43 Making your bot persistent
Harshil edited this page 2023-12-15 18:11:50 +04:00

In V12.0b1 we added a persistence mechanism to telegram.ext. This wiki page is there to help you understand and set up persistence for your bots.

What can become persistent?

  • The persistence structure is designed to make

    • bot_data
    • chat_data
    • user_data,
    • ConversationHandler's states and
    • ExtBot.callback_data_cache persistent.
  • Job's and the job_queue is not supported. However, the current JobQueue backend APScheduler has its own persistence logic that you can leverage. See e.g. ptbcontrib/ptb_jobstores

  • For a special note about Bot instances, see below

Included persistence classes

Three classes concerning persistence in bots have been added.

  • BasePersistence - Is an interface class for persistence classes. If you create your own persistence classes to maintain a database-connection for example, you must inherit from BasePersistence and implement all abstract methods
  • PicklePersistence - Uses pickle files to make the bot persistent.
  • DictPersistence - Uses in memory dicts and easy conversion to and from JSON to make the bot persistent. Note that this class is mainly intended as starting point for custom persistence classes that need to JSON-serialize the stored data before writing them to file/database and does not actually write any data to file/database.

3rd party persistence classes

Instead of manually handling a database to store data, consider implementing a subclass of BasePersistence. This allows you to simply pass an instance of that subclass to the Application and let PTB handle the loading, updating & storing of the data!

If you want to create your own persistence class, please carefully read the docs on BasePersistence. It will tell you what methods you need to overwrite.

If you've written a persistence class that could benefit others (e.g., a general one covering all types of data), it would be great if you linked it here or even better made it available in ptbcontrib.

These 3rd party packages contain persistence classes (the list is incomplete):

What do I need to change?

To make your bot persistent you need to do the following.

  • Create a persistence object (e.g. my_persistence = PicklePersistence(filepath='my_file'))
  • Construct Application with the persistence (Application.builder().token('TOKEN').persistence(persistence=my_persistence).build()).

This is enough to make user_data, bot_data, chat_data and ExtBot.callback_data_cache persistent. To make a conversation handler persistent (save states between bot restarts) you must name it and set persistent to True. For example ConversationHandler(..., persistent=True, name='my_name'). persistent is False by default. Adding these arguments and adding the conversation handler to a persistence-aware Application will make it persistent.

When starting the Application with Application.start() or Application.run_{polling, webhook}, it will loads the data from the persistence on startup and automatically update the persistence in regular intervals. You can customize the interval via the update_interval argument of Base/Pickle/Dict/…Persistence.

You can also selectively store only some of {bot,chat,user,callback}_data by passing a PersistenceInput to the store_data argument your persistence class.


Since the persisted data is loaded on start-up, any data written to Application.{bot, chat, user_data} before startup will hence be overridden! To manually write data into these after the persisted data has been loaded, please use Application.post_init.

Refreshing at runtime

If your persistence reads the data from an external database, the entries in this database could change at runtime. This is the case in particular, if the entries in the database are created by a 3rd party service independently of your bot. If you want to make sure that the data in context.user/chat/bot_data are always up-to-date, your persistence class should implement the methods refresh_bot/chat/user_data. Those will be called when in update comes in, before any of your callbacks are called.

These methods can also be useful to implement a lazy-loading strategy.

Storing Bots

Instances of telegram.Bot should not be serialized, because changes to the bot don't apply to the serialized object.

For example, you might change the default values used by the bot. Or if you change the bots token, this may lead to e.g. Chat not found errors. This is relevant e.g., if you store Telegram objects like Message in bot/user/chat_data, as some of them hold a reference to Application.bot (which is how the shortcuts like Message.reply_text work).

The interface class BasePersistence does not question what kind of data you supply to its methods. Hence, each implementation should take care that it does not try to serialize telegram.Bot instances. For example, it can check if the data equals the attribute BasePersistence.bot (which will be the bot object used by the Application) and instead store a placeholder. When loading the data, the BasePersistence.bot can be reinserted instead of the placeholder. Indeed, this is basically what the built-in PicklePersistence does.

For more technical details, please refer to the documentation of BasePersistence, PicklePersistence


Although PicklePersistence does the 'placeholder' process described above, all the data are deep copied with copy.deepcopy before being handed over to persistence. This means that you should either store only copyable data (e.g. no telegram.Bot objects) and/or ensure that your stored data defines appropriate custom deepcopy behavior. This technical detail is described in a note here