mirror of
synced 2025-03-21 04:08:54 +01:00
Merge branch 'develop' of https://activitypub.software/TransFem-org/Sharkey into feat/instance-admin-ui
This commit is contained in:
37 changed files with 541 additions and 65 deletions
@ -61,6 +61,9 @@ copyNoteId: "Copy note ID"
copyFileId: "Copy file ID"
copyFileId: "Copy file ID"
copyFolderId: "Copy folder ID"
copyFolderId: "Copy folder ID"
copyProfileUrl: "Copy profile URL"
copyProfileUrl: "Copy profile URL"
trustedLinkUrlPatterns: "Link to external site warning exclusion list"
trustedLinkUrlPatternsDescription: "Separate with spaces for an AND condition or with line breaks for an OR condition. Using surrounding keywords with slashes will turn them into a regular expression. If you write only the domain name, it will be a backward match."
open: "Open"
searchUser: "Search for a user"
searchUser: "Search for a user"
searchThisUsersNotes: "Search this user’s notes"
searchThisUsersNotes: "Search this user’s notes"
reply: "Reply"
reply: "Reply"
@ -143,12 +146,15 @@ markAsSensitive: "Mark as sensitive"
unmarkAsSensitive: "Unmark as sensitive"
unmarkAsSensitive: "Unmark as sensitive"
enterFileName: "Enter filename"
enterFileName: "Enter filename"
mute: "Mute"
mute: "Mute"
muted: "Muted"
unmute: "Unmute"
unmute: "Unmute"
renoteMute: "Mute Boosts"
renoteMute: "Mute Boosts"
renoteMuted: "Boosts muted"
renoteUnmute: "Unmute Boosts"
renoteUnmute: "Unmute Boosts"
block: "Block"
block: "Block"
unblock: "Unblock"
unblock: "Unblock"
markAsNSFW: "Mark all media from user as NSFW"
markAsNSFW: "Mark all media from user as NSFW"
markInstanceAsNSFW: "Mark as NSFW"
suspend: "Suspend"
suspend: "Suspend"
unsuspend: "Unsuspend"
unsuspend: "Unsuspend"
blockConfirm: "Are you sure that you want to block this account?"
blockConfirm: "Are you sure that you want to block this account?"
@ -223,6 +229,7 @@ stopActivityDelivery: "Stop sending activities"
blockThisInstance: "Block this instance"
blockThisInstance: "Block this instance"
silenceThisInstance: "Silence this instance"
silenceThisInstance: "Silence this instance"
mediaSilenceThisInstance: "Silence media from this instance"
mediaSilenceThisInstance: "Silence media from this instance"
rejectReports: "Reject reports from this instance"
operations: "Operations"
operations: "Operations"
software: "Software"
software: "Software"
version: "Version"
version: "Version"
@ -263,6 +270,9 @@ noCustomEmojis: "There are no emoji"
noJobs: "There are no jobs"
noJobs: "There are no jobs"
federating: "Federating"
federating: "Federating"
blocked: "Blocked"
blocked: "Blocked"
blockedByBase: "This host is blocked implicitly because a base domain is blocked. To unblock this host, first unblock the base domain(s)."
silencedByBase: "This host is silenced implicitly because a base domain is silenced. To un-silence this host, first un-silence the base domain(s)."
mediaSilencedByBase: "This host's media is silenced implicitly because a base domain's media is silenced. To un-silence this host, first un-silence the base domain(s)."
suspended: "Suspended"
suspended: "Suspended"
all: "All"
all: "All"
subscribing: "Subscribing"
subscribing: "Subscribing"
@ -291,7 +301,6 @@ removeAreYouSure: "Are you sure that you want to remove \"{x}\"?"
deleteAreYouSure: "Are you sure that you want to delete \"{x}\"?"
deleteAreYouSure: "Are you sure that you want to delete \"{x}\"?"
resetAreYouSure: "Really reset?"
resetAreYouSure: "Really reset?"
areYouSure: "Are you sure?"
areYouSure: "Are you sure?"
confirmRemoteUrl: "Are you sure that you want to go to \"{x}\"?"
saved: "Saved"
saved: "Saved"
messaging: "Chat"
messaging: "Chat"
upload: "Upload"
upload: "Upload"
@ -2577,6 +2586,10 @@ _moderationLogTypes:
resetPassword: "Password reset"
resetPassword: "Password reset"
suspendRemoteInstance: "Remote instance suspended"
suspendRemoteInstance: "Remote instance suspended"
unsuspendRemoteInstance: "Remote instance unsuspended"
unsuspendRemoteInstance: "Remote instance unsuspended"
setRemoteInstanceNSFW: "Set remote instance as NSFW"
unsetRemoteInstanceNSFW: "Set remote instance as NSFW"
rejectRemoteInstanceReports: "Rejected reports from remote instance"
acceptRemoteInstanceReports: "Accepted reports from remote instance"
updateRemoteInstanceNote: "Moderation note updated for remote instance."
updateRemoteInstanceNote: "Moderation note updated for remote instance."
markSensitiveDriveFile: "File marked as sensitive"
markSensitiveDriveFile: "File marked as sensitive"
unmarkSensitiveDriveFile: "File unmarked as sensitive"
unmarkSensitiveDriveFile: "File unmarked as sensitive"
@ -2832,3 +2845,7 @@ _contextMenu:
app: "Application"
app: "Application"
appWithShift: "Application with shift key"
appWithShift: "Application with shift key"
native: "Native"
native: "Native"
title: "Navigate to an external site"
description: "Leave {host} and go to an external site"
trustThisDomain: "Trust this domain on this device in the future"
@ -260,6 +260,18 @@ export interface Locale extends ILocale {
* プロフィールURLをコピー
* プロフィールURLをコピー
"copyProfileUrl": string;
"copyProfileUrl": string;
* 外部サイトへのリンク警告 除外リスト
"trustedLinkUrlPatterns": string;
* スペースで区切るとAND指定になり、改行で区切るとOR指定になります。スラッシュで囲むと正規表現になります。ドメイン名だけ書くと後方一致になります。
"trustedLinkUrlPatternsDescription": string;
* 開く
"open": string;
* ユーザーを検索
* ユーザーを検索
@ -588,6 +600,10 @@ export interface Locale extends ILocale {
* ミュート
* ミュート
"mute": string;
"mute": string;
* Muted
"muted": string;
* ミュート解除
* ミュート解除
@ -596,6 +612,10 @@ export interface Locale extends ILocale {
* ブーストをミュート
* ブーストをミュート
"renoteMute": string;
"renoteMute": string;
* Boosts muted
"renoteMuted": string;
* ブーストのミュートを解除
* ブーストのミュートを解除
@ -612,6 +632,10 @@ export interface Locale extends ILocale {
* ユーザーのすべてのメディアをNSFWとしてマークする
* ユーザーのすべてのメディアをNSFWとしてマークする
"markAsNSFW": string;
"markAsNSFW": string;
* Mark as NSFW
"markInstanceAsNSFW": string;
* 凍結
* 凍結
@ -908,6 +932,10 @@ export interface Locale extends ILocale {
* サーバーをメディアサイレンス
* サーバーをメディアサイレンス
"mediaSilenceThisInstance": string;
"mediaSilenceThisInstance": string;
* Reject reports from this instance
"rejectReports": string;
* 操作
* 操作
@ -1068,6 +1096,18 @@ export interface Locale extends ILocale {
* ブロック中
* ブロック中
"blocked": string;
"blocked": string;
* This host is blocked implicitly because a base domain is blocked. To unblock this host, first unblock the base domain(s).
"blockedByBase": string;
* This host is silenced implicitly because a base domain is silenced. To un-silence this host, first un-silence the base domain(s).
"silencedByBase": string;
* This host's media is silenced implicitly because a base domain's media is silenced. To un-silence this host, first un-silence the base domain(s).
"mediaSilencedByBase": string;
* 配信停止
* 配信停止
@ -1180,10 +1220,6 @@ export interface Locale extends ILocale {
* よろしいですか?
* よろしいですか?
"areYouSure": string;
"areYouSure": string;
* 「{x}」を開きますか?
"confirmRemoteUrl": ParameterizedString<"x">;
* 保存しました
* 保存しました
@ -9988,6 +10024,22 @@ export interface Locale extends ILocale {
* リモートサーバーを再開
* リモートサーバーを再開
"unsuspendRemoteInstance": string;
"unsuspendRemoteInstance": string;
* Set remote instance as NSFW
"setRemoteInstanceNSFW": string;
* Set remote instance as NSFW
"unsetRemoteInstanceNSFW": string;
* Rejected reports from remote instance
"rejectRemoteInstanceReports": string;
* Accepted reports from remote instance
"acceptRemoteInstanceReports": string;
* リモートサーバーのモデレーションノート更新
* リモートサーバーのモデレーションノート更新
@ -10929,6 +10981,20 @@ export interface Locale extends ILocale {
"native": string;
"native": string;
"_externalNavigationWarning": {
* 外部サイトに移動します
"title": string;
* {host}を離れて外部サイトに移動します
"description": ParameterizedString<"host">;
* このデバイスで今後このドメインを信頼する
"trustThisDomain": string;
declare const locales: {
declare const locales: {
[lang: string]: Locale;
[lang: string]: Locale;
@ -61,6 +61,9 @@ copyNoteId: "ノートIDをコピー"
copyFileId: "ファイルIDをコピー"
copyFileId: "ファイルIDをコピー"
copyFolderId: "フォルダーIDをコピー"
copyFolderId: "フォルダーIDをコピー"
copyProfileUrl: "プロフィールURLをコピー"
copyProfileUrl: "プロフィールURLをコピー"
trustedLinkUrlPatterns: "外部サイトへのリンク警告 除外リスト"
trustedLinkUrlPatternsDescription: "スペースで区切るとAND指定になり、改行で区切るとOR指定になります。スラッシュで囲むと正規表現になります。ドメイン名だけ書くと後方一致になります。"
open: "開く"
searchUser: "ユーザーを検索"
searchUser: "ユーザーを検索"
searchThisUsersNotes: "ユーザーのノートを検索"
searchThisUsersNotes: "ユーザーのノートを検索"
reply: "返信"
reply: "返信"
@ -143,12 +146,15 @@ markAsSensitive: "センシティブとして設定"
unmarkAsSensitive: "センシティブを解除する"
unmarkAsSensitive: "センシティブを解除する"
enterFileName: "ファイル名を入力"
enterFileName: "ファイル名を入力"
mute: "ミュート"
mute: "ミュート"
muted: "Muted"
unmute: "ミュート解除"
unmute: "ミュート解除"
renoteMute: "ブーストをミュート"
renoteMute: "ブーストをミュート"
renoteMuted: "Boosts muted"
renoteUnmute: "ブーストのミュートを解除"
renoteUnmute: "ブーストのミュートを解除"
block: "ブロック"
block: "ブロック"
unblock: "ブロック解除"
unblock: "ブロック解除"
markAsNSFW: "ユーザーのすべてのメディアをNSFWとしてマークする"
markAsNSFW: "ユーザーのすべてのメディアをNSFWとしてマークする"
markInstanceAsNSFW: "Mark as NSFW"
suspend: "凍結"
suspend: "凍結"
unsuspend: "解凍"
unsuspend: "解凍"
blockConfirm: "ブロックしますか?"
blockConfirm: "ブロックしますか?"
@ -223,6 +229,7 @@ stopActivityDelivery: "アクティビティの配送を停止"
blockThisInstance: "このサーバーをブロック"
blockThisInstance: "このサーバーをブロック"
silenceThisInstance: "サーバーをサイレンス"
silenceThisInstance: "サーバーをサイレンス"
mediaSilenceThisInstance: "サーバーをメディアサイレンス"
mediaSilenceThisInstance: "サーバーをメディアサイレンス"
rejectReports: "Reject reports from this instance"
operations: "操作"
operations: "操作"
software: "ソフトウェア"
software: "ソフトウェア"
version: "バージョン"
version: "バージョン"
@ -263,6 +270,9 @@ noCustomEmojis: "絵文字はありません"
noJobs: "ジョブはありません"
noJobs: "ジョブはありません"
federating: "連合中"
federating: "連合中"
blocked: "ブロック中"
blocked: "ブロック中"
blockedByBase: "This host is blocked implicitly because a base domain is blocked. To unblock this host, first unblock the base domain(s)."
silencedByBase: "This host is silenced implicitly because a base domain is silenced. To un-silence this host, first un-silence the base domain(s)."
mediaSilencedByBase: "This host's media is silenced implicitly because a base domain's media is silenced. To un-silence this host, first un-silence the base domain(s)."
suspended: "配信停止"
suspended: "配信停止"
all: "全て"
all: "全て"
subscribing: "購読中"
subscribing: "購読中"
@ -291,7 +301,6 @@ removeAreYouSure: "「{x}」を削除しますか?"
deleteAreYouSure: "「{x}」を削除しますか?"
deleteAreYouSure: "「{x}」を削除しますか?"
resetAreYouSure: "リセットしますか?"
resetAreYouSure: "リセットしますか?"
areYouSure: "よろしいですか?"
areYouSure: "よろしいですか?"
confirmRemoteUrl: "「{x}」を開きますか?"
saved: "保存しました"
saved: "保存しました"
messaging: "チャット"
messaging: "チャット"
upload: "アップロード"
upload: "アップロード"
@ -2644,6 +2653,10 @@ _moderationLogTypes:
resetPassword: "パスワードをリセット"
resetPassword: "パスワードをリセット"
suspendRemoteInstance: "リモートサーバーを停止"
suspendRemoteInstance: "リモートサーバーを停止"
unsuspendRemoteInstance: "リモートサーバーを再開"
unsuspendRemoteInstance: "リモートサーバーを再開"
setRemoteInstanceNSFW: "Set remote instance as NSFW"
unsetRemoteInstanceNSFW: "Set remote instance as NSFW"
rejectRemoteInstanceReports: "Rejected reports from remote instance"
acceptRemoteInstanceReports: "Accepted reports from remote instance"
updateRemoteInstanceNote: "リモートサーバーのモデレーションノート更新"
updateRemoteInstanceNote: "リモートサーバーのモデレーションノート更新"
markSensitiveDriveFile: "ファイルをセンシティブ付与"
markSensitiveDriveFile: "ファイルをセンシティブ付与"
unmarkSensitiveDriveFile: "ファイルをセンシティブ解除"
unmarkSensitiveDriveFile: "ファイルをセンシティブ解除"
@ -2906,3 +2919,8 @@ _contextMenu:
app: "アプリケーション"
app: "アプリケーション"
appWithShift: "Shiftキーでアプリケーション"
appWithShift: "Shiftキーでアプリケーション"
native: "ブラウザのUI"
native: "ブラウザのUI"
title: "外部サイトに移動します"
description: "{host}を離れて外部サイトに移動します"
trustThisDomain: "このデバイスで今後このドメインを信頼する"
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: syuilo and misskey-project
* SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
export class ExternalWebsiteWarn1711008460816 {
name = 'ExternalWebsiteWarn1711008460816'
async up(queryRunner) {
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "meta" ADD "trustedLinkUrlPatterns" character varying(3072) array NOT NULL DEFAULT '{}'`);
async down(queryRunner) {
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "meta" DROP COLUMN "trustedLinkUrlPatterns"`);
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: hazelnoot and other Sharkey contributors
* SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
export class AddRejectReports1728177700920 {
name = 'AddRejectReports1728177700920'
async up(queryRunner) {
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "instance" ADD "rejectReports" boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false`);
async down(queryRunner) {
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "instance" DROP COLUMN "rejectReports"`);
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
import { Inject, Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
import { Inject, Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
import { In } from 'typeorm';
import { In } from 'typeorm';
import * as Bull from 'bullmq';
import { DI } from '@/di-symbols.js';
import { DI } from '@/di-symbols.js';
import type { Config } from '@/config.js';
import type { Config } from '@/config.js';
import { UserFollowingService } from '@/core/UserFollowingService.js';
import { UserFollowingService } from '@/core/UserFollowingService.js';
@ -29,6 +30,7 @@ import { bindThis } from '@/decorators.js';
import type { MiRemoteUser } from '@/models/User.js';
import type { MiRemoteUser } from '@/models/User.js';
import { GlobalEventService } from '@/core/GlobalEventService.js';
import { GlobalEventService } from '@/core/GlobalEventService.js';
import { AbuseReportService } from '@/core/AbuseReportService.js';
import { AbuseReportService } from '@/core/AbuseReportService.js';
import { FederatedInstanceService } from '@/core/FederatedInstanceService.js';
import { getApHrefNullable, getApId, getApIds, getApType, isAccept, isActor, isAdd, isAnnounce, isBlock, isCollection, isCollectionOrOrderedCollection, isCreate, isDelete, isFlag, isFollow, isLike, isMove, isPost, isReject, isRemove, isTombstone, isUndo, isUpdate, validActor, validPost } from './type.js';
import { getApHrefNullable, getApId, getApIds, getApType, isAccept, isActor, isAdd, isAnnounce, isBlock, isCollection, isCollectionOrOrderedCollection, isCreate, isDelete, isFlag, isFollow, isLike, isMove, isPost, isReject, isRemove, isTombstone, isUndo, isUpdate, validActor, validPost } from './type.js';
import { ApNoteService } from './models/ApNoteService.js';
import { ApNoteService } from './models/ApNoteService.js';
import { ApLoggerService } from './ApLoggerService.js';
import { ApLoggerService } from './ApLoggerService.js';
@ -83,6 +85,7 @@ export class ApInboxService {
private apQuestionService: ApQuestionService,
private apQuestionService: ApQuestionService,
private queueService: QueueService,
private queueService: QueueService,
private globalEventService: GlobalEventService,
private globalEventService: GlobalEventService,
private federatedInstanceService: FederatedInstanceService,
) {
) {
this.logger = this.apLoggerService.logger;
this.logger = this.apLoggerService.logger;
@ -530,6 +533,12 @@ export class ApInboxService {
private async flag(actor: MiRemoteUser, activity: IFlag): Promise<string> {
private async flag(actor: MiRemoteUser, activity: IFlag): Promise<string> {
// Make sure the source instance is allowed to send reports.
const instance = await this.federatedInstanceService.fetch(actor.host);
if (instance.rejectReports) {
throw new Bull.UnrecoverableError(`Rejecting report from instance: ${actor.host}`);
// objectは `(User|Note) | (User|Note)[]` だけど、全パターンDBスキーマと対応させられないので
// objectは `(User|Note) | (User|Note)[]` だけど、全パターンDBスキーマと対応させられないので
// 対象ユーザーは一番最初のユーザー として あとはコメントとして格納する
// 対象ユーザーは一番最初のユーザー として あとはコメントとして格納する
const uris = getApIds(activity.object);
const uris = getApIds(activity.object);
@ -526,6 +526,7 @@ export class ApRendererService {
publicKey: this.renderKey(user, keypair, '#main-key'),
publicKey: this.renderKey(user, keypair, '#main-key'),
isCat: user.isCat,
isCat: user.isCat,
noindex: user.noindex,
noindex: user.noindex,
indexable: !user.noindex,
speakAsCat: user.speakAsCat,
speakAsCat: user.speakAsCat,
attachment: attachment.length ? attachment : undefined,
attachment: attachment.length ? attachment : undefined,
@ -545,6 +545,7 @@ const extension_context_definition = {
Emoji: 'toot:Emoji',
Emoji: 'toot:Emoji',
featured: 'toot:featured',
featured: 'toot:featured',
discoverable: 'toot:discoverable',
discoverable: 'toot:discoverable',
indexable: 'toot:indexable',
// schema
// schema
schema: 'http://schema.org#',
schema: 'http://schema.org#',
PropertyValue: 'schema:PropertyValue',
PropertyValue: 'schema:PropertyValue',
@ -587,7 +587,7 @@ export class ApNoteService {
// ここでuriの代わりに添付されてきたNote Objectが指定されていると、サーバーフェッチを経ずにノートが生成されるが
// ここでuriの代わりに添付されてきたNote Objectが指定されていると、サーバーフェッチを経ずにノートが生成されるが
// 添付されてきたNote Objectは偽装されている可能性があるため、常にuriを指定してサーバーフェッチを行う。
// 添付されてきたNote Objectは偽装されている可能性があるため、常にuriを指定してサーバーフェッチを行う。
const createFrom = options.sentFrom?.origin === new URL(uri).origin ? value : uri;
const createFrom = options.sentFrom?.origin === new URL(uri).origin ? value : uri;
return await this.createNote(createFrom, options.resolver, true);
return await this.createNote(createFrom, options.resolver, false);
} finally {
} finally {
@ -120,6 +120,7 @@ export class MetaEntityService {
imageUrl: ad.imageUrl,
imageUrl: ad.imageUrl,
dayOfWeek: ad.dayOfWeek,
dayOfWeek: ad.dayOfWeek,
trustedLinkUrlPatterns: instance.trustedLinkUrlPatterns,
notesPerOneAd: instance.notesPerOneAd,
notesPerOneAd: instance.notesPerOneAd,
enableEmail: instance.enableEmail,
enableEmail: instance.enableEmail,
enableServiceWorker: instance.enableServiceWorker,
enableServiceWorker: instance.enableServiceWorker,
@ -158,7 +158,12 @@ export class MiInstance {
default: false,
default: false,
public isNSFW: boolean;
public isNSFW: boolean;
@Column('boolean', {
default: false,
public rejectReports: boolean;
@Column('varchar', {
@Column('varchar', {
length: 16384, default: '',
length: 16384, default: '',
@ -674,4 +674,12 @@ export class MiMeta {
nullable: true,
nullable: true,
public urlPreviewUserAgent: string | null;
public urlPreviewUserAgent: string | null;
@Column('varchar', {
length: 3072,
array: true,
default: '{}',
comment: 'An array of URL strings or regex that can be used to omit warnings about redirects to external sites. Separate them with spaces to specify AND, and enclose them with slashes to specify regular expressions. Each item is regarded as an OR.',
public trustedLinkUrlPatterns: string[];
@ -273,6 +273,14 @@ export const packedMetaLiteSchema = {
optional: false, nullable: false,
optional: false, nullable: false,
default: 'local',
default: 'local',
trustedLinkUrlPatterns: {
type: 'array',
optional: false, nullable: false,
items: {
type: 'string',
optional: false, nullable: false,
} as const;
} as const;
@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ export const paramDef = {
host: { type: 'string' },
host: { type: 'string' },
isSuspended: { type: 'boolean' },
isSuspended: { type: 'boolean' },
isNSFW: { type: 'boolean' },
isNSFW: { type: 'boolean' },
rejectReports: { type: 'boolean' },
moderationNote: { type: 'string' },
moderationNote: { type: 'string' },
required: ['host'],
required: ['host'],
@ -57,6 +58,7 @@ export default class extends Endpoint<typeof meta, typeof paramDef> { // eslint-
await this.federatedInstanceService.update(instance.id, {
await this.federatedInstanceService.update(instance.id, {
isNSFW: ps.isNSFW,
isNSFW: ps.isNSFW,
rejectReports: ps.rejectReports,
moderationNote: ps.moderationNote,
moderationNote: ps.moderationNote,
@ -74,6 +76,22 @@ export default class extends Endpoint<typeof meta, typeof paramDef> { // eslint-
if (ps.isNSFW != null && instance.isNSFW !== ps.isNSFW) {
const message = ps.rejectReports ? 'setRemoteInstanceNSFW' : 'unsetRemoteInstanceNSFW';
this.moderationLogService.log(me, message, {
id: instance.id,
host: instance.host,
if (ps.rejectReports != null && instance.rejectReports !== ps.rejectReports) {
const message = ps.rejectReports ? 'rejectRemoteInstanceReports' : 'acceptRemoteInstanceReports';
this.moderationLogService.log(me, message, {
id: instance.id,
host: instance.host,
if (ps.moderationNote != null && instance.moderationNote !== ps.moderationNote) {
if (ps.moderationNote != null && instance.moderationNote !== ps.moderationNote) {
this.moderationLogService.log(me, 'updateRemoteInstanceNote', {
this.moderationLogService.log(me, 'updateRemoteInstanceNote', {
id: instance.id,
id: instance.id,
@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ export const meta = {
silencedHosts: {
silencedHosts: {
type: 'array',
type: 'array',
optional: true,
optional: false,
nullable: false,
nullable: false,
items: {
items: {
type: 'string',
type: 'string',
@ -526,6 +526,14 @@ export const meta = {
type: 'string',
type: 'string',
optional: false, nullable: true,
optional: false, nullable: true,
trustedLinkUrlPatterns: {
type: 'array',
optional: false, nullable: false,
items: {
type: 'string',
optional: false, nullable: false,
} as const;
} as const;
@ -669,6 +677,7 @@ export default class extends Endpoint<typeof meta, typeof paramDef> { // eslint-
urlPreviewRequireContentLength: instance.urlPreviewRequireContentLength,
urlPreviewRequireContentLength: instance.urlPreviewRequireContentLength,
urlPreviewUserAgent: instance.urlPreviewUserAgent,
urlPreviewUserAgent: instance.urlPreviewUserAgent,
urlPreviewSummaryProxyUrl: instance.urlPreviewSummaryProxyUrl,
urlPreviewSummaryProxyUrl: instance.urlPreviewSummaryProxyUrl,
trustedLinkUrlPatterns: instance.trustedLinkUrlPatterns,
@ -176,6 +176,11 @@ export const paramDef = {
urlPreviewRequireContentLength: { type: 'boolean' },
urlPreviewRequireContentLength: { type: 'boolean' },
urlPreviewUserAgent: { type: 'string', nullable: true },
urlPreviewUserAgent: { type: 'string', nullable: true },
urlPreviewSummaryProxyUrl: { type: 'string', nullable: true },
urlPreviewSummaryProxyUrl: { type: 'string', nullable: true },
trustedLinkUrlPatterns: {
type: 'array', nullable: true, items: {
type: 'string',
required: [],
required: [],
} as const;
} as const;
@ -665,6 +670,10 @@ export default class extends Endpoint<typeof meta, typeof paramDef> { // eslint-
set.urlPreviewSummaryProxyUrl = value === '' ? null : value;
set.urlPreviewSummaryProxyUrl = value === '' ? null : value;
if (Array.isArray(ps.trustedLinkUrlPatterns)) {
set.trustedLinkUrlPatterns = ps.trustedLinkUrlPatterns.filter(Boolean);
const before = await this.metaService.fetch(true);
const before = await this.metaService.fetch(true);
await this.metaService.update(set);
await this.metaService.update(set);
@ -193,9 +193,9 @@ export class ClientServerService {
icon: meta.iconUrl,
icon: meta.iconUrl,
appleTouchIcon: meta.app512IconUrl,
appleTouchIcon: meta.app512IconUrl,
themeColor: meta.themeColor,
themeColor: meta.themeColor,
serverErrorImageUrl: meta.serverErrorImageUrl ?? 'https://launcher.moe/error.png',
serverErrorImageUrl: meta.serverErrorImageUrl ?? '/status/error.png',
infoImageUrl: meta.infoImageUrl ?? 'https://launcher.moe/nothinghere.png',
infoImageUrl: meta.infoImageUrl ?? '/status/nothinghere.png',
notFoundImageUrl: meta.notFoundImageUrl ?? 'https://launcher.moe/missingpage.webp',
notFoundImageUrl: meta.notFoundImageUrl ?? '/status/missingpage.webp',
instanceUrl: this.config.url,
instanceUrl: this.config.url,
randomMOTD: this.config.customMOTD ? this.config.customMOTD[Math.floor(Math.random() * this.config.customMOTD.length)] : undefined,
randomMOTD: this.config.customMOTD ? this.config.customMOTD[Math.floor(Math.random() * this.config.customMOTD.length)] : undefined,
metaJson: htmlSafeJsonStringify(await this.metaEntityService.packDetailed(meta)),
metaJson: htmlSafeJsonStringify(await this.metaEntityService.packDetailed(meta)),
@ -77,8 +77,12 @@ export const moderationLogTypes = [
@ -227,6 +231,14 @@ export type ModerationLogPayloads = {
userUsername: string;
userUsername: string;
userHost: string | null;
userHost: string | null;
setRemoteInstanceNSFW: {
id: string;
host: string;
unsetRemoteInstanceNSFW: {
id: string;
host: string;
suspendRemoteInstance: {
suspendRemoteInstance: {
id: string;
id: string;
host: string;
host: string;
@ -235,6 +247,14 @@ export type ModerationLogPayloads = {
id: string;
id: string;
host: string;
host: string;
rejectRemoteInstanceReports: {
id: string;
host: string;
acceptRemoteInstanceReports: {
id: string;
host: string;
updateRemoteInstanceNote: {
updateRemoteInstanceNote: {
id: string;
id: string;
host: string;
host: string;
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
After Width: | Height: | Size: 26 KiB |
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
After Width: | Height: | Size: 6.4 KiB |
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
After Width: | Height: | Size: 36 KiB |
@ -216,19 +216,25 @@ export async function mainBoot() {
window.setInterval(() => {
if (!claimedAchievements.includes('justPlainLucky')) {
if (Math.floor(Math.random() * 20000) === 0) {
window.setInterval(() => {
if (Math.floor(Math.random() * 20000) === 0) {
}, 1000 * 10);
}, 1000 * 10);
window.setTimeout(() => {
if (!claimedAchievements.includes('client30min')) {
window.setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000 * 60 * 30);
}, 1000 * 60 * 30);
window.setTimeout(() => {
if (!claimedAchievements.includes('client60min')) {
window.setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000 * 60 * 60);
}, 1000 * 60 * 60);
// 邪魔
// 邪魔
//const lastUsed = miLocalStorage.getItem('lastUsed');
//const lastUsed = miLocalStorage.getItem('lastUsed');
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
:is="self ? 'MkA' : 'a'" ref="el" style="word-break: break-all;" class="_link" :[attr]="self ? url.substring(local.length) : url" :rel="rel ?? 'nofollow noopener'" :target="target"
:is="self ? 'MkA' : 'a'" ref="el" style="word-break: break-all;" class="_link" :[attr]="self ? url.substring(local.length) : url" :rel="rel ?? 'nofollow noopener'" :target="target"
@click.prevent="self ? true : promptConfirm()"
@click.prevent="self ? true : warningExternalWebsite(url)"
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import { useTooltip } from '@/scripts/use-tooltip.js';
import * as os from '@/os.js';
import * as os from '@/os.js';
import { isEnabledUrlPreview } from '@/instance.js';
import { isEnabledUrlPreview } from '@/instance.js';
import { MkABehavior } from '@/components/global/MkA.vue';
import { MkABehavior } from '@/components/global/MkA.vue';
import { i18n } from '@/i18n.js';
import { warningExternalWebsite } from '@/scripts/warning-external-website.js';
const props = withDefaults(defineProps<{
const props = withDefaults(defineProps<{
url: string;
url: string;
@ -49,16 +49,6 @@ if (isEnabledUrlPreview.value) {
async function promptConfirm() {
const { canceled } = await os.confirm({
type: 'question',
text: i18n.tsx.confirmRemoteUrl({ x: props.url }),
plain: true,
if (canceled) return;
window.open(props.url, '_blank', 'nofollow noopener popup=false');
<style lang="scss" module>
<style lang="scss" module>
@ -630,11 +630,22 @@ async function onPaste(ev: ClipboardEvent) {
if (paste.length > 1000) {
if (paste.length > 1000) {
type: 'info',
type: 'question',
text: i18n.ts.attachAsFileQuestion,
text: i18n.ts.attachAsFileQuestion,
}).then(({ canceled }) => {
actions: [
if (canceled) {
value: 'yes',
text: i18n.ts.yes,
primary: true,
value: 'no',
text: i18n.ts.no,
}).then(({ result }) => {
if (result !== 'yes') {
insertTextAtCursor(textareaEl.value, paste);
insertTextAtCursor(textareaEl.value, paste);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: syuilo and misskey-project
SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
<MkModal ref="modal" :preferType="'dialog'" :zPriority="'high'" @click="done(true)" @closed="emit('closed')">
<div :class="$style.root" class="_gaps">
<div class="_gaps_s">
<div :class="$style.header">
<div :class="$style.icon">
<i class="ti ti-alert-triangle"></i>
<div :class="$style.title">{{ i18n.ts._externalNavigationWarning.title }}</div>
<div><Mfm :text="i18n.tsx._externalNavigationWarning.description({ host: instanceName })"/></div>
<div class="_monospace" :class="$style.urlAddress">{{ url }}</div>
<MkSwitch v-model="trustThisDomain">{{ i18n.ts._externalNavigationWarning.trustThisDomain }}</MkSwitch>
<div :class="$style.buttons">
<MkButton data-cy-modal-dialog-cancel inline rounded @click="cancel">{{ i18n.ts.cancel }}</MkButton>
<MkButton data-cy-modal-dialog-ok inline primary rounded @click="ok"><i class="ti ti-external-link"></i> {{ i18n.ts.open }}</MkButton>
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { onBeforeUnmount, onMounted, ref, shallowRef, computed } from 'vue';
import { instanceName } from '@/config.js';
import MkModal from '@/components/MkModal.vue';
import MkButton from '@/components/MkButton.vue';
import MkSwitch from '@/components/MkSwitch.vue';
import { i18n } from '@/i18n.js';
import { defaultStore } from '@/store.js';
type Result = string | number | true | null;
const props = defineProps<{
url: string;
const emit = defineEmits<{
(ev: 'done', v: { canceled: true } | { canceled: false, result: Result }): void;
(ev: 'closed'): void;
const modal = shallowRef<InstanceType<typeof MkModal>>();
const trustThisDomain = ref(false);
const domain = computed(() => new URL(props.url).hostname);
// overload function を使いたいので lint エラーを無視する
function done(canceled: true): void;
function done(canceled: false, result: Result): void; // eslint-disable-line no-redeclare
function done(canceled: boolean, result?: Result): void { // eslint-disable-line no-redeclare
emit('done', { canceled, result } as { canceled: true } | { canceled: false, result: Result });
async function ok() {
const result = true;
if (!defaultStore.state.trustedDomains.includes(domain.value) && trustThisDomain.value) {
await defaultStore.set('trustedDomains', defaultStore.state.trustedDomains.concat(domain.value));
done(false, result);
function cancel() {
function onKeydown(evt: KeyboardEvent) {
if (evt.key === 'Escape') cancel();
onMounted(() => {
document.addEventListener('keydown', onKeydown);
onBeforeUnmount(() => {
document.removeEventListener('keydown', onKeydown);
<style lang="scss" module>
.root {
position: relative;
margin: auto;
padding: 32px;
width: 100%;
min-width: 320px;
max-width: 480px;
box-sizing: border-box;
background: var(--panel);
border-radius: 16px;
.header {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
gap: 0.75em;
.icon {
font-size: 18px;
color: var(--warn);
.title {
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 1.1em;
.urlAddress {
padding: 10px 14px;
border-radius: 8px;
border: 1px solid var(--divider);
overflow-x: auto;
white-space: nowrap;
.buttons {
display: flex;
gap: 8px;
flex-wrap: wrap;
justify-content: right;
@ -142,6 +142,7 @@ function showMenu(ev: MouseEvent) {
height: 32px;
height: 32px;
border-radius: var(--radius-sm);
border-radius: var(--radius-sm);
font-size: 18px;
font-size: 18px;
z-index: 50;
.mainFg {
.mainFg {
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
:is="self ? 'MkA' : 'a'" ref="el" :class="$style.root" class="_link" :[attr]="self ? props.url.substring(local.length) : props.url" :rel="rel ?? 'nofollow noopener'" :target="target"
:is="self ? 'MkA' : 'a'" ref="el" :class="$style.root" class="_link" :[attr]="self ? props.url.substring(local.length) : props.url" :rel="rel ?? 'nofollow noopener'" :target="target"
@contextmenu.stop="() => {}"
@contextmenu.stop="() => {}"
@click.prevent="self ? true : warningExternalWebsite(props.url)"
<template v-if="!self">
<template v-if="!self">
@ -34,6 +35,7 @@ import { useTooltip } from '@/scripts/use-tooltip.js';
import { safeURIDecode } from '@/scripts/safe-uri-decode.js';
import { safeURIDecode } from '@/scripts/safe-uri-decode.js';
import { isEnabledUrlPreview } from '@/instance.js';
import { isEnabledUrlPreview } from '@/instance.js';
import { MkABehavior } from '@/components/global/MkA.vue';
import { MkABehavior } from '@/components/global/MkA.vue';
import { warningExternalWebsite } from '@/scripts/warning-external-website.js';
const props = withDefaults(defineProps<{
const props = withDefaults(defineProps<{
url: string;
url: string;
@ -160,9 +160,9 @@ export const ROLE_POLICIES = [
export const DEFAULT_SERVER_ERROR_IMAGE_URL = 'https://launcher.moe/error.png';
export const DEFAULT_SERVER_ERROR_IMAGE_URL = '/status/error.png';
export const DEFAULT_NOT_FOUND_IMAGE_URL = 'https://launcher.moe/missingpage.webp';
export const DEFAULT_NOT_FOUND_IMAGE_URL = '/status/missingpage.webp';
export const DEFAULT_INFO_IMAGE_URL = 'https://launcher.moe/nothinghere.png';
export const DEFAULT_INFO_IMAGE_URL = '/status/nothinghere.png';
export const MFM_TAGS = ['tada', 'jelly', 'twitch', 'shake', 'spin', 'jump', 'bounce', 'flip', 'x2', 'x3', 'x4', 'scale', 'position', 'fg', 'bg', 'border', 'font', 'blur', 'rainbow', 'sparkle', 'rotate', 'ruby', 'unixtime', 'crop', 'fade', 'followmouse'];
export const MFM_TAGS = ['tada', 'jelly', 'twitch', 'shake', 'spin', 'jump', 'bounce', 'flip', 'x2', 'x3', 'x4', 'scale', 'position', 'fg', 'bg', 'border', 'font', 'blur', 'rainbow', 'sparkle', 'rotate', 'ruby', 'unixtime', 'crop', 'fade', 'followmouse'];
export const MFM_PARAMS: Record<typeof MFM_TAGS[number], string[]> = {
export const MFM_PARAMS: Record<typeof MFM_TAGS[number], string[]> = {
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
worker-src 'self';
worker-src 'self';
script-src 'self' 'unsafe-eval' https://*.hcaptcha.com https://challenges.cloudflare.com https://esm.sh;
script-src 'self' 'unsafe-eval' https://*.hcaptcha.com https://challenges.cloudflare.com https://esm.sh;
style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline';
style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline';
img-src 'self' data: blob: www.google.com xn--931a.moe launcher.moe localhost:3000 localhost:5173 activitypub.software secure.gravatar.com avatars.githubusercontent.com;
img-src 'self' data: blob: www.google.com xn--931a.moe localhost:3000 localhost:5173 activitypub.software secure.gravatar.com avatars.githubusercontent.com;
media-src 'self' localhost:3000 localhost:5173;
media-src 'self' localhost:3000 localhost:5173;
connect-src 'self' localhost:3000 localhost:5173 https://newassets.hcaptcha.com https://api.listenbrainz.org;
connect-src 'self' localhost:3000 localhost:5173 https://newassets.hcaptcha.com https://api.listenbrainz.org;
frame-src *;"
frame-src *;"
@ -50,6 +50,12 @@ SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
<template #caption>{{ i18n.ts.preservedUsernamesDescription }}</template>
<template #caption>{{ i18n.ts.preservedUsernamesDescription }}</template>
<MkTextarea v-model="trustedLinkUrlPatterns">
<template #prefix><i class="ti ti-link"></i></template>
<template #label>{{ i18n.ts.trustedLinkUrlPatterns }}</template>
<template #caption>{{ i18n.ts.trustedLinkUrlPatternsDescription }}</template>
<MkTextarea v-model="sensitiveWords">
<MkTextarea v-model="sensitiveWords">
<template #label>{{ i18n.ts.sensitiveWords }}</template>
<template #label>{{ i18n.ts.sensitiveWords }}</template>
<template #caption>{{ i18n.ts.sensitiveWordsDescription }}<br>{{ i18n.ts.sensitiveWordsDescription2 }}</template>
<template #caption>{{ i18n.ts.sensitiveWordsDescription }}<br>{{ i18n.ts.sensitiveWordsDescription2 }}</template>
@ -105,6 +111,7 @@ const bubbleTimeline = ref<string>('');
const tosUrl = ref<string | null>(null);
const tosUrl = ref<string | null>(null);
const privacyPolicyUrl = ref<string | null>(null);
const privacyPolicyUrl = ref<string | null>(null);
const inquiryUrl = ref<string | null>(null);
const inquiryUrl = ref<string | null>(null);
const trustedLinkUrlPatterns = ref<string>('');
async function init() {
async function init() {
const meta = await misskeyApi('admin/meta');
const meta = await misskeyApi('admin/meta');
@ -120,6 +127,7 @@ async function init() {
bubbleTimeline.value = meta.bubbleInstances.join('\n');
bubbleTimeline.value = meta.bubbleInstances.join('\n');
bubbleTimelineEnabled.value = meta.policies.btlAvailable;
bubbleTimelineEnabled.value = meta.policies.btlAvailable;
inquiryUrl.value = meta.inquiryUrl;
inquiryUrl.value = meta.inquiryUrl;
trustedLinkUrlPatterns.value = meta.trustedLinkUrlPatterns.join('\n');
function save() {
function save() {
@ -135,6 +143,7 @@ function save() {
hiddenTags: hiddenTags.value.split('\n'),
hiddenTags: hiddenTags.value.split('\n'),
preservedUsernames: preservedUsernames.value.split('\n'),
preservedUsernames: preservedUsernames.value.split('\n'),
bubbleInstances: bubbleTimeline.value.split('\n'),
bubbleInstances: bubbleTimeline.value.split('\n'),
trustedLinkUrlPatterns: trustedLinkUrlPatterns.value.split('\n'),
}).then(() => {
}).then(() => {
@ -23,6 +23,10 @@ SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
[$style.logRed]: [
[$style.logRed]: [
@ -61,6 +65,10 @@ SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
<span v-else-if="log.type === 'unmarkSensitiveDriveFile'">: @{{ log.info.fileUserUsername }}{{ log.info.fileUserHost ? '@' + log.info.fileUserHost : '' }}</span>
<span v-else-if="log.type === 'unmarkSensitiveDriveFile'">: @{{ log.info.fileUserUsername }}{{ log.info.fileUserHost ? '@' + log.info.fileUserHost : '' }}</span>
<span v-else-if="log.type === 'suspendRemoteInstance'">: {{ log.info.host }}</span>
<span v-else-if="log.type === 'suspendRemoteInstance'">: {{ log.info.host }}</span>
<span v-else-if="log.type === 'unsuspendRemoteInstance'">: {{ log.info.host }}</span>
<span v-else-if="log.type === 'unsuspendRemoteInstance'">: {{ log.info.host }}</span>
<span v-else-if="log.type === 'setRemoteInstanceNSFW'">: {{ log.info.host }}</span>
<span v-else-if="log.type === 'unsetRemoteInstanceNSFW'">: {{ log.info.host }}</span>
<span v-else-if="log.type === 'rejectRemoteInstanceReports'">: {{ log.info.host }}</span>
<span v-else-if="log.type === 'acceptRemoteInstanceReports'">: {{ log.info.host }}</span>
<span v-else-if="log.type === 'createGlobalAnnouncement'">: {{ log.info.announcement.title }}</span>
<span v-else-if="log.type === 'createGlobalAnnouncement'">: {{ log.info.announcement.title }}</span>
<span v-else-if="log.type === 'updateGlobalAnnouncement'">: {{ log.info.before.title }}</span>
<span v-else-if="log.type === 'updateGlobalAnnouncement'">: {{ log.info.before.title }}</span>
<span v-else-if="log.type === 'deleteGlobalAnnouncement'">: {{ log.info.announcement.title }}</span>
<span v-else-if="log.type === 'deleteGlobalAnnouncement'">: {{ log.info.announcement.title }}</span>
@ -49,10 +49,14 @@ SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
<MkButton v-if="suspensionState === 'none'" inline :disabled="!instance" danger @click="stopDelivery">{{ i18n.ts._delivery.stop }}</MkButton>
<MkButton v-if="suspensionState === 'none'" inline :disabled="!instance" danger @click="stopDelivery">{{ i18n.ts._delivery.stop }}</MkButton>
<MkButton v-if="suspensionState !== 'none'" inline :disabled="!instance" @click="resumeDelivery">{{ i18n.ts._delivery.resume }}</MkButton>
<MkButton v-if="suspensionState !== 'none'" inline :disabled="!instance" @click="resumeDelivery">{{ i18n.ts._delivery.resume }}</MkButton>
<MkSwitch v-model="isBlocked" :disabled="!meta || !instance" @update:modelValue="toggleBlock">{{ i18n.ts.blockThisInstance }}</MkSwitch>
<MkInfo v-if="isBaseBlocked" warn>{{ i18n.ts.blockedByBase }}</MkInfo>
<MkSwitch v-model="isSilenced" :disabled="!meta || !instance" @update:modelValue="toggleSilenced">{{ i18n.ts.silenceThisInstance }}</MkSwitch>
<MkSwitch v-model="isBlocked" :disabled="!meta || !instance || isBaseBlocked" @update:modelValue="toggleBlock">{{ i18n.ts.blockThisInstance }}</MkSwitch>
<MkSwitch v-model="isNSFW" :disabled="!instance" @update:modelValue="toggleNSFW">Mark as NSFW</MkSwitch>
<MkInfo v-if="isBaseSilenced" warn>{{ i18n.ts.silencedByBase }}</MkInfo>
<MkSwitch v-model="isMediaSilenced" :disabled="!meta || !instance" @update:modelValue="toggleMediaSilenced">{{ i18n.ts.mediaSilenceThisInstance }}</MkSwitch>
<MkSwitch v-model="isSilenced" :disabled="!meta || !instance || isBaseSilenced" @update:modelValue="toggleSilenced">{{ i18n.ts.silenceThisInstance }}</MkSwitch>
<MkSwitch v-model="isNSFW" :disabled="!instance" @update:modelValue="toggleNSFW">{{ i18n.ts.markInstanceAsNSFW }}</MkSwitch>
<MkSwitch v-model="rejectReports" :disabled="!instance" @update:modelValue="toggleRejectReports">{{ i18n.ts.rejectReports }}</MkSwitch>
<MkInfo v-if="isBaseMediaSilenced" warn>{{ i18n.ts.mediaSilencedByBase }}</MkInfo>
<MkSwitch v-model="isMediaSilenced" :disabled="!meta || !instance || isBaseMediaSilenced" @update:modelValue="toggleMediaSilenced">{{ i18n.ts.mediaSilenceThisInstance }}</MkSwitch>
<MkButton @click="refreshMetadata"><i class="ti ti-refresh"></i> Refresh metadata</MkButton>
<MkButton @click="refreshMetadata"><i class="ti ti-refresh"></i> Refresh metadata</MkButton>
<MkTextarea v-model="moderationNote" manualSave>
<MkTextarea v-model="moderationNote" manualSave>
<template #label>{{ i18n.ts.moderationNote }}</template>
<template #label>{{ i18n.ts.moderationNote }}</template>
@ -160,6 +164,7 @@ import MkHorizontalSwipe from '@/components/MkHorizontalSwipe.vue';
import { getProxiedImageUrlNullable } from '@/scripts/media-proxy.js';
import { getProxiedImageUrlNullable } from '@/scripts/media-proxy.js';
import { dateString } from '@/filters/date.js';
import { dateString } from '@/filters/date.js';
import MkTextarea from '@/components/MkTextarea.vue';
import MkTextarea from '@/components/MkTextarea.vue';
import MkInfo from '@/components/MkInfo.vue';
const props = defineProps<{
const props = defineProps<{
host: string;
host: string;
@ -174,10 +179,26 @@ const suspensionState = ref<'none' | 'manuallySuspended' | 'goneSuspended' | 'au
const isBlocked = ref(false);
const isBlocked = ref(false);
const isSilenced = ref(false);
const isSilenced = ref(false);
const isNSFW = ref(false);
const isNSFW = ref(false);
const rejectReports = ref(false);
const isMediaSilenced = ref(false);
const isMediaSilenced = ref(false);
const faviconUrl = ref<string | null>(null);
const faviconUrl = ref<string | null>(null);
const moderationNote = ref('');
const moderationNote = ref('');
const baseDomains = computed(() => {
const domains: string[] = [];
const parts = props.host.toLowerCase().split('.');
for (let s = 1; s < parts.length; s++) {
const domain = parts.slice(s).join('.');
return domains;
const isBaseBlocked = computed(() => meta.value && baseDomains.value.some(d => meta.value?.blockedHosts.includes(d)));
const isBaseSilenced = computed(() => meta.value && baseDomains.value.some(d => meta.value?.silencedHosts.includes(d)));
const isBaseMediaSilenced = computed(() => meta.value && baseDomains.value.some(d => meta.value?.mediaSilencedHosts.includes(d)));
const usersPagination = {
const usersPagination = {
endpoint: iAmModerator ? 'admin/show-users' : 'users' as const,
endpoint: iAmModerator ? 'admin/show-users' : 'users' as const,
limit: 10,
limit: 10,
@ -204,6 +225,7 @@ async function fetch(): Promise<void> {
isBlocked.value = instance.value?.isBlocked ?? false;
isBlocked.value = instance.value?.isBlocked ?? false;
isSilenced.value = instance.value?.isSilenced ?? false;
isSilenced.value = instance.value?.isSilenced ?? false;
isNSFW.value = instance.value?.isNSFW ?? false;
isNSFW.value = instance.value?.isNSFW ?? false;
rejectReports.value = instance.value?.rejectReports ?? false;
isMediaSilenced.value = instance.value?.isMediaSilenced ?? false;
isMediaSilenced.value = instance.value?.isMediaSilenced ?? false;
faviconUrl.value = getProxiedImageUrlNullable(instance.value?.faviconUrl, 'preview') ?? getProxiedImageUrlNullable(instance.value?.iconUrl, 'preview');
faviconUrl.value = getProxiedImageUrlNullable(instance.value?.faviconUrl, 'preview') ?? getProxiedImageUrlNullable(instance.value?.iconUrl, 'preview');
moderationNote.value = instance.value?.moderationNote ?? '';
moderationNote.value = instance.value?.moderationNote ?? '';
@ -264,6 +286,14 @@ async function toggleNSFW(): Promise<void> {
async function toggleRejectReports(): Promise<void> {
if (!instance.value) throw new Error('No instance?');
await misskeyApi('admin/federation/update-instance', {
host: instance.value.host,
rejectReports: rejectReports.value,
function refreshMetadata(): void {
function refreshMetadata(): void {
if (!instance.value) throw new Error('No instance?');
if (!instance.value) throw new Error('No instance?');
misskeyApi('admin/federation/refresh-remote-instance-metadata', {
misskeyApi('admin/federation/refresh-remote-instance-metadata', {
@ -30,7 +30,12 @@ SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
<span v-if="$i && $i.id != user.id && user.isFollowed" class="followed">{{ i18n.ts.followsYou }}</span>
<div v-if="$i && $i.id != user.id" class="info-badges">
<span v-if="user.isFollowed">{{ i18n.ts.followsYou }}</span>
<span v-if="user.isMuted">{{ i18n.ts.muted }}</span>
<span v-if="user.isRenoteMuted">{{ i18n.ts.renoteMuted }}</span>
<span v-if="user.isBlocking">{{ i18n.ts.blocked }}</span>
<div class="actions">
<div class="actions">
<button class="menu _button" @click="menu"><i class="ti ti-dots"></i></button>
<button class="menu _button" @click="menu"><i class="ti ti-dots"></i></button>
<MkFollowButton v-if="$i?.id != user.id" v-model:user="user" :inline="true" :transparent="false" :full="true" class="koudoku"/>
<MkFollowButton v-if="$i?.id != user.id" v-model:user="user" :inline="true" :transparent="false" :full="true" class="koudoku"/>
@ -445,15 +450,25 @@ onUnmounted(() => {
background: linear-gradient(transparent, rgba(#000, 0.7));
background: linear-gradient(transparent, rgba(#000, 0.7));
> .followed {
> .info-badges {
position: absolute;
position: absolute;
top: 12px;
top: 12px;
left: 12px;
left: 12px;
padding: 4px 8px;
color: #fff;
display: flex;
background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7);
flex-direction: row;
font-size: 0.7em;
border-radius: var(--radius-sm);
> * {
padding: 4px 8px;
color: #fff;
background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7);
font-size: 0.7em;
border-radius: var(--radius-sm);
> :not(:first-child) {
margin-left: 8px;
> .actions {
> .actions {
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import { aiScriptReadline, createAiScriptEnv } from '@/scripts/aiscript/api.js';
import * as os from '@/os.js';
import * as os from '@/os.js';
import { i18n } from '@/i18n.js';
import { i18n } from '@/i18n.js';
import { Plugin, noteActions, notePostInterruptors, noteViewInterruptors, postFormActions, userActions, pageViewInterruptors } from '@/store.js';
import { Plugin, noteActions, notePostInterruptors, noteViewInterruptors, postFormActions, userActions, pageViewInterruptors } from '@/store.js';
import { warningExternalWebsite } from '@/scripts/warning-external-website.js';
const parser = new Parser();
const parser = new Parser();
const pluginContexts = new Map<string, Interpreter>();
const pluginContexts = new Map<string, Interpreter>();
@ -92,16 +93,8 @@ function createPluginEnv(opts: { plugin: Plugin; storageKey: string }): Record<s
registerPageViewInterruptor({ pluginId: opts.plugin.id, handler });
registerPageViewInterruptor({ pluginId: opts.plugin.id, handler });
'Plugin:open_url': values.FN_NATIVE(([url]) => {
'Plugin:open_url': values.FN_NATIVE(([url]) => {
(async () => {
const { canceled } = await os.confirm({
type: 'question',
text: i18n.tsx.confirmRemoteUrl({ x: url.value }),
plain: true,
if (canceled) return;
window.open(url.value, '_blank', 'noopener');
'Plugin:config': values.OBJ(config),
'Plugin:config': values.OBJ(config),
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: syuilo and misskey-project
* SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
import { instance } from '@/instance.js';
import { defaultStore } from '@/store.js';
import * as os from '@/os.js';
import MkUrlWarningDialog from '@/components/MkUrlWarningDialog.vue';
const extractDomain = /^(https?:\/\/|\/\/)?([^@/\s]+@)?(www\.)?([^:/\s]+)/i;
const isRegExp = /^\/(.+)\/(.*)$/;
export async function warningExternalWebsite(url: string) {
const domain = extractDomain.exec(url)?.[4];
if (!domain) return false;
const isTrustedByInstance = instance.trustedLinkUrlPatterns.some(expression => {
const r = isRegExp.exec(expression);
if (r) {
return new RegExp(r[1], r[2]).test(url);
} else if (expression.includes(' ')) {
return expression.split(' ').every(keyword => url.includes(keyword));
} else {
return domain.endsWith(expression);
const isTrustedByUser = defaultStore.reactiveState.trustedDomains.value.includes(domain);
if (!isTrustedByInstance && !isTrustedByUser) {
const confirm = await new Promise<{ canceled: boolean }>(resolve => {
const { dispose } = os.popup(MkUrlWarningDialog, {
}, {
done: result => {
resolve(result ?? { canceled: true });
closed: () => dispose(),
if (confirm.canceled) return false;
return window.open(url, '_blank', 'nofollow noopener popup=false');
return window.open(url, '_blank', 'nofollow noopener popup=false');
@ -165,6 +165,10 @@ export const defaultStore = markRaw(new Storage('base', {
where: 'account',
where: 'account',
default: 'public' as 'public' | 'home' | 'followers',
default: 'public' as 'public' | 'home' | 'followers',
trustedDomains: {
where: 'account',
default: [] as string[],
menu: {
menu: {
where: 'deviceAccount',
where: 'deviceAccount',
@ -5098,6 +5098,7 @@ export type components = {
* @enum {string}
* @enum {string}
noteSearchableScope: 'local' | 'global';
noteSearchableScope: 'local' | 'global';
trustedLinkUrlPatterns: string[];
MetaDetailedOnly: {
MetaDetailedOnly: {
features?: {
features?: {
@ -5199,7 +5200,7 @@ export type operations = {
enableEmail: boolean;
enableEmail: boolean;
enableServiceWorker: boolean;
enableServiceWorker: boolean;
translatorAvailable: boolean;
translatorAvailable: boolean;
silencedHosts?: string[];
silencedHosts: string[];
mediaSilencedHosts: string[];
mediaSilencedHosts: string[];
pinnedUsers: string[];
pinnedUsers: string[];
hiddenTags: string[];
hiddenTags: string[];
@ -5294,6 +5295,7 @@ export type operations = {
urlPreviewRequireContentLength: boolean;
urlPreviewRequireContentLength: boolean;
urlPreviewUserAgent: string | null;
urlPreviewUserAgent: string | null;
urlPreviewSummaryProxyUrl: string | null;
urlPreviewSummaryProxyUrl: string | null;
trustedLinkUrlPatterns: string[];
@ -9815,6 +9817,7 @@ export type operations = {
urlPreviewRequireContentLength?: boolean;
urlPreviewRequireContentLength?: boolean;
urlPreviewUserAgent?: string | null;
urlPreviewUserAgent?: string | null;
urlPreviewSummaryProxyUrl?: string | null;
urlPreviewSummaryProxyUrl?: string | null;
trustedLinkUrlPatterns?: string[] | null;
Add table
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