Commit graph

2494 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
1f934c6832 SPIGOT-6746: Clarify PlayerPortalEvent documentation
By: md_5 <>
2021-09-25 08:02:58 +10:00
e4ae7c57b7 SPIGOT-6738: Add entity type tags
By: md_5 <>
2021-09-19 14:50:54 +10:00
49c66e97e2 SPIGOT-6249: Add Missing Effect Constants
By: DerFrZocker <>
2021-09-11 18:39:43 +10:00
eb1aaf62d4 SPIGOT-6729: Add Chunk.isEntitiesLoaded()
By: Brokkonaut <>
2021-09-06 18:51:44 +10:00
891608deca SPIGOT-6547: Chunk#getEntities() doesn't return all entities immediately after chunk load
By: DerFrZocker <>
2021-09-01 18:55:16 +10:00
5f7735a971 SPIGOT-6719: Add getTileEntities() to LimitedRegion
By: DerFrZocker <>
2021-08-30 18:44:39 +10:00
74e1b5b72a #654: Clarify conditions where a bed can explode
By: Doc <>
2021-08-28 18:57:58 +10:00
99ce197044 SPIGOT-6697: Deprecate generateTree with BlockChangeDelegate as it does not handle tiles
By: md_5 <>
2021-08-22 18:12:37 +10:00
f84947b942 #653: Add World#spawn with randomizeData parameter
The current implementation of World#spawn or World#spawnEntity
respectively, always prepares/finalizes the spawn of every entity
spawned through the API. While this is great to simulate natural
spawning of entities in the world through the API, it fails at
reliably creating default entities for purposes other than vanilla

While the caller of the API could attempt to undo all of the
customization that is applied in the prepare/finalization step, they are
numerous (reaching from sheep colour to equipment) and in some cases,
such as the chicken jockey, even spawn in other entities.

Hence this commit introduces a new overload to the World#spawn and
World#spawnEntity methods that accepts the 'randomizeData' parameter
that, when set to false, skips the prior mentioned
preparation/finalization step.

By: Bjarne Koll <>
2021-08-18 18:04:51 +10:00
923e0e64b5 Damageable should extend ItemMeta
By: md_5 <>
2021-08-16 15:36:45 +10:00
c255eb3333 SPIGOT-5880, SPIGOT-5567: New ChunkGenerator API
## **Current API**
The current world generation API is very old and limited when you want to make more complex world generation. Resulting in some hard to fix bugs such as that you cannot modify blocks outside the chunk in the BlockPopulator (which should and was per the docs possible), or strange behavior such as SPIGOT-5880.

## **New API**
With the new API, the generation is more separate in multiple methods and is more in line with Vanilla chunk generation. The new API is designed to as future proof as possible. If for example a new generation step is added it can easily also be added as a step in API by simply creating the method for it. On the other side if a generation step gets removed, the method can easily be called after another, which is the case with surface and bedrock. The new API and changes are also fully backwards compatible with old chunk generators.

### **Changes in the new api**
**Extra generation steps:**
Noise, surface, bedrock and caves are added as steps. With those generation steps three extra methods for Vanilla generation are also added. Those new methods provide the ChunkData instead of returning one. The reason for this is, that the ChunkData is now backed by a ChunkAccess. With this, each step has the information of the step before and the Vanilla information (if chosen by setting a 'should' method to true). The old method is deprecated.

**New class BiomeProvider**
The BiomeProvider acts as Biome source and wrapper for the NMS class WorldChunkManager. With this the underlying Vanilla ChunkGeneration knows which Biome to use for the structure and decoration generation. (Fixes: SPIGOT-5880). Although the List of Biomes which is required in BiomeProvider, is currently not much in use in Vanilla, I decided to add it to future proof the API when it may be required in later versions of Minecraft.
The BiomeProvider is also separated from the ChunkGenerator for plugins which only want to change the biome map, such as single Biome worlds or if some biomes should be more present than others.

**Deprecated isParallelCapable**
Mojang has and is pushing to a more multi threaded chunk generation. This should also be the case for custom chunk generators. This is why the new API only supports multi threaded generation. This does not affect the old API, which is still checking this.

**Base height method added**
This method was added to also bring the Minecraft generator and Bukkit generator more in line. With this it is possible to return the max height of a location (before decorations). This is useful to let most structures know were to place them. This fixes SPIGOT-5567. (This fixes not all structures placement, desert pyramids for example are still way up at y-level 64, This however is more a vanilla bug and should be fixed at Mojangs end).

**WorldInfo Class**
The World object was swapped for a WorldInfo object. This is because many methods of the World object won't work during world generation and would mostly likely result in a deadlock. It contains any information a plugin should need to identify the world.

**BlockPopulator Changes**
Instead of directly manipulating a chunk, changes are now made to a new class LimitedRegion, this class provides methods to populated the chunk and its surrounding area. The wrapping is done so that the population can be moved into the place where Minecraft generates decorations. Where there is no chunk to access yet. By moving it into this place the generation is now async and the surrounding area of the chunk can also be used.

For common methods between the World and LimitedRegion a RegionAccessor was added.

By: DerFrZocker <>
2021-08-15 08:08:11 +10:00
511a9aba49 Update ASM
By: md_5 <>
2021-08-13 08:45:11 +10:00
7f258ff344 Add dimension setting getters to World
By: Doc <>
2021-08-11 18:57:21 +10:00
5fef84d43d SPIGOT-6692: Add sendSignChange overload with a hasGlowingText parameter
By: Brokkonaut <>
2021-08-05 08:43:00 +10:00
f33444292a SPIGOT-6691: Material.LAVA_CAULDRON is not Levelled
By: Doc <>
2021-08-04 17:10:14 +10:00
338df40644 #642: Add Crafting methods to API
By: James Peters <>
2021-07-22 11:35:43 +10:00
146a88e577 SPIGOT-6641: Use varargs in sendMessage
By: DerFrZocker <>
2021-07-22 09:38:11 +10:00
95cc961f13 SPIGOT-6545: Unable to set Guardian target via API while awareness is disabled
By: DerFrZocker <>
2021-07-22 09:36:51 +10:00
be93ac366d SPIGOT-6661: Fix missing radius from GenericGameEvent
By: md_5 <>
2021-07-21 09:34:12 +10:00
a2f69a4ad8 SPIGOT-6369: Add ItemStack to HangingPlaceEvent
By: DerFrZocker <>
2021-07-21 09:32:48 +10:00
2e77f4180e SPIGOT-6657: Add getPlayer to SheepDyeWoolEvent
By: md_5 <>
2021-07-18 11:07:59 +10:00
ba6c523bf3 SPIGOT-6656: CauldronLevelChangeEvent is not fired correctly when dripstone fills the cauldron
By: md_5 <>
2021-07-18 10:14:43 +10:00
581806d851 SPIGOT-6642: Throw better message if plugin.yml is empty
By: md_5 <>
2021-07-17 11:25:17 +10:00
c30e6c45cd #636: Add FurnaceStartSmeltEvent
By: Rabbitual <>
2021-07-17 11:19:48 +10:00
16922e92de SPIGOT-6646: Issue with map palette ranges
By: md_5 <>
2021-07-15 20:32:47 +10:00
64a83e2da9 #640: Add new Causes for LightningStrikeEvent
By: Doc <>
2021-07-13 19:16:08 +10:00
d4eef77474 SPIGOT-6637: Revert "#636: Add FurnaceStartSmeltEvent"
This reverts commit 09f5cdf4f8.

By: md_5 <>
2021-07-11 12:26:48 +10:00
730e0df7e4 SPIGOT-6623: Missing API reasons for entity freezing
By: Doc <>
2021-07-11 09:32:32 +10:00
09f5cdf4f8 #636: Add FurnaceStartSmeltEvent
By: Rabbitual <>
2021-07-11 09:25:55 +10:00
0637c3f854 Update to Minecraft 1.17.1
By: md_5 <>
2021-07-07 00:00:00 +10:00
e0955fd24a SPIGOT-6527: Add AxolotlBucketMeta
By: Doc <>
2021-07-04 09:31:17 +10:00
6dd24e4af2 Update Maven plugins
By: md_5 <>
2021-07-03 11:06:15 +10:00
34e6b033ad SPIGOT-6616: Cancellable StriderTemperatureChangeEvent
By: md_5 <>
2021-07-03 09:36:33 +10:00
10f782354b SPIGOT-6605: Add method to access value of enforce-whitelist
By: md_5 <>
2021-06-26 09:58:21 +10:00
3835d0824b #633: Add isTrusting/setTrusting to Ocelot.
By: Ibrahim Ansari <>
2021-06-21 08:40:18 +10:00
36f10a3e42 SPIGOT-6587: Update documentation/error of drop chance API
By: md_5 <>
2021-06-20 12:15:14 +10:00
b821059026 SPIGOT-6570: Missing InventoryType: COMPOSTER
By: md_5 <>
2021-06-17 08:29:25 +10:00
14e4e9a16c SPIGOT-6562: Add more specific sculk sensor event
By: md_5 <>
2021-06-16 08:34:08 +10:00
e0d1266d3e #631: Add Villager#shakeHead
By: VendoAU <>
2021-06-14 19:13:16 +10:00
fd771b653b #629: Add LivingEntity#isClimbing
By: Martoph <>
2021-06-14 19:10:55 +10:00
6a59a19dde SPIGOT-6507: Introduce abstract skeleton and stray conversion
The previous layout and class hierarchy of the skeleton API defined
variances of the skeleton, such as the wither skeleton or the stray, as
child types of the normal skeleton variance, which is technically
incorrect, yet did not produce any specific issue as the normal skeleton
variance did not have any unique logic.

With the introduction of powdered snow in the 1.17 update, the normal
skeleton variance now has unique logic, specifically the conversion to
a stay when stuck inside powdered snow, which cannot be represented in
the current API layout due to the prior mentioned hierarchy.

This commit introduces the AbstractSkeleton interface, which follows the
concept of other abstract interfaces like AbstractArrow and serves as a
common parent to the existing skeleton variances. Furthermore this
commit introduces the previously mentioned stray conversion to the
normal skeleton variance.

This commit does not break ABI yet breaks backwards compatibility due to
the mentioned hierarchy changes. Plugins that previously used the
Skelton interface to compute whether or not an entity is skeleton-like
through instanceOf checks will now only match the normal skeleton variance
instead of any skeleton-like entity.

By: Bjarne Koll <>
2021-06-14 10:00:57 +10:00
106d3eef70 SPIGOT-6551: CaveVinesPlant missing extends BlockData
By: md_5 <>
2021-06-14 08:43:45 +10:00
6b0ff8582b #621: Add Block#getCollisionShape and associated API
By: konsolas <>
2021-06-14 08:32:51 +10:00
34291f36d1 #623: Add Block#getBreakSpeed(Player)
By: konsolas <>
2021-06-14 08:27:32 +10:00
b29d02153d #621: Add HumanEntity#getItemInUse and Material#getSlipperiness
By: konsolas <>
2021-06-12 21:07:25 +01:00
e1c30137fb #622: Add methods to check if item is the breed item for an entity
By: Nathat23 <>
2021-06-13 08:37:51 +10:00
f798154234 Clarify Player#breakBlock only works for blocks in the same world
By: md_5 <>
2021-06-13 08:28:21 +10:00
7efb9ecbfb SPIGOT-6514: Small Dripleaf block data is missing half property
By: DerFrZocker <>
2021-06-12 08:47:03 +10:00
9777d23bd5 #619: Add Player#breakBlock()
By: Parker Hawke <>
2021-06-12 08:29:40 +10:00
f034b5f0c2 Fix bad merge of SPIGOT-6502 fix
By: blablubbabc <>
2021-06-11 21:49:32 +10:00