common:
enter-password: "Wprowadź Hasło"
enter-password: "Wprowadź Hasło"
2fa: "Uwierzytelnienie dwuetapowe"
2fa: "Uwierzytelnienie dwuetapowe"
customize-home: "Dostosuj stronę główną"
customize-home: "Dostosuj stronę główną"
featured-notes: "Wyróżnienia"
dark-mode: "Tryb ciemny"
dark-mode: "Tryb ciemny"
signin: "Zaloguj się"
signin: "Zaloguj się"
signup: "Rejestracja"
signup: "Rejestracja"
@ -61,6 +62,8 @@ common:
following: "Śledzisz"
following: "Śledzisz"
followers: "Śledzący"
followers: "Śledzący"
favorites: "Moje ulubione"
favorites: "Moje ulubione"
'read:drive': "Wyświetl dysk"
explore: "Poznaj"
explore: "Poznaj"
@ -201,15 +204,6 @@ common:
you: "Ty"
you: "Ty"
permission-ask: "Ta aplikacja wymaga następujących uprawnień:"
permission-ask: "Ta aplikacja wymaga następujących uprawnień:"
account-read: "Wyświetlanie informacji o koncie:"
account-write: "Modyfikowanie informacji o koncie:"
note-write: "Publikacja."
like-write: "Reagowanie na wpisy."
following-write: "Śledzenie i cofanie śledzenia."
drive-read: "Odczytywanie Twojego dysku."
drive-write: "Wysyłanie i usuwanie plików na Twoim dysku."
notification-read: "Odczytywanie Twoich powiadomień."
notification-write: "Zarządzanie Twoimi powiadomieniami."
cancel: "Anuluj"
cancel: "Anuluj"
accept: "Przyznaj dostęp."
accept: "Przyznaj dostęp."
@ -715,7 +709,6 @@ desktop/views/components/post-form.vue:
posting: "Wysyłanie"
posting: "Wysyłanie"
attach-media-from-local: "Załącz zawartość multimedialną z komputera"
attach-media-from-local: "Załącz zawartość multimedialną z komputera"
attach-media-from-drive: "Załącz zawartość multimedialną z dysku"
attach-media-from-drive: "Załącz zawartość multimedialną z dysku"
attach-cancel: "Usuń załącznik"
insert-a-kao: "v('ω')v"
insert-a-kao: "v('ω')v"
create-poll: "Utwórz ankietę"
create-poll: "Utwórz ankietę"
text-remain: "pozostałe znaki: {}"
text-remain: "pozostałe znaki: {}"
@ -795,6 +788,9 @@ common/views/components/password-settings.vue:
enter-current-password: "Wprowadź obecne hasło"
enter-current-password: "Wprowadź obecne hasło"
enter-new-password: "Wprowadź nowe hasło"
enter-new-password: "Wprowadź nowe hasło"
enter-new-password-again: "Wprowadź ponownie nowe hasło"
enter-new-password-again: "Wprowadź ponownie nowe hasło"
mark-as-sensitive: "Oznacz jako zawartość wrażliwą"
unmark-as-sensitive: "Cofnij oznaczenie jako zawartość wrażliwą"
private: "ten wpis jest prywatny"
private: "ten wpis jest prywatny"
deleted: "ten wpis został usunięty"
deleted: "ten wpis został usunięty"
@ -805,12 +801,9 @@ desktop/views/components/settings.tags.vue:
query: "Zapytanie (opcjonalne)"
query: "Zapytanie (opcjonalne)"
add: "Dodaj"
add: "Dodaj"
save: "Zapisz"
save: "Zapisz"
title: "Menedżer zadań"
home: "Strona główna"
home: "Strona główna"
local: "Lokalne"
local: "Lokalne"
hybrid: "Społeczność"
global: "Globalne"
global: "Globalne"
mentions: "Wspomnienia"
mentions: "Wspomnienia"
messages: "Bezpośrednie wpisy"
messages: "Bezpośrednie wpisy"
@ -882,8 +875,6 @@ admin/views/instance.vue:
save: "Zapisz"
save: "Zapisz"
saved: "Zapisano"
saved: "Zapisano"
user-recommendation-config: "Polecani użytkownicy"
user-recommendation-config: "Polecani użytkownicy"
external-user-recommendation-engine: "Silnik"
external-user-recommendation-engine-desc: "Np: https://vinayaka.distsn.org/cgi-bin/vinayaka-user-match-misskey-api.cgi?{{host}}+{{user}}+{{limit}}+{{offset}}"
email: "Adres e-mail"
email: "Adres e-mail"
notes: "Wpisy"
notes: "Wpisy"
@ -1119,7 +1110,6 @@ mobile/views/pages/signup.vue:
home: "Strona główna"
home: "Strona główna"
local: "Lokalne"
local: "Lokalne"
hybrid: "Społeczność"
global: "Globalne"
global: "Globalne"
mentions: "Wspomnienia"
mentions: "Wspomnienia"
messages: "Bezpośrednie wpisy"
messages: "Bezpośrednie wpisy"
@ -1169,7 +1159,6 @@ deck:
widgets: "Widżety"
widgets: "Widżety"
home: "Strona główna"
home: "Strona główna"
local: "Lokalne"
local: "Lokalne"
hybrid: "Społeczność"
hashtag: "Hashtag"
hashtag: "Hashtag"
global: "Globalne"
global: "Globalne"
mentions: "Wspomnienia"
mentions: "Wspomnienia"
@ -1224,11 +1213,3 @@ dev/views/apps.vue:
app-name: "Nazwa Aplikacji"
app-name: "Nazwa Aplikacji"
authority: "Uprawnienia"
authority: "Uprawnienia"
account-read: "Wyświetlanie informacji o koncie:"
account-write: "Modyfikowanie informacji o koncie:"
note-write: "Publikacja."
following-write: "Śledzenie i cofanie śledzenia."
drive-read: "Odczytywanie Twojego dysku."
drive-write: "Wysyłanie i usuwanie plików na Twoim dysku."
notification-read: "Odczytywanie Twoich powiadomień."
notification-write: "Zarządzanie Twoimi powiadomieniami."
@ -119,9 +119,6 @@ common:
you: "Você"
you: "Você"
permission-ask: "Este aplicativo precisa das seguintes permissões:"
permission-ask: "Este aplicativo precisa das seguintes permissões:"
account-read: "Ver informações da conta."
account-write: "Modificar informações da conta."
note-write: "Publicar"
cancel: "Cancelar"
cancel: "Cancelar"
accept: "Permitir acesso"
accept: "Permitir acesso"
@ -292,7 +289,3 @@ docs:
description: "Descrição"
description: "Descrição"
manage-apps: "Gerenciar aplicativos"
manage-apps: "Gerenciar aplicativos"
account-read: "Ver informações da conta."
account-write: "Modificar informações da conta."
note-write: "Publicar"
@ -69,6 +69,11 @@ common:
following: "正在关注"
following: "正在关注"
followers: "关注者"
followers: "关注者"
favorites: "最爱"
favorites: "最爱"
'read:account': "查看账户信息"
'write:account': "更改我的帐户信息"
'read:drive': "查看网盘"
'write:drive': "管理网盘文件"
follow-users-to-make-your-timeline: "关注其他用户时,帖子将显示在时间线中。"
follow-users-to-make-your-timeline: "关注其他用户时,帖子将显示在时间线中。"
explore: "查找用户"
explore: "查找用户"
@ -282,15 +287,6 @@ common:
share-access: "您要允许<i>{name}</i>来访问您的账户吗?"
share-access: "您要允许<i>{name}</i>来访问您的账户吗?"
permission-ask: "这个应用程序需要以下权限:"
permission-ask: "这个应用程序需要以下权限:"
account-read: "查看账户信息"
account-write: "修改账户信息"
note-write: "投稿。"
like-write: "点赞或取消赞。"
following-write: "关注或取消关注。"
drive-read: "查看您的网盘"
drive-write: "管理网盘文件。"
notification-read: "查看通知。"
notification-write: "管理通知。"
cancel: "取消"
cancel: "取消"
accept: "允许访问。"
accept: "允许访问。"
@ -877,7 +873,6 @@ desktop/views/components/post-form.vue:
posting: "发送中"
posting: "发送中"
attach-media-from-local: "从设备中添加媒体文件"
attach-media-from-local: "从设备中添加媒体文件"
attach-media-from-drive: "从网盘中添加媒体文件"
attach-media-from-drive: "从网盘中添加媒体文件"
attach-cancel: "删除附件"
insert-a-kao: "v('ω')v"
insert-a-kao: "v('ω')v"
create-poll: "创建一个投票"
create-poll: "创建一个投票"
text-remain: "还剩{}字"
text-remain: "还剩{}字"
@ -970,6 +965,9 @@ common/views/components/password-settings.vue:
not-match: "新密码不匹配"
not-match: "新密码不匹配"
changed: "密码已更改"
changed: "密码已更改"
failed: "更改密码失败"
failed: "更改密码失败"
mark-as-sensitive: "标记为“敏感”"
unmark-as-sensitive: "取消标记为“敏感”"
private: "这个帖子是私密的"
private: "这个帖子是私密的"
deleted: "帖子已删除"
deleted: "帖子已删除"
@ -980,8 +978,6 @@ desktop/views/components/settings.tags.vue:
query: "查询 (可选)"
query: "查询 (可选)"
add: "添加"
add: "添加"
save: "保存"
save: "保存"
title: "任务管理器"
home: "首页"
home: "首页"
local: "本地"
local: "本地"
@ -1115,11 +1111,6 @@ admin/views/instance.vue:
save: "保存"
save: "保存"
saved: "保存完毕"
saved: "保存完毕"
user-recommendation-config: "推荐用户"
user-recommendation-config: "推荐用户"
enable-external-user-recommendation: "启用外部用户推荐"
external-user-recommendation-engine: "引擎"
external-user-recommendation-engine-desc: "例如: https://vinayaka.distsn.org/cgi-bin/vinayaka-user-match-misskey-api.cgi?{{host}}+{{user}}+{{limit}}+{{offset}}"
external-user-recommendation-timeout: "超时"
external-user-recommendation-timeout-desc: "单位为毫秒 (例如:300000)"
email-config: "电子邮件服务器设置"
email-config: "电子邮件服务器设置"
email-config-info: "用于确认电子邮件和密码重置等。"
email-config-info: "用于确认电子邮件和密码重置等。"
enable-email: "启用电子邮件送递"
enable-email: "启用电子邮件送递"
@ -1503,7 +1494,7 @@ mobile/views/pages/following.vue:
home: "首页"
home: "首页"
local: "Local"
local: "Local"
hybrid: "Social"
hybrid: "社交"
global: "Global"
global: "Global"
mentions: "Mentions"
mentions: "Mentions"
messages: "直接发布"
messages: "直接发布"
@ -1559,7 +1550,7 @@ deck:
widgets: "小部件"
widgets: "小部件"
home: "首页"
home: "首页"
local: "Local"
local: "Local"
hybrid: "Social"
hybrid: "社交"
hashtag: "标签"
hashtag: "标签"
global: "Global"
global: "Global"
mentions: "Mentions"
mentions: "Mentions"
@ -1632,12 +1623,3 @@ dev/views/new-app.vue:
authority: "权限"
authority: "权限"
authority-desc: "只能通过API访问此处请求的功能。"
authority-desc: "只能通过API访问此处请求的功能。"
authority-warning: "您可以在创建应用程序后对其进行更改,但如果您授予不同的权限,则当时关联的所有用户密钥都将失效。"
authority-warning: "您可以在创建应用程序后对其进行更改,但如果您授予不同的权限,则当时关联的所有用户密钥都将失效。"
account-read: "查看账户信息"
account-write: "修改账户信息"
note-write: "投稿。"
reaction-write: "添加或删除回应。"
following-write: "关注和不关注"
drive-read: "查看网盘"
drive-write: "管理网盘文件。"
notification-read: "阅读您的通知"
notification-write: "管理通知"
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