Limit a single entity to colliding a max of configurable times per tick.
This will alleviate issues where living entities are hoarded in 1x1 pens
This is not tied to the maxEntityCramming rule. Cramming will still apply
just as it does in Vanilla, but entity pushing logic will be capped.
You can set this to 0 to disable collisions.
Spigot rebrought this back after it was removed for years due to the performance hit.
It is unknown if the JIT will optimize it out as effeciently with how it was
added, so we do not want any risk of performance degredation.
Paper has a proper Timings system that makes the Vanilla Method profiler obsolete and inferior.
We have long been receiving feedback about our warning messages when
excessive velocities are set on entities. We have, for the most part,
ignored much of this feedback because these warnings can be vital in
identifying the cause of a watchdog crash. These crashes would otherwise
be more difficult to identify without this information.
However, in many cases these warnings are unnecessarily verbose as the
server handles these excessive sets itself without user intervention.
As a compromise, we will only warn the user as part of a watchdog crash
log, and we will only include the most recent occurrence. This commit
represents a first effort on this front. It may need to be tweaked later
to provide more relevant information, such as the time it occurred,
and/or not printing the warning at all if the occurrence was a certain
time period ago.
The client is improperly sending Item Name Packets to the server BEFORE
the click event. This causes the server to reset before the click event is processed
This breaks the ability to rename more than 1 item at a time.
Spigot did not copy our version, and their version is not 100% correct.
The current state results in item meta and damage data value conversions clashing for control
For example on a horse egg, on itemstack creation, the 100 Damage is converted to 0 and sets EntityTag
SetItemMeta then drops the previous NBTTagCompound and makes a new one, which has no EntityType associated
to it as the previous stack had no metadata.
This change makes it so that itemstack conversion is delayed until after meta applies
Pretty much restores our previous implementation before Spigot tried to resolve it.
player.getVehicle() was returning null during the event. Paper had added lots of code to
cause the player to remount the entity on cancel.
I've simplified the diff and made player.getVehicle() work during the event by setting the
vehicle back during the event, and only set it to null if the event is not cancelled.
Take same approach we did for chunks, and only save player if its been X time since last save,
instead of doing it all in 1 tick.
This is even more helpful considering Player Saving is done sync for File IO.
per: a5f9077242 (commitcomment-20268968)
The break may of been skipping attempts at valid chunks. I thought break was the right abort, but maybe it is not.
Missed diff from old patch file was causing lava to always move at the
faster 'nether' speed, ignoring the slower overworld speed entirely.
This is why we use obfuscation helpers now.
Fixes GH-521