@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
"Gif.NoGifsPlaceholder": "You have no saved GIFs yet.",
"Gif.NoGifsPlaceholder": "You have no saved GIFs yet.",
"Conversation.ShareInlineBotLocationConfirmation": "This bot would like to know your location each time you send it a request. This can be used to provide location-specific results.",
"Conversation.ShareInlineBotLocationConfirmation": "This bot would like to know your location each time you send it a request. This can be used to provide location-specific results.",
"VoiceChat.StatusLateBy": "late by %@",
"VoiceChat.StatusLateBy": "late by %@",
"Group.Setup.WhoCanSendMessages.OnlyMembers": "Only Members",
"AutoNightTheme.ScheduleSection": "SCHEDULE",
"AutoNightTheme.ScheduleSection": "SCHEDULE",
"Map.LiveLocationTitle": "Live Location",
"Map.LiveLocationTitle": "Live Location",
"ClearCache.Progress": "Clearing the Cache \u2022 %d%",
"ClearCache.Progress": "Clearing the Cache \u2022 %d%",
@ -501,6 +502,7 @@
"Settings.AddDevice": "Scan QR",
"Settings.AddDevice": "Scan QR",
"WallpaperPreview.SwipeColorsTopText": "Swipe left or right to see more colors",
"WallpaperPreview.SwipeColorsTopText": "Swipe left or right to see more colors",
"PUSH_CHANNEL_ALBUM": "%1$@|posted an album",
"PUSH_CHANNEL_ALBUM": "%1$@|posted an album",
"Share.UploadDone": "Done",
"ImportStickerPack.Create": "Create",
"ImportStickerPack.Create": "Create",
"Conversation.AutoremoveActionEdit": "Edit Auto-Delete Settings",
"Conversation.AutoremoveActionEdit": "Edit Auto-Delete Settings",
"MuteExpires.Hours_0": "in %@ hours",
"MuteExpires.Hours_0": "in %@ hours",
@ -1754,6 +1756,7 @@
"UserInfo.NotificationsDefaultSound": "Default (%@)",
"UserInfo.NotificationsDefaultSound": "Default (%@)",
"Login.UnknownError": "An error occurred. Please try again later",
"Login.UnknownError": "An error occurred. Please try again later",
"Call.ShortMinutes_many": "%@ min",
"Call.ShortMinutes_many": "%@ min",
"Group.RequestToJoinSent": "Request to join sent",
"Conversation.ImportedMessageHint": "This message was imported from another app. We can't guarantee it's real.",
"Conversation.ImportedMessageHint": "This message was imported from another app. We can't guarantee it's real.",
"VoiceChat.ForwardTooltip.Chat": "Invite link forwarded to **%@**",
"VoiceChat.ForwardTooltip.Chat": "Invite link forwarded to **%@**",
"Channel.AdminLog.MessageSent": "%@ sent message:",
"Channel.AdminLog.MessageSent": "%@ sent message:",
@ -2097,6 +2100,7 @@
"ChatList.UndoArchiveMultipleTitle": "Chats archived",
"ChatList.UndoArchiveMultipleTitle": "Chats archived",
"Chat.NextChannelArchivedSwipeProgress": "Swipe up to go to archived channels",
"Chat.NextChannelArchivedSwipeProgress": "Swipe up to go to archived channels",
"TwoFactorSetup.Email.SkipConfirmationTitle": "No, seriously.",
"TwoFactorSetup.Email.SkipConfirmationTitle": "No, seriously.",
"Group.Setup.ApproveNewMembersInfo": "Turn this on if you want users to be able to send messages only after they are approved by an admin.",
"PUSH_MESSAGE_QUIZ": "%1$@|sent you a quiz",
"PUSH_MESSAGE_QUIZ": "%1$@|sent you a quiz",
"ForwardedVideos_many": "%@ forwarded videos",
"ForwardedVideos_many": "%@ forwarded videos",
"VoiceOver.Chat.GoToOriginalMessage": "Go to message",
"VoiceOver.Chat.GoToOriginalMessage": "Go to message",
@ -2628,6 +2632,7 @@
"StickerPacks.ArchiveStickerPacksConfirmation_2": "Archive %@ Sticker Sets",
"StickerPacks.ArchiveStickerPacksConfirmation_2": "Archive %@ Sticker Sets",
"ServiceMessage.GameScoreSelfExtended_2": "You scored %@ in {game}",
"ServiceMessage.GameScoreSelfExtended_2": "You scored %@ in {game}",
"Group.PublicLink.Placeholder": "link",
"Group.PublicLink.Placeholder": "link",
"Share.UploadProgress": "Uploading \u2022 %d%",
"Appearance.ThemePreview.ChatList.2.Text": "Say hello to Alice \ud83d\udc4b",
"Appearance.ThemePreview.ChatList.2.Text": "Say hello to Alice \ud83d\udc4b",
"VoiceOver.Recording.StopAndPreview": "Stop and preview",
"VoiceOver.Recording.StopAndPreview": "Stop and preview",
"ChatListFolder.NameBots": "Bots",
"ChatListFolder.NameBots": "Bots",
@ -2786,6 +2791,7 @@
"TwoFactorSetup.ResetDone.TitleNoPassword": "Password Removed",
"TwoFactorSetup.ResetDone.TitleNoPassword": "Password Removed",
"Gallery.SaveVideo": "Save Video",
"Gallery.SaveVideo": "Save Video",
"StickerPack.StickerCount_3_10": "%@ stickers",
"StickerPack.StickerCount_3_10": "%@ stickers",
"Group.Setup.WhoCanSendMessages.Title": "WHO CAN SEND MESSAGES?",
"Time.MinutesAgo_0": "%@ minutes ago",
"Time.MinutesAgo_0": "%@ minutes ago",
"Conversation.ForwardOptions.HideCaption": "Hide Captions",
"Conversation.ForwardOptions.HideCaption": "Hide Captions",
"Media.ShareThisVideo": "This Video",
"Media.ShareThisVideo": "This Video",
@ -2810,6 +2816,7 @@
"Conversation.TapAndHoldToRecord": "Tap and hold to record",
"Conversation.TapAndHoldToRecord": "Tap and hold to record",
"PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGE_DOCS_TEXT_1": "{author} sent a file",
"PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGE_DOCS_TEXT_1": "{author} sent a file",
"WatchRemote.AlertText": "Open the message here?",
"WatchRemote.AlertText": "Open the message here?",
"Group.Setup.WhoCanSendMessages.Everyone": "Everyone",
"Channel.DiscussionGroup.PrivateChannelLink": "Do you want to make %1$@ the discussion board for %2$@?\n\nAny member of this group will be able to see messages in the channel.",
"Channel.DiscussionGroup.PrivateChannelLink": "Do you want to make %1$@ the discussion board for %2$@?\n\nAny member of this group will be able to see messages in the channel.",
"Conversation.Pin": "Pin",
"Conversation.Pin": "Pin",
"InfoPlist.NSMicrophoneUsageDescription": "We need this so that you can record and share voice messages and videos with sound.",
"InfoPlist.NSMicrophoneUsageDescription": "We need this so that you can record and share voice messages and videos with sound.",
@ -2820,6 +2827,7 @@
"LiveStream.NoViewers": "No viewers",
"LiveStream.NoViewers": "No viewers",
"StickerPack.ErrorNotFound": "Sorry, this sticker set doesn't seem to exist.",
"StickerPack.ErrorNotFound": "Sorry, this sticker set doesn't seem to exist.",
"Channel.AdminLog.MessageRestrictedName": "changed restrictions for %1$@",
"Channel.AdminLog.MessageRestrictedName": "changed restrictions for %1$@",
"Group.RequestToJoinSentDescriptionGroup": "You will be able to send messages once the admins approve your request.",
"Passport.Identity.AddIdentityCard": "Add Identity Card",
"Passport.Identity.AddIdentityCard": "Add Identity Card",
"PUSH_CHANNEL_MESSAGE_DOC": "%1$@|posted a file",
"PUSH_CHANNEL_MESSAGE_DOC": "%1$@|posted a file",
"Call.Camera": "camera",
"Call.Camera": "camera",
@ -3837,6 +3845,7 @@
"Channel.BanUser.PermissionAddMembers": "Add Members",
"Channel.BanUser.PermissionAddMembers": "Add Members",
"Contacts.MemberSearchSectionTitleGroup": "Group Members",
"Contacts.MemberSearchSectionTitleGroup": "Group Members",
"PUSH_CHAT_VOICECHAT_INVITE": "%2$@|%1$@ invited %3$@ to the voice chat",
"PUSH_CHAT_VOICECHAT_INVITE": "%2$@|%1$@ invited %3$@ to the voice chat",
"Group.JoinGroup": "Join Group",
"TwoStepAuth.RecoveryCodeHelp": "Please check your e-mail and enter the 6-digit code we've sent there to deactivate your cloud password.",
"TwoStepAuth.RecoveryCodeHelp": "Please check your e-mail and enter the 6-digit code we've sent there to deactivate your cloud password.",
"ClearCache.StorageFree": "Free",
"ClearCache.StorageFree": "Free",
"DialogList.SingleRecordingVideoMessageSuffix": "%@ is recording video",
"DialogList.SingleRecordingVideoMessageSuffix": "%@ is recording video",
@ -3929,6 +3938,7 @@
"GroupInfo.InvitationLinkGroupFull": "Sorry, this group is already full.",
"GroupInfo.InvitationLinkGroupFull": "Sorry, this group is already full.",
"Conversation.Contact": "Contact",
"Conversation.Contact": "Contact",
"Passport.Identity.ReverseSideHelp": "Upload a reverse side photo of the document",
"Passport.Identity.ReverseSideHelp": "Upload a reverse side photo of the document",
"Group.ApplyToJoin": "Apply to Join Group",
"ImportStickerPack.StickerCount_many": "%@ Stickers",
"ImportStickerPack.StickerCount_many": "%@ Stickers",
"SocksProxySetup.PasteFromClipboard": "Paste From Clipboard",
"SocksProxySetup.PasteFromClipboard": "Paste From Clipboard",
"Attachment.SelectedMedia_many": "%@ Selected",
"Attachment.SelectedMedia_many": "%@ Selected",
@ -4019,6 +4029,7 @@
"Privacy.Calls.CustomHelp": "You can restrict who can call you with granular precision.",
"Privacy.Calls.CustomHelp": "You can restrict who can call you with granular precision.",
"CheckoutInfo.ErrorPostcodeInvalid": "Please enter a valid postcode.",
"CheckoutInfo.ErrorPostcodeInvalid": "Please enter a valid postcode.",
"ClearCache.StorageTitle": "%@ STORAGE",
"ClearCache.StorageTitle": "%@ STORAGE",
"Group.Setup.ApproveNewMembers": "Approve New Members",
"StickerPack.AddStickerCount_any": "Add %@ Stickers",
"StickerPack.AddStickerCount_any": "Add %@ Stickers",
"InviteLinks.InviteLinkExpired": "This invite link has expired.",
"InviteLinks.InviteLinkExpired": "This invite link has expired.",
"Undo.SecretChatDeleted": "Secret Chat deleted",
"Undo.SecretChatDeleted": "Secret Chat deleted",
@ -4759,6 +4770,7 @@
"Message.Sticker": "Sticker",
"Message.Sticker": "Sticker",
"TwoFactorSetup.PasswordRecovery.SkipAlertTitle": "Attention!",
"TwoFactorSetup.PasswordRecovery.SkipAlertTitle": "Attention!",
"InviteLink.PeopleRemaining_any": "%@ remaining",
"InviteLink.PeopleRemaining_any": "%@ remaining",
"WebApp.RemoveConfirmationText": "Remove **%@** from the attachment menu?",
"Watch.LastSeen.MinutesAgo_many": "%@ minutes ago",
"Watch.LastSeen.MinutesAgo_many": "%@ minutes ago",
"Conversation.Mute": "Mute",
"Conversation.Mute": "Mute",
"VoiceChat.AnonymousDisabledAlertText": "Sorry, you can't join voice chat as an anonymous admin.",
"VoiceChat.AnonymousDisabledAlertText": "Sorry, you can't join voice chat as an anonymous admin.",
@ -5239,6 +5251,7 @@
"ServiceMessage.GameScoreExtended_many": "{name} scored %@ in {game}",
"ServiceMessage.GameScoreExtended_many": "{name} scored %@ in {game}",
"Conversation.FileICloudDrive": "iCloud Drive",
"Conversation.FileICloudDrive": "iCloud Drive",
"PUSH_PINNED_GEOLIVE": "%1$@|pinned a live location",
"PUSH_PINNED_GEOLIVE": "%1$@|pinned a live location",
"WebApp.RemoveConfirmationTitle": "Remove Bot",
"PUSH_MESSAGE_FWDS_TEXT_any": "forwarded you %d messages",
"PUSH_MESSAGE_FWDS_TEXT_any": "forwarded you %d messages",
"ChatList.MessagePhotos_1": "1 Photo",
"ChatList.MessagePhotos_1": "1 Photo",
"WebApp.RemoveBot": "Remove Bot",
"WebApp.RemoveBot": "Remove Bot",
@ -5705,6 +5718,7 @@
"Login.SendCodeViaSms": "Get the code via SMS",
"Login.SendCodeViaSms": "Get the code via SMS",
"Update.UpdateApp": "Update Telegram",
"Update.UpdateApp": "Update Telegram",
"Channel.Setup.TypePublic": "Public",
"Channel.Setup.TypePublic": "Public",
"Channel.AdminLog.JoinedViaPublicRequest": "%1$@ joined via public request, approved by %2$@",
"Watch.Compose.CreateMessage": "Create Message",
"Watch.Compose.CreateMessage": "Create Message",
"PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGE_VIDEOS": "%1$@ sent %3$@ videos to the group %2$@",
"PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGE_VIDEOS": "%1$@ sent %3$@ videos to the group %2$@",
"PeerInfo.Reactions": "Reactions",
"PeerInfo.Reactions": "Reactions",