The existing logic in LivingEntity#checkTotemDeathProtection completes
by checking whether the death protection component is null or not.
In cases where the event was cancelled, the component needs to be nulled
out to prevent the method from returning true, causing the player to
properly die.
An incorrectly updated hunk attempted to remove the MobEffectInstance
from the active effect map instead of the Holder<MobEffect> as the
parameter name was changed from holder to effect during hardfork.
This resolves some issues which caused entities to not be resent correctly.
Entities that are interacted with need to be resent to the client, so we resend all the entity
data to the player whilst making sure not to clear dirty entries from the tracker. This makes
sure that values will be correctly updated to other players.
This also adds utilities to aid in further preventing entity desyncs.
This also also fixes the bug causing cancelling PlayerInteractEvent to cause items to continue
to be used despite being cancelled on the server.
For example, items being consumed but never finishing, shields being put up, etc.
The underlying issue of this is that the client modifies their synced data values,
and so we have to (forcibly) resend them in order for the client to reset their using item state.
== AT ==
public net.minecraft.server.level.ChunkMap$TrackedEntity serverEntity
Fixes incorrect spigot handling of the invulnerability damage
reduction applied when an already invulnerable entity is damaged with a
larger damage amount than the initial damage.
Vanilla still damages entities even if invulnerable if the damage to be
applied is larger than the previous damage taken. In that case, vanilla
applies the difference between the previous damage taken and the
proposed damage.
Spigot's damage modifier API takes over the computation of damage
reducing effects, however spigot invokes this handling with the initial
damage before computing the difference to the previous damage amount.
This leads to the reduction values to generally be larger than expected,
as they are computed on the not-yet-reduced value.
Spigot applies these reductions after calling the EntityDamageEvent and
*then* subtracts the previous damage point, leading to the final damage
amount being smaller than expected.
This patch cannot simply call the EntityDamageEvent with the reduced
damage, as that would lead to EntityDamageEvent#getDamage() returning
the already reduced damage, which breaks its method contract.
Instead, this patch makes use of the DamageModifier API, implementing
the last-damage-reduction as a DamageModifier.
If a plugin sets the health of a living entity above 0 after it has already died, the entity will be "revived".
It will behave the exact same as before, except with the internal "dead" flag set, resulting in 2 behavior changes,
A: it's completely invulnerable to all damage
B: it's unable to pickup items
isValid() for these bugged entities will return true, isDead() will return false, despite the dead flag.
This patch checks that the mob isn't dead before saying its alive.
Also, even if the plugin is responsibly checking !isDead() before modifying health, on very rare circumstances
I am currently unable to replicate, these "revived" entities can still appear
The recent upstream update moved around the event logic for
EntiyDamageEvent and its derivatives.
However, the event was called on every call to #hurt as it was moved out
of actuallyHurt.
This patch moves the invocation directly before the #actuallyHurt calls,
respective invulnerable timings.
EntityTeleportEvent#setTo is marked as nullable and so is the
getTo method. This fixes the handling of a null "to" location
by treating it the same as the event being cancelled. This is
already existing behavior for the EntityPortalEvent (which
extends EntityTeleportEvent).
Instead of just tracking the itemstacks, this tracks with it, the
action to take with that itemstack to apply the correct logic
on dropping the item instead of generalizing it for all dropped
items like CB does.
Fixes EntityPotionEffectEvent
Fixes EntityPoseChangeEvent
Asynchronous chunk generation provides an opportunity for things
to happen async that previously fired synchronous-only events. This
patch is for mitigating those issues by various methods.
Also fixes correctly marking/clearing the entity generation flag.
This patch sets the generation flag anytime an entity is created
via StructureTemplate before loading from NBT to catch uses of
the flag during the loading logic. This patch clears the generation
flag from an entity when added to a ServerLevel for the situation
where generation happened directly to a ServerLevel and the
entity still has the flag set.
Changes the Interaction entity's trigger to use the vanilla
generic damage source
Fixes a couple places where the original damage and modified damage
were passed in the reverse order to the advancement triggers
The EntityResurrectEvent logic is supposed to locate a totem of undying
in any of the interaction slots of the player inventory and then, if the
called EntityResurrectEvent is not cancelled, shrink that item by 1,
usually reducing it to zero.
For this, the logic iterates over the items in the interaction slots and
breaks out the loop if a totem of undying was found.
However, even if no totem of undying was found, the iteration item stack
variable remains as a refernce to the last interaction slot probed.
Plugins uncancelling a EntityResurrectEvent, which is published
pre-cancelled to listeners if no totem of undying could be found,
would hence cause the server logic to shrink completely unrelated items
found in, at the writing of this patch, the players off hand slot.
This patch corrects this behaviour by only shrinking the item if a totem
of undying was found and the event was called uncancelled.
Log when the async catcher is tripped
The chunk system can swallow the exception given it's all
built with completablefuture, so ensure it is at least printed.
Add/move several async catchers
Async catch modifications to critical entity state
These used to be here from Spigot, but were dropped with 1.17.
Now in 1.17, this state is _even more_ critical than it was before,
so these must exist to catch stupid plugins.
Co-authored-by: Jake Potrebic <>
When the active item is not cleared, the item is still readied
for use and will repeatedly trigger the PlayerItemConsumeEvent
till their item is switched.
This patch clears the active item when the event is cancelled
This notably fixes the newest "Donkey Dupe", but also fixes a lot
of dupe bugs in general around nether portals and entity world transfer
We also fix item duplication generically by anytime we clone an item
to drop it on the ground, destroy the source item.
This avoid an itemstack ever existing twice in the world state pre
clean up stage.
So even if something NEW comes up, it would be impossible to drop the
same item twice because the source was destroyed.
Will not run if:
Max entity cramming is disabled and the max collisions per entity is less than or equal to 0.
Entity#isPushable() returns false, meaning all entities will not be able to collide with this
entity anyways.
The entity's current team collision rule causes them to NEVER collide.
Co-authored-by: Owen1212055 <>
Entities must be dismounted before teleportation in order to avoid
multiple issues in the server with regards to teleportation, shamefully,
too many plugins rely on the events firing, which means that not firing
these events caues more issues than it solves;
In order to counteract this, Entity dismount/exit vehicle events have
been modified to supress cancellation (and has a method to allow plugins
to check if this has been set), noting that cancellation will be silently
surpressed given that plugins are not expecting this event to not be cancellable.
This is a far from ideal scenario, however: given the current state of this
event and other alternatives causing issues elsewhere, I believe that
this is going to be the best soultion all around.
Improvements/suggestions welcome!