18 Arbitrary callback_data
Arun Mani J edited this page 2024-06-17 21:09:10 +05:30

Arbitrary objects as InlineKeyboardButton.callback_data

The Telegrams Bot API only accepts strings with length up to 64 bytes as callback_data for InlineKeyboardButtons, which sometimes is quite a limitation.

With PTB, you are able to pass any object as callback_data. This is achieved by storing the object in a cache and passing a unique identifier for that object to Telegram. When a CallbackQuery is received, the id in the callback_data is replaced with the stored object. To use this feature, set Application.arbitrary_callback_data to True. The cache that holds the stored data has limited size (more details on memory usage below). If the cache is full and objects from a new InlineKeyboardMarkup need to be stored, it will discard the data for the least recently used keyboard.

This means two things for you:

  1. If you don't use persistence, buttons won't work after restarting your bot, as the stored updates are lost. More precisely, the callback_data you will receive is an instance of telegram.ext.InvalidCallbackData. If you don't need persistence otherwise, you can set store_callback_data to True and all the others to False.

  2. If you have a number of keyboards that need to stay valid for a very long time, you might need to do some tweaking manually (see below)

  3. When using the CallbackQueryHandler, the pattern argument can now be either

    • a regex expression, which will be used, if the callback_data is in fact a string
    • a callable accepting the callback_data as only argument. You can perform any kinds of tests on the callback_data and return True or False accordingly
    • a type. In that case the CallbackQuery will be handled, if the callback_data is an instance of that type. Btw: This allows you to inform users, when a buttons' data has been dropped from cache. With CallbackQueryHandler(callback, pattern=InvalidCallbackData) you can e.g., call await update.callback_query.answer(text='Button is no longer valid', show_alert=True) to inform the user.


You can of course also manually implement the idea of storing the object in a cache and passing a unique identifier for that object to Telegram, e.g. with the help of PTB storing data functionality. PTBs built-in "Arbitrary callback_data" provides this mechanism in a way that requires minimal additional implementation effort on your end and that ties in well with the overall PTB framework.

Memory Usage

PTB stores the callback data objects in memory. Additionally, to that, it stores a mapping of CallbackQuery.id to the corresponding UUID. By default, both storages contain a maximum number of 1024 items. You can change the size by passing an integer to the arbitrary_callback_data argument of ApplicationBuilder/ExtBot.

As PTB can't know when the stored data is no longer needed, it uses an LRU (Least Recently Used) cache. This means that when the cache is full, it will drop the keyboard that has been not used for the longest time. However, if you want to keep memory usage low, you have additional options to drop data:

  • on receiving a CallbackQuery, you can call context.drop_callback_data(callback_query). This will delete the data associated with the keyboard attached to the message that originated the CallbackQuery. Calling context.drop_callback_data is safe in any case where you change the keyboard, i.e. callback_query.edit_message_text/reply_markup/… Note: If the user clicks a button more than one time fast enough, but you call context.drop_callback_data for the first resulting CallbackQuery, the second one will have InvalidCallbackData as callback_data. However, this is usually not a problem, because one only wants one button click anyway.
  • To drop more data from memory, you can call bot.callback_data_cache.clear_callback_queries() or bot.callback_data_cache.clear_callback_data(), which will drop the mapping of CallbackQuery ids to the associated UUID and the mapping of UUIDs to data, respectively. clear_callback_data also accepts a time_cutoff, allowing you to delete only entries older than a specified time.

Security of InlineKeyboardButtons

Callback updates are not sent by Telegram, but by the client. This means that they can be manipulated by a user. (While Telegram unofficially does try to prevent this, they don't want Bot devs to rely on them doing the security checks).

Most of the time, this is not really a problem, since callback_data often just is Yes, No, etc. However, if the callback data is something like delete message_id 123, the malicious user could delete any message sent by the bot.

When using arbitrary_callback_data as described above, PTB replaces the outgoing callback_data with a UUID, i.e., a random unique identifier. This makes the callback_data safe: If a malicious client alters the sent CallbackQuery, the invalid UUID can't be resolved. In this case CallbackQuery.data will be an instance of telegram.ext.InvalidCallbackData. Note that this is also the case, when the UUID was valid, but the data has already been dropped from cache - PTB can't distinguish between the two cases.

Manually handling updates

You may be manually building your updates from JSON-data, e.g., in case you are using a custom webhooks setup. In this case you'll have to make sure that the cached data is inserted back into the buttons yourself, like this:

update = Update.de_json(data, bot)
if bot.arbitrary_callback_data:

Special note about channel posts

Inline buttons are not only sent, your bot also receives them. In the return value of your bot message, when receiving messages that are replies to messages with an inline keyboard, have message.pinned_message or where message.via_bot is your bot (i.e., messages sent via your bot in inline mode). PTB tries very hard to insert the corresponding data back into all those keyboards, where appropriate - i.e., where the keyboard was sent by your bot and not by another bot. There is however one case, where there is no way to tell that: channel posts have no from_user. So unless they have the via_bot attribute, there is no way to tell, if they were sent by your bot or another one. This means:

If your bot receives a channel post, which as reply_to_message or pinned_message and the latter has a keyboard, but was not sent by your bot, all callback_data will contain InvalidCallbackData instances. This is of course unfortunate, but we do have a feeling that the cases where this would complicate things are so rare that it doesn't really matter 😉