2022-02-06 17:34:07 +06:00

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This document describes breaking changes of teloxide crate, as well as the ways to update code. Note that the list of required changes is not fully exhaustive and it may lack something in rare cases.

0.5 -> 0.6


  • InputFile now can't be created like InputFile::Url(url) or matched on, use constructors like InputFile::url, InputFile::file, etc.
  • RequestError and DownloadError error variants were slightly renamed ChatPermissions is now bitflags.


v0.6 of teloxide introduces a new dispatching model based on the chain of responsibility pattern. To use it, you need to replace prelude with prelude2 and dispatching with dispatching2. Instead of using old REPLs, you should now use teloxide::repls2.

The whole design is different than the previous one based on Tokio streams. In this section, we are only to address the most common usage scenarios.

First of all, now there are no streams. Instead of using streams, you use dptree, which is a more suitable alternative for our purposes. Thus, if you previously used Dispatcher::messages_handler, now you should use Update::filter_message(), and so on.

Secondly, Dispatcher has been split into two separate abstractions: DispatcherBuilder and Dispatcher. The calling sequence is simple: you call Dispatcher::builder(bot, handler), set up your stuff, and then call .build() to obtain Dispatcher. Later, you can .setup_ctrlc_handler() on it and finally .dispatch() (or .dispatch_with_listener()).

Lastly, the dialogue management system has been greatly simplified. Just compare the new examples/ with the old one to see the difference. Now you don't need TransitionIn, TransitionOut, #[teloxide(subtransition)], etc. All you need is to derive DialogueState for your FSM enumeration, call .enter_dialogue() and write handlers for each of a dialogue's states. Instead of supplying dependencies in the aux parameter of Transition::react, you can just call .dependencies() while setting up the dispatcher and all the dependencies will be passed to your handler functions as parameters.

For more information, please look at the appropriate documentation pages and the updated examples. Note that, in one of the upcoming releases, the old dispatching model will be removed, so we highly encourage you to migrate your bots to the new one.

Thanks for using teloxide!

0.4 -> 0.5


Field type changes

Types of some fields were changed to be more accurate. If you used them, you may need to change types in your code too.


let ps: PhotoSize = /* ... */;
-let w: i32 = ps.width;
+let w: u32 = ps.width;

List of changed types:

  • PhotoSoze::width: i32 -> u32
  • PhotoSoze::height: i32 -> u32
  • Restricted::until_date: i32 -> DateTime<Utc>
  • Kicked::until_date (Banned::until_date): i32 -> DateTime<Utc>
  • PublicChatSupergroup::slow_mode_delay: Option<i32> -> Option<u32>
  • User::id: i32 -> i64 (note: all methods which are accepting user_id were changed too)

Method output types

In teloxide v0.4 (core v0.2) some API methods had wrong return types. This made them practically unusable as they've always returned parsing error. On the offchance you were using the methods, you may need to adjust types in your code.

List of changed return types:

  • get_chat_administrators: ChatMember -> Vec<ChatMember>
  • send_chat_action: Message -> True
  • leave_chat: String -> True
  • pin_chat_message: String -> True
  • set_chat_description: String -> True
  • set_chat_photo: String -> True
  • set_chat_title: String -> True
  • unpin_all_chat_messages: String -> True
  • unpin_chat_message: String -> True

Method parameter types

Some API methods accept different types now. If you've used changed parameters, you need to adjust code for new types.


let bot = Bot::new("TOKEN").auto_send();


let link = bot
-    .expire_date(timestamp)
# Note: this is not the only way to create `DateTime`. Refer to `chrono` docs for more.
+    .expire_date(DateTime::<Utc>::from_utc(
+        NaiveDateTime::from_timestamp(timestamp, 0), Utc)
+    )

See also: teloxide examples fixes.

List of changed required params:

  • SetWebhook::url: String -> Url

List of changed optional params:

  • AnswerCallbackQuery::url: String -> Url
  • SendInvoice::photo_url: String -> Url
  • CreateChatInviteLink::expire_date: i64 -> DateTime<Utc>
  • EditChatInviteLink::expire_date: i64 -> DateTime<Utc>
  • KickChatMember::until_date: u64 -> DateTime<Utc>
  • RestrictChatMember::until_date: u64 -> DateTime<Utc>
  • SendPoll::close_date: u64 -> DateTime<Utc>

Renamed items

Some items (fields, variants, types, methods) were renamed. If you used them, you should start using new names.


-bot.send_chat_action(chat, ChatAction::RecordAudio).await?;
+bot.send_chat_action(chat, ChatAction::RecordVoice).await?;

-if chat_member.is_kicked() {
+if chat_member.is_banned() {
    /* ... */

List of renamed items:

  • ChatAction::RecordAudio -> RecordVoice
  • ChatAction::UploadAudio -> UploadVoice
  • ChatMemberKind::Creator -> Owner
  • ChatMemberKind::Kicked -> Banned
  • Creator -> Owner
  • Kicked -> Banned
  • ChatMemberKind::is_Creator -> is_owner *
  • ChatMemberKind::is_kicked -> is_banned *
  • ChatMemberStatus::Creator -> Owner
  • ChatMemberStatus::Kicked -> Banned
  • kick_chat_member -> ban_chat_member *
  • get_chat_members_count -> get_chat_member_count *

* Old methods are still accessible, but deprecated

Added impl Clone for {CacheMe, DefaultParseMode, Throttle}

Previously said bot adaptors were lacking Clone implementation. To workaround this issue it was proposed to wrap bot in Arc. Now it's not required, so you can remove the Arc:

let bot = Bot::new(token).parse_mode(ParseMode::MarkdownV2);
-let bot = Arc::new(bot);


Mutable reference for dispatching

Dispatcher::dispatch and Dispatcher::dispatch_with_listener now require mutable (unique) reference to self. If you've used variable to store Dispatcher, you need to make it mutable:

-let dp = Dispatcher::new();
+let mut dp = Dispatcher::new();
/* ... */

Listener refactor

UpdateListener trait was refactored. If you've used polling/polling_default provided by teloxide, no changes are required. If, however, you've used or implemented UpdateListener directly or used a Stream as a listener, then you need to refactor your code too.

See also: teloxide examples fixes.


polling_default is now async, but removes webhook.

Example fix:

-let listener = polling_default(bot);
+let listener = polling_default(bot).await;